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09-20 投稿


Beverly 发音

英:[ˈbevəlɪ]  美:[ˈbɛvəlɪ]

英:  美:

Beverly 中文意思翻译



Beverly 短语词组

1、beverly hills hotel ─── 贝弗利山酒店

2、beverly hill ─── 贝弗利山(在美国洛杉矶)

3、brides of beverly hills ─── 贝弗利山庄的新娘

4、Beverly Hills Cop ─── [电影]比佛利山超级警探

5、wives of beverly hills ─── 贝弗利山庄的妻子们

6、firring brian j wells fargo beverly hills ca ─── 解雇布莱恩·j·威尔斯为比佛利山庄增色

7、rich kids of beverly hills ─── 贝弗利山庄的富家子弟

8、Beverly Hills ─── 比佛利山庄

9、beverly hills bordello ─── 贝弗利山庄bordello

10、crustaceans beverly hills restaurant ─── 贝弗利山甲壳类动物餐厅

11、beverly hills magazine ─── 贝弗利山庄杂志

12、beverly park n. ─── 贝弗利帕克(美国地名)

13、Beverly Sills ─── [网络] 贝弗利·希尔斯;贝克佛蕾·西尔斯;席尔丝

14、beverly hills capital ─── 贝弗利山庄资本

15、anastasia beverly ─── 阿纳斯塔西娅·贝弗利

Beverly 相似词语短语

1、bever ─── n.毕弗(姓氏);瑞士格劳宾登州的一个小镇

2、cleverly ─── adv.聪明地;n.(Cleverly)人名;(英)克莱弗利

3、loverly ─── adj.情人应有的;美好的;adv.情人般地

4、bevels ─── n.斜角;斜面;[测]斜角规;vt.使成斜角;使成斜面;vi.成斜角;把切成或磨成斜边或斜角;adj.成斜面的;n.(Bevel)人名;(英)贝弗尔

5、bevers ─── n.毕弗(姓氏);瑞士格劳宾登州的一个小镇

6、Beverly ─── n.贝弗莉(女子名)

7、Beverley ─── n.贝弗利(男子名);贝弗莉(女子名)

8、bevered ─── 斜切

9、bevel ─── n.斜角;斜面;[测]斜角规;vt.使成斜角;使成斜面;vi.成斜角;把切成或磨成斜边或斜角;adj.成斜面的;n.(Bevel)人名;(英)贝弗尔

Beverly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、American soprano Beverly Sills died July 2 at her home in New York. ─── 7月2日,美国女高音歌唱家贝弗莉?

2、Creative Artists Ageney,Beverly Hills,California,U.S.A ─── 加利福尼亚贝弗利山杰出艺术家团体大楼,美国

3、Beverly Mantle ( Jeremy Irons): There's nothing the matter with the instrument, it's the body. The woman's body is all wrong! ─── 比弗利•孟托(杰瑞米•艾朗):这些【手术】器具都没有问题,有问题的是身体。女人的身体都不对!

4、Goldberg, L. R. Language and individual differences: The search for universals in personality lexicons,” In Wheeler, L. (Ed.), Review of Personality and Social Psychology, CA: Beverly Hill, 1981. ─── 周俊豪,中生学习自我效能、对科学的态度及人格特质对学习成效影响之研究:以浮力单元为例,高雄师范大学物理学系,2007。

5、Beverly Hills 90210 ─── n. 飞越比佛利,又名比佛利山庄。 一部美国90年代上映的著名喜剧。该剧从1990年到2000年共播出10季。主演

6、Beverly also takes photos of the lions and her pictures have appeared in National Geographic magazines. ─── 贝弗利还为狮子拍照,她的照片还出现在国家地理杂志上。

7、Things that go on in other hotels don't happen at the Regent Beverly Wilshire. ─── 在其他旅馆所发生的事情在丽晶比佛利大酒店里是没有的。

8、(William: I live in Notting Hill. You live in Beverly Hills. Everyone in the world knows who you are. ─── 威廉:我住诺丁山,你住比华利,全世界没有一个人不认识你。

9、There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. --Beverly Sills ─── 到任何值得去的地方都无捷径。

10、general advisors/contributors, John Alcock ... [et al.] ;developmental editor, Beverly McMillan ; ─── 书刊名 Biology :the unity and diversity of life /Cecie Starr, Ralph Taggart ;

11、Yang Chen, our guest today is Mark Boudevaul, from Beverly, West Virginia. ... ─── 各位听众好,我是杨晨。欢迎您到美语咖啡屋!

