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09-30 投稿


mantra 发音

英:[ˈmɑːntrəˌˈmæntrə]  美:[ˈmæntrə]

英:  美:

mantra 中文意思翻译




mantra 网络释义

n. 咒语(尤指四吠陀经典内作为咒文或祷告唱念的);颂歌n. (Mantra)人名;(印尼)曼特拉

mantra 短语词组

1、miracle mantra ─── 奇迹咒语

2、mantra studio ─── 咒语工作室

3、brahmani mantra ─── 婆罗门咒

4、reciprocity is their mantra ─── 互惠是他们的口头禅

5、snow mantra ─── 雪咒

6、mantra collection ─── 咒语集

7、mantra music ─── 咒语音乐

8、moola mantra ─── 根本真言

9、mantra fitness ─── 咒语健身

mantra 词性/词形变化,mantra变形


mantra 相似词语短语

1、yantra ─── n.具(印度教和佛教坐禅时所用的线形图案)

2、mantras ─── n.(佛教或印度教中的)祷文;(代表某人原则的)口头禅(别人常觉得讨厌或乏味);准则(mantra的复数);n.(Mantras)(美、印、墨)曼特拉斯(人名)

3、man-trap ─── n.捕人陷阱

4、mantram ─── 咒语

5、antra ─── n.室;窦;房(antrum的复数)

6、Tantra ─── n.坦陀罗,续,密教经典;密教哲学的信奉

7、manta ─── n.外套;女用披巾;n.(Manta)人名;(日)满太(名);(日)满田(姓);(意、罗、葡)曼塔

8、mantrap ─── n.捕人陷阱

9、mantua ─── n.女外套,披风,长袍

mantra 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The mantra following the 1980s recession was that of the "free agent" . ─── 上世纪80年代的衰退过后,人们的箴言变成了“自由职业者”。

2、But for Hyundai, after having closed the gap on quality, the story now is all about styling, and their mantra is "design, design, design. ─── 但是,对于现代之后,关闭质量的差距,现在的故事都是风格,他们的口号是“设计,设计,设计.

3、Mom, there you go again reciting your "household management" mantra. ─── 妈,又念您的“过日子”经了。

4、"Do it Now" should be your mantra...It's taking care of minor problems or issues that'll spare you from dealing with major problems later on. ─── “现在就做”该是你闯过一切难关的咒语,它让你在当下把小问题解决掉,以免日后成为难以解决的大问题。

5、The monks you see on television making those monotonous sounds are actually performing their mantra. ─── 你在电视上看到的那些诵念单调的声音的和尚事实上在诵念咒语。

6、The Vedas are divided into four groups, Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda. Each group has an original text (Mantra) and a commentary portion (Brahmana). ─── 吠陀分成四个部分:梨俱吠陀、夜柔吠陀、沙摩吠陀和咒文吠陀(阿达婆吠陀)。每一部分都包括原始方稿(曼陀罗)和注解部分(梵书)。

7、Advance along the beads, say the maha mantra and count where you are in your prayers! ─── App Store 的英文介绍: From now on you can japa with your iPhone as well!

8、Is the Low-Fat, High-Carb Diet Mantra a Myth? ─── 低脂肪高碳水化合物的饮食模式只是一个神话?

9、It's not the mantra anymore," says Valarie Zeithaml, a marketing professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill who teaches courses on customer service. ─── 不过,现在也不确定企业的这种付出会得到什么样的回报。

10、Foulds: Three Mantra... ─── -伯明翰市立...

11、Recite the mantra quietly,with deep attention,and let your breath,the mantra,and your awareness slowly become one. ─── 安静专注地念诵这个咒语,让你的呼吸、咒语和你的觉知慢慢地融合为一。

12、They suggest a quick mantra meditation when you feel yourself breathing shallowly and tensing up. ─── 他们建议,当你感到呼吸急促、全身紧绷时,不妨进行一种快速入静疗法。

13、What is your mantra in the face of adversity? ─── 在面对障碍的时候,你有什么信念?

