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09-30 投稿


meiosis 发音

英:[maɪˈoʊsɪs]  美:[maɪˈəʊsɪs]

英:  美:

meiosis 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 减数分裂


meiosis 短语词组

1、intermediary meiosis ─── 居间减数分裂

2、meiosis prophase ─── [医] 减数分裂前期

3、meiosis metaphase ─── [医] 减数分裂中期

4、c-meiosis c- ─── 减数分裂

5、meiosis telophase ─── [医] 减数分裂末期

6、meiosis anaphase ─── [医] 减数分裂后期

meiosis 词性/词形变化,meiosis变形


meiosis 相似词语短语

1、-biosis ─── n.生活;生命现象

2、gliosis ─── n.神经胶质过多症

3、enosis ─── n.合并;希腊与塞浦路斯合并运动

4、miosis ─── n.(生殖细胞的)成熟分裂;减数分裂;[医]瞳孔缩小

5、ameiosis ─── n.[遗][昆]不减数分裂,[遗][昆]非减数分裂

6、meioses ─── n.减数分裂;成熟分裂(meiosis的复数)

7、abiosis ─── n.[医][生物]无生命;[医]生活力缺失

8、semiosis ─── n.指号过程;记号现象

9、heliosis ─── n.[内科]日射病(即为中暑)

meiosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abnormality of chromosome behavior occurs from premeiotic mitosis until various stages in meiosis. ─── 从减数分裂前有丝分裂到减数分裂的各个阶段,染色体行为都会发生异常。

2、The male-sterile line C26 abortion form mainly has: the microspore mother cell can not develop into meiosis, because of the extrusion from the huge tapetum. ─── 不育系C26的败育形式主要有:绒毡层巨大化,向内挤压小孢子母细胞,使其不能正常生长发育进入减数分裂;

3、Meiosis is a special form of cell division that takes place in the reproductive organs that produce sex cells. ─── 减数分裂过程中是一种特殊形式的细胞分裂,发生在生殖器官性细胞。

4、Therefore,incomplete reduced gametes were produc ed in meiosis of F1 PMC,which were mainly taken place at the second meiotic di vision. ─── 因此,杂种F1在减数分裂过程中产生了不完全减数的配子,并且不完全减数可能主要是发生在减数第二分裂。

5、The stage in prophase of meiosis during which homologous chromosomes become paired. ─── 偶线期减数分裂的前期阶段,在此期间异体同型的染色体配对

6、From pachytene to diakinesis of meiosis, there is nucleolus attached to three nucleolo-chromosomes in the nucleus. The three bivalents are named the second, fifth and twenty-second ones respectively. ─── 大多数有一个核仁,少数有两个或三个核仁.在减数分裂粗线期至终变期的细胞核内,有一个核仁和三条贴附在核仁上的核仁染色体,这三条核仁染色体分别是第2号、第5号和第22号.

7、Of or relating to the association of three or more homologous chromosomes during the first division of meiosis. ─── 多价的属于在第一时期成熟分裂时三个或者更多的同源染色体的联合的、或与之有关的

8、Reduction of the diploid number of chromosomes by one half during meiosis, resulting in the haploid number. ─── 减半作用在减数分裂过程中染色体双倍体数目的减半而导致其变成单倍体数目

9、Cytokinesis at meiosis of microspore mother cells is modified simultaneous, and tetrads are decussate or isobilateral, occasionally linear. ─── 四分体排列方式为交叉型或左右对称型,偶为直线型;

10、There were obviously different band of EST isozyme of anther in meiosis and pollen mature stage in male sterility line and maintainer line in sweet pepper and hot pepper. ─── 在减数分裂期和花粉成熟期,甜椒和辣椒不育系与保持系花药EST同工酶酶带均存在明显的差异。

11、Such a gamete may be produced by tetraploid tissues, or it may be the result of faulty meiosis. ─── 这样的配子可能是通过四倍体组织或者是错误的减数分裂产生的。

12、The cytokinesis of microspore mother cell in meiosis is simuteneous,and the tetrad are tetrahedral. ─── 四分体胞质分裂为同时型。

13、One pair of homologous chromosomes resulting from the division of a tetrad during meiosis. ─── 二分体一对由四分体在成熟分裂过程中形成的同源染色体

