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09-30 投稿


moselle 发音

英:[moʊˈzel]  美:[məʊˈzel]

英:  美:

moselle 中文意思翻译




moselle 网络释义

n. (法国)摩泽尔河;摩泽尔白葡萄酒(等于Mosel)n. (Moselle)人名;(法)莫塞勒

moselle 短语词组

1、Corny sur Moselle ─── 科尼·苏尔·莫塞尔

moselle 词性/词形变化,moselle变形

异体字: Mosel |

moselle 相似词语短语

1、selle ─── 卖方;n.(Selle)人名;(意、法)塞莱;(德)泽勒

2、morelle ─── n.(Morelle)人名;(法)莫雷勒

3、Moselle ─── n.(法国)摩泽尔河;摩泽尔白葡萄酒(等于Mosel);n.(Moselle)人名;(法)莫塞勒

4、micelle ─── n.[分子生物]胶束;[生物]微团

5、novelle ─── n.(法)中篇小说;短篇故事;n.(Novelle)人名;(西)诺韦列

6、roselles ─── n.洛神葵(产于热带地区);n.(Roselle)人名;(英、法)罗塞尔

7、mamselle ─── 曼松

8、rosella ─── n.锦鹦;玫瑰鹦鹉;n.(Rosella)人名;(意)罗塞拉;(西)罗塞利亚

9、roselle ─── n.洛神葵(产于热带地区);n.(Roselle)人名;(英、法)罗塞尔

moselle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Over a bottle of Moselle, Kirby warmed up and started to talk about himself and his work. ─── 几杯摩泽尔葡萄酒下肚,柯比兴奋起来,开始讲起他自己和他的工作。

2、LXmodel single beam suspension motor crane and CD1 mosel and MD1 elsctic hoist are usedtogether as a complete set. ─── LX型电动单梁悬挂式起重机与CD1、MD1型电动葫芦配套使用,成为一种有轨运行的轻小型起重机。

3、From Saarbrucken take A8, cross the river Moselle and take exit Remich, easy way to hotel along river for about 7 kms. ─── 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

4、moselle and sugar and sparkling water or champagne flavored with sweet woodruff ─── 由糖、苏打水或香槟酒和法国莫泽尔白葡萄酒,并以甜的车叶草为香料混合而成的酒

5、Then the band of Swabians went in search of further adventure, and they came to the Mosel, a mossy, still, deep river. ─── 接著七个斯瓦比亚人继续他们的探险,这天他们来到了摩塞莱河。

6、Metz is on the Moselle, forty-five kilometers north of Nancy, the historic ruling city of Lorraine. ─── 梅斯城在摩泽尔河边,北距洛林地区传统首府南锡城45公里。

7、In crossing the Moselle and taking Metz, Third Army had suffered 47,039 battle casualties. ─── 在横渡摩泽尔河,攻克梅斯的过程中,第3集团军付出47039人战斗伤亡。

8、After we will drive to Koblenz, the confluence of the Rhine and the Mosel. ─── 特里尔又是共产主义伟人马克思的出生地, 市内的马克思故居及黑城门堡是必游之处。

9、They danced in their misery because people living along the Rhine and Moselle rivers had a longstanding fear of devils and saints who inflicted a terrible, compulsive dance. ─── 他们痛苦地跳着舞,因为生活在莱茵河与摩泽尔河畔的人们对魔鬼和圣徒有种为时甚久的恐惧,这些魔鬼和圣徒都是被施以了可怕的舞蹈瘾。

10、A bottle of Moselle wine, please. ─── 请给我一瓶莫塞尔酒(葡萄酒)。

11、In August, Third Army had advanced almost 600 kilometers, from Normandy to the Moselle River. ─── 8月里,从诺曼底到摩泽尔河,第3集团军推进了几乎600公里。

12、At the same time, the use of Taiwan's Mosel Vitelic (SMSC) chip programs, research and development, production USB1.1 floppy drive in China, manufacturers are earlier; ─── 同时,采用台湾茂矽(SMSC)芯片方案,研发,生产USB1.1软驱,在中国都是较早的生产厂家;