14、When you chant this Mantra, even without knowing the meaning of it, that itself carries power. ─── 当你唱颂这个箴言时,即使不瞭解他的意思,箴言本身就传递出力量。

15、Manjushri prayer and mantra with Karmapa ' s voice. ─── Title: 文殊祈请及心咒- 法王噶玛巴声音;

16、The definition of mantra is "that which protects the mind." That which protects the mind from negativity,or which protects you from your own mind,is mantra. ─── 咒语的定义是“心灵的护卫者”,凡护卫心灵不造恶业,或免于受欲心所控制的都称为咒语。

17、He wasn't sick; there appeared to be nothing wrong with him, and he was reciting the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM over and over. ─── 他并没有生病,看起来没有任何问题,一直在反复念颂六字真言。

18、The pressure stems from a mantra of modern medicine that patient care must be "data driven," and informed by the latest, instantly accessible information. ─── 这种压力源于现代医学的一个口号,即病人护理必须“数据驱动”,并由最新的、即时可访问的信息提供信息。

19、As requested by disciple Zhi Xuan below I had written the Heart Mantra of Kurukulla in calligraphy. ─── 应弟子智宣以下之提请,我已手书古鲁古里佛母的心咒。

20、If realized, the Java mantra of "write once, run everywhere" could be translated into Java applications that run anywhere there is a Java Virtual Machine, even on your washing machine. ─── 如果真的能实现,“写一次就可在任何地方运行”的Java咒语就能转变成可以在任何有Java虚拟机(甚至在洗衣机上)的地方运行的Java应用程序。

21、Recitation of the mantra creates vibration that pulsates through every cell, every molecule of human body and tears away the veil of ignorance. ─── 唱诵产生的振动会透过人体内的每一个细胞和分子并揭开无知的面纱。

22、If you can get standard over-the-air television, the mantra goes, then you can get digital. ─── 如果能接收到标准电视讯号,就表示应该也能接收到数位电视讯号。

23、Listening to customers is now part of the mantra of new management in public services. ─── 倾听顾客的要求是当今公用事业新型管理准则中的一部分。

24、Scientists say the opposite of the stress response is the relaxation response. They suggest a quick mantra meditation when you feel yourself breathing shallowly and tensing up. ─── 你需要放松。但是谁会想得起来要放松,谁又有时间放松?你有时间!它只需要你花5分钟时间。

25、He adopted the too familiar photographer's mantra for greater focal length and purchased an inexpensive 500mm lens, continuing to pursue photography voraciously. ─── 他用一台相机和借的一只300毫米的镜头拍鸟,之后打印出来,用一本野外指南来帮助分辨他所看到的鸟。

26、Includes asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation, and other traditional yoga techniques. ─── 包括体位法、呼吸法, 净化法,歌颂,佛经、凝思和其他传统瑜伽技术。

27、Disciple Detong Dakini asked me to write the seed word of Green Tara in calligraphy so the mantra wheel in Chinese will be completely in my calligraphy.So one more file attached. ─── 弟子茶桶空行请我书写绿度母的种子字,以便制作中文版的咒轮时,得以全用我的翰墨,因此多一个档案附呈。

28、Disciple Jui Khin had designed a card containing the mantra wheel as drawn by Patriarch Guru Nona and my calligraphy of the heart mantra of the Great White Umbrella Mother-Buddha. ─── 弟子惟钦设计了一张含盖诺那祖师所画的大白伞盖佛母咒轮及我手书之心咒的卡片。

29、The race for global market share will be determined not by corporate officers repeating a green mantra but by showcasing green performance and innovative products. ─── 全球市场份额的竞争将不取决于公司官员重复绿色颂歌,而是通过展示绿色性能和新产品。

30、Other ministers are struggling to repeat Mr Brown's electioneering mantra of “investment versus cuts” with conviction. ─── 其他的大臣则坚定不移的努力跟着布朗喊“投资VS削减”的口号。

31、Paralyzed and silent in her bed, my daughter Paula taught me a lesson that is now my mantra: You only have what you give. ─── 瘫痪在床、昏迷不醒的女儿教会我并使我坚信的是:给予什么,就拥有什么。

32、A simple mantra has guided me through the darkest bouts of autocerebral asphyxiation: You don't have to believe everything you think. ─── 我时常利用一种简单的祷告来度过偶尔发作的大脑自动窒息:你不必相信你脑子里想的事情。

33、OM is the original mantra, it is just the pure sound of the consciousness we call Brahman or God. ─── “奥姆”是起始的真言,是最初的世界(我们称之为梵或者神)发出的纯净的声音。

34、In fact, the shape of his body is a copy of the outline of the Devanagari letter which indicates the celebrated Bija Mantra. ─── 事实上,事实上他的身体形状是梵文字母的轮廓副本,象征着著名的比加曼陀罗。