14、The stage of mitosis and meiosis, following prophase and preceding anaphase, during which the chromosomes are aligned along the metaphase plate. ─── 中期细胞核的有丝分裂和减数分裂阶段,发生于前期之后和后期之前,在此期间内染色体在中期板平面上定向排列

15、The normal expression of proto-oncogenes plays an important role in the regulation of spermatogonial mitosis, spermatocyte meiosis as well as spermiogenesis and sperm maturation. ─── 在正常睾丸生精过程中,原癌基因的正常表达对精原细胞的有丝分裂、精母细胞的减数分裂及精子变形、成熟有重要的调控作用。

16、The lagging chromosome,chromatid bridge and multivalent were observed in meiosis of pollen mother cell of amphidioploid . ─── 四分体阶段有微核和不同类型的四分孢子群。

17、The results showed that the wholly developmental process could be tentatively divided into four stages, i.e. microsporocyte formation, microsporocyte meiosis, pollen formation, and pollen abortion. ─── 在这一过程中绒毡层发育既表现过早解体,又表现肥大生长、延迟退化的现象。同一枚花药中4个花粉囊的发育也存在明显的先后次序。

18、During the meiosis of microspore mother cells, the amount of starches apparently increased in parenchyma around vascular bundle but there were no starches in tapetal and middle layer cells. ─── 在减数分裂时期,药隔薄壁细胞中积累的淀粉粒明显增多,绒毡层细胞中仍然没有淀粉粒。

19、A cell from which an egg or ovum develops by meiosis;a female gametocyte. ─── 卵母细胞一种通过分裂产生卵子的细胞,是一种雌性配子母细胞

20、Redifferetiation of cytoplasmic components also occurred and callose deposited in its wall during meiosis. ─── 减数分裂时,大孢子母细胞核中出现核液泡,形成联会复合体,细胞壁上有胼胝质加厚,并存在细胞质改组现象。

21、Over four to six weeks, these cells developed and were prompted to undergo the process of "meiosis", which halved the number of chromosomes they carried - a hallmark of sperm. ─── 四到六周之后,这些干细胞培育成熟,刺激它们进入“成熟”过程,所附的作为精子标志的染色体数量将在此过程中减半。

22、The factors that protect centromeric cohesion during meiosis I have remained elusive. ─── 保护这种结合的因子还不是很清楚。

23、During anaphase I of meiosis pairs of chromatids still connected at their centromere move to the spindle poles. ─── 在减数分裂后期I中,由于纺锤丝的牵引,使成对的同源染色体各自发生分离,并分别向两极移动。

24、In meiosis, the association of four homologous chromatids seen during the pachytene stage of prophase. ─── 减数分裂前期的粗线期中,四个同源的染色单体向联系形成的结构。

25、And the meiosis did not show any difference on their ploidy level, no matter which parents the genetic messages were acquired from. ─── 各植株包含的遗传物质无论偏向于哪个亲本,在其各自的倍性水平上未能看出减数分裂过程中的差异。

26、The expression change of BOULE gene or the absence of BOULE protein brings on meiosis arrest and spermatogenic failure, which can lead to azoospermia and male infertility. ─── BOULE基因表达的改变或BOULE蛋白的缺乏可引起减数分裂阻滞和精子生成障碍,从而导致无精子症并产生不育.

27、The different configurations of chromosome synapsis,such as tetravalents,hexavalents and octovalents,were observed at meiosis of pollen mother cells in 4 garlic varieties. ─── 大蒜品系间在减数分裂过程中染色体的联会行为存在差异,表现有四价体联会,六价体联会和八价体联会等类型。

28、In meiosis it is not until anaphase II that the centromere divides, the chromatids being termed daughter chromosomes after separation. ─── 在减数分裂期间,直到分裂后期II两条染色单体才随着着丝点的分裂而彼此分开。

29、Meiosis comprises a pair of specialized nuclear divisions that produce haploid germ cells. ─── 减数分裂由两次产生单倍体生殖细胞的核分裂组成。

30、C412S in normal PMC meiosis, however, showed a peak pollen abortion at later mononucleate stage of microsporogenesis, which mostly belonged to spherical abortion type. ─── C412S花粉败育的高峰在单核小孢子晚期,主要表现圆败型不育。

