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09-30 投稿


mediastinum 发音

英:[ˌmidɪæsˈtaɪnəm]  美:[ˌmiːdɪəˈstaɪnəm]

英:  美:

mediastinum 中文意思翻译



mediastinum 词性/词形变化,mediastinum变形


mediastinum 相似词语短语

1、mediational ─── 中介的

2、mediatised ─── v.纳为附属领地(等于mediatize)(mediatize的过去式和过去分词)

3、mediastinal ─── adj.纵隔的

4、mediations ─── n.调解;仲裁;调停

5、mediatises ─── vt.置于中间(等于mediatize)

6、mediation ─── n.调解;仲裁;调停

7、mediatise ─── vt.置于中间(等于mediatize)

8、mediastina ─── 纵隔腔;纵隔

9、mediating ─── 调停

mediastinum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Congenital cyst of mediastinum ─── 先天性纵隔囊肿

2、Keywords primary tumors of mediastinum;operation; ─── 关键词纵隔肿瘤;手术;

3、Objective To study the technique and clinical significance of percutaneous mediastinum biopsy guided by CT. ─── 摘要目的探讨CT导引纵隔病变穿刺活检技术及其临床意义。

4、Objective To discuss the imaging diagnostic value using seven division for dystopic thymomas in mediastinum. ─── 目的探讨采用7分区法对异位胸腺瘤的影像学诊断价值。

5、The clinical application of CT-guided mediastinum tumor puncture biopsy with the same axle transfixion pin biopsy technique and fast cytological examination ─── 同轴活检技术在CT引导下纵隔内肿块穿刺活检中的临床应用

6、Objective To estimate the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, the pathological type and mass location in mediastinum were reviewed. ─── 目的探讨小儿纵隔肿瘤的病理类型与发生部位的关系,评价诊治手段及预后。

7、mediastinum superius ─── 上纵隔

8、Because the trachea and thyroid gland adjoin to the subglottic area, the tumor invades them along with the superior mediastinum and lung by the way of paratracheal lymph drainage. ─── 以其和气管及甲状腺密接的解剖相关,常使肿瘤向下及向外侵犯,并藉由气管旁淋巴组织转移到上纵膈腔及肺部。

9、A mediastinal lipoma is an unusual, but benign tumor composed of a large amount of mature adipose tissue within the mediastinum. ─── 摘要纵膈腔脂肪瘤是在纵膈腔中由成熟脂肪组织构成的少见之良性肿瘤。

10、mediastinum superior ─── [医] 上纵隔

11、Objective To find a effective method for diagnosing tuberculous lymphadenopathy and sarcoidosis of mediastinum. ─── 目的寻找和探索一种区分良恶性纵隔淋巴结肿大,确诊纵隔淋巴结结核和结节病的有效方法。

12、Objective To compare the diagnostic value of 131I-SPECT/CT fusion images and 131I-WBI in detecting the metastases of differentiated thyroid carcinoma(DTC) of the regions of the head,neck and mediastinum. ─── 目的探讨131I-单光子发射型计算机断层显像-计算机断层摄影(131I-SPECT/CT)同机融合显像与131I-全身显像(131I-WBI)对分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)病人术后头颈部及纵隔部转移灶的诊断价值。

13、Resected area from thymus and all lipoid tissue in the front mediastinum. ─── 切除范围从全胸腺组织到前纵隔和上纵隔的所有脂肪样软组织。

14、19 cases complicated with dropsy and haematocele in the pericardium, mediastinum and thorax. ─── 并发心包、纵隔及胸腔积液和积血共19例。

15、Most teratomas of the mediastinum are benign and only 15-20% account for malignant neoplasms, such as immature teratomas, mature teratomas with malignant transformation, or teratomas concomitant to mixed germ cell tumors. ─── 大部分纵膈腔畸胎瘤是良性的,百分之十五至二十是恶性肿瘤,如不成熟畸胎瘤、成熟畸胎瘤并恶性转形、畸胎瘤共存的混合生殖细胞瘤。

16、The infection can spread into the mediastinum, involving the prosthetic valve, grafts, and suture lines. ─── 感染能够漫延至纵膈腔,影响到人工瓣膜或血管、绕道之血管及缝合处。

17、Resected area from thymus and all lipoid tissue in the front mediastinum. ─── 切除范围从全胸腺组织到前纵隔和上纵隔的所有脂肪样软组织。

18、The perforation was due to inadvertent injury of the esophagus that was deformed and distorted by a large calcified lymph node in the mediastinum during intraoperative TEE instrumentation. ─── 其发生的主要原因是病人纵膈腔中有一大钙化淋巴结,且手术中使用经食道超音波造成食道被扭曲压迫所导致。