13、mosel methodology ─── [计] 模型方法学

14、Over a bottle of Moselle, Kirby warmed up and started to talk about himself and his work. ─── 几杯摩泽尔葡萄酒下肚,柯比兴奋起来,开始讲起他自己和他的工作。

15、Book online the cheapest hotels in Moselle departement - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Moselle (departement) 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

16、A small yet distinguished wine-producing village in Germany's Mosel Valley renowned for its white wine. ─── 在德国莫塞尔山谷有一个葡萄酒产区(村庄),以白葡萄酒而驰名,它叫什么名字?

17、A French motorcylist has been rescued from a well, where he had been trapped for five days following an accident in the eastern France region of Moselle, rescue officials said Tuesday. ─── 法国东部摩泽尔地区的救援官员11月1日表示,当地一个骑助力自行车的人在因意外事故跌落井中5天后终于被救了出来。

18、CIPRA; International Commission for the Protection of the Moselle Against Pollution; ─── 保护摩泽尔河防止污染国际委员会;

19、It's top quality Selbach-Oster Riesling vineyards lie on a four mile stretch along the Mosel River, starting in Zeltingen and continuing upstream to Wehlen, Graach, and Bernkastel. ─── 他拥有的雷司令酒园座落于莫索河畔4英里地带。

20、Testing of Five Methods for The Control of Mussels in Cooling Circuits of Power Plants Located on the Moselle River, France ─── 电厂冷却水回路斑马贻贝控制五种处理方法的试验

21、German white wine from the Moselle valley or a similar wine made elsewhere. ─── 德国的一种产自摩泽尔山谷的白酒或者其他地方制成的类似的白酒。

22、The Germans had not mounted any defense at all on the east bank of the Seine, but that left the Meuse, Moselle, Roser, Saar, Waal, and Rhine Rivers and their tributaries to go. ─── 德国人在塞纳河东岸根本未实施防御,但是还有默兹河、摩泽尔河、罗兹河、萨尔河、瓦尔河、莱因河以及它们的支流阻挡于前。

23、a light,dry white wine produced in the valley of the Moselle River ─── 摩泽尔酒,一种产于摩泽尔河的河谷地区的轻度无甜味的白干葡萄酒

24、International Commission for the Protection of the Moselle Against Pollution ─── 保护摩泽尔河流防止污染国际委员会

25、By the second week in September American units had reached he German border before Aachen and on the moselle ─── 因为到9月的第二周,美军已经打到了亚琛前面和以摩泽尔河为界的德国边境线上。

26、A city of west-central Germany at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers southeast of Bonn. ─── 德国中西部一城市,位于莱茵河和摩泽尔河的交汇口、波恩东南。

27、A right-bank tributary of the Moselle River, it flows 153 mi (246 km) across northeastern France into Germany and enters the Moselle above Trier, Germany. ─── 为摩泽尔河右岸支流,全长246公里,流经法国东北部后进入德国,至特里尔汇入摩泽尔河。

28、On the banks of the Moselle River in Germany near its border with Luxemburg sits a small city called Tier. ─── 距德国与卢森堡边境不远德国一侧的莫索尔河畔有一座小城,名特利亚。

29、Pieroth's German wines are primarily produced in the southwest of Germany, in Nahe, the Pfalz, and the Mosel. ─── 碧洛德的德国葡萄酒主要产于德国西南部,纳厄河,普法尔茨州和摩泽尔。

30、moselle and sugar and sparkling water or champagne flavored with sweet woodruff. ─── 由糖、苏打水或香槟酒和法国莫泽尔白葡萄酒并以甜的车野草为香料混合而成的酒。

31、CIPRA; International Commission for the Protection of the Moselle Against Pollution; ─── 保护摩泽尔河防止污染国际委员会;

