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09-30 投稿


miseries 发音

英:[ˈmɪzəriz]  美:[ˈmɪzəriz]

英:  美:

miseries 中文意思翻译



miseries 词性/词形变化,miseries变形

名词复数: miseries |

miseries 反义词


miseries 同义词

wretchedness | weight | unhappiness | sadness | hell | miserableness | agony | dolor |grief | woe | suffering | distress | torment | depression | destitution | gloom | desolation | oppression | sorrow | poverty | deprivation | torture | despair | melancholy | privation

miseries 相似词语短语

1、fisheries ─── n.渔业;渔场(fishery的复数);捕鱼术;渔业公司

2、mouseries ─── n.育鼠处

3、misereres ─── n.米泽里厄里(祈求慈爱怜悯的圣诗);求主祈怜之祷告或其乐曲;(唱诗班席位)可折板椅托板;n.(Miserere)(意、阿根廷、法)密瑟勒尔(人名)

4、miseres ─── 苦难

5、mickeries ─── 米老鼠

6、miniseries ─── n.集数少的电视连续剧,迷你剧

7、boiseries ─── n.细木护壁板

8、masteries ─── n.掌握;精通;优势;征服;统治权

9、misentries ─── 误入

miseries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He traces all the miseries and discontents of life to insatiable selfishness ─── 他把人生一切苦难和不满都归咎于不知足的自私。

2、It was only a narrow escape from death for him in these miseries. ─── 他在这些磨难中九死一生。

3、while wretchedness and endless miseries were reserved, apparently in a phial, to be poured out upon our fathers, ourselves and our children, by Christian Americans. ─── 人们告诉了我们关于古埃及的以色列人、古斯巴达的农奴和古罗马的奴隶的情况,后者包括了几乎天底下的各个民族。

4、The practice of White Tara is performed in to prolong life, cut off the root of transmigration, and to prevent all demons, miseries and diseases. ─── 修持白度母法,能消除病因灾劫,能增长寿命及福慧,斩断轮回之根,免除魔障瘟疫,病苦,凡有所求无不如愿。

5、It was only a narrow escape from death for him in these miseries. ─── 他在这些磨难中九死一生。

6、Legislators, the Bankers Association of the ROC, and other related organizations are presently studying and drafting debt relief plans in hopes of freeing these credit card slaves from their miseries. ─── 对此立委、银行公会及相关单位正在研拟债务减轻方案,希望能将卡奴们从痛苦中解放出来。

7、Where is the key to putting mankind out of its miseries? ─── 交流的动力何在?

8、One can tell the story of the Jewish people as a litany of miseries or as an epic on the theme of rising above those miseries. ─── 一看就知道这个故事的犹太人民,因为一连串的悲惨境遇,或作为一部史诗,其主题是高于那些苦难。

9、All human miseries have for their capital and central government hell, otherwise, known as the Devil's Tuileries. ─── 一切痛苦的首府和中央政府就是地狱,换句话说,就是魔鬼的杜伊勒里宫。

10、They forgot all their fears and all their miseries in an instant. ─── 他们马上忘记了一切恐惧和痛苦。

11、Miseries are attendant on vice. ─── 不幸常随邪恶行为而至。

12、Every year the pharmaceutical companies spend millions of pounds trying to persuade us that their products will banish the miseries of sneezing, running noses, sore throats, headaches and coughs. ─── 各制药公司每年都会花费数百万元来使我们相信他们的药物可以消除打喷嚏、流涕、咽痛、头痛以及咳嗽的痛苦。

13、All the miseries and discontents of life are due, he taught, to selfishness. ─── 他告诫人类,生活中一切痛苦和不满足皆缘源于自私。

14、They are also sympathetic about the miseries and misfortunes of women from the lower ranks, and sing of their rebellion to fight for love and happiness. ─── 同情下层妇女的悲惨境遇,歌颂她们为争取爱情幸福而进行的反抗和斗争。

15、He was a broken man in ‘Aladdin’, I was rehearsing a little light entertainment called ‘Fear and Miseries of the Third Reich’. ─── 他在“阿拉丁”中扮演一个经纪人,而我正在排演一部小型的轻娱乐节目,名叫“第三帝国的恐惧与苦难”。

16、Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries。 ─── 崭新的开始,人生又一个起点。

17、In fact, right here in this country, there are certainly many social evils and miseries. ─── 实际上就在这个国度里,肯定地也有许多社会上的罪恶和穷困。

