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09-30 投稿


mineralizer 发音

英:[ˈmɪnərəlˌaɪzər]  美:[ˈmɪnərəˌlaɪzə(r)]

英:  美:

mineralizer 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 矿化剂


mineralizer 相似词语短语

1、mineralizers ─── n.[地质]矿化剂;造矿元素

2、mineralized ─── adj.矿藏丰富的;v.使成矿(mineralize的过去式和过去分词)

3、liberalizer ─── 自由化者

4、mineralize ─── v.使含无机化合物;使矿物化,石化;给(有机物或水等)加入矿物质:采集矿物

5、mineralizes ─── v.使含无机化合物;使矿物化,石化;给(有机物或水等)加入矿物质:采集矿物

6、demineralizer ─── n.除矿质剂;软化器;脱盐装置

7、mineralisers ─── 矿化剂

8、mineraliser ─── 矿化剂

9、generalizer ─── 推广者

mineralizer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There is a miner attack in words but a major help in deeds. ─── 小骂帮大忙。

2、TY9FB shuttle car is newly designed equipment after a continuous miner. ─── TY9FB梭车是一种新型的连续采煤机后配套设备。

3、A Miner’s Protective League had formed, petitioning for the removal of the Chinese "for the protection of native industry". ─── 于是,他们成立了矿工保护联盟,请愿,“为保护本土产业”应赶走华工。

4、The paper introduces the performance and the factory performance test of the slip speed-regulating low-vein miner. ─── 介绍了滑差调速薄煤层采煤机的总体及牵引部、割部等各部性能特点;该机的出厂性能试验等。

5、The hero of the book, Paul Morel, is the second son of a miner's family. ─── 书籍的主人公,PaulMorel,是一个矿工家庭的二儿子。

6、The concept, significance, feasibility and method of the miner certificate system are described. ─── 对矿工资格证制度的概念、推行意义、可行性、方法进行了论述。

7、In a cavern, in a canyon, excavating for a mine, lived a miner, forty-niner, and his daughter Clementine. ─── 在那峡谷的一个山洞里,住着一位挖掘着矿井的淘金人,和他女儿,克莱门泰。

8、Above, a miner with a knife approaches an unlucky, ribbon-bedecked beast in Oruro. ─── 上图,在奥鲁罗一名矿工握刀走进一只挂满丝带不幸运的牲畜。

9、Genius is the gold in the mine; talent is the miner who works and brings it out. ─── 天赋是埋藏在矿里的黄金;才能是挖掘矿藏的矿工。

10、Certainly, Beijing's decision to arrest four employees of the Anglo-Australian miner Rio Tinto hasn't helped the country's cause aion kina. ─── 分析师们说,中国若是在今年2月与铁矿石供应商达成价格协议就好了,因为当时中国疲弱的国内经济形势足以让供应商接受更大的降价幅度。

11、In its fresh attempt to get the Asarco assets, Sterlite Industries, leading metals major and part of Anil Agarwal's Vedanta Group, has revised its offer to the Texas-based miner. ─── 在其新的尝试获得Asarco资产,斯特利特工业,金属主要领导和部分阿尼尔阿加瓦尔的韦丹塔集团已修订其提供的位于德克萨斯州的矿工。

12、With their results, the matching of clinker KH and mineralizer is studied in detail. ─── 利用上述结果详细研究立窑煅烧道路水泥熟料饱和比及矿化剂的相互适应问题。

13、The kind of mineralizer , reaction temperature and time have no effects on morphology and crystal structure of products. ─── 矿化剂的种类、反应温度和反应时间对产物的形貌及晶体结构没有影响。

14、Regular check-ups allow early detection when a miner's health is deteriorating. ─── 如果矿工的健康状况下降,常规的检查是能够在早期发现问题的。

15、If you plan on being a blacksmith, you should probably already be a miner. ─── 如果你打算成为一名铁匠,也许应该考虑兼职做一名采矿工人。

16、Therefore, you will possibly find a borer, a miner or a galler in the same genus and some species have two feeding habits above. ─── 因此,很可能在同一个属里发现钻蛀虫、潜叶虫或者造瘿虫,而一些种类同时拥有以上的两种取食习性。

17、Based on this model, a new algorithm called Global Graph Traversals-based Weighted Frequent Patterns Miner (GGTWFPMiner) was presented. ─── 基于该模型,提出了基于全局图遍历加权频繁模式挖掘算法。