19、Involvement or encasement of great vessels in mediastinum occurred in 21 cases. ─── 21例纵隔大血管被包埋或侵犯。

20、Evaluation of Locating Sign of Tumours in Posterior Mediastinum ─── 后纵隔肿瘤定位征象评价

21、anterior mediastinum ─── 前纵隔

22、CT detection of lymph node metastasis is easier in mediastinum than in hilum, with sensitivity of 80% in the former and of 50% in the latter. ─── 电脑断层摄影,对于检查胸纵隔淋巴结转移,较之于肺门淋巴结,容易得多。其敏感度,前者为80%,而后者为50%。

23、Purpose: To study the ultrasonic diagnostic value of mediastinum tumor. ─── 目的:探讨纵隔肿瘤超声诊断的价值。

24、mediastinum thoracis ─── [医] 胸腔纵隔

25、Keywords Radiology;interventional;Biopsy;needle aspiration;Mediastinum; ─── 放射学;介入;活组织检查;针吸;纵隔;

26、The Position and Configuration of the Anterior Mediastinum in Normal Volunteers ─── 前纵隔的正常位置和形态

27、Spontaneous pneumomediastinum is an uncommon and underdiagnosed disease defined as a nontraumatic presence of free air in the mediastinum. ─── 自发性纵膈腔气肿是一不常见且易误诊的疾病。定义为纵膈腔内出现非外伤性游离的气体。

28、The mediastinum contains the heart, oesophagus, trachea, etc. ─── 纵隔包含有心脏、食管、气管等等。

29、Nursing of Pericardium and Mediastinum Drainage after Open Heart Surgery ─── 心脏体外循环术后心包纵隔引流管的护理

30、Apart from the gonads, the mediastinum is the most frequently involved site of germ cell tumors, accounting for about 2-6% of these neoplasms. ─── 摘要除了性腺外,纵膈腔是生殖细胞瘤最好发的位置约占百分之二至六。

31、However, in a few cases, the spread of infection is from the cervical fascia with a downward extension to the mediastinum. ─── 在极少数状况下,病菌从颈部筋膜向下延伸造成颈部坏死性筋膜炎,更甚者造成前纵隔腔发炎,引发致命危险。

32、Clinical and Imaging Manifestations of Unusual Neurogenous Tumor in the Posterior Mediastinum ─── 后纵隔少见神经源性肿瘤的临床和影像学表现

33、In 7 lesions of lung and mediastinum smaller than 1.5 cm, 3 were not detected either by AC or by NAC, 3 of 11 lesions in the axilla, and 6 lesions in the abdomen and pelvis were not detected either. ─── 7个小于1.5cm的肺、肺门和纵隔病灶有3个两者均未检出,11个小于1.5cm的腋窝病灶有3个两者均未检出,6个小于1.5 cm的腹腔、盆腔病灶两者均未检出。

34、Superior mediastinum exposure in the removal of the advanced cancers in the lower neck regions ─── 上纵隔暴露术在颈部晚期癌手术中的应用

35、Imaging Diagnosis of Non-tumorus Lesions in Anterior Mediastinum ─── 前纵隔非肿瘤性病变的影像学诊断

36、Clinical study on accurate measurement of mediastinum region L/B in ~(18)F-FDG SPECT imaging ─── ~(18)F-FDG SPECT显像纵隔病变病灶/本底比值测定方法研究

37、Can diffuse along hemal, nerve even, cause phlebitis of sex of sponge antrum thrombus, mediastinum the serious complication such as abscess of phlogistic, head, septicemia. ─── 甚至可沿血管、神经扩散,引起海绵窦血栓性静脉炎、纵隔炎、脑脓肿、败血症等严重并发症。

38、The aboe antenatal scans show a cystic mass in the posterior mediastinum, aboe the diaphragm. ─── 出生前的超声扫描示位于后纵隔的囊性团块(横隔以上)。

39、primary tumors of mediastinum ─── 原发性纵隔肿瘤

40、mediastinum cerebelli ─── [医] 小脑纵隔, 小脑镰

41、Keywords Mediastinum;Lymphadenectasis;CT analyze; ─── 关键词纵隔;淋巴结肿大;CT分析;

42、The most common locations are the sacrococcygeal regions, gonads, and mediastinum. ─── 然而到目前为止,文献上从未报导过共同发生的纵膈腔畸胎瘤与卵巢畸胎瘤。

43、Chest showed widened mediastinum and head C.T. revealed cerebral edema. ─── 是的,嗯,当他们在娱乐时?应该出现在?的派对上