35、For example, the meditator may focus on a mantra (a specially chosen word or set of words), an object, or the breath. ─── 例如,冥想者也许会专注于一句特别选择的话语,一个事物或是呼吸。

36、The replies above apply to all mantra sheets. ─── 以上的回答适用于所有的咒符。

37、Disciple Detong Dakini asked me to scan the mantra sheet again for our website. ─── 弟子茶桶空行请我为网页再扫瞄绿度母符。

38、Eat less and exercise more - it has long been the mantra for shedding those extra pounds. But now it eems that all the hardwork may have been in vain. ─── “少吃点,多运动”--这一直是肥胖者的减肥“座右铭”。但现在看来,所有的努力都可能白费了。

39、"I didn't do anything" or "It just happened" are the users mantra. ─── “我没有做任何事”和“突然间就变成这样了”是用户的咒语。

40、Namo Maha Prajna Paramita, an unequaled mantra. ─── 南无摩诃般若波罗密。是无等等咒。

41、Recite the Great Mercy Mantra and the PureLand Mantra, and she will be released from this suffering. ─── 只要背诵大悲咒和净土咒就可以使她脱离苦海。

42、As requested by disciple Ben Jing below I had written the mantra of Guru Nona in calligraphy. ─── 应弟子本净以下之提请,我已手书了诺那上师的心咒。

43、The disciple believed his master, carried a small statue of the Amitabha Buddha home and started reciting the mantra. ─── 他相信他师父的话,于是就把那尊小小的阿弥陀佛像带回去,然后开始念诵往生咒。

44、I sometimes use the mantra, like just breathing in the breath of God and breathing out the breath of God. ─── 我有时会用咒语,就好像只是吸入上帝的气息,呼出上帝的气息。

45、Among them, Liti( three-dimensional) Mandalas, as the models of real Mandalas, are especially used for many mantra ceremonies. ─── 尤其是立体坛城,完全是无量宫殿模型,为进行多种密法仪轨起到便利的作用。

46、In the beginning His Holiness gave the oral transmission of Chenrezig practice and mantra. ─── 一开始,尊贵的法王给予了观音修持及心咒的口传。

47、This line on tax sovereignty has become a mantra for the commission, which wants to convince members of its benign intentions. ─── 对该委员会来说,税务自治的这条底线变成了一首颂歌,用来说服成员国相信它的好意。

48、Conventional wisdomhas become a mantra, repeated over and over again by the media and now echoing throughout America. ─── 因为媒体的一遍又一遍重复,现在响彻了整个美国,所以这种传统智慧。

49、Garnett's "We, Not Me" mantra is a perfect fit for a team that can't win with egos. ─── 加内特”团队篮球“的理念也真是美国队男篮获胜的必须。

50、Transcendental meditation involves the use of a mantra, the repetition of a phrase or syllable, in order to quiet the mind. ─── 为了达到心灵的安静,超越性静思包括了对颂歌的使用,对短语或者音节的重复。

51、But all of these transactions were prompted by a single underlying trend that has become the industry's new mantra: convergence. ─── 但是所有这些交易都是由已经成为业界口头禅的潜在潮流引发的,它就是“融合”。

52、Just think of the problems and burn the mantra sheets, and they will be blessed. ─── 只要想到那些问题同时敬焚圣符即可,这样他们就可以得到加持。

53、Kundalini is most often awaken through Yoga meditation - which include Mantra Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Laya Yoga or Kriya Yoga. ─── 多数通过瑜珈冥想唤醒昆达里尼-冥想包括音流瑜伽、哈塔瑜伽、情者瑜伽和克里亚瑜珈。

54、Mantra is the essence of sound,the embodiment of the truth in the form of sound. ─── 咒语是声音的根本之要,是真理的化身。

55、Disciple Wang Hao had written a detailed report in Chinese on how he constructed the Averting All Hindrances Mantra Wheel. ─── 弟子王浩已经以中文写了一篇他如何制作遮诸妨碍神咒咒轮过程的详细报告。

56、Namo Maha Prajna Paramita, a great wisdom mantra. ─── 南无摩诃般若波罗密。是大明咒。

57、Global bond markets seem to be accepting the mantra that official interest rates can be sustained at extremely low levels to boost the economy, without triggering inflation. ─── 全球债券市场似乎已经接受了官方利率可以维持在极低的水平,以提振经济,同时又不会引发通货膨胀的教义。