18、But omitted all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. ─── 但被忽略的是旅途中浅滩与苦恼总是形影不离。

19、Along with innumerable servile miseries, ─── 同着数不尽的奴隶的凄苦,

20、Meglio esser umile di spirito coi miseri, che spartir la preda coi superbi. ─── 存谦卑的心与穷乏人在一起,胜过与骄傲人同分战利品。

21、not to precipitate my self into Miseries which Nature ─── 不要急于自讨苦吃;因为,不论从人之常情来说,

22、Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. ─── 你们富有的人哪,应当为那将要临到你们的灾祸哭泣哀号。

23、All that they knew was, that after what seemed a mighty stretch of time, both awoke out of a dead stupor of sleep and resumed their miseries once more. ─── 他俩只知道好像经过一段很长的时间后,两人从昏睡中醒来,再度一筹莫展。

24、One of the outstanding early recordrs wrote those: Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries those ever beset mankind. ─── 一位伟大的作家曾写到:任务是医治人间一切病痛和疾苦的万应良药。

25、But other things attended me, and I was still to be the willful agent of all my own miseries; ─── 他的看法确实是通情达理、切合实际的。然而,冥冥中另一种命运在等待着我。

26、Work is the grand cure for all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. (Thoas Carlyle, British historian) . ─── 工作是良药,能医治一切困扰人的疾苦。(英国历史学家卡莱尔.T.).

27、Despite its attendant miseries, there seems to be a useful place for a pessimistic explanatory style. ─── 尽管有相关的悲伤,可是似乎对于的悲观解释风格来说有一个用武之地。

28、That this appreciation of human society is a great alleviation of many of the miseries which the Chinese suffer, cannot be doubted. ─── 这种人与人之间的相互欣赏,无疑极大地缓解了中国人的种种不幸遭际。

29、Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind(Carlyle) ─── 工作是医治人间一切病痛和疾苦的万应良药。(卡莱尔)

30、2 work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. ─── 工作是治愈包围人类疾病和苦痛的良药。

31、I wanted to reach out to her and wrench away all the miseries that had taken root in her young spirit. ─── 我想接触她并赶走那些在她童年时就扎根在心里的悲伤

32、There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune but omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries. ─── 世事的起伏本来是波浪式的,人们要是能够趁着高潮一往直前,一定可以功成名就;

33、Work is the grand cure for all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. ─── 工作就是医活人类所有顽疾和厄运的最宏效的药剂。

34、Whereas, getting rid of possessive instinct can at least exempt people from a great deal of trivial annoyance and insignificant miseries and let them live with dignified bearings. ─── 但是,摆脱了占有欲,至少可以使人免除许多琐屑的烦恼和渺小的痛苦,活得有气度些。

35、Freed from the burdens and miseries of war,our trade and intercourse have extended throughout the world. ─── 从战争的重负和苦难中得以解放,我们的贸易和交往遍布整个世界。

36、It is not Fernand Mondego's treachery towards Ali Pasha which induces me so readily to excuse you, but the treachery of the fisherman Fernand towards you, and the almost unheard-of miseries which were its consequences; ─── 使我这样认为的,不是弗尔南多·蒙台哥出卖阿里总督这件事,而是渔夫弗尔南多出卖您,这件事以及那次出卖所引起的那种种加在你身上的痛苦。

37、The Thames, the begetter of commerce, is also the most visible harbor for the miseries which a commercial civilization can induce. ─── 对于商业文明诱发的苦难来说,泰晤士河是商业之父。由商业文明所带来的苦难在这个港湾也尤为明显。

38、Sitting together, they tecalled their past miseries and spoke of their present happiness. ─── 他们坐在一起回顾了过去的苦,也谈到了今天的甜。

39、In a few years I should be pinched, thin, and haggard, beset with troubles and miseries. ─── 只要几年工夫,我就会被烦恼和穷困弄得面容瘦削,憔悴不堪。

40、One who has infatuation for ladies other than his wife and maintains illegitimate relations with them has to suffer uncalled for miseries in the world. ─── 一个人如果醉心其他的女人甚至多过自己的妻子,并且与他们一直保持非法的关系,那么这个人就必须为这些本不必要的事情承担痛苦。

41、10、work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind . ─── 工作是医治人间一切疾病和痛苦的万应良药。

42、He bravely bore his miseries three weeks, and then one day turned up missing. ─── 就这样,他硬着头皮忍受着,过了三个星期。

