remissness 中文意思翻译
remissness 相似词语短语
1、dreamlessness ─── 无梦
2、carelessness ─── n.粗心大意
3、remissions ─── n.缓解;宽恕;豁免
4、submissness ─── submissness
5、remoteness ─── n.遥远;偏僻;细微;时间久远
6、remedilessness ─── 补救性
7、recklessness ─── n.鲁莽;轻率;不顾一切,不顾后果
8、remises ─── v.再刺;放弃或交出(权力、要求等);放弃;n.再刺;n.(Remise)(法)勒米兹(人名)
9、remissibleness ─── 不可预见性
remissness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Critics have charged that the department was remiss in not trying to dialogue with representatives of the community before hiring the new officers. ─── 在雇用新的官员之前,评论家们已指责该部门在与社会代表的对话中对自己的职责有疏忽
2、And yet I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the considerable controversy that your generous decision has generated. ─── 不过,如果不坦承你们这项厚爱有加的决定所引起的相当激烈的争议,那我就有失疏忽了。
3、The results indicated that it could remiss and improve significantlythe main clinical symptoms of patients:ache,urodynia and blood urine,etc. ─── 结果显示,肾石通冲剂可以明显缓解和改善尿路结石患者的疼痛,尿痛,血尿等临床主要症状,影象学证实确有较好地促进排石作用。
4、Having got so far with China, however, bankers will be remiss if they let the misapprehensions fester. ─── 中国前进了不少,然而,银行如果任由误会深化,会再次遭损失。
5、Grandmother went on talking in her polite Virginia way, not admitting their stark need or her own remissness. ─── 祖母继续以她那种弗吉尼亚式的彬彬有礼的态度同她说话,即不去理会他们那已到了极点的贫困,也不提她自己的疏忽。
6、It would be remiss to ignore the small, but growing contingency of Linux users. Though small in number at this time, the popularity of the OS grows daily. ─── 并且Linux用户数量正在不断增加,我们不应该忽视这一部分用户。尽管现在这部分用户数量少,但OS普及率每天都在提高。
7、It was remiss of them not to inform us of these changes sooner. ─── 他们粗心大意,没有早一些通知我们这些变化。
8、or any way dishonoring themselves, or lessening their authority, by an unjust, indiscreet, rigorous, or remiss behavior. ─── (六)任何因著不公义、不慎重、为人苛刻、疏忽职责的事,使自己蒙羞、自己的权威受损。
9、7.Last but not least, it would be remiss not to mention Rockets assistant coach Tom Thibodeau. ─── 最后,我们还必须说一下火箭队的助理教练希波杜,这一点也很重要。
10、I've certainly been remiss about things ─── 我也真是,办事就是不周到。
11、“We would be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge and thank Mr. ─── “如果我们不承认并感谢陈先生在这次谈判进程中所作的协助和支持,我们就将是玩忽职守了。”
12、less his power, the more safely obscure and unnoticed does he feel his position to be, and the more readily does he relapse into remissness. ─── 他的权力越小,他就会感到他的职位无疑是既模糊又不引人注意的,他就越容易堕落到不负责任的状态之中去。
13、Results and Conclusion:The incidence of complications and toxic and side reaction were significantly reduced.Complete remiss... ─── 结果与结论:患者在治疗过程中的并发症和毒副反应的发生率明显减少,化疗后完全缓解率提高。
14、Yet this country has been remiss in educating a sufficient number of men and women with the requisite linguistic skills. ─── 可是国家却没有培养出足够数量的、具有必要外语能力的人才。
15、feel remiss about ─── 由于
16、Article 26 If Chunghwa Post is found to be remiss in any of the following ways, a fine of NT$300,000 to NT$1,500,000 shall be levied: ─── 第25条国际汇兑之处理,除依万国邮政联盟所定邮政汇兑协定及其施行细则或我国与国外双边邮政汇兑协定办理外,依本法之规定办理。
17、They were given for example to all religious, and ought more to excite us to advance in good, than the number of lukewarm to induce us to grow remiss. ─── 这是天主赏赐修士们的榜样,应当催 著我们前进,可别效法那些冷淡修士们,慢慢地松懈了。
18、Grandmother went on talking in her polite Virginia way, not admitting their stark need or her own remissness. ─── 祖母继续以她那种弗吉尼亚式的彬彬有礼的态度同她说话,即不去理会他们那已到了极点的贫困,也不提她自己的疏忽。
19、Yet this country has been remiss in educating a sufficient number of men and women with representative linguistic skills。 ─── 可是国家却没有培养出足够数量的、有必要外语能力的人才。
