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09-20 投稿


logicality 发音

英:[[ˌlɒdʒɪ'kælɪtɪ]]  美:[[ˌlɒdʒɪ'kælətɪ]]

英:  美:

logicality 中文意思翻译



logicality 短语词组

1、logicality and objectivity ─── 逻辑性和客观性

logicality 反义词


logicality 同义词


logicality 相似词语短语

1、comicality ─── n.诙谐;滑稽

2、topicality ─── n.时事性;时事性话题

3、cosmicality ─── n.宇宙状态

4、logically ─── adv.逻辑上;合乎逻辑

5、locality ─── n.所在;位置;地点

6、illogicality ─── n.矛盾;不合逻辑

7、lexicality ─── n.词典编集

8、tropicality ─── 热带

9、clericality ─── 神职

logicality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You are now ready to write your actual test logic. ─── 现在您即可编写实际测试逻辑。

2、The branch of logic dealing with analysis. ─── 分析学逻辑学关于分析的一个分支

3、This is just a fallacy of equivocation in Logic. ─── = 这个符号在这里有不同的意义.硬拗的答案在逻辑学的角度来看,是站不住脚的.

4、Lawyers should be well-versed in logic. ─── 律师应该通晓逻辑.

5、There is no logic to/in any of their claims. ─── 他们的任何索赔都不具正当的理由。

6、Diligent, high-responsible, principle and group spirit, strong logicality, excellent purchasing management and five-years experience. ─── 勤恳,高度责任感,原则性与团队精神,逻辑性强,具备优秀采购管理理念及五年经验。

7、Allow you to include conditional logic. ─── 允许加入条件逻辑。

8、Logic design of digital circuits in practice II. ─── 数字电路与逻辑设计实训教程2。

9、A theory has its internal logic. ─── 每一种理论都有其固有的逻辑性。

10、Systematization , logicality , normalized graphics and textures and writing level . ─── 论文的系统性、逻辑性、图文规范性和写作水平。

11、The custom code logic is self-contained. ─── 自定义代码逻辑是独立的。

12、I didn't follow her logic. ─── 我不理解她的逻辑。

13、Custom filters are based on ternary logic. ─── 自定义过滤器基于三元逻辑。

14、Structural Chemistry is a theoretical chemistry discipline with great mathematical logicality. ─── 结构化学是一门具有极强数理性的理论化学学科。

15、Good communication skills, analytical skills and good logicality. ─── 良好的沟通技巧,分析能力和逻辑思维。

16、Digital circuit and logic design II. ─── 数字电路与逻辑设计学习指导与题解2。

17、Research and Design of a Digital Logic. ─── 数字逻辑虚拟实验系统的研究与设计。

18、SSI chips are usually basic logic gates and flip-flops. ─── 小型集成电路通常是最基本的逻辑栅门。

19、Gets the logic to use for merging groups. ─── 获取用于合并组的逻辑。

20、It's easy to understand his logic. ─── 很容易理解他的理由。

21、To accord with the basic logic rules. ─── 符合基本的逻辑规则。

22、I had to concede the logic of this. ─── 我得承认这件事情有它的逻辑。

23、A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason. ─── 妄想狂,偏执狂一种通常用表面的逻辑和道理来设想的具烦扰或夸大妄想特征的精神错乱症

24、I was vexed that I could not understand his logic. ─── 我因为无法理解他的逻辑而感到苦恼。

25、I am also taking argumentation and logic. ─── 我也学辩证和逻辑学。

26、In computers, a logic network in the form of an array of input leads and output leads with logic elements connected at some of their intersections. ─── 在计算机中,由输入线和输出线阵列形成的一种逻辑网络,在它们的某些交叉点上用逻辑元件相连接。

27、Fixed some arbitration logic for random teams. ─── 增加对随机组队的仲裁逻辑。

28、Outstanding learning, coordinating and planning skills with good logicality. ─── 出色的学习,理解与把握能力;出色的协调,计划与组织能力。

29、At this point your logic is at fault. ─── 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。

30、Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator. ─── 不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。

31、And temporal logic can be extended. ─── 可以扩展时态逻辑。

32、Nature's logic was too horrid for him to care for. ─── 天公的逻辑这样令人可怕,怎么能叫他信服呢?

33、Of or relating to symbolic logic. ─── 象征派逻辑的象征派逻辑的或与象征派逻辑有关的

34、Standard logic cells and memory characterization. ─── 标准逻辑单元和存储电路的参数提取。

35、Socrates laid the foundations of logic. ─── 苏格拉底奠定了逻辑学的基础。

36、Your friend doesn' t seem to be governed by logic. ─── 你那位朋友好象没有逻辑性。

37、There's no logic in spending money on things you don't need. ─── 把钱花在不需要的东西上是没有道理的。

38、Logic says that this latter case is a problem. ─── 从逻辑上说,后面这种情况有些问题。

39、The truss of system info of International Trade should follow the basic rule that the logicality and practicality should be unified. ─── 《国际贸易学》理论体系的构架应该遵循逻辑性与应用性相统一的基本原则。

40、Another aspect of the logic requires comment. ─── 这个推理还有另一点需要说明。

41、There's no logic in his argument. ─── 他的论据不合逻辑。

42、Let the facts and logic speak for themselves. ─── 他们靠客观的态度、令人信服的事实和严谨的推理来征服读者。

43、PLD and digital logic system design II. ─── 与数字系统设计2。

44、His thinking goes against all logic. ─── 他的思维完全不合逻辑。

45、Mathematics is a subject with logicality. ─── 数学是一门逻辑性极强的学科。

46、logicality of models on evaluation. ─── 评价模型的逻辑性。

47、An operation performed in Boolean algebra on two binary digits simultaneously in a way that the result is one if either one or both digits are a one, or zero if both digits are zero. The logic operator is the OR operator. ─── 布尔代数中的一种运算,它同时对两个二进制数字进行如下操作:如果一个数或二个数为1, 则结果为1; 如果二个数均为零,则结果为零。它的逻辑算符是OR运算符。

48、You will have to code your own printing logic. ─── 您将必须编写您自己的打印逻辑代码。

49、Characterize standard logic cells and memory cells. ─── 提取标准逻辑单元和存储电路的参数。

50、Mathematical Logic of Winning Strategy for Games? ─── 围棋必胜法的数理逻辑观照?

