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09-30 投稿


pills 发音

英:[pɪlz]  美:[pɪlz]

英:  美:

pills 中文意思翻译





pills 短语词组

1、Janeway's pills ─── [医] 詹伟氏丸

2、Haen's pills ─── [医] 黑恩氏丸(含芦荟、司格蒙脂、药喇叭脂、姜、皂)

3、Bapker's post-partum pills ─── [医] 巴克氏产后丸(含药西瓜、莨菪、芦荟等六种成分的轻泻丸)

4、aloe pills ─── [医] 芦荟丸

5、Becquerel's pills ─── [医] 伯克勒耳氏丸(含硫酸奎宁、洋地黄、秋水仙子)

6、compressed pills ─── [医] 压制丸剂

7、creosote pills ─── [医] 木溜油丸

8、Beecham's pills ─── [医] 比彻姆氏丸(含芦荟的泻药丸)

9、Debout's pills ─── [医] 德布氏丸(含秋水仙、硫酸奎宁和洋地黄)

10、Meglin's pills ─── [医] 梅格兰氏丸(含莨菪、ш草、氧化锌)

11、Barker's post-partum pills ─── [医] 巴克氏产后丸(含药西瓜、莨菪、芦荟等六种成分的轻泻丸)

12、blue pills ─── 汞丸

13、cochia pills ─── [医] 蔻契阿泻丸, 复方药西瓜丸

14、Allophen Pills ─── 酚酞丸

15、Hooper's pills ─── [医] 胡珀氏丸(含芦荟、鬼臼脂)

16、Niemeyer's pills ─── [医] 尼迈耶氏丸(奎宁洋地黄鸦片丸,阿狄森氏丸)

17、Blancard's pills ─── [医] 布兰卡尔德氏丸(碘化低铁丸)

18、Heim's pills ─── [医] 海姆氏丸

19、Lartigue's pills ─── [医] 拉提格氏丸(含秋水仙及洋地黄)

pills 常用词组

sleeping pill ─── 安眠药

bitter pill ─── 困恼;苦涩的药丸

contraceptive pill ─── 避孕药;避孕丸

pills 词性/词形变化,pills变形

动词过去分词: pilled |动词现在分词: pilling |动词过去式: pilled |动词第三人称单数: pills |

pills 相似词语短语

1、Mills ─── n.米尔斯(人名)

2、gills ─── n.鱼鳃(gill的复数);菌褶;[解剖]腮下肉;吉耳;v.除去鱼的鳃和内脏;用刺网捕(gill的三单形式)

3、Wills ─── n.威尔士(健身会所名);威尔斯(美科学家)

4、bills ─── n.账单;议案(bill的复数);v.开账单(bill的第三人称单数形式);n.(Bills)人名;(英、德)比尔斯

5、Sills ─── n.[建]基石(sill的复数);n.(Sills)人名;(英、法)西尔斯

6、cills ─── 纤毛

7、dills ─── n.[园艺]莳萝;莳萝的种子;n.(Dill)人名;(英、法、德)迪尔

8、spills ─── n.漏损,溢出(spill的复数);v.使溅出(spill的三单形式)

9、fills ─── n.填充物;乱纹(fill的复数);v.填充(fill的第三人称单数形式)

pills 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Remember what you used to call those little pills? Invisible handcuffs. ─── 记得你当初是怎么称呼这些小药片的?

2、"What kind of pills?" asked the banker. ─── 什麽药啊?银行员问道。

3、He swallowed the sleeping pills with water. ─── 他用水把安眠药吞下去了。

4、He folded the pills in a piece of paper. ─── 他用纸包住药丸。

5、Zhang: They are Chinese medicine. Some pills only. ─── 张学文:中药。只是一些药丸。

6、He'd better stop taking those pills. ─── 他最好别再服用那些药片。

7、The boy spat out the pill after eating off its sugar coating. ─── 孩子吃掉了药丸外面的糖衣,却把药心吐了出来。

