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09-30 投稿


maverick 发音

英:[ˈmævərɪk]  美:[ˈmævərɪk]

英:  美:

maverick 中文意思翻译






maverick 网络释义

n. 没打烙印的动物;持不同意见的人vt. 用不正当手段获取vi. 迷途;背离adj. 未打烙印的;行为不合常规的;特立独行的

maverick 词性/词形变化,maverick变形


maverick 短语词组

1、Maverick Alternate Warhead ─── 特立独行的候补战神

2、be praised maverick ─── 特立独行

3、be praised maverick city chords ─── 被赞特立独行的城市和弦

4、be praised lyrics maverick ─── 特立独行

5、a technical error maverick ─── 技术错误特立独行

6、music hall maverick sacd ─── 音乐厅maverick sacd

7、be praise maverick ─── 特立独行

8、cavalier maverick ─── 骑士小牛队

9、Maverick Pave Strike Area ─── 特立独行的戴夫打击区

10、maverick studio maverick ─── 工作室

11、timothy maverick ─── 蒂莫西·马弗里克

maverick 相似词语短语

1、Limerick ─── n.五行打油诗(一种通俗幽默短诗,有五行组成,韵式为aabba);n.(Limerick)人名;(英)利默里克

2、mavericks ─── n.未打烙印的无畜主动物;尤指离开母牛的小牛;独来独往的人;标新立异的人,不合常规的人;adj.未打烙印的

3、Patrick ─── n.帕特里克(男子名)

4、baldrick ─── 黄道带(zodiac);饰带;肩带

5、Roderick ─── n.罗德里克(男子名,等于Roderic)

6、Catterick ─── n.卡特里克(英国地名)

7、Garrick ─── n.灰吕;n.(Garrick)人名;(英、法)加里克

8、Kaveri ─── 伙计。

9、Havering ─── n.黑弗灵,哈化令

maverick 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But financiers have noticed that cheap hits such as “Little Miss Sunshine” can be hugely profitable. And beneath their maverick exteriors, such outfits are reassuringly obsessed with cost control. ─── 但是,金融家们留意到廉价点击诸如"小阳光小姐",能获得巨额利润.再往下,其特立独行的外貌,这些衣服都抱有痴迷的成本控制.收藏指正

2、Play Cody Maverick through his whacky journey into the world of competitive penguin surfing &meet his charismatic friends along the way. ─── 小牛发挥科迪通过他的怪诞的旅程融入世界的竞争企鹅冲浪和满足他的魅力的朋友们前进的道路。

3、When a highly volatile case confronts the police, a young maverick cop with mystical powers is put on the case. ─── 当警察们面对一宗发展迅速的案件,他们让一个年轻,独立而具备神秘力量的警察约法纳来负责此案。

4、"This vote on the foreign trade bill is going to be close, and I sure wish we could be sure of that man's support. But he's such a maverick we can't count on his voting with the party. " ─── 两个党在这个外贸法案上的票数肯定会非常接近。我真是希望能够得到那个人的支持,但是他的独立性非常强,没有办法肯定他是否会跟着党的意思去投票。

5、Maverick web services: What are they? ─── 规范 Web 服务:什么是非规范 Web 服务?

6、Always a maverick, he capped his career as a player by moving to California to start a sports consulting business. ─── 他是个总搞独立的人,在其作为球员的事业的顶峰时期,他搬到加州开始了运动咨询服务。

7、He practiced science as a maverick, working out of a stone barn among the rural hedgerows in Cornwall, England. ─── 他的工作室设在英格兰康沃尔郡乡下一个灌木篱笆墙围绕的石头库房里,在那里特立独行地从事科学研究。

8、maverick a. ─── 持不同意见的 .

9、But as his firm grows, he may have to decide whether he is more a capitalist or a maverick. ─── 但随着公司的增长,他可能必须决定自己要做一名资本家还是特立独行者。

10、Comes the incredible true story of Cody Maverick. ─── 为您奉上考迪尔。麦尔未克不同凡响的真实故事。

11、Rockman: Maverick Hunter X. ─── 美版的,顺便..如果需要.

