folklore 发音
英:[ˈfoʊklɔːr] 美:[ˈfəʊklɔː(r)]
英: 美:
folklore 中文意思翻译
folklore 短语词组
1、folklore reaction ─── 民俗反应
2、urban folklore ─── [计] 都市传闻
3、Yilan International Children's Folklore and Folkgame Festival ─── 依兰国际儿童民俗和民俗节
4、Brownie (folklore) ─── 布朗尼(民俗)
5、Pyongyang Folklore Park ─── 平壤民俗公园
6、folklore feast ─── 民俗盛宴
7、hebridean folklore ─── 希伯来民俗
folklore 词性/词形变化,folklore变形
名词: folklorist |形容词: folkloric |
folklore 相似词语短语
1、booklore ─── n.书本知识
2、folklike ─── 人们;亲属(复数);民族
3、folkmote ─── n.群众大会
4、folivore ─── n.食叶动物(尤指灵长目动物)
5、folklorish ─── 民俗
6、folklife ─── n.民俗生活;传统生活方式
7、folkloric ─── adj.民俗的;民间传说的
8、folklorico ─── 民俗的
9、folklorist ─── n.民俗学研究者
folklore 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In the United States, however, the field of folklore is relatively new. ─── 但在美国,民俗学却是一门新兴的学科。
2、Basque Folklore - Essays and links. ─── 巴斯克民俗散文和链接.
3、Today, Bao's image is still active in the opera, in fiction and folklore. ─── 今天,包公的形象仍然活跃于戏曲、小说和民间传说里。
4、In Chinese folklore, this is the story of "Letting Cao Cao off for Old Time's Sake on Huarong Trail. ─── 所谓“华容道义释曹操”,指的就是这件事。
5、Another example is the Boggart as described by Rowling, which bears only slight resemblence to the Boggart of folklore. ─── 另一个例子就是罗琳笔下的博格特,和民间传说的博格特只有极少的类同点。
6、If such a violation to expressions of folklore did not stop, we will unknowingly lost our precious cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. ─── 如果对这种侵害民间文学艺术表达的行为不加以制止,我们将会在不知不觉中痛失中华民族宝贵的文化遗产。
7、And Malay folklore describes another small, humanlike being known as the orang pendek that supposedly dwells on Sumatra to this day. ─── 在马来民间传说里,另有一种叫做潘德克人的小型人形动物,据说现在还生活在苏门答腊。
8、Use each district the stuff that people fears comes gally victim, so ghost must be a folklore home. ─── 并与时俱进,紧跟时代潮流。
9、The theme "From log cabin to White House" dominates American folklore. ─── “从木屋到白宫”是美国民间传说中最常见的主题。
10、In Jewish folklore, an image that comes to life. ─── 在犹太人的民间传说中,指一个被赋予生命的偶像。
11、She is good at Journalism of TV &radio, the program designing and the folklore. ─── 在广播电视新闻、编导艺术,影视民俗学方向特点突出。
12、Afro-Cuban rhythms; Afro-Cuban folklore. ─── 古巴黑人音乐节奏;古巴黑人民俗
13、Bram Stoker added one trait of vampirism in the novel that isn't found in Eastern European folklore: vampires can't cast their reflections. ─── 在这部小说里,吸血鬼不会因木桩刺进心脏而死,民间经常用来杀死吸血鬼的方法,而是被猎刀刺死。
14、Jewish Folklore in Israel - guide to publications, university departments, and online resources dedicated to the study of Jewish folklore. ─── 以色列的犹太人民间风俗-致力于犹太人民间风俗研究的在线资源、出版物及大学的指南。
15、The vocabulary of folklore and the folk adages have intersections.We can't disjoin them completely. ─── 因此民俗语汇的品类中有俗语成分,民俗语汇与俗语有交叉,二者不是截然分开的。
16、In folklore, the magical ability to assume the form and characteristics of a wolf. ─── 使人变成狼传说中用神奇的力量使人具有狼的外形和特征
17、For instance, can we say that the artist merely illustrates folklore, hewing its shapes from ingrained iconographies and orthodoxies of seeing? ─── 单凭几幅图画就能把人脑中根深蒂固的固有形象或被人们信奉已久的正统观念彻底扭转过来吗?
