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microscopically 发音

英:[ˌmaɪkrəˈskɑːpɪkli]  美:[ˌmaɪkrəˈskɒpɪkli]

英:  美:

microscopically 中文意思翻译



microscopically 同义词

tiny | minuscule | mini | infinitesimal | minute | atomic | microscopical

microscopically 词性/词形变化,microscopically变形

异体字: microscopical |副词: microscopically |

microscopically 反义词


microscopically 短语词组

1、microscopically speaking ─── 从显微镜上看

microscopically 相似词语短语

1、fluoroscopically ─── 透视

2、gyroscopically ─── 陀螺

3、hygroscopically ─── 吸湿的

4、microcosmically ─── 微观上

5、micrologically ─── 微观的

6、microscopical ─── adj.显微镜的

7、submicroscopically ─── 亚显微

8、spectroscopically ─── 分光镜

9、macroscopically ─── 宏观地

microscopically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His recent research focuses on the thermodynamics of black holes, how spacetime might be microscopically discrete and whether that fine structure could be macroscopically detected. ─── 他最近的研究集中在黑洞热力学,以及时空在微观上的离散方式,并探讨这种微细结构是否可在巨观上侦测得到。

2、It points out, at present, Chinese medium and small enterprises financing system includes two aspects macroscopically and microscopically. ─── 提出在当前,我国的中小企业融资体系包括宏观层面和微观层面。

3、Microscopically, acute appendicitis is marked by mucosal inflammation and necrosis. ─── 显微镜下,急性阑尾炎的粘膜炎症和坏死非常明显。

4、Administration cost is a hot research field in recent years, but most papers about this subject are taken on with microscopically aspect, this paper is carried out with a case (S town) from Guangzhou. ─── 摘要政府运行成本研究是一个热点、难点课题,学术界多从宏观层面作规范性研究,以某个组织深入地进行个案式描述研究相对较少。

5、Microscopically, the inflammation of ulcerative colitis is confined primarily to the mucosa. Here, the mucosa is eroded by an ulcer that undermines surrounding mucosa. ─── 显微镜,溃疡性结肠炎最初限制在黏膜,溃疡破坏局部粘膜同时逐渐破坏周围粘膜。

6、This, however, raised a different problem: microscopically covering the entire collector at the required magnification would require millions of separate images. ─── 但是新的问题来了:显微镜以必要的放大倍数扫描整个气凝胶表面会产生数百万张单独的图像。

7、Microscopically, the renal cortex has undergone anoxic injury at the left so that the cells appear pale and ghost-like. ─── 一旦许多细胞死亡即为坏死。坏死的类型取决于损伤的性质、组织的类型和时间的长短。

8、Microscopically, the neoplastic cells were in ovoid or spindle and some of themhad indistinct cell borders. ─── 光镜:肿瘤细胞呈梭形及卵圆形,细胞间界限不清。

9、projection microscop ─── 投影显微镜

10、Microscopically there is a reduction in the number of functional glomeruli, but the size and capacity of the remaining nephrons increase to partially compensate for this loss. ─── 微观上功能肾小球数量减少,但剩余的肾单位的大小和能力增加起到部分弥补作用。

11、The irregular tan mass filling the endometrial cavity and infiltrating into the myometrium of the uterus is an endometrial adenocarcinoma, seen to be moderately differentiated microscopically. ─── 图示子宫内膜腺癌。棕褐色不规则的肿块充满子宫腔并向肌层浸润。

12、Microscopically, LSMFIs' comparative advantage on transaction costs to those large scale financial institutions will be help to reduce transaction cost for each side in a financial transaction. ─── 从微观角度来看,由于地方中小金融机构在服务地方经济上,相对于大型金融机构来说,具有交易成本上的比较优势,从而有利于降低参与金融交易各方所耗费的成本。

13、So let's just think microscopically for a moment about how this is going to work. ─── 那么让我们从微观的角度,想一下这会如何进行。

