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09-20 投稿


lobulated 发音

英:[ˈlɑːbjuleɪtɪd]  美:[ˈlɒbjʊleɪtɪd]

英:  美:

lobulated 中文意思翻译



lobulated 短语词组

1、lobulated margin ─── 分叶状边缘

2、lobulated outline ─── 分叶状轮廓

3、lobulated mass ─── 分叶状肿块

4、lobulated spleen ─── [医] 分叶脾

5、lobulated hypoechoic lesion ─── 分叶状低回声病变

6、lobulated kidney ─── [医] 分叶肾

7、lobulated contour ─── 分叶状轮廓

8、lobulated liver ─── [医] 分叶肝

9、lobulated tongue ─── [医] 分叶舌

10、lobulated nodule ─── 分叶状结节

lobulated 相似词语短语

1、nodulated ─── adj.有小节的;有结节的;结节状的;v.(使)生根瘤(nodulate的过去式和过去分词)

2、lobated ─── adj.有裂片的;分裂的

3、loculated ─── 包裹性

4、copulated ─── vi.交配;交媾;adj.连接的;联合的;结合的

5、fabulated ─── 虚构的

6、ambulated ─── vi.走动;步行;移动

7、lunulated ─── 弓形的

8、lobulate ─── adj.由小叶片组成的;分成小裂片的

9、modulated ─── adj.已调的;被调的;v.调整,调节;吟咏;改变(嗓音的)音量(modulate的过去分词)

lobulated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods Fourty-four cases were performed operation of anastomos is with two trapezoid and symmetrical lobulated flap in outpatient department. ─── 方法门诊采用梯形对称二等分叶法吻合头静脉桡动脉形成内瘘44例。

2、breast fibroadenoma, equal echoing, may be lobulated, completeness and smoothness in its contour (capsule) and having signs of compression; ─── 乳腺纤维腺瘤,等回声,可有分叶,边缘轮廓完整、光滑(包膜),有压迫征象。

3、When left lobes are lobulated,the existence of partly symphysic superior Lobe of singular segment,the existence of extra horizontal fissure and of the atypical trilobate lobe are significalnt in... ─── 左肺外形分叶中,完全和不完全水平裂的存在及左肺的不典型三叶分型,在临床影像学检查中具有重要意义;

4、A new morphological feature named erosion degenerate factor is used to indicate the lobulated state of cell and achieves feature extraction by combining with traditional characteristics. ─── 在特征提取环节中,除使用常规形态特征外,提出了一种新的能有效反映核分叶数差异的形态特征??腐蚀退化因子。

5、The tumor is composed of lobulated glistening white to bluish-white tissue that breaks through the cortex. ─── 此肿瘤由穿透皮质的分叶状亮白、蓝白组织组成。

6、X-ray barium meal examination showed esophageal have round, oval or lobulated filling defect, edge neatly around the normal mucosal pattern. ─── 线钡餐检查可显示食管有圆形、卵圆形或分叶状的充盈缺损,边缘整齐,周围粘膜纹正常。

7、Objective To investigate the clinical effect of r ad iocephalic arteriovenous internal fistulas created by anastomosis with two trape zoid and symmetrical lobulated flap. ─── 目的探讨应用梯形对称二等分叶小血管吻合法施行头静脉桡动脉内瘘手术的临床效果。

8、All the tumors were lobulated. ─── 全部肿瘤边缘呈分叶状。

9、Results: Of 23 mixed parotid tumor,all had well-defined margin and higher density than that of the normal parotid gland,16 were round or elliptical in shape,the other 7 were lobulated. ─── 结果:23例均表现为边缘清楚的肿块,圆形、卵圆形16例,分叶7例,密度高于腮腺,较均匀14例,不均匀9例。

10、Figure 6: A lobulated and spiculated mass of lower-inner quadrant of the left breast showed significant enhancement, time-signal curve demonstrated type 3; ─── 图6:左乳内下象限肿块,明显强化,边缘有分叶及毛刺,时间-信号强度曲线呈3型;

11、The tumor is composed of lobulated glistening white to bluish-white tissue that breaks through the cortex. ─── 此肿瘤由穿透皮质的分叶状亮白、蓝白组织组成。

12、On sonography, nodular fasciitis has been described as oal or lobulated, isoechoic, or with mixed areas of isoechogenicity and hypoechogenicity. ─── 在超声上,结节性筋膜炎表现为椭圆形或分叶状的等回声或等回声与强回声混合区。

13、This magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan in sagittal view demonstrates a lobulated mass extending down from the level of L4. ─── 矢状面MRI显示分叶状肿块从第四胸椎(L4)水平向下延伸。

14、lobulated liver ─── 分叶肝

15、lobulated ovary ─── 分叶卵巢

16、Slide 1-37 This is an actinomycotic granule. The granule is the large, lobulated structure (red-stained) which takes up almost the entire photograph. ─── 幻灯1-37这是放线菌颗粒。颗粒呈较大的分叶状结构(红染),几乎占据整个视野。

17、The surface configuration of the tumors was lobulated, and 2 cases showed bony absorption of the middle turbinate or the maxillary sinus. ─── 肿瘤边缘呈分叶状,2例患者显示中鼻甲或上颌窦内侧壁骨质吸收。

18、Keywords Mammary gland;Lobulated tumor;Adenomyofibrous tumor; ─── 乳腺;分叶状瘤;腺肌纤维性肿瘤;

19、lobulated tongue ─── 分叶舌

20、Results Ultrasonography showed that parathyroid carcinoma tended to be large, lobulated, heterogeneous, hypoechoic and poorly defined masses with plenty of color signals within and around the lesions. ─── 结果甲状旁腺癌声像图表现是:体积较大,分叶状,低回声,内部回声不均,边界不清,血流丰富。

