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09-30 投稿


metonymic 发音

英:[[ˌmetə'nɪmɪk]]  美:[[ˌmetə'nɪmɪk]]

英:  美:

metonymic 中文意思翻译



metonymic 相似词语短语

1、eponymic ─── 人名名词的

2、metronymics ─── adj.表示母系的;n.表示母系

3、antonymic ─── 反义词的

4、matronymic ─── adj.表示母系的;母姓的;n.出自母亲或女性祖先的名

5、metonymical ─── adj.换喻的;转喻的

6、metonym ─── n.换喻词

7、metronymic ─── adj.表示母系的;n.表示母系

8、metronomic ─── adj.节拍器的;有节奏的

9、metonymies ─── n.转喻

metonymic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、metonymic object ─── 换喻宾语

2、Jakobson,Roman. 2002. The metaphoric and metonymic poles [ A]. In: Dirven, Rene and Ralf P? Rings (eds.). Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast[ C]. Berlin / New York:Mouton de Gruyter. ─── 胡家峦译.现代主义小说的语言:隐喻和转喻[A].吕同六.二十世纪世界小说理论经典[C].北京:华夏出版社,1995.

3、This paper shows that indirect speech act is metonymic by nature within the framework of Speech Act Scenario and Event Cognitive Model. ─── 文章在“言语行为场景”和“事件域认知模型”理论框架内阐述间接言语行为的转喻性质。

4、Dr.Huang said:"Metaphorical and metonymic extensions point to the inadequacy of a feature checking account". ─── 在真实文本中,有 "吃 奶"、“喝稀饭”,这用传统的[液体][固体]不好解释。

5、metonymic meaning of words ─── 借代义

6、to say 'he spent the evening reading Shakespeare' is metonymic because it substitutes the author himself for the author's works. ─── 说'他整夜在读莎士比亚'是转喻,因为作者本人代替了他的作品。

7、Based on the above understanding, the thesis points out that interpretation of speech act metonymy should be based on the commonly used metonymic. ─── 基于以上认识,文章进一步指出,对言语行为转喻的理解应建立在这种人类共有的转喻性的思维及推理方式上。

8、The interpretation of nominal tautology requires metonymic reasoning. ─── 同语的理解需要运用转喻推理。

9、of color words has a metonymic and metaphorical basis in cognition. ─── 和转化法的构词方式是以认知的隐喻和转喻为基础的。

10、metonymic coercion ─── 转喻压制

11、metaphorical and metonymic models ─── 隐喻与转喻模式

12、A metonymic model of transferred designation of de-constructions in Mandarin Chinese ─── 转指和转喻

13、It must be metonymic — but wait! It is spoken by a voice. ─── 它肯定是转喻的,但是等等,它是有声音的。

14、A Metonymic Interpretation of Middle Construction ─── 中动构式的转喻阐释

15、Metaphoric and Metonymic Motivations for a Special Type of Imperative Sentences in Chinese ─── 汉语中一类特殊祈使句的转喻和隐喻动因

16、metonymic cognition ─── 转喻认知

17、People employ metonymic expressions to convey information and carry out communication, which dovetails the principle of least effort advocated by linguists. ─── 说话者以借代传递信息,进行交际,正吻合了语言学家所说的“省力原则”,其正面作用已被众多认知语言学家所关注。

18、As the site of emotions, HEART is rich in both metonymic and metaphorical expressions related to emotional issues in Chinese and English. ─── Heart的概念化越具概括性,所含转喻的成分越小,而隐喻意义越突出。

19、The metaphorical substitutions of the terms presence, essence, action, truth and beauty are grounded in a metonymic chain (i.e., they are brought together by proximal and thus accidental association). ─── 隐喻性的替代作用实际上是基于一个转喻的链条。

20、metonymic thinking ─── 转喻

21、Moreover, metaphorical and metonymic sense extensions have their respective mapping models. ─── 此外,隐喻和转喻意义扩展还各有其映射模式。