12、Paul McCartney and wife Heather Mills McCartney host a Benefit Gala in Beverly Hills to raise money to do away with landmines. ─── 保罗.麦卡尼与他的妻子希瑟.米尔斯.麦卡尼在贝弗莉主办了一次慈善活动以筹集资金帮助扫雷工作的开展。

13、Hey Jane, we have some retail figures out this week, can you put what's going on in Beverly Hills into the bigger picture for us? ─── 嗨!简,我们本周将有一些零售业的数字出来,你能为我们把贝弗利山发生的一切放到大屏幕上吗?

14、Can you tell me how to get to Beverly Hills?- You're here! ─── 借问去比佛利山要怎么走?-这里就是了!

15、Carolwood Drive in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, has some of the most sumptuous residential properties in the US, including a mansion modeled after Versailles. ─── 位于洛杉矶贝弗利山的卡罗尔伍德大道上有美国最豪华的房产,甚至有仿效凡尔赛宫建造的宅邸。

16、of Beverly Brooks, Patricia had small parts in several movies. ─── 帕特里夏以贝弗利·布鲁克斯的艺名在几部电影中饰演过小角色。

17、Beverly had a twin brother. ─── 贝弗莉有一个双胞胎哥哥。

18、David and his pop star wife Victoria enjoyed ahead startas they live in Beverly Hills mansion not too far from close friends Tom Cruise and his wife Katie Holmes. ─── 小贝和妻子、流行歌星维多莉亚赴美后住在离好友汤姆·克鲁斯和凯蒂·赫尔姆斯家不远的比弗利山豪宅,已然“抢占了先机”。

19、LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A confection billed as the most expensive wedding cake in the world makes its debut on Monday night in Beverly Hills, but is likely to cause indigestion. ─── 周一晚上,一款被海报宣传为世上最昂贵的婚礼蛋糕在美国洛杉矶市贝佛利山(2007,04,03,10,06)[查看全文

20、Lead singer Frankie Beverly's natural rhythm seems to be in the slow lane, so Greatest Slow Jams is where he and the group really thrive. ─── 主唱弗兰基富康的自然节奏似乎是在慢车道,所以果酱是最伟大的慢,他和该集团真正兴旺。

21、In 1996 Bernhardt shot True Vengeance in LA with co-stars Miles O’Keffee (Tarzan) and Beverly Johnson.After he went to the Ukraine and shot Black Sea Raid. ─── 1996年,在洛杉矶他与米勒(泰山)和博威力合拍了“真实的复仇”,后来他去了乌克兰,拍摄“黑海袭击”。

22、But she is the leading lady of the movie which has stormed the American box office -- Beverly Hills Chihuahua. ─── 但她却是席捲全美电影票房的女主角,一只比佛利山庄的吉娃娃。

23、Oasis in Beverly, kitchens, bathrooms and other functional rooms are done to people-oriented. ─── 在绿洲比华利中,厨房、卫生间等功能性的房间都做到了以人为本。

24、City tour of Hollywood and Beverly Hills ─── 好莱坞城市游览和比佛利山庄游览

25、Parks, Beverly R.K.Zanger, Jerome Quarterman, editors. ─── 书名/作者 Contemporary sport management /Janet B.

26、It was the second monumental loss in the opera world in recent months. American soprano Beverly Sills died July 2 at her home in New York. She was 78 and suffered from cancer. ─── 帕瓦罗蒂的逝世是近几个月来歌剧界的又一重大损失。7月2日,美国女高音歌唱家贝弗莉?希尔斯因患癌症在纽约的家中去世,享年78岁。

27、The gym floor that opens up to reveal a swimming pool was real and was located at Beverly Hills High School in Los Angeles. ─── 体育馆的地板打开后露出的游泳池是真的,就在洛杉矶比弗利山高中内。

28、9 Cigler,Beverly A.(1996)Coping With Floods:Lessons From the 1990’s,in Rihard T.Sylves and William L.Waugh,Jr.(ed.)Disaster Management inthe U.S.and Canada,-2nd ed.pp.191-213 ─── 5张石春、高寅堂,“96.8”洪水对河北平原地下水的补给特征,河北水利水电技术,第48期,1993.3,60-61页。