20、The judge did not dispute the evidence but told the woman that her boss had done nothing remiss: on the contrary, he was simply being gallant. ─── 法官并未对证据表示怀疑,但他告诉那位女子:她的老板并没有玩忽职守,相反,他只是在调情。
21、I would be remiss if I suggested only pragmatic and geopolitical reasons to steer clear of the Opening Ceremonies. ─── 如果我仅仅提出国务的和地理政治学方面的原因来避开开幕式那么我则是很不负责任。
22、Jin:(takes a tumble,has a bit sorry)I am so remiss for leaking a so splendid member. ─── 金:(恍然大悟,有点不好意思)大意呀大意呀,想不到还漏掉了一个优秀的会员。
23、Yet, this country has been remiss in educating a sufficient number of men and women with the requisite linguistic skills. ─── 可是,国家却没有培养出足够数量的、具有必要外语能力的人才。
24、be remiss in ─── 玩忽职守
25、While no one wants to think about death just when you're planning a new life, but the truth is I'd be remiss not to mention it. ─── 虽然在准备新生命的时候谁都不愿去想到死亡,但我还是不得不提。
26、2. Nourish blood to tranquilize mind, appease neural system, remiss fatigue, improve sleeping and increase sleeping quality step by step. ─── 养血安神、解烦助眠,对精神系统有安抚作用,缓解人体疲劳,逐步改善睡眠,提高睡眠质量。收藏指正
27、Most remiss of me, Colonel. This Is Captain Stone of the United States Air Force. ─── 请原谅我,上校。我是美国空军上校,史东。
28、The Commission was created as a result of the Secretary's concern about "the widespread public perception that something is seriously remiss in our educational system. ─── 委员会之所以成立是因为部长发现“社会上越来越多的人感觉到教育系统中出现了严重的玩忽职守的问题。”
29、4.I have been remiss, and am terribly guilty AND apologetic. ─── 我真的很久没有留言了,我真的感到非常内疚也很抱歉。
30、That said, in any examination of Millman's interviews of established design figures such as Stefan Sagmeister and Michael Bierut, the reader would be remiss in forgetting the value of hindsight. ─── 书中说,在米尔曼访谈的任一试验,欲建立诸如:斯捷潘.萨梅斯特和麦克.比鲁特的设计图像;读者会疏忽忘了事后才认识到的价值。
31、It was remiss of him to forget her birthday. ─── 他竟忘了她的生日,实在是糊涂。
32、You have been very remiss in fulfilling your obligations. ─── 你一向太不负责了。
33、I would be remiss if I did not specifically acknowledge the patience that each of you has shown with my inability to speak Mandarin. ─── 另外,还有一点我必须要提,那就是感谢大家对于我不会中文而给予我的包容。
34、It was remiss of her to forget to pay the bill ─── 她忘了付帐, 真粗心大意.
35、No policeman ought to be remiss in his duties. ─── 警员不应该玩忽职责。
36、I'd be remiss if I didn't mention it. ─── 如果我不提到它那就是不负责任。”
37、It is remiss of her to forget to pay the bill ─── 她忘了付帐,真粗心大意
38、It would be remiss and premature to suggest that Vidic, at 28, has peaked and is on the way down after what may amount to little more than a minor blip. ─── 大部分人认为这不过是28岁的维迪奇的一些小失误,而不会认为他将会开始走下坡路。
39、You have been very remiss in fulfilling your obligations ─── 你一向太不负责了.
40、Jin:( takes a tumble, has a bit sorry) I am so remiss for leaking such a splendid member. ─── 金:(然大悟,有点不好意思)意呀大意呀,想不到还漏掉了一个优秀的会员。
41、We will , we would be remiss to not express our solidarity with post the protesters pursuing electoral freedom in Tehran, consist consistent with our democratic values. ─── 周二,众议院拨款委员会投票通过将国家和外国援助基金款提交众议院审核。
42、- her birthday?- remiss of me,i know. ─── |- 她的生日?
43、It has never been remiss slightly ─── 未尝稍懈
44、It was remiss of him to forget her birthday. = He was remiss to forget her birthday. ─── 他竟忘了她的生日,实在是糊涂。
45、Man 1: Jeff, I would be remiss if I did not ask this question I think I ask for a million Americans who watch Wilbon on television: Are you sick of working with him yet? ─── 打了.他也被解雇过,所以他很懂这些.最困难的那部分就是在开始阶段你对自己的能力和做过的每件时间都质疑.他非常了解这些,我希望他能够找到一个对他来说合适的工作.