12、Kundera's novel to a very novel form of heaven and earth in the fiction and literary maverick in the world. ─── 昆德拉的小说以一幅极为新异的形式出现于小说天地并特立独行于世界文坛。

13、”Harris speaks, before this he once potency in Dallas Maverick, “I when Dallas potency human who also has the respect, now I have become that role. ─── 哈里斯说到,此前他曾效力于达拉斯小牛队,“我在达拉斯效力时也有敬仰的人,现在我成为了那个角色。”

14、Wisconsin's independent, maverick, polyglot nature was firmly established by 1848, the year it became a state ─── 威斯康星的独立不羁、自行其是、多族裔的特性是于1848年它成为一个州时就牢固形成的。

15、Though the BBC is responsible to the British government it tends to have a maverick independent attitude. Ouality is emphasized in the U. ─── BBC负责英国政府它往往会有一个特立独行的独立的态度质量是注重U。

16、Dale says McCain has stirred controversy within his own party for some of his positions, and enjoys the role of an independent "maverick. " ─── 戴尔说,麦凯恩因为某些立场而在自己的党内引起争议。他很乐意作为党内一个独立行动的人。

17、Robby was a maverick vice cop, never doing things in legal way. ─── 华比是个特立独行的黑警察,从不以正当手段行事。

18、Cody Maverick: I hope the cameras are rolling because you are gonna want to watch it over and over. ─── 科迪·马沃里克:我希望摄像机在我身边不停地旋转,这样你才会想去一而再、再而三地观察它。

19、Maverick movie director Robert Altman is to receive his first Oscar, an honorary award saluting his 55-year career. ─── 特立独行的电影导演劳勃.阿特曼将得到他的首座奥斯卡奖,一座向他55年电影生涯致敬的荣誉奖项。

20、He practiced science as a maverick, working out of a stone barn among the rural hedgerows in Cornwall, England. ─── 他在英格兰康沃尔郡乡下一个灌木篱笆墙围绕的石头库房内从事科学研究,仿佛一位独行侠。

21、Klaus, however, is seen as a maverick, notoriously unpredictable, implacably opposed to the treaty, and liable to spring further surprises. ─── 然而,克劳斯被认为是一个恶名昭彰的反对党,毫不妥协地反对里斯本条约,很有可能又会有惊人之举。

22、At the time, he was dismissed as a maverick, but a quarter of a century later, even the medical establishment is prepared to admit that he may well be right. ─── 当时他被认为是标新立异,然而 25年以后,就连医学界也不得不承认他可能是对的。

23、Galileo Galilei traces the great scientist's education, describes his maverick experiments in Padua and Pisa, and recreates the ingenious pathway of his famous discoveries. ─── 伽利略痕迹伟大的科学家的教育,形容他特立独行的实验,在帕多瓦和比萨,并再现了独具特色的通路他的著名的发现。

24、In order to obtain Kyd, Maverick has lost Diaopu; ─── 为了得到基德,小牛队失去了迪奥普;

25、the same move by John McCain burnishes his maverick credentials. ─── 同样,约翰.麦肯恩也一直鼓吹他特立独行的业绩。

26、Maverick China Third-Party Payment Profiles: UMPay ─── 中国第三方付款企业

27、This is why, besides studying at Sorbonne I also took degrees at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, which regrouped a number of maverick professors. ─── 因此我除了在索邦大学读书,也在高等社会科学研究院取得学位。该院聚集了一班特立独行的教授。

28、The company is currently venture funded by Kleiner Perkins Caufield &Byers, Mohr Davidow Ventures, Alloy Ventures, Maverick Capital, and others. ─── 分析人士也激动地将太平洋生物科学公司比喻成“健康产业的谷歌”,公司将在未来的健康领域无处不在。

29、Palin is the governor of Alaska, and while she's been on the job for only a short while, she is known to be someone of a maverick . ─── 佩林是阿拉斯加州的州长,虽然上任的时间比较短,但这位州长以她反对传统而具有独立的个性被众人所知。

30、Cody Maverick: I hope the cameras are rolling because you're gonna want to watch it over and over. ─── 科迪·马沃里克:我希望摄像机在我身边不停地旋转,这样你才会想去一而再、再而三地观察它。