31、Mammalian Spermatogenesis is a unique cell differentiation process and can be divided into three stages: mitosis, meiosis, and spermiogenesis. ─── 哺乳动物的精子发生是一个复杂的细胞分化过程,可分为有丝分裂、减数分裂和精子形成三个阶段。

32、On germination, the zygospore undergoes meiosis to produce haploid cells that give rise to a new thallus. ─── 在萌发期,接合孢子经历减数分裂形成单倍体细胞再产生新的植物体。

33、Anaphase The stage in mitosis or meiosis when chromatids are pulled toward opposite poles of the nuclear spindle. ─── 后期:在有丝分裂或者减数分裂过程中染色单体分别朝相反的两极运动。

34、Terminalization The movement of chiasmata to the end of the bivalent arms, a process that may occur during late prophase I of meiosis. ─── 交叉)移端:发生在第一次减数分裂后期,染色体交叉向二价体染色体臂的末端移动的过程。

35、Biology Consisting of a pair of homologous, synapsed chromosomes, as occurs during meiosis; double. ─── 二价染色体的:由一对同源,联会染色体组成的,如在成熟分裂时出现的;双的

36、The cell prepares for meiosis just as it does for mitosis. But as the DNA condenses, each chromosome finds its homologous counterpart. ─── 细胞减数分裂的准备同有丝分裂一样。但是,随着DNA的浓缩,每个染色体都会与其同源染色体配对。

37、On the other hand, remarkable progress has been made in the research of meiosis. ─── 另一方面,减数分裂过程的研究已经取得很大进展。

38、Studies of the mechanism of meiotic recombination indicate that meiosis is an adaptation for repairing DNA. ─── 减数分裂重组机制的研究表明,减数分裂是一个为了修复DNA的适应。

39、Generally meiosis occurs before gamete formation, resulting in the gametes being haploid (having half the normal number of chromosomes). ─── 在配子形成前通常会发生减数分裂,产生单倍体的配子(染色体数为正常的一半)。

40、BOULE protein, a new member of DAZ family, is found in 2001, and is the key regulation factor in meiosis of human spermatogenesis. ─── BOULE蛋白是2001年发现的DAZ家族的新成员,是人类精子发生过程中减数分裂的关键调控因子.

41、After meiosis of megasporocyte, pistils of female flowers continued to grow and those of male flowers aborted. ─── 大孢子母细胞减数分裂后,雌花雌蕊继续发育,雄花雌蕊败育。

42、Chiasma (pl.chiasmata) A connection between homologous chromosomes seen during the prophase stage of meiosis. ─── 交叉:在细胞减数分裂的前期,同源染色体之间形成的接触点。

43、Cytokinesis in the megaspore mother cell accompanies meiosis and the Chalaza megaspore of a linear three cells develops into 8-nuclealeate.The development of embryo sac is of the Polygonum type. ─── 大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成三分体即3个大孢子,合点端的大孢子发育为胚囊,胚囊蓼型。

44、After the meiosis process, the megaspore mother cell is divided into four linearly arrayed megaspores, but usually, only the one at the chalazal end is functionalized. ─── 大孢子母细胞经减数分裂形成线形排列的4个大孢子,合点端大孢子具功能;

45、Apospory, aposporous The development of a gametophyte directly from a sporophyte without the occurrence of meiosis or spore formation. ─── 不经过减数分裂形成孢子,而直接形成配子体。

46、In early prophase of mitosis and later prophase of meiosis, the chromosomes split lengthwise into two identical chromatids held together by the CENTROMERE. ─── 在有丝分裂前期的开始以及减数分裂前期的结尾,染色体通过着丝点形成两个完全相同的染色单体。

47、Tetrad 1.A group of four cells formed as a result of meiosis in a spore mother cell. ─── 四分体:1由孢子母细胞减数分裂产生的一组四个细胞。

48、Megasporocytes turns into megaspore by meiosis,which develops to male gametophyte after three times of mitosis. ─── 大孢子母细胞经过减数分裂,形成功能大孢子,再经3次有丝分裂,发育成雌配子体。

49、The separation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis. ─── 在减数分裂过程中同源染色体的分离.

