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09-21 投稿


Wolfe 发音

英:[wʊlf]  美:[wʊlf]

英:  美:

Wolfe 中文意思翻译



Wolfe 短语词组

1、nero wolfe books ─── 黑狼书

2、dominic wolfe ─── 多米尼克·沃尔夫

3、Wolfe's graft ─── [医] 沃尔夫移植片(全层皮移植片)

4、ivy wolfe ─── 常春藤沃尔夫

5、Thomas Wolfe n. ─── 托马斯·沃尔夫

6、Thomas Kennerly Wolfe Jr. ─── [网络] 托马斯·肯纳利·沃尔夫

7、Tom Wolfe ─── [网络] 沃尔夫;伍尔夫;汤姆沃尔夫

8、virginia wolfe ─── 弗吉尼亚沃尔夫

9、Wolfe's method ─── [医] 沃尔夫氏法(治睑外翻)

10、theobald wolfe tone ─── 黑狼音

11、nero wolfe ─── 黑狼

12、Thomas Clayton Wolfe ─── [网络] 作家汤玛士•克莱顿•沃夫

13、Krause-Wolfe graft ─── [医] 克-沃二氏移植片, 全层皮移植片

Wolfe 相似词语短语

1、wolfers ─── n.(Wolfers)人名;(英、德)沃尔弗斯

2、wolve ─── 沃尔夫

3、Rolfe ─── 罗尔夫(英格兰人姓氏)

4、Zwolle ─── n.兹沃勒(荷兰的城市)

5、wolfed ─── n.狼;色狼;残忍贪婪之人;vt.大吃;狼吞虎咽地吃;n.(Wolf)人名;(以、捷、芬、瑞典、德、匈、法、罗、荷、英)沃尔夫

6、wolfer ─── n.狼吞虎咽的人;捕狼者;n.(Wolfer)人名;(德、瑞典)沃尔费

7、wolfs ─── n.(Wolfs)人名;(德)沃尔夫斯

8、wolf ─── n.狼;色狼;残忍贪婪之人;vt.大吃;狼吞虎咽地吃;n.(Wolf)人名;(以、捷、芬、瑞典、德、匈、法、罗、荷、英)沃尔夫

9、Wolfe ─── n.乌尔夫(姓氏,男子名)

Wolfe 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But she didn't know that wolf was a wicked animal. ─── 但她不知道狼是很恶毒的野兽。

2、You can grip the club when you hear the wolf howl. ─── 听见狼嚎你可以握紧棍子。

3、In folklore, the magical ability to assume the form and characteristics of a wolf. ─── 使人变成狼传说中用神奇的力量使人具有狼的外形和特征

4、The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf. ─── 孤羊逢狼,必然遭殃。

5、Good morning, Mr. Wolf,@ she replied. ─── “早安,大野狼先生,”她回答说。

6、He saw a hungry wolf on the prowl with his telescope. ─── 他通过望远镜看到了一头四处觅食的饿狼。

7、Werewolves are mindless beasts in wolf form. False. ─── 当变身成狼的时候,狼人是没脑子的野兽。错。

8、"Have pity on me."The wolf begged to MrDongGuo. ─── “可怜可怜我吧!”狼哀求东郭先生。

9、The king and pope, the lion and the wolf. ─── 国王与教皇,狮子和豺狼。

10、Crying wolf is not a responsible behavior. ─── 发假警报是不负责任的行为。

11、As a student, he took an evening job to keep the wolf from the door. ─── 他是一个学生,为了生活,他晚上出去打工。

12、Author Tom Wolfe wrote that Las Vegas is the only town in the world with the signs make up the sky line. ─── 作家汤姆。乌尔夫写过,拉斯维加斯是世界上唯一一个招牌在天空连成一线的城镇。

13、A wolf fell to the hunter's rifle. ─── 一只狼倒在猎人的枪口下。

14、Built for Mr M Caters de Wolfe, it had two elegant curvilinear hothouses on each side of the older masonry orangery . ─── 兴建先生米迎合德沃尔夫,它有两个优雅的曲线温室每边旧砌体的橘子园。

15、Wolfe even sleeps with a picture of the ride on her ceiling and carries its spare nuts and bolts around to feel closer to it. ─── 她甚至在枕头边放一张”他“的照片,随身携带它多余的螺母跟螺栓来近距离感受”他“。

16、There lay on the ground an old dying wolf. ─── 地上躺着一只要死的老狼。

17、He who keeps company with a wolf will learn to howl. ─── [谚]跟狼在一起,就会学狼叫; 近墨者黑。

18、Have you heard Prokofiev 's Peter and the Wolf? ─── 你听过普罗柯菲耶夫的《彼得和狼》吗?