58、"The consumer is boss" is the mantra he repeats endlessly. ─── 他总是把“消费者才是老板”挂在嘴边。

59、Recite the mantra quietly, with deep attention, and let your breath, the mantra, and your awareness slowly become one. ─── 安静专注地念诵这个咒语,让你的呼吸、咒语和你的觉知慢慢地融合为一。

60、A mantra is believed to be the sound form of reality, having the power to bring into being the reality it represents. ─── 咒语据说是可以用真实的方式唱出来,拥有力量去带来它所代表的真实存在。

61、Mani Rings: Origination of the making of blessed Mani Rings based on Dr. Yutang Lin's caligraphy of the Six Syllable Mantra of Avalokitesvara. ─── 妈尼戒子:林钰堂博士以自书之六字大明符刻成妈尼戒子之缘起。

62、Her mantra, always set off the television industry "bloodbath. ─── 她的咒语,总能掀起电视行业的“腥风血雨”。

63、Our investment mantra is to ignite raging infernos with a single match. ─── 他们的薪水只会比平均水平略高一些,但是却可以每周为你工作100个小时。

64、As requested by disciple Zhi Xuan I had written the Heart Mantra of King Gesar in calligraphy. ─── 应弟子智宣之请,我已手书了给萨王之心咒。

65、It is also very important to know that invocation of the Moola Mantra with deep humility, respect and with great necessity makes The Divine Presence stronger. ─── 同样需被瞭解的是,以谦卑的、尊敬的,以及强烈需求感的态度唱颂,会使得神圣临在更加地强大。

66、A holy mantra is a set of Jewels of Sound which reflect our souls and transform our hearts. ─── 一首神圣的曼佗罗是一串声音的珠宝,它折射着我们的灵魂,改变着我们的内心。

67、The Harvey-Jones mantra, both inmanagement and in media, was the need to confront change as the only way tosurvive. ─── 不管在新闻界还是在经营界,哈维-琼斯的批判咒语都是应对变化的唯一幸存之路所必需。

68、The thought pattern created by mantra are positive, beneficial, calming ones. ─── 吟诵真言可以促使我们形成积极、有益、平和的思维方式。

69、That was interesting to me, because it sort of changed the mantra, which used to be, 'We are Judo-Christian country. ' ─── 这种说法让我很感兴趣,因为原来人们总是说,我们是一个犹太教和基督教的国家。

70、The mantra that "the world is flat" is going to be an asset and a challenge for small businesses. ─── 对小企业而言,“世界是平的”这一预言,既是机遇也是挑战。

71、Their mantra is that there is nothing astronauts do in space that machines cannot do better. ─── 他们的口号是宇航员们在太空所做的一切,机器可以做的更好。

72、We can observe this when we listen to Quran reading by Muslims and the Veda Mantra Chanting by Hindu priests in the Sanskrit language. ─── 当回教徒朗读可兰经及印度教僧侣以梵语进行韦陀梵咒吟唱时,我们能观察到这个现象。

73、He persisted in chanting the mantra and the holy name of Amitabha Buddha very sincerely. However, a year passed and he received no response. ─── 他回去以后一直念往生咒和阿弥陀佛的法号,很诚心,但是一年过去了,还是没什么结果。

74、If rapid development was once the mantra, heritage and identity are the buzzwords today. ─── 如果说迅速发展曾经被当作口头禅的话,那么,传统和特性则成了今天的时髦口号。

75、As requested by disciple Zhi Xuan below, calligraphy of my praise to Six-arm Mahakala and his mantra are attached. ─── 应弟子智宣以下之提请,我所造六臂大黑天礼赞及其心咒之翰墨附呈。

76、Carl was more than patient, but I'll never forget his slowly enunciated softle spoken mantra to these questions: “Where-is-the-evidence? ─── 卡尔可不止是有耐心,我永远不会忘记他如念诵咒语一般缓慢而清晰地发问:“证据何在?”

