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09-30 投稿


memorability 发音

英:[ˌmemərəˈbɪləti]  美:[ˌmemərəˈbɪlɪti]

英:  美:

memorability 中文意思翻译



memorability 网络释义

n. 值得记忆;难忘的人

memorability 短语词组

1、memorability of the event ─── 事件的可记忆性

memorability 相似词语短语

1、removability ─── n.可移动性;可解职

2、measurability ─── n.可测量性

3、exorability ─── n.心肠软;容易说服

4、memorabilia ─── n.大事记;值得纪念的事物;收藏品,纪念品

5、inexorability ─── n.冷酷,无情;不赦免

6、deplorability ─── 可悲

7、memorabiliast ─── 纪念品

8、mensurability ─── n.可测性;可测量

9、temperability ─── n.回火性

memorability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、quick access memor ─── 快速存取存贮器

2、The solution increases satisfaction and performance times but decreases memorability and learnability. ─── 这个方案增加了满意度和执行时间但减少了可记忆性和可学习性。

3、Now, I'm all for customizing, because it creates personality, memorability, and boosted brand experience. ─── 现在,我也是常常自定义Tab,因为能有个性,好记忆,而且有更好的品牌体验。

4、erasable and programmable readonly memor ─── 可擦编程只读存储器

5、You must mop off these horrible memor. ─── 你必须在头脑中去除这些可怕的记忆。

6、The learnability and memorability of the task are improved but it may have a negative effect of the performance time of the task. ─── 任务序列能立刻告知用户下一个任务是什么以及用户当前所在位置。任务的可学习性和可记忆性得到了改进但是对任务的执行时间产生了负面影响。

7、"Pleasantness and memorability are not the same, " says MIT graduate student Phillip Isola in a statement. ─── “美感和记忆,不是一回事。”MIT的研究生菲利普·伊索拉发表声明说。

8、2546. Automatic Deallocation of Unwanted Memor - The most common yet repeated mistake that programmers make occurs while using system memory. ─── 程序员最常见且总是重复出现的错误是在使用内存时。这个项目演示了自动回收不需要的内存的方法。

9、for they appear to be the same men,till the last instant Augustus Caesar died in a compliment; Livia,coniugii nostri memor,vive et vale. ─── 奥古斯塔斯大帝死时还在赞颂他的皇后: “永别了,里维亚,请你终身不要忘记我们婚后生活底时光”。

10、A logo design can have a major impact on the branding and memorability of a company. ─── Logo设计对品牌及公司的认知度具有显著的影响。

11、programmable read-only memor ─── 可编程序只读存储器

12、2. Branding creates memorability, but it also establishes preferences, habits, and loyalties. In short, it encourages a relationship between a brand and its user. ─── 品牌塑造既创造了值得记忆的品牌,也建立了消费者的偏好、习惯和忠诚。简而言之,它强化了品牌及其消费者之间的关系。

13、The memorability of such a moment depends, as well, on the images of the losers' unforgettable pain. ─── 此刻的记忆不能没有失败者难以忘记的痛苦。

14、Humans are familiar with such list (e.g. a dinner menu) and will quickly recognise its function.The solution improves memorability and satisfaction. ─── 人类对这类清单很熟悉(如菜单)并且能很快认识的他的功能。

15、for they appear to be the same men, till the last instant Augustus Caesar died in a compliment; Livia, coniugii nostri memor, vive et vale. ─── 奥古斯塔斯大帝死时还在赞颂他的皇后:“永别了,里维亚,请你终身不要忘记我们婚后生活底时光”。

16、Objective To investigate the relationship bet ween the learn and memor y on the damaged hippocampus and damaged cortex of rats by oxygen free radicals . ─── 目的探讨海马及皮层的氧自由基损伤与大鼠学习能力和记忆能力的关系。

17、so easily seep into our speech and writing—their insidious memorability—is exactly why they played such an important role in oral storytelling. ─── 如此容易渗透到我们的演讲和写作中,是由于它们潜在的可记忆性,这正是它们在口述故事中扮演如此重要角色的原因。

18、Those a few years, my as it happens works in this unit, after 25 years past, after-thought rises, that is the history of a paragraph of memorability really. ─── 那几年,我正好在这个单位工作,二十五年过去后,回想起来,那真是一段值得记忆的历史。

19、A pang shot through him at the memor of his lamplit hours in the low-studded drawing-room. Few as they had been, they were thick with memories. ─── 他回忆起在那饰钉钉得很低,点着煤油灯的客厅里度过的几个钟头,一阵剧痛猛然向他袭来。尽管只有为时极短的几个小时,但却令人回味无穷。

20、Memorability: When users return to the design after a period of not using it, how easily can they reestablish proficiency? ─── 可记忆性:在一段时间没有使用之后再次使用该设计,用户重新熟练操作的难易程度

21、Graphics that are vague or totally disconnected from what a company is all about can kill a logo's memorability. ─── 模糊或完全缺乏关联的图像,不会让人们记住你的公司。

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