14、He studied microscopically the statistics of trade. ─── 他极仔细地研究了贸易统计数字。

15、Method The appearance and interior structures of PVC were microscopically observed and measured in 20 sides of 10 adult cadaveric heads processed by formalin. ─── 方法在手术显微镜下,对20侧(10具)福尔马林固定的成人头颅标本进行PVC表面形态和内部结构的观测。

16、The relationship between the crystallographic structure and ionic migration of lithium niobate single crystals are microscopically analyzed and investigated by their crystallographic characteristics. ─── 利用铌酸锂晶体的结晶学结构特征,从微观角度上分析和研究了铌酸锂晶体的结构与离子迁移之间的关系规律。

17、The Thought of Tax Law in the Law of Microscopically Regulation ─── 宏观调控法中的税法思考

18、All margins grossly and microscopically negative. ─── 所有的手术边缘均无肿瘤细胞存在。

19、Methods After exposed to infrasound stimula tion with 8Hz,120dB SPL,2h /time,1t ime /d for continued 30days,the morp hological changes of the lower central auditory pathways of guinea pigs were observ ed by optical and electric microscop y. ─── 方法豚鼠在接受次声暴露条件为8Hz、120dBSPL、1次/d、2h/次、共30d的暴露后,通过透射电镜等方法,观察豚鼠下位听觉通路结构的细胞组织形态学和超微结构的变化情况。

20、It is easier," he says, "Don't look at an individual microscopically as it were through a magnifying glass." ─── 这会容易些。”他说,“不要像用放大镜那样从微观上看待一个人。”

21、Microscopically at high magnification, the loss of alveolar walls with emphysema is demonstrated. Remaining airspaces are dilated. ─── 在高倍镜下,可见肺气肿的肺泡壁破坏,部分肺泡扩张。

22、All samples are examined microscopically. ─── 所有样品都进行了精细的检查。

23、The interstitial space is filled with hemoblasts.Under the microscop,the endothelial cells,at their non -nucleus sections,have processes extending to caecums. ─── 光学显微镜下,淋巴器官由许多封闭的盲管构成,盲管腔主要是内皮细胞和基质细胞,胞间隙充满大量血细胞;

24、monocular microscop ─── 单木欣慰经

25、According to the company, when taped over the edges of a particular muscle, tendon, or ligament, “the tape alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin. ─── 据厂商说,当将此贴布贴在某一肌肉、肌腱或韧带上时,“此贴布可以将皮肤很细微地提起一点,这样就可以减少疼痛和促进淋巴循环。

26、Methods:21 cases of craniopharyngioma confirmed by operation and pathology underwent CT and MRI examination.The cystic fluid were analysed microscopically. ─── 方法:CT及MRI检查21例颅咽管瘤患者,均经手术病理证实,囊液进行内容物的镜下分析。

27、Microscopically selective posterior rhizotomy for the treatment of cerebral palsy in children ─── 应用显微技术选择性脊神经后根切断术治疗儿童痉挛性脑性瘫痪

28、Microscopically, it consists of stellate cells in loose myxoid stroma. A few entrapped tubules may be present. ─── 显微镜下可见肿瘤内含有星状细胞,散落在疏松的黏液间质内。可有少量内陷的小管。

29、polarization microscop ─── 偏振光显微镜

30、Microscopically, the adrenal cortical adenoma at the right resembles normal adrenal fasciculata. The capsule is at the left. There may be some cellular pleomorphism. ─── 显微镜下,右侧的肾上腺皮质腺瘤类似正常的肾上腺束状带,左边为包膜。肿瘤细胞具有一定的异型性。

31、14. This article has explained the way to optimize the technological process of communication project both macroscopically and microscopically. ─── 文章从宏观和微观两方面阐明了优化通信工程的具体工作流程。