31、The maverick American cowboy who hands out rough justice in A Fistful of Dollars has the philosophy "everybody gets rich or dead." ─── 如在《为了几块钱》中不受约束的美国牛仔粗暴地行侠仗义,他的哲学便是“要么都富,要么都死”。

32、In 1975 Tommy was adapted as a film, directed by maverick British auteur Ken Russell. ─── 1975年,《汤米》被改编成电影,由特立独行的英国电影导演肯·拉塞尔执导。

33、The maverick doctor gained fame nearly a decade ago when he helped a 62-year-old women give birth following fertility treatment with a donated egg,but he has revealed few details about his latest project. ─── 十年前,这位特立独行的科学家就已经名扬天下了,当年他用一枚别人捐助的卵子使一位62岁的妇女受孕并顺利生产。但他拒绝为这次的克隆人项目透露更多的细节。

34、But he's such a maverick we cannot count on his voting with the party. ─── 我真是希望能够得到那个人的支持,但是他的独立性非常强,没有办法肯定他是否会跟著党的意思去投票。

35、He's far and away the greatest Maverick ever, Ro Blackman included.Yeah, he's had his share of disappointment, but name a superstar who hasn't? ─── 他距离小牛队史上最伟大的球员的荣誉还有很长的一段路要走,但是被冠以超级巨星的头衔又有几人呢?

36、Maverick about whether to suit the team the discussion already to finish, Carlyle will discipline further Maverick's defense, calf's attack guidance correct direction. ─── 小牛队关于是否适合球队的讨论已经结束,卡莱尔将进一步磨练小牛队的防守,将小牛的进攻导向正确的方向。

37、Palin is the governor of Alaska, and while she's been on the job for only a short while, she is known to be someone of a maverick. ─── 佩林是阿拉斯加州州长,尽管如政坛时间并不长久,但她用于反抗传统以及独立的个性而著称。

38、Butler and Tanner was subsequently bought out of administration by ex-management backed by publishing maverick Felix Dennis. ─── 巴特勒和丹拿后来买下了行政的前管理后盾,出版野牛费利克斯丹尼斯。

39、The 54-year-old Fortuyn, leader of Fortuyn Party, was a maverick in politics flaunting his anti-immigrant stance and homosexual behavior and was assassinated nine days before the general election. ─── 佛杜恩党党魁、五十四岁的佛杜恩以反移民立场和同性恋行径在政界标新立异,在大选前九天遭到谋杀。

40、He was too much of a maverick ever to hold high office. ─── 他太特立独行了,永远都担当不了高级职位。

41、The animated mock documentary "Surf's Up" is a delightfully rendered summer diversion in which a tiny Rockhopper penguin named Cody Maverick aspires to be a surfing champion. ─── 生动活现的模仿型纪录片“冲浪的高手”,描写在夏天一个被命名为科迪的企鹅立志成为冲浪冠军的故事。

42、Erin seems to be much more the hair maverick. ─── 埃琳在发式上似乎要标新立异得多。

43、Some maverick scientists believe that both gravity and light are electromagnetic forces. ─── 某些独立研究科学家们认为,重力和光都是电磁力。

44、Politically, she's a bit of a maverick. ─── 在政治方面,她有点自行其是。

45、1.China Art Now,as part of the festival ,is expected to feature a huge brontosaurus installation by Xu Zhen,known as the maverick of the Chinese art world. ─── 1.作为活动的一部分,由华人艺术届特立独行的艺术家徐震创作的巨型雷龙雕塑将有望在“今日中国艺术展”上展出。

46、You're a maverick and you'll try anything. ─── 你是个爱自行其是的人, 样样事情都要尝试一下。

47、If a maverick opponent of the prevailing paradigm calls public attention to an anomaly, he might soon have a hundred puzzle-solving specialists working against him. ─── 如果普遍范式的一个独往独来的对手吁请公众对一种异常引起注意,他可能很快有上百个解难工作的专家对付他。

48、Langton has gotten a lot of press for being the maverick who launched the fashionable field of artificial life. ─── 作为一个开创了人工生命这一时尚领域的另类人物,朗顿承受了许多压力。

49、Colourful Mavericks owner Mark Cuban was emotional in praising Nowitzki, the first Maverick to win the award. ─── 小牛队老板库班激动地赞扬诺维茨基,他是第一个获此殊荣的小牛对运动员。

50、But it pays to remember that the self-styled maverick was never very comfortable as the standard bearer of a party that he had opposed so many times on so many issues. ─── 但是这个很重要:作为政党的标准继承者,他那自我的风格从来都没有舒服过,所以,他在许多场合都反对过很多次。

51、In the nineteenth century the maverick archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann claimed these were the ruins of Troy. ─── 究竟这是真人真事,还是纯粹虚构呢?