19、Peter is a good footballer, but he is a lone wolf. ─── 彼得是个好足球队员,但他是个不与人合作的人。

20、MM nations, the handsome guy is a wolf change. ─── MM肯定没戏,帅哥都是狼变。

21、She's cried wolf so often about her children's health that no-one believes her any longer. ─── 她经常谎说她的孩子们身体不好,因此,没有人再相信她了。

22、In those days we did not expect luxuries; we were thankful if we could keep the wolf from the door. ─── 在那些日子里,我们不敢指望过奢侈的生活,只要能勉强度日就谢天谢地了。

23、A wounded wolf lay recovering in his lair. ─── 受伤的狼躺在自己的巢穴里养伤。

24、George behaves like a friend but he's merely a wolf in lamb's skin. ─── 乔治表现得像个朋友,但他只不过是伪装友善的敌人的罢了。

25、Wolf Heart climbs down the tree. ─── 他从Dog lung兜里掏出一块cake and a lot of money.

26、Who keep company with the wolf will learn to howl. ─── 与狼结交,须学狼嗥。

27、They hounded the wolf into the forest. ─── 他们把狼追进森林。

28、What kind of wolf are you?@ asked the ram. ─── 公羊问:“你算是哪一门子的狼?

29、So most people never see a wolf. ─── 当然了,在动物园里见的狼可不算数。

30、English: The wolf and fox are both privateers. ─── 中文:狐狸与狼,抢劫大王。

31、How unsightly! The bride is wolf down her meal. ─── 多么难看!新娘在狼吞虎咽!

32、She told me to beware of the wolf. ─── 她告诉我要提防那条狼。

33、The wolf find reason for take the lamb. ─── 叼羊的狼总有理由。

34、Her thin dreadlocks pulled back, Wolfe took the witness stand. ─── 乌尔芙站在证人席上,她稀薄的串串小辫子向脑后梳着。

35、Wolfe fell silent, gently tossing a pinecone with his hand. ─── 乌尔夫不说话了,缓缓地扔掉一个松果。

36、The wolf placed his white feet on the window. ─── 于是大野狼把他白色的脚放在窗口上。

37、Here a big wolf or little piggy say. ─── 大灰狼或者小猪在说。

38、A rock band called "Askar + Grey Wolf ... ─── 子曰":...

39、The dog or the wolf, do not need to hibernate. ─── 一些温血动物,像猫、狗和狼都不需要冬眠。

40、"What a good girl!" the wolf said cunningly. ─── “真是个好女孩!”大野狼狡猾地说。

41、Beware of the police chief. He seems polite, but he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. ─── 当心这个警察局长,他看上去彬彬有礼,但实际上是个凶恶的家伙。

42、Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe. ─── 新日之书》——吉恩·沃尔夫。

43、We haven't been introduced. My name is Nero Wolfe. ─── 我们还没有被介绍到。我叫尼罗·沃尔夫。

44、You ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? ─── 你是否听到狼对著皎洁的月光发出的吼叫声?

45、A man is either a god or a wolf to man. ─── 对人而言,人自己不是上帝就是狼。

46、Don't wolf down your food. ─── 吃东西不要狼吞虎咽。

47、Never send a sheep to kill a wolf. ─── 不要以卵击石,不自量力。

48、The little lamb was caught by the wolf. ─── 小羔羊被狼抓住了。

49、Dr Wolfe believes this sort of thing happens all the time. He calls it viral chatter. ─── 沃尔夫博士认为这种迁移时有发生,他称之为病毒交窜。

50、Doesn't ovine wolf eat on the world? ─── 世界上有没有不吃羊的狼?”