32、The composition and structure of AR mesophase pitch were studied by the means of elemental analysis, FT-IR, polarized light microscop with hot-stage and so on. ─── 在保证沥青可纺性的前提下,应尽可能在低温、低压、高收丝速度的条件下熔融纺丝,可以得到结构与性能较好的沥青纤维。

33、Microscopically, every alveolus is filled with granular pink exudate in this case of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. ─── 显微镜下,卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎中每个肺泡内都充满粉红色颗粒状渗出物。

34、Microscopically, Crohn's disease is characterized by transmural inflammation. ─── 显微镜下Crohn病的特点是穿壁性炎症。

35、A comprehensive observation on macroscop and microscop physics and acidity of a Cb precipitation ─── 一次积雨云降水过程的宏微观物理特征和雨水酸度的综合观测

36、Macroscopically, the reservoir rocks are controlled by sedimentary facies zones and influenced by the volcanic matter of synsedimentary microscopically. ─── 储集层在宏观上受沉积相带的控制,微观上受同沉积火山物质的影响;

37、With the use of chemistry and electron microscop, the histological and the ultrastructural characters of development of Puccinia gramminis f.sp. tritici on a susceptible host were studied. ─── 摘要利用化学显微技术和生物电镜技术,系统地研究了小麦秆锈菌在感病寄主上发育过程的组织学及超微结构特征。

38、school microscop ─── 数学显微镜

39、All samples are examined microscopically. ─── 所有样品都进行了精细的检查。

40、Microscopically, the benign tumor with histological variability was composed of compact cells without lipid, which may cause the non-shifting MR images. ─── 在病理显微镜诊断下,此肾上腺良性腺瘤主要由致密的细胞所组成,不似其它多数的肾上腺良性腺瘤细胞内富含脂肪;此腺瘤的组织学变化造成化学相差磁脉振造影图象的特殊表现。

41、multiqurpose scanning microscop ─── 多用途扫描显微镜

42、Microscopically, the tumors were composed of both carcinoma and sarcomatous elements.Usually the carcinomatous element formed squ... ─── 光镜下组织学观察常可见肉瘤和癌两种成分并存,癌多为鳞状细胞癌和腺癌,肉瘤以骨或软骨肉瘤为主。

43、Microscopically, caseous necrosis is characterized by acellular pink areas of necrosis, as seen here at the upper right, surrounded by a granulomatous inflammatory process. ─── 干酪样坏死特征性病变为:如图右上角的非细胞组成的粉红色区域,被形成的炎症肉芽肿所包围。

44、This neoplasm microscopically contained mainly teratoma, but areas of embryonal carcinoma were also present. ─── 另外在显微镜下主要是畸胎瘤,但也有胚胎癌存在。

45、Here is a testicular neoplasm that is mostly teratoma, but embryonal carcinoma and seminoma were found microscopically. ─── 主要成分为畸胎瘤的睾丸肿瘤,但在显微镜下胚胎癌和精原细胞瘤都可找到。

46、And microscopically there exist properties of Yin and Yang indeed in the pancreas functions. ─── 微观上看,胰岛功能确实存在着阴阳属性。

47、They smooth out the microscopically uneven cells of your cornea. ─── 他们使你角膜的精微不平坦细胞平滑。

48、Microscopically, the aortic atheromatous plaque is thicker than the remaining media at the right. ─── 动脉粥样斑块比右边残存的动脉中膜要厚。

49、interference microscop ─── 干涉显微镜

50、microscopically,should respect the objective reality and accumulate answerable experiences. ─── 微观上要尊重客观现实,积累应对经验。

51、microscopically small creatures ─── 微生物

52、Hepatic artery was also obliterated in 3:1 group and pathological assay showed that liver segment ablated with TAA was coagulatively necrotic either grossly or microscopically 1~2 weeks after HSA. ─── 1一2周后肝动脉DSA随访,3:1组灭活节段肝动脉均呈闭塞状态。