8、For carsickness, I took motion sickness pills. ─── 因为晕车症候,我曾购买治晕药丸。

9、The baby spat out the nasty pill. ─── 婴儿吐出了难吃的药丸。

10、Now I'm still taking ginseng pills. ─── 如今还是吃人参养荣丸

11、She dosed herself up with vitamin pills. ─── 她给自己服了一些维生素片。

12、The pills the doctor gave me aren't working. ─── 医生给我的药片不管事。

13、However,after I took some soothing pills,the pain subsided. ─── 不过在吃过几粒止痛丸之后,痛感消失了。

14、Conclusion This method is simple, available with a good reproducibility, and can be used for the quality control of Dangshen Guben pills. ─── 结论该方法简便可行,专属性强,重现性好。可用于党参固本丸的质量控制。

15、And from those pills we were able to conclude that it was an ammonium nitrate based explosive. ─── 根据这些颗粒,我们就能推断出凶手用硝酸胺制作的炸弹。

16、The sleeping pills did their work. ─── 安眠药产生效果

17、He tells me to take these pill every four hours. ─── 他告诉我每个4小时吃一次这些药片。

18、He folded the pills in a blue paper . ─── 他用蓝色的纸把药片包起来。

19、He took a few pills before going to bed. ─── 他临睡前吃了几粒药。

20、Pills coated with sugar are easier to eat. ─── 外包糖衣的药片较容易吃下去。

21、You must take your pill on the hour. ─── 你必须在整点时服药。

22、We have sleeping pills here. ─── 我们这儿有安眠药。

23、He washed down a pill with water. ─── 他用开水吞服药丸。

24、The sleeping pills soon knocked the patient out. ─── 安眠药片很快使病人昏睡过去了。

25、This pill will help to settle your nerves. ─── 你吃了这片药神经就不那麽紧张了。

26、Defeat in the election is a bitter pill for him to swallow. ─── 在选举中失败是他难以下咽的苦果。

27、Dr: Do you often take the sleeping pills? ─── 你经常吃安眠药吗?

28、Take these pills and try to rest as much as possible. ─── 吃这种药,尽可能多休息。

29、You should take one pill at a time. ─── 一次服一颗。

30、One of these pills will put the cat to sleep in an hour. ─── 吃一粒这种药丸就能使猫在1小时内入睡。

31、He has the flu. But he took some pills and he's much better now. ─── 他感冒了。但他吃了些药,现在好多了。

32、This pill will cure your headache,I warrant you. ─── 我保证这药片一定能治好你的头痛。

33、Some cases can be treated with pills. ─── 一些病可以用药物治疗。

34、He dissolved the pills in water. ─── 他把药片用水化开。

35、If the pills made him dizzy why is he buying more? ─── 如果那药使他头晕,那他为什么还要再买?

36、Occasionally she had to take sleeping pills. ─── 她偶尔不得不吃安眠药。

37、The sleeping pills could help you fall asleep fast. ─── 安眠药能帮你迅速入睡。

38、The sleeping pills soon put her off to sleep. ─── 安眠药片不久就使她睡着了。

39、It is really a bitter pill to swallow at that time. ─── 在当时,那真是一件不得不忍受的苦事。

40、Once you feel feverish,take these pills three times a day. ─── 一旦你觉得发烧就吃这药片,每天3次。