18、As the son of a miner, the coalmines that are deeply buried in my soul have become dark, black memories that can never be erased. ─── 作为矿工的儿子,那深深地刻在心灵深处的煤矿,成为我永远也抹不掉的黑色记忆。

19、SAS Text Miner provides a rich suite of tools for discovering and extracting knowledge from text documents. ─── SAS的文本矿工提供丰富的工具套件,用于发现并从文本文件中提取知识。

20、In the daytime it would have been possible to recognize it as nothing more than a miner's candlestick. ─── 如果是在白天,我们便认得出来,那只是一根矿工用的蜡烛钎。

21、The large amounts of copper and tin make this mine especially valuable to the beginning miner. ─── 大量的铜、使这个矿矿工尤其可贵的开端.

22、Like a miner using a pick or a carpenter using a saw, they bent the will of others to their own. ─── 就象一个矿工使用镐、一个木匠使用锯一样,他们用自己的意志压服别人的意志加以使用。

23、They should seek common ground on major questions while reserving differences on miner ones. ─── 他们应求大同存小异。

24、This year Norilsk Nickel demonstrated its growing strength when it beat UK-listed Xstrata in the battle to control LionOre, the Canadian nickel miner. ─── 今年,在对加拿大镍矿商LionOre控制权的争夺中,俄罗斯矿业集团NorilskNickel击败了英国上市企业斯特拉塔,证明了自己日益增长的实力。

25、He went down the pit(= started work as a miner)when he left school. ─── 他中学一毕业就当矿工了。

26、Okay, let's see how everything fits together by examining the complete code for one of the miner states. ─── 好了,现在让我们来看看如何把所有的东西都融合在一起完成一个淘金者的状态。

27、Xstrata, another highly indebted miner, announced a heavily discounted rights issue last Thursday. ─── 另一家高负债公司斯特拉塔,在上周四宣布了一下巨幅折价的増股发行方案。

28、In this paper, we integrate the data cube and fuzzy partition techniques to propose a single-level association rule miner. ─── 因此,本文通过对单层次关联规则的研究,提出了以模糊分割与数据方阵为基础的算法来解决上述问题。

29、The first interviewer is Jan Hasek an old miner from the Czech Republic. ─── 4)培养学生对听力材料的预测能力,1.

30、This paper introduces the design of pressing formational mould that produces belt fastener of band conveyor in miner. ─── 介绍矿用带式输送机输送带扣冲压成形模具的设计。

31、Strip Miner I and Ice Harvester I blueprints have been seeded on the market. ─── 单级采矿器I和冰矿采集器I蓝图都已在市场中生成。

32、Weiss S,Baumgart R,Jochum M,et al.Systemic regulation of distraction osteogenesis:a cascade of biochemical factors[J].J Bone Miner Res,2002,17:1280. ─── 付振才,何建国,翟向前,等.经皮穿刺注射骨形态生成蛋白治疗股骨骨折骨延迟愈合[J].创伤外科杂志,2006,8(3):240

33、YT-I type Mine automatic attendance system is compos ed of miner's lamp, mine attendance machine and ground computer attendance management system. ─── 型煤矿考勤管理系统是由矿灯、矿用考勤机及地面微机考勤管理系统组成的煤矿考勤系统。

34、His father is a retired miner. ─── 他的父亲是个退休矿工。

35、Structure,working principle and key techniques of the salt miner are described. ─── 介绍了采盐机的结构、工作原理及其关键技术。

36、There was the tale about an old miner who had disappeared without trace. ─── 其中就有一个关于一位老矿工在那消失得无影无踪的故事。

37、Some people turn up their noses if you say your father was a miner or a docker. ─── 如果你说你的父亲当过矿工或码头工人,有人就瞧不起你。

38、"Try to sleep," said Sue."I must call Behrman up to be my model for the old hermit miner. ─── “你睡一会吧,”苏说道,“我得下楼把贝尔门叫上来,给我当那个隐居的老矿工的模特儿。

39、There was nothing of student about him, but very much of miner. ─── 他没有一点学生的样子,但却有矿工的神气。

40、With their results, the matching of clinker KH and mineralizer is studied in detail. ─── 利用上述结果详细研究立窑煅烧道路水泥熟料饱和比及矿化剂的相互适应问题。

41、He often referred to his past experiences as a miner. ─── 他常常谈起他做矿工时的经历。

42、Over all a miner digs the same amount of ore on all spots, he only gets more or less colored ore depending on his skill. ─── 大至上来说矿工在所有地点都将会挖到数量一样的矿,差别只在于其中色矿的多寡。