21、She then underwent urgent pulmonary thromboendarterectomy, during which she was found to have pale, lobulated tissue completely filling both pulmonary arteries. ─── 因此,病人接受了肺血栓内膜切除,术中发现双侧肺动脉都充满了白色分叶状血栓。

22、The mammogram revealed a dense, lobulated mass with a circumscribed margin. ─── 肿瘤的乳房摄影皆呈现致密、分叶状及边缘界限明显。

23、CT findings: lesions were round, oval or lobulated soft tissue mass with well-defined, homogeneous density (n=10), and inhomogeneous density (n=6) with necrosis or cystic formation. ─── CT表现病灶呈圆形、椭圆形及分叶状软组织肿块,边缘清晰,密度均匀10个,坏死囊变致密度不均匀6个;

24、On CT, it can often have a lobulated (cerebriform) appearance. ─── 在 CT 上,它经常表现为分叶状(脑状)。

25、Those retroperitoneal collateral circulation can resenable those periesophageal varices as lobulated masses. ─── 向后至腹膜后腔的侧枝循环可如食道周围静脉一种出现巨大的团块。

26、Those retroperitoneal collateral circulation can resenable those periesophageal varices as lobulated masses. ─── 向后至腹膜后腔的侧枝循环可如食道周围静脉一种出现巨大的团块。

27、lobulated spleen ─── 分时脾分叶脾

28、Results:There were following main CT findings:square or triangular lesions adjacent to pleura;irrgeular,blurry,slightly lobulated margin; ─── 结果:主要CT表现为贴近胸膜呈方形或三角形:边缘不规则,模糊,浅分叶;

29、lobulated lung ─── 分叶肺

30、The tumor is lobulated under microscope, some immature Sertoli cells were arranged as either amorphous plaques, funicular, broad beam, nest, solid or hollow tubules; ─── 结果该例肿瘤位于左侧阔韧带内。镜下肿瘤呈分叶状,有不成熟的支持细胞排列呈片块状、不规则形或条索状、宽梁状、巢状、实性或空心的小管;

31、Some warts grainy or lobulated, with a little secretion. ─── 有的疣体表面呈颗粒状或分叶状,伴有少许分泌物。

32、X-ray barium meal examination showed esophageal have round, oval or lobulated filling defect, edge neatly around the normal mucosal pattern. ─── 线钡餐检查可显示食管有圆形、卵圆形或分叶状的充盈缺损,边缘整齐,周围粘膜纹正常。

33、The tumor may be smooth or lobulated. ─── 肿瘤光滑或呈分叶状。

34、Here is another seminoma of the testis. A small rim of remaining normal testis appears at the far right. The tumor is composed of lobulated soft tan to brown tissue. ─── 另例睾丸精原细胞瘤。最右边是残留正常睾丸的少量边缘。肿块质软、棕褐色、分叶状。

35、Results: Of 23 mixed parotid tumor, all had well-defined margin and higher density than that of the normal parotid gland, 16 were round or elliptical in shape, the other 7 were lobulated. ─── 结果:23例均表现为边缘清楚的肿块,圆形、卵圆形16例,分叶7例,密度高于腮腺,较均匀14例,不均匀9例。

36、lobulated kidney ─── 分叶肾

37、Most of cases had following characteristic MRI findings: olfactory nerve tumors were often located at anterior cranial fossae and appeared as lobulated mass; ─── 脑神经肿瘤发生在特定部位,大部分有特征性MRI表现:嗅神经肿瘤多位于颅前窝,呈分叶状;

38、The tumor is composed of lobulated soft tan to brown tissue. ─── 肿块质软、棕褐色、分叶状。

39、Radiologically, inverting papilloma is a homogeneous and lobulated lesion with scattered calcification in a variety of patterns. ─── 放射学上,内翻性乳头状瘤是一种不均匀分叶状的病变伴有散在的钙化。

40、Application of small vascular anastomosis with two trapezoid and symmetrical lobulated flap to creating arteriovenous fistulas ─── 梯形对称二等分叶小血管吻合法在动静脉内瘘术中的应用

41、Axial unenhanced CT scan shows a large, lobulated, masslike lesion with soft-tissue attenuation and rim calcifications (arrows) in the right renal sinus. ─── 肾动脉瘤最常见的原因是动脉粥样硬化。动脉粥样硬化的肾动脉超过50%发生环形钙化。

42、The cut surface of this tumor has a soft, lobulated, white to tan appearance. ─── 肿瘤切面质地软,呈片状,灰白色。

43、Figure 1: Axial CT image shows a heterogeneous, lobulated mass arising in the atrium of the left lateral ventricle with dense calcification. ─── 图1:轴位CT显示一个密度不均的分叶状肿块,位于左侧侧脑室三角区,伴有高密度钙化。

44、Lobulated fibers ─── 小叶性纤维

45、Dissection of a mouse will reveal two large, lobulated masses of brown fat on the dorsal aspect of the thorax, between the scapulae. ─── 解剖老鼠后会发现在肩胛骨之间有两个由小叶片组成的大团块棕色脂肪。

46、diameter smaller than 2.5 cm;circumscribed, lobulated, and smooth wall;and fat content in about 50%, calcification in about 15%, or both. ─── 在CT上,下列表现考虑诊断错构瘤:孤立性病变,直径小于2.5cm,局限性分叶状,边界光滑,约50%患者见脂肪,约15%见钙化,或二者兼具。

47、Here is a transverse MRI scan that reveals the lobulated ependymoma. ─── 横断面MRI显示分叶状室管膜瘤。

48、A single, boundaries clear protuberant or show lobulated, quality of a material is solid. ─── 呈单发、界限清楚的突起或呈分叶状,质地坚实。

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