18、A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges. ─── 巨人,巨怪斯堪的那维亚民间传说中的超自然的生物,时而被描述成友好的或顽皮的侏儒,时而被描述成巨人,居住在山洞里、小山上或桥下
19、Groundhog Day grew out of the folklore saying “If Candlemas Day is bright and clear, there'll be two winters in the year. ─── 土拨鼠日是由一个民俗衍生的“如果圣烛日那天是晴朗的,那么那年就会有2个冬天。”
20、Local folklore has it that prehistoric men drove cattle over these cliffs. ─── 当地民间传说中称,史前人类把野牛从这些悬崖上驱赶下去。
21、One interesting area of folklore research is the identification and attempted explanation of this recurring formularization. ─── 于是,确认和解释这种程式化现象,便成为民俗学研究中一项有意义的课题。
22、It is folklore that the polar form is less susceptible to deficiencies in pseudo-random number generators. ─── 传言说伪随机数发生器采用极坐标形式时缺点较少。
23、With her side of the peasant and folklore, subject to cut casually follow one's inclinations, unaware tiancheng. ─── 她以身边的农家事和民间传说为题材信手剪来,随心所欲,浑然天成。
24、The fifth route is for Xishuangbanna tropical rain forest and Dai ethnic folklore. ─── 五是西双版纳热带雨林和傣族风情游。
25、Like Irving, he did his best to supply America with its own folklore. ─── 和欧文一样,他尽其所能给美国提供本国的民俗。
26、Consultants urged them to level the pomegranate trees and plant pistachios.Instead, the two were enchanted by the pomegranate’s rich folklore. ─── 一些顾问鼓励他们铲平石榴树,改种开心果,这两人却对石榴背后丰富的民间传说着迷不已。
27、The story rapidly became part of family folklore. ─── 这个故事很快就成为家族传说的一部分。
28、But the Big Buddha Hebei folklore of one of the important themes, not only legend, is also very interesting. ─── 大佛可是河北民间传说的重要题材之一,传说不仅多,也十分有趣。
29、We Chinese have a rich heritage of folklore. ─── 我们的民间文化传统很丰富。
30、Probably the story is one of those mysterious bits of folklore that reappear every few years, to be told a new in one form or another. ─── 它也许是那种隔几年就会改头换面地被重新传播一次的神奇的民间传说。
31、A grotesque, elfin creature of folklore, thought to work mischief or evil. ─── 妖怪民间传说中的一种面貌丑陋的小精灵般的动物,被认为常恶作剧或调皮
32、He wad asked to lecture on Irish Folklore. ─── 他们请他讲一讲爱尔兰民歌。
33、The intellectual property protection of folklore mother model is a nodus and focal point of this dissertation. ─── 子型不仅是母型的展现,而且也在不断创新、变革、丰富和发展着母型。
34、Yunnan will fully display its rich and unique natural scenery and ethnic folklore during the International Horticultural Exposition. ─── 云南将在世博会期间,全面展示丰富独特的自然风光和民族风情。
35、A mischievous sprite in English folklore. ─── 小妖精英格兰民间传说中的一个淘气的精灵
36、He was familiar with Chinese folklore and had absorbed many skills from folk lantern painting, fan painting and wood block printing. ─── 他比较熟悉民间生活,吸收了灯画、扇画、版画等民间美术中的营养。
37、Still, they cohabit a space of expression in which folklore refuses to be reduced to either of these modes. ─── 可以说,这两种艺术形式共存于同一个艺术空间中,但是民俗故事拒绝被同化为其它更加简单的模式。
38、He did his best to supply America with its own folklore. ─── 他尽其所能给美国提供本国的民俗。
39、The common term "folklore" which is used to refer to the folk literature and folk arts is first put forward by a British person W. J. ─── “民间文学艺术”在国际上通行的术语是folklore,最初由英国的W·J·汤姆森于1846年提出。
40、In Chinese folklore the bat is a symbol of good fortune. ─── 在中国民间传说中,蝙蝠是好运的象征。
41、Both the incubi and the succubi are traditionally believed to be the children of Lilith, Adam's first wife in Jewish folklore. ─── 据称男淫妖和女淫妖都是犹太民间传说中亚当的前妻--莉莉丝的子女。
42、In Jewish folklore, the wandering soul of a dead person that enters the body of a living person and controls his or her behavior. ─── 恶灵犹太民间传说中,死者的游魂进入生存的体内并控制生者的行为
43、James dismissed the legend as folklore until archaeologist Angus unearths a massive reptilian skull and the ancient worship site on the castle. ─── 当考古学家安格斯掘获类似蛇的头骨及祭坛旧址时,占士相信并非空穴来风。