29、12.William:”I live in Notting Hill, You live in Beverly Hills. Everyone in the world know who you are.” ─── 威廉:“我住在诺丁山,你住在贝弗利,世界上的每一个人都认识你。”

30、Beverly Villa because of the reputation, many Chinese are rich in this home. ─── 因为贝弗利山庄的名气,很多有钱的华人也都在此置业。

31、And so Donald Lee and Beverly Pan live their lives happily ever after. ─── 于是,从此以后,武大郎与潘金莲就幸福快乐地生活在一起了。

32、Wife: Beverly Adams Sassoon (actress, Dream Girl of '67 , m. 1986, div. ─── ) 妻子:贝弗利亚当逊(演员, DREAM GIRL你的'67先生1986年股利。

33、, Pickford, Beverly. ─── 供稿: Pickford, Peter.

34、exchanged at the Xizhimen to live in Xierqi, which two years ago bought a Beverly, since that parts of that white Fukang accompany farewells to work every day. ─── 在西直门上班的许琳住在西二旗,两年前买了辆富康,工作以来,这辆白色的富康天天陪伴许琳上下班。


36、“But I’m not stalking you Ma’am, I’m just trying to get pictures,” answered the paparazzi shutterbug calmly as he was following her through Beverly Hills. ─── "但我不是你缠扰味,我只是想获得照片, "回答狗仔队双肩冷静,因为他是她透过贝弗利山。

37、The germaphobic singer -- photographed wearing a surgical cap and mask exiting a Beverly Hills medical office in February 2009 -- went to great lengths to protect himself against illness. ─── 图为对病菌恐惧的杰克逊,照片为他于2009年2月戴着手术帽和口罩离开比弗利山庄医务室,他竭尽全力保护自己免受疾病侵扰。

38、LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -A confection billed as the most expensive wedding cake in the world makes its debut on Monday night in Beverly Hills, but is likely to cause indigestion. ─── 周一晚上,一款被海报宣传为世上最昂贵的婚礼蛋糕在美国洛杉矶市贝佛利山亮相,不过这款蛋糕有可能会引起食用者消化不良。

39、He dreamed of a house in Beverly Hills that would be built in the shape of a rook. ─── 他梦想着在比弗利山建造一座像车一样的房子。

40、英文概要: In Beverly Hills a businessman slaughters his entire family and leaves behind a video of the massacre and a cryptic message: "this is where it begins. ─── 中文概要: 贝弗莉山的一个商人将他的全家都杀了后,留下了一盘录象和一张神秘的纸条,上面写着“从这里开始”。

41、McFadden as Beverly Crusher Marina... as Wesley Crusher Diana Muldaur... ─── Deanna Troi和医官 Beverly Crusher,另外还有一个...

42、Tour and travel arrangements. Free shuttle bus between Hotel Beverly Plaza, Metropole Hotel, Hotel Ritz &Macau Ferry Pier. ─── 安排观光旅游。循环穿梭巴士线:港澳码头-富豪酒店-京都酒店-濠璟酒店.

43、“It’s really great if you find a guy that reads, period,” said Beverly West, an author of “Bibliotherapy: The Girl’s Guide to Books for Every Phase of Our Lives. ─── 其一,人们假定他们知道将要发生什么,于是他们反而开始把注意力和行动放在他们的假设上了。

44、But since you're wondering, it is possible for women to have what's known as "extragenital orgasms"--orgasms without genital contact, says Beverly Whipple, Ph. ─── “从生理学角度来说,高潮是一种反射,因此要达到高潮,并不一定需要刺激生殖器的神经通路。”

45、No, I wanna find Beverly Hills. Can you give me directions? ─── 不,我在找比佛利山,你能告诉我怎么走吗?

46、American soprano Beverly Sills died July 2 at her home in New York.She was 78 and suffered from cancer. ─── 7月2日,美国女高音歌唱家贝弗莉?希尔斯因患癌症在纽约的家中去世,享年78岁。

47、In 1990, She first appeared on the big screen as a waitress in "Beverly Hills, 90210". ─── 她步入影坛拍摄的第一部影片是1990年的《飞跃比弗利》,那时她在片中扮演一个女招待。

48、Milstead and Beverly A.Pajer. ─── 作者声明: by Jessica L.