22、On Text Coherence and Its Metonymic Mechanism ─── 论语篇连贯的转喻机制

23、Guided by the cognitive theory, this thesis tries to make study of the metaphorical and metonymic expressions of emotions in Chinese language. ─── 本文在这一理论的指导下对汉语情感概念表达形式的隐喻和转喻进行了研究和探讨。

24、The study here shows that there are many metonymic models in a rich conceptual system, and they are used for a variety of purposes. ─── 本研究表明在大量的概念系统中存在着许多转喻模型并被广泛应用。

25、Abstract:Based on the cognitive linguistic construal of metonymy,this paper analyzes and exemplifies the metonymic nature of discourse titles that takes on two senses. ─── 摘要:本文根据当今认知语言学对转喻的释解以及大量的例解,阐述语篇标题的转喻本质。

26、Metonymic motivations and constraints of grammatical forms in Chinese and English ─── 论汉英语法形式的转喻理据与制约

27、Metonymic motivation for semantic coercion ─── 语义压制的转喻理据

28、To these ends, the paper argues that metonymic usage be examined within the overall framework of reference and analyzed in the light of cognitive pragmatics. ─── 另一方面,传统修辞对“转喻”用法的修辞性解释过于简单化、单一化,说服力不够。

29、Metonymic expressions of emotional conception are mainly grounded in various physical sensations and bodily agitations. ─── 情感概念表达形式的转喻主要包括通过各种生理感觉和躯体动作转喻。

30、Metonymic Approach to Imperative Grammatical Construction ─── 祈使句语法构式的转喻阐释

31、multi-domain metonymic operations ─── 转喻多域操作

32、Metaphorical and metonymic sense extensions have their respective features. ─── 隐喻和转喻意义扩展各有其特点。

33、On the Metonymic Nature of Discourse Titles ─── 试论标题的转喻性

34、Metonymic inference ─── 转喻推理

35、The historical development form romanticism through realism to symbolism can be understood as an alternation of style from the metaphoric to the metonymic back to the metaphoric. ─── 从浪漫主义到现实主义再到象征主义的历史发展改变可以被认为是隐喻到转喻再到隐喻的交替转变。

36、Their pointless conversation carries an overtone, revealing the metonymic and metaphoric functions of language. ─── 女仆最后决定毁灭想像形像,此举同时逼使自己步上死亡绝路。

37、J Huang said:"Metaphorical and metonymic extensions point to the inadequacy of a feature checking account". ─── In corpora, we get "吃 奶"、“喝稀饭”,这用传统的[液体][固体]不好解释。

38、Cognitive Function of Metonymy and Metonymic Inference of Indircet Utterances ─── 转喻的认知功能与间接话语的转喻推理

39、Conceptual Integration, Pragmatic Inference and Metonymic Cognition ─── 概念整合、语用推理与转喻认知

40、By metonymic device is meant the semantic use of a homonym with its meaning A for its implicit meaning B under the closely related circumstances in both oral and textual discourses. ─── 摘要“概念偷换”,是指在言语交谈或属辞行文中,某一多义词使用于前提语句中时是A义,而在使用于下文密切相关的语句中时,却被有意识地掉换了概念,而用了它的B义;

41、The interpretation of nominal tautology requires metonymic reasoning. ─── 同语的理解需要运用转喻推理。

42、metonymic thinking mode ─── 转喻思维

43、Metonymic expressions of emotional conception are mainly grounded in various physical sensations and bodily agitations. ─── 情感概念表达形式的转喻主要包括通过各种生理感觉和躯体动作转喻。

44、metonymic mechanism ─── 转喻机制

45、A Metonymic Approach to Pronominal Anaphora in English Texts ─── 英语语篇中代词回指的认知转喻研究

46、A Metonymic Analysis of Indirect Speech Acts ─── 间接言语行为的转喻分析

47、metonymic mapping ─── 转喻映射

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