44、However, in folklore, that this bridge was built by the craftsman Lu Ban. ─── 但在民间传说中,认为此桥是巧匠鲁班所建。
45、Addtionally,this valentine's day is related to a folklore from Japan. ─── 另外,这也是跟日本的民间传说有关的一个情人节。
46、Hardy put the symbol art and the strength of tragedy the biography element the folklore and the romantism together with the realism. ─── 哈代把象征手法以及悲剧力量和传记成分、民间传奇和浪漫情调揉合在现实主义之中。
47、A being in folklore or myth similar to one of these beings. ─── 巨人民间传说或神话中与以上的人种相似的人
48、A gnome that haunts undergroundplaces in German folklore. ─── 地灵德国民间传说中在地下出没的地神。
49、Verbal folklore, the type most commonly studied in the United States, may be logically classified from the simplest to the most complex varieties. ─── 在美国,词语民俗这类民俗研究最为常见,可对最简单到最复杂的类型进行逻辑的分类。
50、A national instrument on protection of TK and expressions of folklore had been drafted by the Uganda Law Reform Commission. ─── 乌干达法律改革委员会已经起草了一份关于保护传统知识和民间文学艺术表现形式的国家文件。
51、Since Antiquity, the hill of Gebel Barkal has been strongly associated with religious traditions and folklore. ─── 博尔戈尔山自古就与宗教传统和当地民俗紧密相连。
52、I am interested in anything pertaining to folklore. ─── 属于民间文学的任何东西我都感兴趣。
53、Some more about performance theory and History of Folklore. ─── 关于鲍曼的表演理论!
54、Xiao Yun: Yes, it is. There are six folklore villages and ten sights in Shicheng. ─── 小云:是啊。这里有六个民俗文化村和十个景点。
55、Bibliography of Research on Chinese Ethnology and Folklore, 1900-1994, 3 Vols. ─── 中国民族学与民俗学研究论著目录:1900-1994(上、中、下)(停售)
56、In Jewish folklore,the wandering soul of a dead person that enters the body of a living person and controls his or her behavior. ─── 恶灵犹太民间传说中,死者的游魂进入生存的体内并控制生者的行为。
57、The custom of the Easter egg hunt , folklore tells us, was started by a German duchess. ─── 寻找复活节彩蛋的习俗,据民间传说,是由一位德国公爵夫人兴起的。
58、The subjects of most Thanka paintings are religious,but sometimes folklore themes intrude. ─── 唐卡题材多为佛像画、高僧或大师的传记画,少量为民间生活风俗画。
59、Taiwan Folklore Association Presents Traditional Taiwan Wedding Ceremony. ─── 台湾民俗协会表演台湾婚礼民俗.
60、A gnome that haunts underground places in German folklore. ─── 地灵德国民间传说中在地下出没的地神
61、The horn of the goat that suckled Zeus,which broke off and became filled with fruit. In folklore,it became full of whatever its owner desired. ─── 丰饶之角哺乳了宙斯的山羊的角,后来脱落并装满了水果。在神话中,它装满其主人希望得到的任何东西。
62、Through their appreciation of folklore and fairy tales, we might be able to appreciate the different regions of "love. " ─── 透过对童话与民间传说的欣赏,我们或许能领略到不同地域的不同的“爱”。
63、Elements of Santa Claus folklore are also derived from Germanic traditions. ─── 圣诞老人民间传说的因素还来自于德国的传统。
64、In folklore,the magical ability to assume the form and characteristics of a wolf. ─── 使人变成狼传说中用神奇的力量使人具有狼的外形和特征。
65、Subjects Tales - China - Dali Baizu Zizhizhou. | Bai (Chinese people) - Folklore. ─── 中国少数民族民间文学丛书.故事大系.
66、Traditional form or structure allows us to recognize corresponding bits of folklore in different guises. ─── 了解民俗的传统形式或结构,可以使我门抛开事物的不同外表,从中去辨认出有关民俗的点点滴滴。
67、In the folklore of the British Isles, fairies are not the innocuous Tinkerbell creatures they are usually thought to be today. ─── 在不列颠群岛的民间传说中,仙灵并不是我们今天认为的没有危害的小仙女。
68、Vampires have long been a part of the folklore of certain areas, particularly in parts of Eastern Europe. ─── 一直以来,吸血鬼是一些特定地区民间传说的一部分,这一传说在东欧的一些地方特别流行。
69、WIPO classifies folklore into diction expression, music expression, action expression and substance expression. ─── 世界知识产权组织将民间文学艺术分为言语表达、音乐表达、动作表达和物态表达。
70、Where Should Chinese Folklore Proceed? ─── 中国民俗学向何处去?