49、In 1970 a woman called Beverly Oliver came forward and claimed to be the Babushka Woman, though her story contains many inconsistencies. ─── 在1970年,一个自称为贝维莉 欧莉薇的女子声称自己是巴布什卡夫人,但是她的故事中有太多的矛盾。

50、Ray Charles died at his Beverly Hills home at the age of 73 after a long fight with liver disease. ─── 6月,被誉为美国“黑人音乐之父”的雷-查尔斯因肝病引起的并发症在他位于贝弗莉山的家中去世,享年73岁。

51、If you stay in Beverly Hills too long you become a Mercedes. ─── 如果你在比弗利山庄住的够久,你也会变成梅赛德斯(恶魔)。

52、For example, in 1999 Beverly Hills High School, which is 9 percent African-American and Hispanic, offered 45 AP classes. ─── 例如1999年时,比佛利山庄高中提供了45门的先修课程,该校学生有9%为非裔及西班牙裔美籍。

53、Special stories by Dilbert's Scott Adams, Beverly Sills, Dave Thomas and many more make this collection complete. ─── 千年虽逝,但那个追求率性、珍惜自我、强调精神自由的时代却久久地为后人所怀念。

54、5. An eight-time Oscar nominee Al Pacino has been honored at the 20th annual American Cinematheque Awards in Beverly Hills. ─── 八次获得奥斯卡提名的阿.帕切诺在贝弗莉荣获第20界美国实验电影院/先锋电影奖。

55、As her operatic success mounted, Beverly Sills accomplished the seemingly impossible: demystifying the world of opera for average Americans. ─── 就在她不断获得歌剧成功的时候,希尔斯完成了几乎不能完成的事情:向美国大众揭开了歌剧的神秘面纱。

56、Down and out in beverly hills Movie Poster ─── 乞丐皇帝电影海报

57、She goes to Beverly Hills High. ─── 她在贝弗利·希尔斯高中上学。

58、The gym floor that opens up to reveal a swimming pool was real and was located at Beverly Hills High School in Los Angeles. ─── 体育馆的地板打开后露出的游泳池是真的,就在洛杉矶比弗利山高中内。

59、Help Shirley raise the money she needs by hosting yard sales in Malibu, Venice Beach, Hollywood and Beverly Hills! ─── 帮助雪莉筹钱在马里布,威尼斯海岸,好莱坞,弗比莱山经营旧货商店!

60、A gift from Beverly Hills is a timeless gift, ─── 一件贝弗利山的礼物是永不过时的,

61、He explains why Beverly Sills became America's beloved diva. ─── 他解释了为什么贝克佛蕾·西尔斯能成为美国最受爱戴的演员。

62、Beverly Hills and San Marino have adopted design codes that make it hard to gain permission for new houses that are not stylistically “pure”. ─── 从1983年洛杉矶就开始了对“历史街区”的划定,近年来保护的力度日趋加强,到现在为止已经有22个街区被挂上了“历史”的标签,这其中包括了14,000栋建筑。

63、It took a while getting out of the hospital, and Beverly Hills is a not that close from home.Mother is a little tired after the trip, and is sleeping right now. ─── 出院时等了一下,加上从比佛利山附近的医院回家有一段距离,所以妈妈有点累,现在正在睡觉休息。

64、Beverly Sills is remembered as a woman who brightened the faces of children in their living rooms, music lovers in majesticopera houses and millions of ordinary Americans. ─── 作为这样的女人被人们所熟知,她点亮了客厅中孩子们的笑容,雄伟歌剧院中音乐爱好者的笑容和数以万计美国民众的笑容。

65、STRETCH IT OUTJessica Alba's almost-7-month-old daughter Honor Marie gets warmed up for a playdate with Mom during a visit Saturday to a Beverly Hills playground. ─── 在贝弗利希尔斯山庄的游乐场,杰西卡·奥尔芭的约7个月大的女儿欧诺·玛丽依靠在妈妈的怀里取暖。

66、A line of fans wound its way around the top floor of the Beverly Center, a shopping mall close to the heart of Los Angeles. ─── 大排长龙的粉丝们聚集在贝佛利中心,一个靠近洛杉矶中心的商厦。

67、"I'm taking my dad," Hathaway, 26, said Monday at the 81st annual Academy Awards Nominees Luncheon in Beverly Hills. ─── “我将协同父亲一起出席,”海瑟薇(26)于周一在贝弗利山出席第81届学院奖提名者午宴时说到。

68、After visiting Hollywood, Universal Studios and Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, I've decided film stardom is where the good life lies ─── 参观完洛杉矾的好莱坞、环球影片公司和贝佛利山,我就认定当上电影明星就会有美好生活。