43、A coal miner's job is dirty and dangerous at best. ─── 即使是在最好的条件下,煤矿工人的工作也是又脏又危险的。

44、A coal miner's job is dirty and dangerous at best . ─── 即使在最好的环境下,煤矿工人的工作也是又脏又危险。

45、After the Eureka Stockade uprising a Royal Commission was appointed to examine the miner’s grievances. ─── 尤里卡栅栏起义后,成立了一个皇家委员会调查矿工的不满情绪。

46、Before making a success of his writing,he worked as a taxi driver,a newspaper seller,a miner,and a railway man. ─── 他在写作取得成就之前,曾当过出租汽车司机、卖报人、矿工和铁路工人。

47、If it is taking more time than desired to run the mining model, you can use Intelligent Miner to create sample sets for you. ─── 如果运行挖掘模型比做决定花费的时间多,您可以使用Intelligent Miner创建简单设置。

48、He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner. ─── 在这出戏里他既扮演雇农又扮演矿工。

49、Then the miner, forty-niner, Soon began to peak and pine, Thought he oughter line his daughter Now he's with his Clementine. ─── 四十九岁的矿工,日渐消瘦又憔悴,心想追她到地府,以便父女再相会。

50、You can use both books on the same miner, reading the second one will not make you forget the first one. ─── 你可以让同一矿工阅读这两本书,它们不会互相冲突。

51、Effect of Mineralizer Concentration and Temperature on Shapes of ZnO Crystals Synthesized by Hydrothermal ─── 矿化剂浓度和温度对水热法合成氧化锌晶体形态的影响

52、Research on Technical Conditions of Chromium-Containing Residue as Cement Mineralizer ─── 铬渣作水泥矿化剂的技术条件研究

53、Intelligent Miner needs to have a description of the data being analyzed. ─── Intelligent Miner需要被分析数据的描述。

54、In post-mining, the AUV ia used to investigate the track and press depth by the miner on the lake bottom, and to estimate the pick quantity. ─── 在深海采矿系统作业后期,利用AUV调查集矿机在湖底的行走轨迹和压陷深度,估算回采率。

55、We've just come out, we're commercializing, this year, generation 2.0 of the Marrow Miner. ─── 今年我们刚推出并投放市场的第2.0代骨髓采集器。

56、His father was a miner before liberation. ─── 他父亲解放前是一个矿工。

57、Your chilren will find it just as fasinating as any theme park and they can ride in the original miner's lifts and on the coal trains. ─── 孩子们会发现它就像其他主题公园那样令人着迷,而且他们还能乘坐以前矿工用过的电梯和运煤列车。

58、mechanism of adding mineralizer in single crystal blade casting shell mould for enhancing high temperature strength has been studied. ─── 研究了在制造单晶叶片的壳型中添加矿化剂提高壳型高温强度的机理。

59、Sam heard and remembered many miner's yarns. ─── 塞姆听到和记下了许多矿工的故事。

60、Such as night go out, a miner working, policeman go around and inspect, emergency lighting of car, camping, disaster etc. ─── 使用于一切夜间照明,如:夜间外出、矿工井下作业、军警夜间值勤、汽车的应急照明、野外露营和探险等。

61、I am a coal miner. ─── 咱们是矿工。

62、YT-I type Mine automatic attendance system is composed of miner's lamp, mine attendance machine and ground computer attendance management system. ─── I型煤矿考勤管理系统是由矿灯、用考勤机及地面微机考勤管理系统组成的煤矿考勤系统。

63、He was a miner all his working life. ─── 他一辈子都是矿工。

64、The miner's instinct of wealth acquired in a single night prevailed, in spite of all. ─── 开矿人巴望一夜发家的那种本性还是不顾一切的占着上风。

65、By the test methods of XRF and XRD, this article studies using desulfurization products from flue gas as cement mineralizer. ─── 借助XRF和XRD等测试手段对烟气脱硫灰用作水泥矿化剂进行了研究。

66、Except the mem'ries of a coal miner's daughter. ─── 只有矿工女儿的回憷疞捓鍷颏忆。

67、Once a miner discovers a vein of colored ore, that color ore will always spawn at that spot, no matter who goes to dig there. ─── 一旦矿脉被发现,那么这个点将总是可以挖出色矿,无论谁挖都将持续出色矿。但越多人常去挖其改变的机率越高。但是发生这种情形最高的机率仍然很低。

