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09-20 投稿


pipit 发音

英:[ˈpɪpɪt]  美:[ˈpɪpɪt]

英:  美:

pipit 中文意思翻译



pipit 词性/词形变化,pipit变形


pipit 短语词组

1、meadow pipit ─── 草地鹨

2、Bushveld Tree-pipit ─── 灌木树桩

3、australasian pipit ─── 澳大利亚琵琶

4、Oriental Pipit ─── 东方皮皮特

5、Rosy Pipit ─── 多管闲事

6、African Pipit ─── 非洲皮皮特

7、Tawny Pipit ─── 塔尼·皮皮皮特

8、daffodil pipit ─── 水仙花

pipit 相似词语短语

1、pipet ─── n.[分化]移液管;吸量管;球管;vt.用移液管移;n.(Pipet)人名;(法)皮佩

2、pipkin ─── n.小瓦罐;小汲桶;n.(Pipkin)人名;(英)皮普金

3、pipiest ─── adj.发尖声的;管状的(pipy的变形)

4、pipis ─── n.(Pipis)人名;(匈)皮皮什

5、pipits ─── n.田云雀;鹡鸰

6、piping ─── n.管道系统;尖声;笛声;adj.吹笛的;平静的;乐声优雅的;尖声的;v.用管道输送;尖声唱(pipe的ing形式)

7、pipi ─── n.皮皮影视网;n.(Pipi)人名;(意、阿尔巴)皮皮

8、pippin ─── n.苹果点心,用种子栽培的苹果;(水果的)种子;优秀的东西或人;n.(Pippin)人名;(德)皮平

9、pipier ─── adj.发尖声的;管状的(pipy的变形)

pipit 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As a ground-nesting bird, the pipit is constantly under threat, but her greatest enemy is the cat, Bent-Ear. ─── 以一个在地上筑巢的鸟类来说,皮皮鸟是一直受到威胁的,但是最大的敌人是那只叫做Bent-Ear的猫。

2、Hellmayr's Pipit ─── n. 赫尔氏鹨

3、Rock Pipit ─── n. 石鹨

4、Sokoke Pipit ─── n. 东非鹨

5、Striped Pipit ─── n. 条纹鹨

6、Mountain Pipit ─── n. 山地鹨

7、The most unusual bird that has come to visit so far, I identified through a picture in a book as a red-throated pipit. ─── 到目前为止,造访过我家阳台最稀有的鸟是一只红喉鹨,我在一本书里看到它的照片从而认出了它。

8、Blyth's Pipit ─── n. 布莱氏鹨

9、Malindi Pipit ─── n. 灰鹨

10、South Georgia Pipit ─── n. 南极鹨

11、paddy-field pipit ─── 田鹨

12、Tawny Pipit ─── n. 平原鹨

13、The dog is pipit of rabbits. ─── 狗在追兔子。

14、Ochre-breasted Pipit ─── n. 赭胸鹨

15、Golden Pipit ─── n. 金鹨(鹡鸰科)

16、Yellowish Pipit ─── n. 土黄鹨

17、Yellow-breasted Pipit ─── n. 黄胸鹨

18、This is a delightful story about a Richard's pipit and her fledglings. ─── 这是有关一只理查的皮皮鸟及她的雏鸟们很可爱的一个故事。

19、water pipit ─── 水鹨

20、Short-billed Pipit ─── n. 短嘴鹨

21、a common pipit that is brown above and white below; widely distributed in northern and central Europe and in Asia ─── 常见的上部褐色下部白色的鹨;广泛分布于欧洲中部和北部及亚洲地区

22、It is not a regular-occurring pipit (Red-throated; OBP; Pechora or Buff-bellied), so it is some kind of vagrant and you are right to point it out. ─── 这不是一只规则出现的鹨(赤喉鹨、树鹨、白背鹨或黄腹鹨),所以牠是某种迷鸟而你点出了牠。

23、meadow pipit ─── 草地鹨

24、When we first meet Pipit she is nesting. ─── 当我们第一次看到皮皮鸟时,她正在筑巢。

25、you are of more value than many sparrows. bahkan rambut kepalamupun terhitung semuanya. Karena itu jangan takut, karena kamu lebih berharga dari pada banyak burung pipit. ─── 就是连你们的头发,也都被数过了。不要怕,你们比许多麻雀还贵重。