44、Thymomas and teratomas tended to be located in the anterior mediastinum, whereas neurogenic tumours and EDST predisposed to the posterior mediastinum. ─── 畸胎瘤和胸腺瘤位于前纵隔, 神经源性肿瘤和内胚窦瘤发生于后纵隔。

45、tumor of anterior mediastinum ─── 前纵隔肿瘤

46、When present in the mediastinum, they can be located in all mediastinal compartments, with a predilection for the anterior mediastinum. ─── 淋巴管瘤可以在纵膈腔任何部位发生,但好发于前纵膈腔。

47、middle mediastinum ─── 中纵隔

48、drainage of anterior mediastinum ─── 前纵隔引流

49、The diseases included spontaneous pneumothorax, sweat - hand disease, thoracic trauma, and other diseases of lung, pleura, mediastinum. ─── 手术治疗的疾病包括自发性气胸、手汗症、肺、胸膜、纵隔疾病及胸外伤等10余种。

50、Objective: To summarize the diagnosis and treatment of mediastinum enterogenous cysts. ─── 目的:总结纵隔肠源性囊肿的诊断和治疗。

51、Keywords not the entire mediastinum uterogestation splits the palace to produce the history not entire miscarriage to misdiagnose; ─── 不全纵隔子宫妊娠;剖宫产史;不全流产;误诊;

52、Spontaneous pneumomediastinum is an uncommon and underdiagnosed disease defined as a nontraumatic presence of free air in the mediastinum. ─── 摘要自发性纵膈腔气肿是一不常见且易误诊的疾病。定义为纵膈腔内出现非外伤性游离的气体。

53、Esophageal duplication cysts are frequently encountered in the mediastinum and rarely in the abdomen. ─── 摘要食道复制囊肿经常发生于纵膈腔而很少发生于腹腔内。

54、We report a case of synovial sarcoma occurring in the mediastinum. ─── 本篇文章中,我们报告一位发生于纵隔腔的滑膜肉瘤的病例。

55、Evaluation of the surgical approaches of primary neurogenic tumors of the mediastinum ─── 外科治疗纵隔原发神经源性肿瘤的手术径路评价

56、Keywords Endodermal sinus tumor;Carcinoma;embryonal;Mediastinum; ─── 关键词内胚窦瘤;胚胎性癌;纵隔;

57、Objective:To discuss the CT features of mediastinum hydatid cyst. ─── 目的:探讨纵隔棘球蚴病的CT表现。

58、Keywords biopsy;mediastinum;lung hilum;tomography;X-ray computed; ─── 活检;纵隔;肺门;体层摄影;X线计算机;

59、Keywords Pleural effusion with cancer X - ray diagnosing Effusion face curve Mediastinum; ─── 癌性胸腔积液;X线诊断;液面曲线;纵隔;

60、Results MRI can clearly demonstrate thedifference between diagnoses and apelectasis,their invasion on mediastinum and metastasis to lymphonodi. ─── CT在肿瘤定位、大小、形态边缘、密度及有无钙化点优于MRI,但不能区分肿块与实变之肺组织。

61、The earliest lesions in the kidney are multiple tuberculous foci in the cortex, the result of haematogenous spread from a primary focus in the lymph nodes of the neck, mediastinum or abdomen. ─── 最早期的肾病变是肾皮质的多发性结核病灶,系由颈部、纵隔或腹部的淋巴结原发病灶经血行扩散所致。

62、They are usually located in the neck (75%) or axillary region (20%), with only 1% localized in the mediastinum. ─── 其发生部位,在颈部??5%,腋窝部??0%,而纵膈腔祗有1%。

63、The example seen here is a "tension" pneumothorax shifting the mediastinum, because a "ball-valve" air leak is increasing the air in the right chest cavity. ─── 图为张力性气胸,因呼吸时活瓣样的结构使气体漏入到胸膜腔的越来越多,纵膈移位。

64、Methods:CT characteristics in five patients admitted to our hospital during 10 years and diagnosed as mediastinum hydatid cyst were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法:回顾性分析10年以来的5例纵隔棘球蚴囊肿的CT影像特点。

65、The possible sequence of spread of infection is from the supraglottic structure, through the retropharyngeal lymph nodes, to the mediastinum and bilateral pleural cavities. ─── 但因急性会厌炎造成深颈部感染,进而向下扩展成两侧性脓胸,则为罕见。

66、It may be caused by spontaneous alveolar rupture, with subsequent tracking of air along the bronchovascular interstitium into the mediastinum. ─── 可能为自发性肺泡破裂所致,继之空气沿支气管血管间质进入纵隔。

67、Objective To analyze the imaging manifestation of the Subpleu ral lung cancer in mediastinum which were misdiagnosed easily and to compare with the space occupying lesion of mediastinum. ─── 目的分析易误诊的胸膜下纵膈型肺癌的影像学表现,探讨纵隔占位性病变与之鉴别要点,减少误诊率。