46、She felt that if I were completely remiss in religious conformity it would cast doubt upon the staunchness of her faith ─── 她认为如果我在遵奉宗教上完全疏忽大意的话,那会使别人对她那坚定不移的信仰产生怀疑。
47、Neglectful of duty or obligation; remiss. ─── 玩忽职守的,疏忽的忽视责任或义务的;疏忽的
48、It would be remiss to discuss BPD without including a comment about Linehan's work. ─── 讨论BPD而不包括Linehan的工作是不负责任的。
49、8.Nourish blood to tranquilize mind, appease neural system, remiss fatigue, improve sleeping and increase sleeping quality step by step. ─── 养血安神、解烦助眠,对精神系统有安抚作用,缓解人体疲劳,逐步改善睡眠,提高睡眠质量。
50、In the 30 cases of bullous keratopathy, the remiss ion rate was 100%from symptoms of irritation. ─── 7例机械性外伤所致角膜上皮擦伤和反复性角膜上皮剥脱治愈率100%;
51、Is this owing to the generosity of him in whose possession it is found, or to the remissness of the officers of justice? ─── 这是由于占有者的慷慨呢,还是由于持正义者的疏忽呢?
52、As he passed them he said--"They are extremely handsome certainly, and you have done well to purchase them, although you were somewhat remiss not to have procured them sooner." ─── 当他走近它们的时候,他说道,“它们的确长得很英俊,你买得不错,尽管已经晚了一点。”
53、Is this owing to the generosity of him in whose possession it is found, or to the remissness of the officers of justice? ─── 这是由于占有者的慷慨呢,还是由于持正义者的疏忽呢?
54、remiss of you not to pay your Bill ─── 你太粗心了没有付帐
55、be remiss of ─── v. 疏忽粗心不负责任
56、remiss of you not to pay your Bill; ─── 你太粗心了没有付帐;
57、If I have been at all remiss, please accept my full apologies. ─── 如有怠慢之处,请多包涵。
58、The cause of the traffic accident is remiss of the driver. ─── 这起车祸起因于驾驶疏忽.
59、He got three months' remiss for good conduct. ─── 他因行为良好,获得三个月的缩短刑期。
60、It was remiss of me not to answer your letter. ─── 没有给你回信,这是我的疏忽。
61、The normal kitchenware waste much time in cooking , and easy to burn the food, if there is high voltage setting or electro, it is very danger once be remiss of ! ─── 普通锅煮东西耗费时间长,还容易烧焦食物,如果有高压装置或者用电,疏于照管甚至还会出现险情,危及安全。
62、I reckon someone would come right up to my doorstep to chomp my head off if I should postpone this posting any further.I have been remiss, and am terribly guilty AND apologetic. ─── 这次燕姿去布拉格不知道是为了工作还是真的有空閒去旅游,我希望是后者,这样燕姿才真的能很轻松地体会布拉格的美丽与美好。
63、Higher official do a bad leadership.He gives loose to his underlings who do evil and are remiss in their duties. ─── 高级一些的官员对下属领导无方,放纵下属胡作非为,玩忽职守;
64、If agency is remiss in obligation and causes damages, it should assume the burden of state compensation. ─── 如怠于履行义务并造成损害后果,行政机关应当承担国家赔偿责任。
65、then hastened again, as though each afraid of being remiss, to hug each other, began kissing each other's hands and pulling them away, and then fell to kissing each other on the face again. ─── 两个女人把手放开了,然后,仿佛惧怕迟误似的,她们又互相抓住一双手,亲吻起来,放开两只手又互相吻吻脸皮。
66、1.slack; sluggish; remiss 2.to neglect; to relax; to keep a slack hand; to slack off (or up); to slacken ─── 懈怠
67、It is remiss of her to forget to pay the bill. ─── 她忘了付帐,真粗心大意。
68、I have been very remiss in writing to you. ─── 我不曾写信给你,实在疏忽之至。
69、derelict (or delinquent) in his duty; neglectful of his duties; remiss of you not to pay your bills. ─── 玩忽职守;玩忽职守;疏忽了没有付账。
70、We respect her decision but it would be remiss of us if we did not acknowledge the tremendous amount of effort she has put into not only PYP but the whole school, during her time at SWFLPS. ─── 我们尊重她的决定,同样不可否定的是她在世外期间对PYP以及整个学校所做的巨大贡献和努力。
71、She had clearly been remiss in her duty. ─── 她在工作中显然马马虎虎。
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