52、You can't be a maverick when politically it's working for you, and then not a maverick when it doesn't work for you... ─── 你不能在政治上当政策对你有利时是个思想独立者,而当它对你不利时你就不是个思想独立者...

53、He's a real maverick and a successful on at that. ─── 他的一个真正的野牛和成功之路。

54、Maverick could not explain how he made up the word. ─── 马弗里克也无法解释他是如何想出了这个词。

55、She led a somewhat irregular private life; maverick politicians. ─── 她的私人生活过得有点反常规;思想独立的政治家。

56、The business community saw him as a leftist maverick intent on redistributing wealth by imposing progressive taxes. ─── 企业界视其为右翼异端分子,他决心通过强征累进税来重新分配财富。

57、The claims come as maverick military chief Frank Bainimarama said he was in control of Fiji and that he'd assumed the powers of the president. ─── 而包括印裔部长在内的各阶层人仕正聚集在卡拉塞总理住宅门前,表示对民选政府的支持!

58、a political maverick ─── 持不同政见者

59、But he's such a maverick we can't count on his voting with the party. ─── 我真是希望能够得到那个人的支持,但是他的独立*非常强,没有办法肯定他是否会跟着党的意思去投票。”

60、The debate was never resolved because, oddly enough, no one ran the experiment until 1991, when a maverick named Hugh Loebner decided to underwrite it with his own money. ─── 争论从来都没有过结果,因为--很奇怪的是--从来都没人做过这个实验,直到1991年,一个叫做休·罗布纳的独立人士决定花自己的钱来支持这一实验。

61、Ford Maverick ─── 福特翼虎,简称翼虎

62、politically, she's a bit of a maverick ─── 在政治方面,她有点自行其是

63、The secret of fashion lay in dualism of charming, which is maverick and imitation, fashion and popular. The dualism meets self two needs: peculiarity and safe sense. ─── 时尚的全部秘密在于奇魅的双重性:既标新立异又可资模仿,既新潮又流行,这种双重性正好同时满足了自我的两种基本需要:独特性与安全感。

64、"Congressman Black is a real maverick but the voters keep sending him back to Washington. ─── 布莱克议员是一个真正独行其事的人,但是选民们不断投他的票,推选他到华盛顿去当议员。

65、Koon had hoped to see his friend join the Jedi Council, but Jinn's maverick views kept him from ascending to that position. ─── 孔曾希望看到他的朋友加入绝地议会,但金的不羁的观念使他无法被提拔至这一职位。

66、Maverick Pave Strike Area ─── "小牛""铺路攻击"区域

67、A maverick, John McCain tackled campaign reform, military reform, spending reform. He took on presidents, partisans and popular opinion. ─── 作为一个特立独行的人,约翰•麦凯恩推动竞选改革、军事改革、拨款改革。他接受总统、党员和大众的观点。

68、What reformist tendencies it had under the maverick JunichiroKoizumi, prime minister between 2001 and 2006, have now gone into reverse. ─── 在2001年到2006年期间担任首相的,桀骜不逊的小泉纯一郎所开始的改革开始走回头路了。

69、Senator Bob Kerrey, the Medal of Honor winner and former Nebraska governor, attracted a lot of interest because he was a political maverick: a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. ─── “荣誉勋章”获得者,也是内布拉斯加州前任州长,参议员鲍勃.克里吸引了众多的选民,因为他是一个特立独行的政客:财政政策上的保守主义者,社会问题上的自由主义者。


71、Dirk played more like Dirk after the new year, and was the only Maverick who showed up in Dallas' first-round loss to the Hornets. He's back. ─── 新年之后,德克打得更像德克了,他是达拉斯在第一轮输给黄蜂时唯一一个站出来的牛仔.他回来了.