41、If you'd take the pill,you'd have felt better. ─── 你要是吃了那些药丸,你会好些的。

42、Take two pills and have a good rest. ─── 吃两片药,好好休息一下。

43、She had to take sleeping pills every night. ─── 她每天夜里都得服安眠药。

44、He swallowed the pills with a glass of water. ─── 他靠一杯水服下了这些药丸。

45、The future may provide an anti-senility pill. ─── 将来或许会有一种抗衰老药片。

46、Those new pill you give me work like a charm. ─── 你给我的那些新药丸真是药到病除。

47、The child could not get the pill down. ─── 孩子吞不下药片。

48、Doctors can treat acne with pills or creams. ─── 医生可用药丸或药膏治疗粉刺。

49、She prescribed some pills to help me to sleep. ─── 她让我吃些药片以利睡眠。

50、"Just gave him some pills," replied the rancher. ─── 农夫答道:只给牠吃了一些药啊。

51、It was really a bitter pill to swallow at that time. ─── 在当时,那真是一件不得不忍受的苦事。

52、He washed the pill down with water. ─── 他用水把药丸吞下。

53、She's been popping pills for months. ─── 她大量服药已有几个月了。

54、Bad: You can't find your birth control pills. ─── 你找不到你的避孕药啦。

55、She's been taking sleeping pills. ─── 她一直在服用安眠药。

56、Take a chill pill, man. Please listen to me. ─── 冷静一下,老兄,听我说。

57、He swallowed the pills with a cup of water. ─── 他用一杯水吞下了这些药丸。

58、Children may eat pills in mistake for sweets. ─── 孩子们会把药片错当成糖果吃的。

59、The doctor has given her some pills to take for her cough. ─── 医生给了她一些治咳嗽的药片吃。

60、The doctor prescribed some pills for my cold. ─── 医生为我开了一些治感冒的药片。

61、He told me to take these pills every four hours. ─── 他告诉我每隔四小时服用一次这种药丸。

62、Could you give me some pills to relieve my pain? ─── 你能给我开些药止疼吗?

63、There is now an ill for every pill. ─── 如今是凡是疾病,皆有药物可治。

64、She's been popping pills for months. ─── 她大量服药已有几个月了。

65、Through it, as you know, I came into possession of the pills, the existence of which I had already surmised. ─── 你已经知道,在这个事件里,我找到了两枚药丸。我早就推想到一定会有这种东西存在的。

66、If you are airsick, please have some airsick pills. ─── 如果您晕机,请服些晕机药。

67、He bought some pills from the dispensary. ─── 他从学校的医务室买了一些药片。

68、She took some pills down before she went to bed. ─── 她睡觉前吞了一些药丸。

69、His mother told him to have a vitamin pill before leaving. ─── 他妈妈让他在走之前吃一颗维生素药丸。

70、The pills should be swallowed whole. ─── 这些药要吞服。

71、He told me to take these pills four times a day. ─── 他告诉我每日服用四次这种药丸。

72、The doctor gave me a prescription for some pills. ─── 医生开了一个药方给我。

73、He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills. ─── 他试图服安眠药自杀。

74、At college I developed an eating disorder and began to feel quite anxious as a result of the diet pills I was taking. ─── 在大学的时候,我得了饮食性疾病。为了治病,我不得不吃控制饮食的药物,正因为这种药物,我变得常常心慌和不安。

75、She took a massive overdose of sleeping pills. ─── 她服用了过量的安眠药。

76、She took an overdose of sleeping pills. ─── 她服用过量的安眠药。

77、Perhaps a series of pills will provide adequate nourishment. ─── 也许,一系列药丸就可以提供足够的营养。

78、Garth come on relax all right? Your pills? ─── 加思,伙计,放松好吗?你的药呢?

79、The doctor tried to wean her off sleeping pills. ─── 医生设法使她逐渐停止服用安眠药片。

80、She asked the doctor for some happy pills. ─── 她请医生给她开了些镇静剂。

81、I would recommend you not to try those sleeping pills. ─── 我劝你不要用那些安眠药片。

82、Stay away from the pastries. They are fat pills. ─── 别吃那些油酥点心,他们会令你发胖。

83、We have nothing in the house but backache pills. ─── 我们家除了背痛丸,啥都没有。”

84、The doctor asked me to take these pills every four hours. ─── 医生让我每隔四小时服用一次这些药丸。

85、Doctor said I should take pills. ─── 医生说我应该服用奎宁。

86、Sleeping pills is indeed a ruthless fun thing. ─── 安眠药的确是、一个狠好玩的东西。

87、If youve got backache, take some pills. ─── 如果背痛,就吃点药。

88、The vet also gave him a tube and said, "Put the pills in the tube and put the tube into her mouth. Then blow. Yhat'll make it. " ─── 兽医还给了农夫一个管状容器并且说:“把药放到这里然后再把这个放到奶牛嘴里,然后吹吹,这样就可以了。”

89、Take two pills fifteen minutes after each meal. ─── 三餐饭后十五分钟吃两颗药丸。

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