53、inverted biological microscop ─── 倒置生物显微镜

54、operating double binocular microscop ─── 双人双目手术显微镜

55、In asthma mast cell degranulation was observed electron microscopically in different degree, but in CB it was not observed. ─── 电镜下可见哮喘组有肥大细胞不同程度的脱颗粒现象,而慢支组未见到。

56、A coronary thrombosis is seen microscopically occluding the remaining small lumen of this coronary artery. ─── 图示:冠状动脉血栓形成使内腔闭塞。血栓使仅有的很小的内腔闭塞。

57、A comparison between the ultramicrostructure of general sufu and whole-seed sufu is made under scanning electron microscop. ─── 应用扫描电镜对比分析了普通腐乳与全子叶腐乳的超微结构。

58、Ms. Qiu is observing growing bio-controlling strain through microscop. ─── 在用显微镜观察生防菌株的生长。

59、scanning transmission electron microscop ─── 扫描发射电子显微镜

60、The count of the red tide species based on digital microscop e is a kin d of auto-counted technique used in laboratory. ─── 基于数字显微镜的赤潮生物计数,是一种在实验室条件下使用的,对赤潮优势藻自动计数的方法。

61、Methods Microscopically controlled excision was performed on 32 cases with basal cell carcinoma which were confirmed by frozen section study introperatively. ─── 方法通过对32例经病理诊断为眼睑基底细胞癌患者行“控制性切除术”的手术治疗,对其疗效进行回顾性分析。

62、The microscopically background and puzzle Dom show that transferability of industry among regions is one of the ways to improve regional harmonious development. ─── 摘要区域协调发展面临的宏观背景和困境表明,解决区域协调发展问题的出路之一就是推进产业在区域之间的转移。

63、Pathological examination of the masses surgically removed were performed grossly and microscopically. ─── 对体积较小的肿块,采用三维超声和局部放大成像;

64、Mild inflammatory changes and less fibrous proliferation were observed in experimental group microscopically. ─── 光镜下实验组炎症反应轻微,成纤维细胞增生不明显;

65、We had examined microscopically 293 stomatological patients and normal persons for infective condition of oral protozoa in Nanchang, among them 152 cases were infected with Entamoeba gingivalis with an infective rate of 51.88%. ─── 抽样调查了南昌市293例口腔原虫感染情况。 其中,有152名感染齿龈内阿米巴,感染率为51.88%;

66、second-hand as it is, the microscop is very expensive. ─── 5我不喜欢这件家具。4.他的梦想是成为一个健康的男人.

67、Microscopically, some methods and models about the internal evaluation within a university based on the theory of statistics have been proposed. ─── 在微观方面,提出了基于数理统计理论的校内评价的几种方法和模式。

68、Microscopically, benign prostatic hyperplasia can involve both glands and stroma, though the former is usually more prominent. ─── 显微镜下,虽然前列腺体增生时腺体增生更突出,但也包括间质增生。

69、Macroscopically,the reservoir rocks are controlled by sedimentary facies zones and influenced by the volcanic matter of synsedimentary microscopically. ─── 储集层在宏观上受沉积相带的控制,微观上受同沉积火山物质的影响;

70、This small adenomatous polyp (tubular adenoma) on a small stalk is seen microscopically to have more crowded, disorganized glands than the normal underlying colonic mucosa. ─── 小腺瘤息肉(管状腺瘤)带有小蒂,镜下可见它比正常的结肠黏膜有更多的拥挤的无组织的腺体。

71、The effect of particle shape on the macro-mechanical behaviors of numerical samples under monotonic shear loading was studied, and the mechanism was explained microscopically. ─── 分析了加荷过程中平均接触数的变化规律以及颗粒形状对临界接触数的影响;

72、new student teaching polarizing microscop ─── 新型教学偏光显微镜

73、Caries may progre microscopically a co iderable period of time before the lesion can be o erved clinically in the tooth strucure . ─── 在临床上能够观察到牙齿结构病变之前,显微镜下龋齿病的进展可能已持续了相当长的时期。