32、The grapes from the Rudolf Muller Dornfelder stem from selected Mosel vineyards. ─── 采用选自摩梭河产区的葡萄酿制而成,系一种干,色泽深红,酒香醇厚的葡萄酒。

33、The Rhein and Mosel were two small river monitors (Flu?kanonenboot) built in 1872 to defend the River Rhine (Rhein) around Koblenz. ─── 莱茵号和莫泽尔号,是两艘小型内河低舷铁甲舰,建造于1872年。它们被用于克布伦兹地区的莱茵河防务。

34、The Mosel-Landhaus is located directly on the banks of the Moselle, just downriver of the vineyards. ─── 嘻哈生活是一个多语言多文化国际社区网络。有著数百个国家的会员朋友。

35、The Moselle winds through some 160 miles of tranquil countryside. ─── 摩泽尔河在宁静的乡间蜿蜒穿行约160英里。

36、By the end of the month the British and Americans had reached the Rhine at several places north of Duesseldorf, and a fortnight later they had firm possession of the left bank from the Moselle River northward. ─── 到2月底,英美军队在杜塞尔道夫以北好几个地方进抵莱因河。 两个星期以后,他们已经牢牢控制了摩泽尔河以北的莱因河左岸。

37、A light, dry white wine produced in the valley of the Moselle River. ─── 摩泽尔酒一种产于摩泽尔河的河谷地区的轻度无甜味的白干葡萄酒

38、The golden autumn found the Mosel valley gorgeous in the sunshine. ─── 金秋十月,莫泽尔河谷阳光闪烁,美不胜收。

39、Wade through the water," and because he was in front, he set forth and began walking into the Mosel. ─── “因为他排在最头,所以第一个踏入了河里。

40、You will find our house in an ideal location, on the bank of the Mosel river. ─── 请放心预订,我们的系统绝对安全。所有个人资料会经过加密处理编成密码。

41、None of this would ensure lower prices or a more competitive industry, reckons Boaz Moselle of FTI, a consultancy. ─── 富迪讯国际咨询公司的顾问博阿兹莫塞勒认为这些方法都不会保证价格降低或是使工业变得更具有竞争力。

42、Along the Moselle the Germans mounted an effective defense.It fell to the 80th Infantry Division to defeat it. ─── 沿着摩泽尔河,德国人建立了有效的防御,阻止了向其攻击的巴顿第3集团军的第80步兵师。

43、German white wine from the Moselle valley or a similar wine made elsewhere. ─── 德国的一种产自摩泽尔山谷的白酒或者其他地方制成的类似的白酒。

44、International Commission for the Protection of the Moselle Against Pollution ─── 保护摩泽尔河流防止污染国际委员会

45、German white wine from Moselle valley or a similar wine made elsewhere. ─── 德国的一种产自摩泽尔山谷的白酒或者其他地方制成的类似的白酒。

46、This extremely sweet expensive German wine is made in the Rhine and Mosel from hand-selected grapes left on the vine into the harvest. ─── 这款浓甜的德国葡萄酒产自莱茵和莫塞尔地区,采用人工采摘的葡萄酿造,它叫什么名字?

47、A rollercoaster ride of cool/warm/sunny/cloudy periods throughout the season, with hail destroying 700 hectares. The Riesling region of Mosel ?as well as the Pfalz - were particularly hard-hit. ─── 季节经历了凉爽,温暖,晴朗,多云数次变换,再加上冰雹,有700公顷的葡萄园受到损失。雷司令产区尤其严重。

48、The Riesling region of Mosel ?as well as the Pfalz - were particularly hard-hit. ─── 雷司令产区尤其严重。

49、the confluence of the Rhine and the Mosel ─── 莱茵河和莫塞尔河的交汇处

50、The case concerns a night in February 2000 when newly-weds Angelique and Jean-Sebastian Fraisse invited a friend for drinks and dinner at their home in the Moselle region. ─── 事件发生于2000年2月的一个晚上,当时新婚的Angelique和 Jean-Sebastian Fraisse邀请一位朋友到位于摩泽尔省的家中喝酒聚会。

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