71、The images of crow in Chinese classic poetry can be classified to three types: folklore, history and myth image. ─── 中国古典诗歌中的乌鸦意象从类型上可分为世俗意象、历史意象和神话意象;
72、Rumors of their antics became part of the folklore of Hollywood. ─── 他们滑稽动作的传闻成了好莱坞民间传说的一部分。
73、They promote the holding of theater festivals, music competitions, productions of national folklore and music anthologies and other such activities. ─── 它们还促进举办戏剧节、音乐竞赛、制作本国的民间文学艺术作品和音乐选集并开展其他此类的活动。
74、And Yan-related folklore, fairy tales, customs and the inscription records Yandi merit very rich in stone. ─── 与炎帝有关的民间传说、神话故事、风俗习惯和记载炎帝功德的碑文石刻十分丰富。
75、The Jack-o-lantern custom probably comes from Irish folklore. ─── “杰克灯”习俗可能起源于爱尔兰的民间传说。
76、In satirizing the dark side of the society, humorous essays, poetry and the folklore of love poetry all demonstrated their unique features. ─── 在讽刺黑暗现实的谐隐散文、诙谐诗和民间爱情诗创作等方面,都独具特色,显示出另一绚丽多姿的奇观。
77、There are more than 200 traditional operas that reflect the history of many stories, myths, folklore's large repertoire. ─── 传统剧目有200多出,多为反映历史故事、神话、民间传说的大型剧目。
78、His mother wasn't highly educated, but because she was superstitious, she introduced Andersen to folklore. ─── 他母亲没受过高等教育,但因为她很迷信,所以带安徒生认识了许多民间传说。
79、Experience Irish culture and folklore in this highly successful show, which features award-winning musicians on Irelands traditional instruments. ─── 在这十分有名的表演节目当中透过由得奖音乐家演绎传统爱尔兰乐器,感受爱尔兰的文化和民间传说。
80、Falk pursue an inquiry at the confluence of science, folklore and medical history. ─── 一个世纪以来,科学家们比较过不少著名人物的脑部,希望找到神经系统结构和天才之间的联系。
81、On that issue, Hunt and Lipo say, archaeological evidence backs up Rapanui folklore. ─── 关于这个问题,亨特和利普说,考古证据支持了拉帕努伊的民间传说。
82、However, people mistake he is the writers concocted "Shenguai novel," In fact, he is an ancient folklore, is an ancient myth. ─── 不过,人家误认他是文人编造的“神怪小说,”其实,他是一部古代的民间传说,是一部古代的神话。
83、Shanxi folk songs, folk dance, folklore, crafts and so has a unique charm. ─── 山西民歌、民谣舞蹈、民间传说、民间工艺等具有独特的魅力。
84、The horn of the goat that suckled Zeus, which broke off and became filled with fruit. In folklore, it became full of whatever its owner desired. ─── 丰饶之角哺乳了宙斯的山羊的角,后来脱落并装满了水果。在神话中,它装满其主人希望得到的任何东西
85、In medieval Icelandic folklore, Hekla was believed to be one of the gateways to purgatory. ─── 在中世纪的冰岛民间故事中,赫克拉被认为是通往炼狱的大门之一。
86、But TCM's reputation has been blackened by uneven efficacy and harsh side effects, prompting critics to assail it as outmoded folklore. ─── 但是中药的名声由于其不可靠的疗效和严重的副作用而大受损害,导致批评者抨击它是过时的民间医术。
87、An often mischievous household elf in German folklore. ─── 家神在德国民间传说中,经常淘气的家庭小精灵
88、Chinese drama is, to some extent, a product of folklore, whick is created collectively by people with more or less the same attitude to folklore. ─── 中国戏剧在某种意义上说是民俗活动的产物,是具有相同民俗心态的人们的共同创造。
89、President Wu of the Taiwan Folklore Association and Mrs. Liu do the Lion Dance. ─── 台湾民俗协会吴振兴会长与刘副处长夫人担任辛苦的舞狮角色.
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