51、Between logic and charity falls a shadow. ─── 合乎逻辑的行为和助人为乐之间是有一些区别的。

52、Aristotle founded the science of logic. ─── 亚里士多德创立了逻辑学。

53、Mathematics is a academic discipline integrating with strictness, logicality , accuracy, creativity and imagination. ─── 数学是集严密性,逻辑性,精确性,创造性及想象力于一身的科学。

54、A table that describes a logic function by listing all possible combinations of input values and indicating, for each combination, the true output values. ─── 描述逻辑函数的一种表,表中列出输入值的全部可能组合,并列出与每种输入组合相对应的实际的输出值。

55、But Iran refuses to follow such logic. ─── 但是伊朗拒绝遵从这一逻辑。

56、Users don’t understand Boolean logic. ─── 用户不理解布尔逻辑。

57、At this point our logic was at fault. ─── 在这一点上,我们推理的方法是错误的。

58、The problem concerning the probability, logicality , effectiveness and rationality is a comparatively important and easily confusing one. ─── 归纳推理的或然性、逻辑性、有效性与合理性的问题是归纳推理中比较重要而又容易混淆的问题。

59、An improper term to be avoided. This term is sometimes used to designate a logic element which performs a specific function or provides a linkage between variables. ─── 这是一个应该避免使用的非正式术语。该术语有时用于一种逻辑元件,这种逻辑元件可以实现特定的功能或在变量之间提供链接。

60、Literally speaking, the consumer logic takes over. ─── 确切地说,消费者成了主导。

61、Lesson1 How does a logic gate in a microchip work? ─── 第一课芯片上的逻辑门是如何工作的?

62、Based upon the abstraction of the business logic. ─── 对业务逻辑建模。

63、The number of inputs available to a given logic circuit. ─── 扇入,输入可在逻辑电路得到的输入端数目

64、He argues with learning and logic. ─── 他的辩论既有学问又合逻辑。

65、He was no slavish admirer of logic. ─── 他不盲目崇拜逻辑。

66、The logic of this was weird to say the least. ─── 至少可以说,这个逻辑推理是奇怪的。

67、This is normal since you have to type the logic. ─── 这是正常的,您必须输入逻辑。

68、How can there be any logic in biological war? ─── 怎样才能在生物战争中有逻辑?

69、That logic applies to losers as well as winners. ─── 这一思路既适用于赚钱的股票,也适用于赔钱的股票。

70、By that logic, we should sell the company tomorrow. ─── 按那种推理方式,我们明天就该把公司卖掉。

71、By that logic,we should sell the company tomorrow. ─── 按那种推理方式,我们明天就该把公司卖掉。

72、The business logic in the service is not affected. ─── 服务中的业务逻辑并没受到影响。

73、It is here that you add your test logic. ─── 您可以在此方法内添加测试逻辑。

74、Outstanding learning, coordinating and planning skills with good logicality. ─── 出色的学习,理解与把握能力;出色的协调,计划与组织能力。

75、He confuted his opponents by facts and logic. ─── 他以事实及推理证明对手是错误的。

76、I fail to see the logic behind his argument. ─── 我不明白支持他论据的是什么逻辑。

77、Tweaked conquistador retreat logic slightly. ─── 调整了征服者撤退的逻辑判断。

78、Logic implemented in order to be filled with data. ─── 为了填充数据,单独的表需要实现。

79、In a computer, a functional unit that interprets and executes instructions. Note: A processor consists of at least an instruction control unit and an arithmetic and logic unit. ─── 计算机中,解释并执行指令的一种功能单元。注:处理器至少包含有一个指令控制器和一个算术与逻辑运算器。

80、Class implements the core logic of the utility. ─── 类实现实用程序的核心逻辑。

81、At those dreary committee meetings it is always you who put your finger on the weak spot in everybody's logic. ─── 在多次无聊的委员会会议上,每个人在逻辑上的弱点总是你给准确地指出来的呀。

82、Your friend doesn't seem to be controlled by logic. ─── 你那位朋友好像没有逻辑性。

83、Nothing was more calculated to annoy Halidome than to tell him he was "begging the question", for he prided himself on being strong in logic. ─── 没有比说他“以假定作为论据进行诡辨”更能使赫利多姆生气的事了,因为他惯以逻辑强为自豪。

84、A few logic issues in dialogs have been fixed. ─── 对话中的一些逻辑错误。

85、Logic favoured the Tunipah project. ─── 按逻辑应该修建图尼帕工程。

86、There is no logic in what she says. ─── 她讲的话没有道理。

87、A combinational logic element having at least one input channel. ─── 一种至少有一个输入通道的组合逻辑元件。

88、What's the logic of your argument? ─── 你论据的道理是什么?

89、Strong ability of logic and data analysis. ─── 有较强逻辑思维能力和数据分析能力。

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