68、He was covered from head to toe in coal dust, like a miner coming up from the pit. ─── 他从头到脚全是煤灰,就象一个矿工刚从坑道里出来一样。

69、He sketched the coal miner in a few minutes. ─── 他几分钟就画了一幅那位煤矿工人的素描。

70、Research on application of high efficiency multi-element composite mineralizer on clinker burning process ─── 高效多元素复合矿化剂在立窑熟料煅烧过程的应用

71、Over the next two decades he was a printer,a riverboat pilot,a soldier,a gold miner,a businessman and a newspaper reporter. ─── 在这之后的40年里,他当过印刷工、领航员、士兵、矿工、商人、还当过新闻记者。

72、The old-time miner's idea of wealth easily gained and quickly spent persisted in his mind. ─── 他脑子里念念不忘那种过去当矿工时对金钱的看法:来得容易,花得痛快。

73、He is a coal miner and his job is dirty and dangerous at the best. ─── 他是一个煤矿工人,他的工作再好也免不了既脏又危险。

74、The books will be destroyed after it has been read by a GM Miner. ─── 在被阅读后书会消失。

75、The works of Donald Keene, Earl Miner, Makoto Ueda, and Hiroaki Sato are invaluable. ─── 唐纳德·基恩,厄尔迈·因纳,上田·诚,和佐藤等人的作品,都是很有价值的。

76、The union is formed to protect the rights and interest of miner. ─── 建立起工会是为保护矿工的权利和利益。

77、test methods of XRF and XRD, this article studies using desulfurization products from flue gas as cement mineralizer. ─── 借助XRF和XRD等测试手段对烟气脱硫灰用作水泥矿化剂进行了研究。

78、State-owned Shenhua has already announced plans to transform itself from a coal miner into a producer of power, oil, chemicals and methanol. ─── 国有的神华集团已宣布计划,旨在把自身从一家煤炭开采企业,变成电力、石油、化学品和甲醇生产商。

79、When you open Intelligent Miner again, you only have to supply the password for the entry you just created. ─── 当您重新打开时Intelligent Miner时,您只需为刚刚创建的入口提供密码。

80、From the standpoint of know-how the only difference between the miner of graphite in Ceylon and the logger in Oregon is in the type of know-how. ─── 从实际知识的角度看,远在锡兰的石墨开采工与俄勒冈的伐木工之间的唯一区别,仅在于实际知识的类型不同。

81、Joe Duffey was a coal miner's son who was morphed into a weak, ultra-liberal elitist. ─── 乔.达菲是一个煤矿工人的儿子,却被他们描绘为一个软弱的、超自由班底的崇尚精英至上的人。

82、The labour of the miner, for example, consists of operations for digging out of the earth substances convertible by industry into various articles fitted for human use. ─── 举例来说,矿工的劳动是把地下的物质 挖出来,这些物质可以由工业转化成各种适合人类使用的物品。

83、"Being from Merthyr, where everyone has a relative who was a coal miner, or knew somebody who was a miner, this seems just crazy," she said. ─── 她说:“作为一个梅瑟蒂人,当地每人都有一个亲戚曾经是矿工,或者认识的人曾在矿里干过,这种事情真是快把人逼疯了。”

84、The other author has beeen an abalone diver, gold miner, filmmaker, cave digger, repairman, inventor and owner-operator of a trailer park. ─── 另一位作者则做过采集鲍鱼的潜水夫、金矿矿工、电影制作人、挖洞工人、修理工人、发明家和拖车营地的经营者。

85、Praseodymium reacts with mineralizer, and is transported in vapor state to the reaction site of zircon. ─── 镨也是与矿化剂反应后,以气态迁移到锆石反应位置的。

86、In its most basic form, all the equipment a placer miner needs is a pan and flowing water. ─── 在最原始的砂矿开采中,砂矿工人所需的设备只是一个淘沙盘和流水。

87、Kams JA, Melton LJ, Christiansen C, et al.The diagnosis of osteoporosis.J Bone Miner Res, 1994,92:1137. ─── 刘忠厚,潘子昂,王石麟.原发性骨质疏松症诊断标准的探讨.中国骨质疏松杂志,1997,3(1):1.

88、He had been a miner and a soldier. ─── 他曾是矿工,还当过兵。

89、The miner kept his head by envisioning his homecoming. ─── 借着幻想自己获救回家,这位矿工保持了冷静;

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