69、Elantra is a general, the Jetta, a Beverly fewer cars. ─── 一般是依兰特,捷达,富康车比较少了。

70、Van Damme, 39, was arrested on Sunset Boulevard , Beverly Hills, in September.He originally pleaded not guilty but later changed the plea to no contest. ─── 39岁的尚格云顿是去年九月在贝弗利山的日落大道被警方逮捕的,他原本申诉无罪,但是后来改变了主意不再申辩。

71、English House, Beverly Hills, Calif. Chu + Gooding Architects; Kay Kollar Design ─── 发表于2007-05-2913:18:34|只看该作者发短消息加为好友个人空间

72、Beverly Hills Software Five Palm Award ─── 五棵金棕榈奖

73、Schramm W. Big Media, Little Media, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage publications,1977 ─── 冯锐.论多媒体技术对教学过程的影响.中国电化教育,1999,(7)150:8-9

74、There`s this salon in Beverly Hills. ─── 在比佛利山庄有不少美容院。

75、Beverly Sills is remembered as a woman who brightened the faces of children in their living rooms, music lovers in majestic opera houses and millions of ordinary Americans. ─── 以带给起居室的孩子们,大剧院音乐爱好者和数百万美国民众快乐而被铭记。

76、When you buy a Beverly Hills estate for a reported $35 million, you dont just throw any old housewarming party . ─── 如果你花3500万美元在比弗利山庄买了套豪宅,想必你不会随便弄一个老式的“暖屋派对”。

77、" Aniston is currently dating36- year-old British model Paul Sculfor- who has allegedly moved into her new Beverly Hills, California, home- after failed relationships with Brad Pitt and Vince Vaughn. ─── ”同布拉德·特和文斯·恩的关系先后破裂之后,安妮斯顿现在正同36岁的英国模特保罗·库佛交往中,据悉她的男友已经搬进了她位于加州贝弗利希尔斯的新宅。

78、Even in Beverly Hills it was, for a man of great charm and good taste, a little too much, and I teased him mercilessly. ─── 对于一位极具魅力和品味的男人来说,即使是在贝弗利山,这种做法也显得有点过头。

79、Man. Are you ready for this? The guy? The Lotus? I am in his hotel room in Beverly Hills. The penthouse. His bathroom is bigger than the Blue Banana! ─── 你准备好听这个了吗?那个人?那辆莲花?我在他的旅馆,在比华利山。在阁楼。他的浴室比蓝蕉酒吧还大!

80、Beverly: Why not? ─── 为什么不担心?

81、Now, at the grand age of 24, she looks washed up, as though she would be more at home pushing a double buggy11) in the courtyard than supping skinny lattes in Beverly Hills. ─── 但如今,在24岁的黄金年龄,她却看起来花容凋零,仿佛她更多地是在院子里推着一辆双人婴儿车而不是在贝弗莉山啜饮低脂拿铁。

82、EDWARD: The, un, Regent Beverly Wilshire. ─── 丽晶比华利大酒店。

83、As a teenager, a makeover at a Beverly Hills salon (a graduation present from her aunt) changed not only her look, but her life as well. ─── 作为一名青少年,改造沙龙在比弗利山庄(毕业礼物从她的阿姨)改变不仅她看起来,但她的生活。

84、From the sprawl of Las Vegas to the suburban growth of Arizona, there has been high demand for palms, particularly the most desirable type, the Canary Island Date Palm planted along the streets of Beverly Hills. ─── 从拉斯维加斯杂乱扩展的市容到亚利桑那州欣欣向荣的市郊景况,棕榈树的需求一直居高不下,尤其是最抢手的树种,也就是是沿着比佛利山庄街道种植的卡纳利岛枣椰树。

85、EDWARD: The Regent Beverly Wilshire. ─── 丽晶.比华利.维尔希尔。

86、Slums Of The Beverly Hills ─── 十五岁趣不趣

87、At the Beverly Hills, servers warned their tables to leave. ─── 在贝弗利山庄,服务人员警告他们离开桌子。

88、The Beverly Hillbillies, "The Bird Watchers" (4/16/66). ─── 《比弗利山庄人》之〈鸟类观察员〉(1966年4月16日)。

89、He died in 2008 at his home in Beverly Hills, California.He was 84 years old. ─── 他于2008年在加州比弗利山庄的家里过世,享年84岁。






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