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09-20 投稿


lassie 发音

英:[ˈlæsi]  美:[ˈlæsi]

英:  美:

lassie 中文意思翻译



lassie 词性/词形变化,lassie变形


lassie 短语词组

1、the story of lassie ─── 莱西的故事

2、amnesia lassie ─── 失忆症少女

3、Famous Dog Lassie ─── 著名的狗拉西

4、lassie vagary ─── 迷幻少女

lassie 相似词语短语

1、lassi ─── n.拉西酸奶奶昔,印度开胃甜饮料,冷饮;n.(Lassi)(美、意、瑞典、阿根廷)拉西(人名)

2、classier ─── 时髦的;优等的;漂亮的(classy的比较级)

3、glassine ─── n.薄玻璃纸

4、glassier ─── adj.更像玻璃的,更光亮透明的;更呆滞的,更无表情的

5、Cassie ─── n.凯西(等于Cass,女子名)

6、dassie ─── n.蹄兔(等于hyrax,产于非洲和中东);n.(Dassie)人名;(意)达谢

7、lassies ─── n.姑娘;少女;恋人

8、Tassie ─── n.塔斯马尼亚(澳大利亚岛屿,等于Tasmania);(苏格兰)酒杯(等于tass)

9、Selassie ─── n.(Selassie)人名;(埃塞)塞拉西

lassie 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the sidewalk a Salvation lassie shook her contibution receptacle gently against my waistcoat pocket. ─── 包打听在人行道上, 一位募捐少女对着我的马甲兜轻轻摇着募捐盒。

2、Wulfstan: Aye, we heard the scream. Laszlo died right after, coughing up blood. Good show, lassie! ─── 沃尔夫斯坦:啊,我们先听到一声尖叫。紧接着看到拉兹罗口喷鲜血,当场毙命。相当精彩的一幕啊,小女孩!

3、3. Did You Ever See A Lassie ─── 你曾经见过一个小姑娘,一个小姑娘,一个小姑娘,

4、This moment is so much bigger than me.This moment is for Lassie, Old Yeller, Pete the Pup. ─── 这一刻属于灵犬莱西、老黄狗、小狗皮特,属于站在我身边的所有犬类动物,包括宾果和贝多芬。

5、My Love She's But A Lassie Yet ─── 我的爱人还是少女

6、Recent favorite pet films such as "Lassie", "102 Dalmatians", and "Quill" were shown at designated times and at various locations. ─── 民众也可欣赏六部经典宠物影片,其中包夸"灵犬莱西"、"102真狗"、还有"再见了,可鲁"。

7、The fact that Lassie is smart is in contrast with the fact that most dogs are stupid. ─── 是一种对照关系,把Lassie很机灵这一事实同大多数狗都愚蠢这一事实相对照。

8、"I'm talking about Tang Hsiao-fu, your beloved.She isn't a downy-haired lassie?" ─── 辛楣道:“我说唐晓芙,你的意中人,她不是黄毛丫头么?”

9、Courage of Lassie ─── 战火历险记;灵犬莱西

10、Yes. Her name is Lassie. ─── 是的。她的名字是蕾西。

11、you ever see a lassie? ─── 你有没有看到一位姑娘?

12、Fortunately, they are accompanied by Lassie who helps Matt to live a new life, protects him from a snarling wolf and rescues him from a raging waterfall. ─── 拉茜不但令马特适应新生活,更从野狼及瀑布中拯救他。

13、This novelist leaped to fame because of Farewell,Honey published in 1950,the inspiration of which was from his experience with a lassie on his brother's farm. ─── 4这位小说家因于1950年出版一举成名,小说的灵感来自于他和一位姑娘在他哥哥农场的经历.

14、It sounds like a Lassie TV episode, but it's truth, not fiction. ─── 这听起来像电视剧新灵犬莱西,但这是真的,不瞎编。

15、He pop ped the question during a long walkies to a park in Houndslow.He told me I was the most special lassie he'd ever met and that he wanted us to share his kennel for ever. ─── 他告诉我,我是他所见过的最与众不同的女孩子,他希望我们能一同分享它温暖的小窝,直到永远。

16、The theme song from “Lassie” is blending into the Brownie song, the one about “I’ve something in my pocket, it belongs across my face,” about a Great Big Brownie Smile. ─── 难道我就不能把大错的责任推给别人?

17、So it is hardly suprising to find dogs or cats on television shows and movies and who could not forget Lassie, one of the most famous canine of all time. ─── 因此,这是不足为奇找到狗或猫的电视节目和电影,谁不能忘记灵犬莱西,最著名的犬的所有时间。

18、Lassie would have had a fire truck here by now, ─── 现在,有个少女需要一辆救火车

19、I give you best, lassie ─── 我是服了你了,小姑娘。

20、However, Lassie, the dog, is unwilling to leave the young Carraclough boy and sets out on the long and dangerous journey in order to rejoin him. ─── 另一方面,老医生亦说服了一名加州农夫让他的儿子去念医学,以便将来服务乡里。整部影片故事性虽然不强,但拍得温馨...