51、"If you disrupt the hormone levels and the timing, it's very easy to disrupt fertility in females, " Wolfe says. ─── “如果你破坏了激素水平和周期,便很容易的影响到女性生育,”沃尔夫说。

52、English: Give never the wolf the wether. ─── 中文:莫把阉羊送给狼。

53、Immediately she felt the hairy hands of the wolf. ─── 她马上触碰到大野狼毛茸茸的手。

54、Don't be scared. He's just crying wolf again. ─── 不要怕,他只不过是在吓人罢了。

55、Give never the wolf the wether to keep. ─── 切莫引狼入室。

56、Wolfe's photographic mission is multi-faceted. ─── 乌尔夫的摄影使命是多层面的。

57、He came down like a wolf on the fold. ─── 他象只到了羊圈里的狼般地来到了。

58、that Mr Wolfe could have said more. ─── 这种内部辩难,乌氏似还可说得更多。

59、A wolf had got a bone stuck in his throat. ─── 一只狼,喉咙里卡住了一根骨头.

60、He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. ─── 他是一个披着羊皮的狼。

61、A wolf tore the lamb piecemeal. ─── 一只狼把小羊撕成碎片。

62、Suggestive of or resembling a wolf. ─── 似狼的使人想起狼的或像狼的

63、With a habitual gesture, Wolfe took out his solid cigar case. ─── 乌尔夫习惯性地掏出了他那个硬硬的雪茄烟盒。

64、If you keep on crying wolf, nobody will trust you. ─── 如果你老是发假警报的话,没人会相信你了。

65、The spirt of Ice, appears in the form of a wolf. ─── 冰之精灵,以北极狼的形态出现。

66、Red Riding Hood and the wolf both stopped. ─── 可就在他刚刚举起斧子时,小红帽和大灰狼都停手不打了。

67、Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. ─── 与狼相结交,就会学狼嚎。

68、"Good morning, wolf," she answered. ─── “早上好,狼先生。” 她回答道。

69、Have you ever seen a wolf?No, I've never seen one. ─── 你曾经见过狼吗?没有,我从未见过。

70、And always she kept the wolf from his door. ─── 她经常解救他的经济困难。

71、Ms. Wolfe will have to wait up to a year to get on Buffett's lunch schedule, so isn't yet sure exactly what she'll ask him. ─── 沃尔夫将不得不等待最多一年的时间,确定与巴菲特的午餐时间,所以她还不确定自己到时候会问巴菲特什么问题。

72、Nobody will believe he is in trouble because he has cried wolf so many times. ─── 因为他多次谎发警报,现在谁也不会相信他遭难了。

73、The pups played with the mother wolf. ─── 小狼们跟母狼玩耍。

74、"I am your mommy .I am your mommy."shouts the wolf. ─── 大灰狼着急:“我是你们的妈妈,我是你们的妈妈!”

75、He hurled his spear at the wolf. ─── 他将他的长矛用力投掷向那只狼。

76、The moment Wolf entered his house his crest fell. ─── “狼”只要一走进家里,立刻就垂头丧气。

77、Ah, Take me to the SNOW WOLF Cemetery please. ─── 啊,请带我去雪狼公墓。

78、Until recently,the wolf was almost extinct. ─── 到最近,它们已濒临灭绝。

79、English: Hunger fetches the wolf out of the woods. ─── 中文:饥饿引狼出森林。

80、In wolf form, the Fianna are quite striking. ─── 当狼形态的时候,芬尼安是很引人注目的。

81、She chained the wolf securely to the post. ─── 她用铁链把那只狼锁在那根柱子上。

82、It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor. ─── [谚]蠢羊才向狼忏悔。

83、Their wages are barely enough to keep the wolf from the door. ─── 他们的工资勉强够维持生活的。

84、Offaly, The wolf Trap, Tullamore, Co. ─── 夜点: The Brewery Tap, Tullamore, Co.

85、Man is to man either a god or a wolf. ─── 人与人交往,不是上帝就是狼。

86、He joined the party and turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing because he was sent to infiltrate our group for the extreme right wingers. ─── 他加入了我们的党,结果却是一只披着羊皮的豺狼,因为他是被极右分子派来混在我们的团体之中的。

87、Lambert is afraid.The wolf is a wild animal. ─── 兰伯特很害怕。狼是一种野生动物。

88、He had been wrong about the wolf. ─── 他一直错怪了这匹狼。

89、He is not to be trusted. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. ─── 他是不能相信的,他是一个伪君子。

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