74、Microscopically, less than three red blood cells under each high power field of centrifuged sediment should be interpreted to be normal. ─── 尿液测量试纸提供我们一种快速、便宜而方便的方法,用以侦测尿液中潜血的存在与否。

75、Microscopically, acute rheumatic carditis is marked by a peculiar form of granulomatous inflammation with so-called "Aschoff nodules" seen best in myocardium. ─── 显微镜下可清楚地见到特殊的炎性肉芽肿形态(被称为Aschoff小体),急性风湿性心脏炎的特征。

76、Microscopically the tumor was revealed to be a gastrointestinal stromal tumor. The patient died of pneumonia 2 weeks later. ─── 病理切片结果显示此肿瘤为直肠基质细胞瘤,病人术后2周因感染肺炎而过世。

77、"Polyps occasionally Bleed. because a small percentage are precursors to cancers or actually contain cancers, it is advisable to have them removed and examined microscopically and to undergo routine colonoscopy after age 50. " ─── 息肉偶尔造成出血。因为少部分是癌症的前兆或是实际上含有癌细胞,建议摘除并用显微镜检查,50岁以上定期进行结肠镜检查。

78、Microscopically, a gram stain reveals gram-negative diplococci within a neutrophil, typical for Neisseria meningitidis. ─── 在显微镜下,革兰氏染色显示中性粒细胞内有革兰氏阴性双球菌,这是脑膜炎奈瑟氏球菌的典型特征。

79、The hemorrhages seen here in the temporal lobe are due to Herpes simplex virus infection. Viral infections produce mononuclear cell infiltrates microscopically. ─── 单纯疱疹病毒感染致颞叶出血。显微镜下,病毒感染引起单核细胞浸润。

80、Microscopically,the neoplastic cells were in ovoid or spindle and some of themhad indistinct cell borders. ─── 光镜:肿瘤细胞呈梭形及卵圆形,细胞间界限不清。

81、The preliminary reasons of influencing the strengthening under low amplitude loading for different structural strengthes were analyzed macroscopically and microscopically. ─── 从宏观和微观上初步分析了结构强度对低载强化特性影响的原因。

82、Microscopically, graft versus host disease is one of the best examples of a process called "apoptosis" or single cell necrosis. ─── 镜下,移植物抗宿主反应是说明“程序性细胞死亡”或单个细胞坏死(即调亡)过程的最好例子。

83、It is not enough to adjust microscopically in the range of science for the reformation of agricultural S&T system.It concerns politics, economy and education and so on, and must other reformation. ─── 但农业科技体制改革仅在科技领域微观调整是远远不够的,在本质上它是关联到政治、经济、教育等各方面,必须有其它各项改革相配套。

84、ICs are small pieces of silicon into which multiple devices (diodes, capacitors, resistors and/or transistors) have been microscopically engineered. ─── IC乃容纳以显微方式集成二极管、电容器、电阻器及/或晶体管等多个装置的小型硅片。

85、The structure of spermatheca in Oxya chinesis was investigated microscopically and submitcroscopically. ─── 摘要在显微及亚显微水平上研究了中华稻蝗受精囊的结构。

86、Microscopically speaking, static cling in your laundry is your socks tossing photons back and forth. ─── 从微观上讲,随着在你衣物上的静电其实就是你的衣物在来回地投掷光子。

87、Mesotheliomas have either spindle cells or plump rounded cells forming gland-like configurations, as seen here at high power microscopically. ─── 图示间皮瘤内既有梭形细胞又有饱满的圆形细胞,二者形成类似腺体的外形。

88、Keywords Paraformaldehyde paste tooth hypersensitivity desensitization scanning electron microscop(SEM); ─── 关键词多聚甲醛糊剂绷带;牙本质过敏症;脱敏;扫描电镜;

89、single microscop ─── 单目显微镜

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