26、Sub-antarctic Pipit ─── n. 亚南极鹨

27、Pechora Pipit ─── n. 北鹨

28、When the fledglings hatch, Pipit teaches them the same survival skills. She feeds them beetles, worms and caterpillars and teaches them how to fly and sing. ─── 当雏鸟孵化,皮皮鸟教导他们一样的求生技能。她喂他们甲虫、蠕虫和毛毛虫及教他们如何飞翔与唱歌。

29、Buff-bellied Pipit ─── n. 黄腹鹨

30、This 5 piece of artwork is submmision for Pipit Love Postcard Project, they will help us to sell these post card, thx for Mike &Ivery help... ─── 同样的角色,不同的服装。一个是格格的装扮,另外一个就有点可爱的,加上我爱画的花纹咯!

31、Long-billed Pipit ─── n. 长嘴鹨

32、Long-legged Pipit ─── n. 长脚鹨

33、New Guinea Pipit ─── n. 斑喉鹨

34、Hodgson's Pipit ─── n. 粉红胸鹨

35、Upland Pipit ─── n. 山鹨

36、Sprague's Pipit ─── n. 斯普氏鹨

37、Oriental Pipit ─── n. 东方田鹨

38、Nilgiri Pipit ─── n. 南印鹨

39、you are of more value than many sparrows. Sebab itu janganlah kamu takut, karena kamu lebih berharga dari pada banyak burung pipit. ─── 所以不要怕,你们比许多麻雀还贵重。

40、The dog is pipit of rabbits. ─── 狗在追兔子。

41、The most unusual bird that has come to visit so far, I identified through a picture in a book as a red-throated pipit. ─── 到目前为止,造访过我家阳台最稀有的鸟是一只红喉鹨,我在一本书里看到它的照片从而认出了它。

42、Paramo Pipit ─── n. 帕拉鹨

43、Honestly speaking, I did not consider Rosy pipit. ─── 其实我并没有想到粉红胸鹨。

44、The meadow pipit is quite a widespread species, found across the UK, and not limited to farmland; numbers appear healthy. ─── 在英国,田云雀量种广泛分布的物种,而且不仅仅是在耕地上,数量呈健康趋势。

45、Short-tailed Pipit ─── n. 短尾鹨

46、Berthelot's Pipit ─── n. 伯塞氏鹨

47、tree pipit ─── 树鹨

48、Chaco Pipit ─── n. 查科鹨

49、Sandy Plain-backed Pipit ─── n. 沙地纯背鹨

50、most unusual bird that has come to visit so far, I identified through a picture in a book as a red-throated pipit. ─── 为止,造访过我家阳台最稀有的鸟是一只红喉鹨,我在一本书里看到它的照片从而认出了它。

51、a meadow/rock/tree pipit ─── 草地/岩石/树鹨

52、Red-throated Pipit ─── n. 红喉鹨

53、Plain-backed Pipit ─── n. 纯背鹨

54、This is a delightful story about a Richard's pipit and her fledglings. ─── 这是有关一只理查的皮皮鸟及她的雏鸟们很可爱的一个故事。

55、Clearly, true love knows no bounds as the pipit does everything she can for her offspring, including going without food while she sits on her nest to look after her chicks. ─── 无疑地,真爱是没有界线的,就像皮皮鸟可以为了后代做任何能力可为的事,包括当她坐在巢上照顾她的小孩时,是可以不用吃东西的。

56、a common pipit that is brown above and white below; widely distributed in northern and central Europe and in Asia. ─── 常见的上部褐色下部白色的鹨;广泛分布于欧洲中部和北部及亚洲地区。

57、Long-tailed Pipit ─── n. 长尾鹨

58、Richard's Pipit ─── n. 田鹨

59、Correndera Pipit ─── n. 科雷鹨

60、Honestly speaking, I did not consider Rosy pipit. ─── 其实我并没有想到粉红胸鹨。

61、Olive-backed Pipit is usually looked in winter, so it is unusual here in early summer. ─── 树鹨是大概冬季我看见的鸟,所以在这儿,初夏的很稀少。

62、African Pipit ─── n. 非洲鹨

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