21、Lassie comes back! Matt and his family leave the city for the wilds. The move creates problems for everyone. ─── 马特一家从城市搬到野外居住,遇到不少问题,幸而得到牧羊狗拉茜的帮助。

22、In the US, an old TV show called Lassie reflect this respect for dogs. ─── 在美国,有一个老的电视节目叫做“少女”提高了狗的受尊重程度。

23、"Lassie," "101 Dalmatians" or other movies that may be especially suitable for the dogs' taste would however not be on the programme. ─── 每年1月的第一个星期四设为“爱犬日”。这一天,观众可带着爱犬进影院,小狗可以坐在特设座位上,吃着专门为狗制作的爆米花,喝着水,与主人一起看电影。

24、B: Yes. Her name is Lassie. ─── 是的。她的名字是蕾西。

25、A family in financial crisis is forced to sell Lassie, their beloved dog. ─── 一个家庭在经济能力出现困境下被逼卖掉他们心爱的狗狗莱西。

26、Transfer from the airport (3km away) takes a quarter of an hour and the beach resort of Lassi and the capital of Argostoli are 8 &10 kilometres away. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日21天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。

27、The lassie dances very well. ─── 这个小姑娘舞跳得非常好。

28、In India, people enjoy a cooling drink called Lassi, which is made with yogurt. This easy-to-make drink can be served sweet or salty, or with added fruit. ─── 在印度,人们喜爱的一种冰冻饮料,叫做“腊喜”。它是用酸奶来制作。这种制作简易的饮料,可以制成甜或咸的饮料,甚至还可以加上水果调配。

29、Calling your lassie your auntie, ─── 姑娘喊姑妈。

30、Did You Ever See A Lassie? ─── 可曾看见个小女孩?

31、16 points or higher: Your dog puts Lassie to shame. You should hope to be so smart! ─── 16分:你的狗狗,气死周喻,赛诸葛。你会寻思:“我小时候怎么考什么,什么不及格呢?”

32、The dog everyone loves now leaps into the '90s in this all-new, exciting, updated version of Lassie! ─── 深受观众喜爱的长毛牧羊狗拉茜以崭新面目与大家见面!

33、but it's a beast that's about as house-trained as Lassie. ─── 但这是一只已被训练调教成只会室外解手、如少女般温柔的乖野兽。

34、Trainers, hoping to groom the next Lassie or Rin Tin Tin, pluck at least half of all the dogs in the entertainment business (although not Moose) from animal shelters. ─── 如果本站转载的文章有版权问题请联系我们,我们尽快予以更正,谢谢。

35、Because of a TV show named "Lassie" , I knew Rough Collie when I was very young. My families all like her, smart, beauty and very kindly. ─── 很小的时候,因为看了《警犬莱西》,第一次知道有一种叫苏格兰牧羊犬的狗。我们家人都很喜欢她,聪明,漂亮,非常友善。

36、In every episode, Lassie, a white and brown collie, saves the day. ─── 在该节目的每个插曲中,“少女”,一只长着棕白皮毛的的牧羊狗,拯救了时代。

37、Did you ever see a lassie ─── 你曾见过的小姑娘

38、Jemima was a Bonny Highland lassie of 15. ─── 杰迈玛是一个15岁的美丽漂亮的高地少女。

39、Did You Ever See a Lassie (or Laddie) Did you ever see a lassie, a lassie, a lassie? ─── 你看到过一个女孩吗你看到过一个女孩吗,一个女孩,一个女孩?

40、"I'm talking about Tang Hsiao-fu, your beloved.She is not a downy-haired lassie?" ─── 辛楣道:“我说唐晓芙,你的意中人,她不是黄毛丫头么?”

41、"I want to buy my mummy a rose, but I don't have enough money. " Responded the little lassie. Such a word moved the gentleman. ─── 「我想买一朵玫瑰花送给妈妈,可是我的钱不够。」孩子说。绅士听了感到心疼。

42、All because of a downy-haired lassie, you turn into such a cynic.What a lot of fuss over nothing." ─── 为了一个黄毛丫头,就那么愤世嫉俗,真是小题大做

43、She's a bright lassie and a lovely one, too. ─── 她是一个开朗又可爱的小妞。

44、A family in financial crisis is forced to sell Lassie, their beloved dog. Hundreds of miles away from her true family, Lassie escapes and sets out on a journey home. ─── 一个家庭在经济能力出现困境下被逼卖掉他们心爱的狗狗莱西。莱西在离开主人家几百英哩处逃离出来,开始返回真正主人之家的旅程。

45、Gwen was a wild, wilful lassie and one who had always been accustomed to having her own way. then one day she met with a terrible accident which crippled her for life. ─── 葛文顽皮任性,她在某一日遇到了一场意外,成了残废。

46、Those old lassie films always pull my heart strings. ─── 那些过去的情人电影老是牵动我的心弦。

47、Lassie comes back! Matt and his family leave the city for the wilds. The move creates problems for everyone. ─── 马特一家从城市搬到野外居住,遇到不少问题,幸而得到牧羊狗拉茜的帮助。

48、Hundreds of miles away from her true family, Lassie escapes and sets out on a journey home. ─── 莱西在离开主人家几百英哩处逃离出来,开始返回真正主人之家的旅程。

49、A lassie follows a lovely, friendly adult. ─── (少女和一个可爱且友善的成熟人儿相好。

50、The fact that Lassie is smart is in contrast with the fact that most dogs are stupid. ─── 是一种对照关系,把Lassie很机灵这一事实同大多数狗都愚蠢这一事实相对照。

51、Did you ever see a lassie, go this way and that? ─── 你曾经见过一个小姑娘,四处走?

52、Will you go lassie go? ─── 女儿,你想去吗?

53、Lassie Comes Over the Border ─── 抵达英格兰

54、We will never have another dog as smart as Lassie. ─── 我们再也找不到像莱西那么聪明的狗了。

55、Did you ever see a lassie go this way and that? ─── 可曾看见个小女孩,这边走那边去?


《新灵犬莱西》 Lassie (2005)又名: 寻找灵犬莱西(有多个版本,此为新版。)






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