50、The ovule is bitegminous, crassinucellate and anatropous.The megaspore mother cell divides into linear megaspore terad after meiosis. ─── 大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成线形排列的4个大孢子,合点端大孢子具功能。

51、The number of ribosome in cytoplasm of microspore mother cells decreased gradually during meiosis. ─── 二分体时期,质体和线粒体形态结构基本恢复正常。

52、Organells including endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, plastids, dictyosome and sphaeroplassts are rich in microspore at meiosis and tetrad stages. ─── 减数分裂和四分体时期,细胞处于明显的代谢活跃状态,细胞器丰富,主要有内质网、线粒体、质体、高尔基体和球状体;

53、A pair of homologous, synapsed chromosomes associated together during meiosis. ─── 二价染色体在成熟分裂时联在一起的一对同源、联会染色体

54、The failure of homologous chromosomes to pair during meiosis. ─── 不联会在减数分裂期间同源染色体不联会成对

55、Keywords BOULE protein;DAZ family;meiosis arrest;male infertility; ─── BOULE蛋白;DAZ家族;减数分裂阻滞;男性不育;

56、Consisting of a pair of homologous,synapsed chromosomes,as occurs during meiosis;double. ─── 二价染色体的由一对同源,联会染色体组成的,如在成熟分裂时出现的;双的

57、chromosomes are distributed by spindles in mitosis and meiosis. ─── 在有丝分裂及减数分裂时染色体沿纺锤体排列。

58、Pairing of homologous chromosomes (synapsis) commences at one or several points on the chromosome and is clearly seen during PACHYTENE of meiosis I. ─── 同源染色体两两成对平行靠拢,这一现象也称联会,联会发生在染色体的一点或多点上,可以在减数第一次分裂的粗线期观察到。

59、After the meiosis of MMC, abundant calcium precipitates were accumulated in the cytoplasm of early microspores, and then in pollen wall, especially in the part of germ-pores. ─── 在小孢子发育早期,花药药隔部位的绒毡层细胞质中钙颗粒也明显增加并特异性地分布在其内切向壁上。

60、After meiosis of megasporocyte, pistils of female flowers continued to grow and those of male flowers aborted. ─── 大孢子母细胞减数分裂后,雌花雌蕊继续发育,雄花雌蕊败育。

61、The megaspore mother cell meiosis to form a linear megaspore tetrad. ─── 大孢子母细胞减数分裂产生直线形大孢子四分体。

62、Successive cytokinesis in the megasporocyte follows meiosis and the megaspore tetrads are linear. ─── 大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成直线型四分体。

63、Cytokinesis of microspore mother cells during meiosis was simultaneous type, and pollen grains were 2-cell, it suggested that the Dioscoreaceae was rather primitive in Angiosperm. ─── 同时型胞质分裂和2-细胞型花粉证实了小花盾叶薯蓣所在薯蓣科是较原始的被子植物;

64、Reduction of the diploid number of chromosomes by one half during meiosis,resulting in the haploid number. ─── 减半作用在减数分裂过程中染色体双倍体数目的减半而导致其变成单倍体数目。

65、Frequencies of bivalents in the amphidiploids tended to increase obviously in comparison with the expected chromosome pairing model of the meiosis. ─── 与期望染色体配对模式相比,双二倍体中二价体出现的频率有明显增大的趋势。

66、A cell from which an egg or ovum develops by meiosis; a female gametocyte. ─── 卵母细胞一种通过分裂产生卵子的细胞,是一种雌性配子母细胞。

67、Abnormality of tapetum :The tapetum in JIYUGENG began to break up at meiosis stage, and basically disintegrated at late microspore stage. ─── 2.药壁组织绒毡层结构的异常:可育品种吉玉粳绒毡层从减数分裂期开始降解,到小孢子晚期基本上解体;

68、Consisting of a pair of homologous,synapsed chromosomes,as occurs during meiosis; double. ─── 二价染色体的由一对同源,联会染色体组成的,如在成熟分裂时出现的;双的

69、One pair of homologous chromosomes resulting from the division of a tetrad during meiosis. ─── 二分体一对由四分体在成熟分裂过程中形成的同源染色体

70、Meiosis , which occurs only in the formation of gametes, is a specialized form of cell division. ─── 仅仅发生在配子形成中的减数分裂是一种特殊形式的有丝分裂。

71、Diplotene In MEIOSIS, the stage in late PROPHASE I when the pairs of chromatids begin to separate from the tetrad formed by the association of homologous chromosomes. ─── 双线期:在减数第一次分裂的前期中的靠后的一个阶段。

