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09-21 投稿


lascar 发音

英:['læskə]  美:['læskɚ]

英:  美:

lascar 中文意思翻译



lascar 网络释义

n. 印度水手(在欧洲船上工作)n. (Lascar)人名;(西、法)拉斯卡尔

lascar 词性/词形变化,lascar变形


lascar 短语词组

1、Lascar (volcano) ─── 拉斯卡(火山)

lascar 相似词语短语

1、Oscar ─── n.(美)奥斯卡金像奖;钱;奥斯卡(男子名)

2、calcar ─── n.熔炉;鸟翼或鸟腿上的距;花距;n.(Calcar)人名;(荷)卡尔卡

3、Pascal ─── n.帕(斯卡)(标准压强单位);n.(Pascal)(法、罗)帕斯卡尔(人名)

4、lascars ─── n.印度水手(在欧洲船上工作);n.(Lascar)人名;(西、法)拉斯卡尔

5、flatcar ─── n.无盖货车;平台型铁路货车

6、lasher ─── n.堰(下的水塘);鞭打者;用来捆绑的绳索;n.(Lasher)人名;(英)拉舍

7、mascara ─── n.染眉毛油;染睫毛膏;vt.在…上涂染眉毛膏;n.(Mascara)人名;(意)马斯卡拉

8、cascara ─── n.药鼠李;用其树皮制成的缓泻剂

9、laser ─── n.激光;n.(Laser)人名;(德)拉泽

lascar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Oho!I declare he is that strange acquisition my late neighbour made, in his journey to Liverpool - a little Lascar, or an American or Spanish castaway. ─── 噢,我肯定他是我那已经去世的邻居在去利物浦的路上拣回来的家伙,是印度水手,或是美国人,或是西班牙人的弃儿。”

2、Oho!I declare he is that strange acquisition my late neighbour made, in his journey to Liverpool -a little Lascar, or an American or Spanish castaway. ─── 噢,我可以肯定他是我那已经去世的邻居在去利物浦的路上拣回来的家伙,是印度水手,或是美国人,或是西班牙人的弃儿。”

3、Special emphases are laid upon the latest progress for the development of LASCAR array detector to meet the requirements of the RIB experiments. ─── 描述了为满足放射性核束实验的要求而对阵列所作的重要改进。

4、Lined with traditional street stalls , Upper Lascar Row is a great place to pick up a wide cariety of antiques , curios and other collectables . ─── 摩罗上街两旁满是传统的沿街小铺,那是个购买各种古董、珍奇物品和其它藏品的好地方。

5、The principles and structure characteristics of LASCAR scintillator array detector at RIBLL terminal are described. ─── 摘要介绍了RIBLL终端LASCAR闪烁体阵列探测器的工作原理和结构特点。

6、She got up on the table and looked out of her window, and at the next window she saw a face - the smiling face of an Indian lascar. ─── 她站到桌子上透过窗户向外看去,看到隔壁窗户里有一张脸——一张东印度水手微笑着的脸。

7、One mistake had been made in not arresting Boone instantly, as he was allowed some few minutes during which he might have communicated with his friend the lascar, but this fault was soon remedied ─── 当时犯了一个错误,就是没有把布恩立刻逮捕起来,使他得到了可能和他那当勤务兵的印度朋友互相串供的几分钟的时间,不过,这个错误很快就得到纠正。

8、Lascar, an active volcano in northern Chile, spews ash and smoke. ─── 智利北部的Lascar活火山喷发火山灰和浓烟。

9、I declare he is that strange acquisition my late neighbour made, in his journey to Liverpool — a little Lascar, or an American or Spanish castaway. ─── 我断定他——定是我那已故的邻人去利物浦旅行时带回来的那个奇怪的收获——一个东印度小水手,或是一个美洲人或西班牙人的弃儿。

10、The lascar's name was Ram Dass, and yes, it was his monkey. He gave Sara a big smile. ─── 东印度水手名叫拉姆·达斯,是的,那猴子就是他的。他冲萨拉灿烂地笑着。

11、Burmese Lascar ─── 金三线蝶(蛱蝶科)

12、It comprises Hollywood Road and Upper Lascar Row.Cat Street is famous and interesting place in selling the antiques and the old things. ─── 它位于上环乐古道与荷李活道之间,分为摩啰上街和摩啰下街。

13、Progress for Development of LASCAR Scintillator Array Detector at RIBLL Terminal ─── RIBLL终端LASCAR闪烁体阵列探测器研制进展

14、Development of PMT high voltage control system for LASCAR detector array at RIBLL ─── R IBLL终端LA SCAR阵列探测器PM T高压控制系统的研制

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