77、He used Houdini’s particle fluid surfacer to create the splash geometry which he then rendered in Mantra using Houdini 9’s physically-based rendering. ─── 他使用Houdini ’ s微粒流动性光面器创造他在佛经然后回报使用Houdini 9 ’ s基于物理的翻译的飞溅几何。

78、Mantra is the essence of sound, the embodiment of the truth in the form of sound. ─── 咒语是声音的根本之要,是真理的化身。

79、To be grooved on to your POA of a successful career life, variety combined with flexibility to fit in changing circumstances is the major mantra of the hour. ─── 变化和去适应变化环境的灵活性是当今开创事业成功的必需品。

80、The opposing slopes, inclined at all angles to the sun like an immense Hindu mantra, were marked with the muffled ciphers left by his sliding feet. ─── 对面的坡地宛若印度教的一个巨具,从各个角度斜向太阳:斜坡上是他滑动脚步时留下的无声码似的印痕。

81、In many areas, you re likely to hear the KISS mantra - "Keep it simple, stupid!" This applies just as well to security as anywhere else. ─── 在许多领域,您可能听到KISS咒语“简单些,蠢货!”与其它场合一样,这同样适用于安全性。

82、One had to wonder about China's new mantra of "putting people first" if the mayor himself wouldn't even slow down for his own translator. ─── 如果市长自己都不会为他的翻译哪怕慢一下,人们不禁要对中国“以人为本”的新口号产生疑问。

83、The beginning and the end of the practice of Ashtanga Yoga traditionally is marked by an Mantra (=Prayer). ─── 传统在开始及结束练习八支串联瑜伽时均会念祈祷梵咒…

84、It is therefore important to know the meaning of the Moola Mantra when you use it. ─── 因此当你运用这个箴言时瞭解他的意思是重要的。

85、Mantra in Hinduism and Buddhism, mystic words used in ritual and meditation. ─── 印度教和佛教的咒语,神秘的字词使用在仪式和静心上。

86、There is a verse which expresses the meaning of this section of mantra. ─── 你念这一段咒文,有四句话可以来表达这段咒文的意思。

87、Disciple Wang Hao asked me to write the Averting All Hindrances Mantra in calligraphy, and then he made it into a mantra wheel with the Mantra of the Dragon King at its center. ─── 弟子王浩请我手书遮诸妨碍神咒,然后他将之制作成一个中心有龙王咒的咒轮。

88、Oh, you are warm with a flame of youth, an echo of the mantra Madadayo. ─── 哦,你们是一团青春热烈的火焰,一曲回音袅袅的颂歌。

89、One is a contemplation technique, and another a more spiritual connection that controls the mind with a mantra. ─── 一方面它是一种沉思技巧,另一方面它是一种更具灵性的以咒语控制意念的连接。


歌名:trance 歌手: 张蕙兰 所属专辑:《蕙兰瑜伽音乐》 歌词貌似是“哈里姆,你在哭”。 准确的歌词: 这则瑜伽语音是『哈里波尔尼太一戈尔』(梵文 翻译成的中文发音) 哈里(Hari):壮美、吸引。 波尔(Bo1):冥想语音、说话、曼特拉(mantra)。 尼太(Nitai,梵文nitya):永恒、长存。 戈尔(Gaur):金色的、光辉灿烂的、清净或纯洁的。 诵念:哈里波尔 尼太一戈尔,尼太一戈尔 哈里波尔 在诵念时,试试保持心灵专注在瑜伽语音上,但是不要 把这变成一种紧张的注意。换言之,当你的心灵游离开 去时,只须把它引回语音上。 蕙兰(Wai Lana),华人移民的女儿,在香港长大,蕙兰随她的导师悉达,到印度成为瑜伽教练。她的系列节目在全球曾有数以百万计的人观看。瑜伽是身,心,灵三个方面合一的运动,可以修身养性,又能健美纤体,调节全身,让人保持非常好的状态。瑜伽音乐的特点是抒情、自然、休闲。 本专辑的音乐,空灵,动听,节奏缓慢而庄严,仿佛天籁般大自然的声音,让人找到回归自然的感觉。以om hari om启动的声音与甜美吟唱帮助你放松,你会感到清新和充满活力。这些超然唱歌,或随着音乐吟唱,或朗诵梵文咒语,使你找到内在的自我,找到了一种天人合一的感觉。让无形的大自然能量净化繁杂的思绪,进而舒展、放松肌肉,使内心达到宁静、祥和。全身放松,消除人们心中的杂念,从而进入宁静、祥和的境界。仿佛回归到大自然中,可以用它舒缓紧张工作所带来的沉重压力,从而使紧张的生活变得更轻松、健康、和愉。

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