72、During this stage in mitosis and the second division of meiosis the chromosomes uncoil and disperse, the nuclear spindle degenerates, nucleoli reappear, and a new nuclear membrane forms. ─── 在有丝分裂的末期或第二次减数分裂末期,染色体解聚消失,中心的纺锤体解体,核仁重新出现,新核膜形成。

73、Meiosis is the cell division to form gametes that have half the chromosome number of the parent cell. ─── 减数分裂是一种形成只有半数染色体数目的配子的细胞分裂。

74、After meiosis, abundant small starches appeared in parenchyma around vascular bundle, and the size of tapetal cells increased and became high vacuolation but there were no starches in the cells. ─── 减数分裂后,药隔薄壁细胞中积累了许多细小的淀粉粒,绒毡层细胞液泡化、体积明显增大和细胞中没有淀粉粒;

75、Prophase The first stage of cell division in meiosis and mitosis. ─── 前期:细胞减数分裂和有丝分裂的第一个阶段。

76、Consisting of a pair of homologous, synapsed chromosomes, as occurs during meiosis;double. ─── 二价染色体的由一对同源,联会染色体组成的,如在成熟分裂时出现的;

77、The meiosis process of pollen mother cell in hemp were basically normal, and cytoplasm divided simultaneity. ─── 供试材料减数分裂染色体行为表现正常,胞质分裂为同时型;

78、When gametes are formed during meiosis, the two alleles become separated (halving of chromosome number). ─── 为验证此理论,他做了测交实验,即基因型未知的植物与纯合的隐性基因植物杂交。

79、Reduction division The first division of meiosis , including prophase, metaphase I, and anaphase I.It results in a haploid number of chromosomes gathering at each end of the nuclear spindle. ─── 减数分裂:减数分裂中的第一次分裂,包括分裂前期,中期I和后期I,形成单倍数目的染色体在每一个核纺锤体末端聚集。

80、The first stage of meiosis, constituted by a series of events that include DNA replication, the synapsis of homologous chromosomes, crossing over, the formation of chiasmata, and contraction of the chromosomes. ─── 前期阶减数分裂的第一个阶段,由一系列的事件组成,包括脱氧核糖核酸的复制,同种染色体结合、交叉,染色体形成以及染色体的收缩

81、Treated at anaphase of second meiosis, two female pronuclei and one male pronucleus of the fertilized eggs became abnormal during their fusion and separation procedure. ─── 受精卵在第2次减数分裂的后期时接受处理,可使部分受精卵的两个雌性原核和一个雄性原核在融合和分离过程中发生异常。

82、The one megaspore archesporial under the nucellar epidermal cell differentiate directly into megaspore mother cell, the meiosis of megaspore mother cell are nomally. ─── 大孢子孢原细胞在直接发育为大孢子母细胞,大孢子母细胞减数分裂正常,四分体直线型;

83、Haploid - Having only one set of chromosomes, usually by meiosis, or resulting from an unfertilized eggs. ─── 单倍体 -只有一个一套染色体,通常是减数分裂,或产生的未受精的卵子。

84、Autopoly-ploids may arise from the fusion of diploid gametes that have resulted from the NONDISJUNCTION of chromosomes at meiosis. ─── 同源多倍体通常可能来自在减数分裂过程中染色体不分离导致的二倍体融合。

85、When the tapetum disintegrates gradually later, the microspore mother cell has still not entered meiosis, finally disintegrated. ─── 到后期绒毡层逐渐解体,小孢子母细胞依然没有进入减数分裂,最终解体。

86、Observe the meiosis on the F1 hybrid of Orychophragmus violaceus. ─── 观察二月兰一代杂交种子的细胞分裂。

87、Bivalent Describing any pair of homologous chromosomes when they pair up during MEIOSIS. ─── 二价染色体:在减数分裂中配对时的任意一对同源染色体。

88、The most high infest rate of VAM to root tip is the meiosis zone,VAM can induce root primordium here, VAM also can infect the root cap. ─── VAM对根尖的侵染率差异以分生区最显著,并可诱导形成根原基; VAM可侵染根冠.

89、The micropylar cell in a dyad always degenerated quickly and only chalazal one finished meiosis II to form two unequal-sized megaspores. ─── 合点端的二分体细胞中细胞器丰富,线粒体和质体的形态正常,表明完成再分化。

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