72、"We should have some resolution (today)," Johnson said, adding that there was no scenario in which Christie would remain a Maverick. ─── 我们今天应该有一些解决办法,约翰逊说,补充到,没有一点迹象表明克里斯蒂将会留在小牛。

73、Congressman Black is a real maverick but the voters keep sending him back to Washington. They admire a man who votes the way he really feels instead of just trying to please the voters all the time. ─── 布莱克议员是一个真正独行其事的人,但是选民们不断投他的票,推选他到华盛顿去当议员。选民们很钦佩他,因为他总是根据自己真正的想法去投票,而不是单纯想讨好选民。

74、The Republican maverick wasdisliked and distrusted by too many in the party. ─── 而在共和党内部,有太多人对这位特立独行者抱以嫌恶和不信任的态度。

75、Such a maverick sports car brand is the world for decades with the car chase scene the focus of adventure. ─── 如此一个特立独行的跑车品牌是数十年来世界车坛追逐与猎奇的焦点。

76、But financiers have noticed that cheap hits such as "Little Miss Sunshine" can be hugely profitable. And beneath their maverick exteriors, such outfits are reassuringly obsessed with cost control. ─── 但是,金融家们留意到廉价点击诸如"小阳光小姐",能获得巨额利润.再往下,其特立独行的外貌,这些衣服都抱有痴迷的成本控制.

77、At the dawn of the twentieth century, an expedition leaves smog-filled London, led by maverick Professor Challenger, to explore a distant plateau in the verdant green of South America. ─── 二十世纪的某一个清晨,正值黎明时份,一队探险队伍离开了烟雾弥漫的伦敦,起程前往南美洲探索一处人迹罕至的燎原。

78、a maverick film director ─── 独行其是的电影导演

79、It has more in common with the work of the American maverick genius Frank Lloyd Wright, for whom Utzon worked briefly. ─── 它与美国怪才弗兰克·劳埃德·怀特的作品有较多的共同点。

80、Within Republican cloakrooms on Capitol Hill, the coolness toward their maverick presidential candidate is mutual. ─── 在国会山共和党的衣帽间内,这位特例独行的总统候选人与他的党人相互之间表现冷淡.

81、The maverick doctor gained fame nearly a decade ago when he helped a 62-year-old women give birth following fertility treatment with a donated egg, but he has revealed few details about his latest project. ─── 十年前,这位特立独行的科学家就已经名扬天下了,当年他用一枚别人捐助的卵子使一位62岁的妇女受孕并顺利生产。 但他拒绝为这次的克隆人项目透露更多的细节。

82、Maverick Carter, James's manager and former high school teammate, said James is open to new endorsements. ─── 卡特,詹姆斯的经纪人同时也是他以前的高中队友,说詹姆斯会接纳任何新的合同。

83、Friedman has cultivated an image of a maverick, a renegade scientist brave enough to tell the world what he knows about flying saucers. ─── 弗里德曼已经发展成为一个持有不同意见,一个叛徒科学家的人物,他敢于告诉世人,有关他所知道的飞碟。

84、What reformist tendencies it had under the maverick Junichiro Koizumi, prime minister between 2001 and 2006, have now gone into reverse. ─── 2001至2006年,执政风格独树一帜的小泉纯一郎出任首相期间,日本曾一度出现过改革趋势。

85、The maverick populist struck a triumphant tone, predicting the collapse of the American project to establish a democratic government in Iraq. ─── 持不同政见的人民党党员高奏凯歌,预言美国要在伊朗建立民主政府的计划将会破产.

86、As a Fed policymaker, Bob gained a reputation as an independent voice, or maverick, dissenting from the Alan Greenspan majority twice in 1999 and once in 2002. ─── 作为美国联邦金融政策制定者之一,麦克提尔博士于1999和2002年三次与格林斯潘主流发生不同政见,被誉为“独立之声。”

87、(5)Always a maverick, he capped his career as a player by moving to California to start a sports consulting business. ─── 独树一帜的他在职业生涯结束后前往加利福尼亚,成功创办了一家体育运动咨询公司。

88、But there are many people struggling with life, not to change maverick mettle and frankness. ─── 但也有不少人一生挣扎,仍不改特立独行的秉性与率真。












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