68、secondary carcinoma of the upper mediastinum ─── 上纵隔继发癌

69、Purpose: To study the ultrasonic diagnostic value of mediastinum tumor. ─── 目的:探讨纵隔肿瘤超声诊断的价值。

70、The X-ray Characteristics Analysis of Tumor in the Middle Superior Mediastinum ─── 中上纵隔肿瘤的X线征象分析

71、The scans of tumors in the antero-superior and posteroinferior mediastinum showed better imaging and effectivelly made differentia... ─── 对鉴别肿瘤囊实性迅速、准确。结论应用超声检查纵隔肿瘤,对诊断和鉴别具有较大实用价值。

72、A purulent pericarditis is most often the result of spread of bacterial infection from lung or mediastinum. ─── 化脓性心包炎常由肺或纵隔的细菌感染播散引起。

73、Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of infection of mediastinum after open-heart operation. ─── 目的:探讨心脏手术后纵隔感染的诊断方法及治疗措施。

74、Clinical characteristics and surgical treatment of huge mediastinum teratoma ─── 巨大纵隔畸胎瘤的临床特点和外科治疗

75、The robot, which performed this operation, could also be used to carry out surgical treatment of congenital heart disease, valvular disease, atrial fibrillation, coronary disease, pericardiac disease and mediastinum tumor. ─── 实施这项手术的机器人可开展先天性心脏病、瓣膜病、房颤、冠心病、心包疾病、纵膈肿瘤等疾病的外科治疗。

76、The comb's teeth appearance of niche inside cavity. Contrast agent leaked into the mediastinum because of the acute esophageal rupture. ─── 腔内龛造影剂灌注后呈梳齿状影像为急性食管炎破裂造影剂漏入纵隔内。

77、We present a case of mature teratoma of the anterior mediastinum with carcinoid tumor arising in association with gastrointestinal epithelium, confined to the mass, and review the associated literature. ─── 在此我们提出一位自前纵膈腔之成熟畸胎瘤的胄肠道细胞生成之类癌瘤,并回顾历年来与此病例相关的文献报告。

78、Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE) is a rare low-grade malignant tumor of vascular origin, rarely seen in the mediastinum. ─── 摘要类上皮性血管内皮瘤是一种罕见的血管低恶性肿瘤,少见于纵膈腔。

79、Anterior inferior mediastinum ─── 前下纵隔

80、Conclusion The serious cellulitis of floor of mouth can induce mediastinum infection, which should be paid more attention. The poss . . . ─── 结论:严重的口底蜂窝织炎可向下蔓延引起纵隔感染。

81、mediastinum cerebri ─── [医] 大脑纵隔, 大脑镰

82、Methods The clinical data of 2 patients with heterotopic pancreas in mediastinum were analyzed retrospectively, which were confirmed by operation and pathology. ─── 方法搜集2例经手术病理证实的纵隔异位胰腺的病例,回顾分析其影像及临床表现。

83、Right-sided supraclavicular nodes drain parts of the lung and mediastinum and are signals of intrathoracic lesions, particularly in the lung and esophagus. ─── 右侧锁骨上淋巴结引流肺部、纵隔淋巴液,是胸内病变尤其是肺和食管的信号。

84、At the lungs, esophagus, cardia, the mediastinum and chest wall between benign and malignant disease diagnosis and surgical treatment. ─── 擅长肺部、食管、贲门、纵隔和胸壁良、恶性疾病的诊断和外科治疗。

85、Imaging studies revealed a huge mass lesion originating from the right lower mediastinum with right lower lung invasion and right rib destruction. ─── 影像学检查发现一个原发于右下后纵隔腔的巨大肿瘤病灶,同时侵犯右下肺和破坏右侧肋骨。

86、Clinicopathological analysis of malignant triton tumor of the posterior mediastinum ─── 后纵膈恶性蝾螈瘤的临床病理分析

87、Materials and Methods: The sonographic characteristics and pathologic findings from 38 patients with mediastinum tumor were analyzed correlatively. ─── 材料和方法:将怀疑纵隔肿瘤的38例患者的声像图与病理诊断进行对照分析。

88、A mediastinal lipoma is an unusual, but benign tumor composed of a large amount of mature adipose tissue within the mediastinum. ─── 纵膈腔脂肪瘤是在纵膈腔中由成熟脂肪组织构成的少见之良性肿瘤。

89、Objective To evaluate the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treament in patients with primary tumor of the mediastinum. ─── 摘要目的探讨纵隔肿瘤的临床特点和诊疗方法。

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