43、The Eighteenth was a Skeptical Century; in which little word there is a whole Pandora's Box of miseries. ─── 十八世纪是怀疑主义的世纪,即使是轻描淡写的几句话都可能引来像打开潘朵拉盒子,招惹一大堆悲惨。

44、In our own time racial conflicts, and religious bigotry, have polarised or torn apart countries and communities, and inflicted untold miseries on their people and retarding their national development. ─── 在我们这个时代,种族冲突和宗教偏见,在很多地方使国家和族群对立或分裂。不仅人民饱受其害,国家也因此停滞不前。

45、Despite its attendant miseries, there seems to be a useful place for a pessimistic explanatory style. ─── 尽管有相关的悲伤,可是似乎对于的悲观解释风格来说有一个用武之地。

46、The miseries I went through made me suddenly realize with a blinding flash what life was all about. ─── 我所经受的苦难令我豁然顿悟生命的意义。

47、Work is the grand care of all the maladies and miseries that ever best mankind. ─── 对于曾经饱受疾病和穷困折磨的人类来说,工作无疑是一剂绝世良药。

48、Han Fei's essays are full of miseries and abound with blood and tears,which make readers moved deeply. ─── 呜咽凄楚,文章处处寓深沉的身世之悲,满纸血泪,激越沉痛的真情感人肺腑;

49、1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. ─── 1嗐、你们这些富足人哪、应当哭泣、号啕、因为将有苦难临到你们身上。

50、A Christian should always remember that his mercies are greater than his miseries. ─── 基督徒必须经常记得他蒙受的恩典远大过他的不幸遭遇。

51、Swiss people go to snow-covered mountains in groups on the New Year's Day. They hold that playing in ice and snow will forget all the miseries. ─── 元旦那天,瑞士人成群结队地来到白雪覆盖的山上。他们认为在冰雪里玩耍会使人忘记一切忧愁。

52、It brings us untalked miseries and damage. ─── 它带给我们无穷尽的痛苦和损失。

53、One of the great early writers wrote that:Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. ─── 一位伟大的作家曾写到:工作是医治人间一切病痛和疾苦的万应良药。

54、She felt most severely the miseries of mankind. ─── 她极为强烈地感受到了人类的种种苦难。

55、British doctor who's from PeiPing consonancy hospital evaluated her in a mourning article as this:"She was a single woman who had suffered so many miseries but never contuse vigor or outpouring it. ─── 北平协和医院一位英籍医生在一篇悼念文章中是这样评价她的:“她是一位经历了如此之多的痛苦和不幸的女性,孤身一人而决不因此挫伤锐气或流露出来。

56、We are concerned, however, with those who are seriously attempting to comprehend life, with its miseries and apparently ceaseless conflict. ─── 但是我们关注的是那些人,他们认真地试图理解生活,它的悲惨,以及看上去永无休止的冲突。

57、You see your own miseries, fears, and tensions as self-generated. ─── 你会发现你的不幸,恐惧和紧张都是自生的。

58、9 One of the great early writers wrote that: Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. ─── 一位伟大的作家曾写到:工作是医治人间一切病痛和疾苦的万应良药。

59、And in 2010 Afghanistan will be “his” war, its miseries laid at his door. ─── 在2010年阿富汗将是他自己的战争,它已经就在他的眼前。

60、The story of his miseries is beyond my belief. ─── 他的悲惨身世令人难以置信。

61、How can you know that :the more miseries we experience, the more merriness we may get. ─── 你说,以前的六一节从来都是你最快乐的节日,可今年即将到来的六一节是你既快乐又痛苦的节日。

62、Tom himself began to fret over the scene-painter's slow progress, and to feel the miseries of waiting. ─── 汤姆本人则为绘景师进度慢而感到焦躁,等得很不耐烦。

63、But chronically elevated blood pressure is a source of multiple medical miseries. ─── 但如果血压长期属于升高状态,有可能引起一系列的疾病。

64、Work is the grand cure for all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. (Thoas Carlyle, British historian) ─── 工作是良药,能医治一切困扰人的疾苦。(英国历史学家卡莱尔)

65、Work is the grand cure for all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. (Thomas Carlyle, British historian) ─── 工作是良药,能医治一切困扰人的疾苦。(英国历史学家卡莱尔)

66、Even if you are the most sinful of all sinners; yet you will cross over all sins and miseries by the boat of transcendental knowledge. ─── 即使你是所有罪人之中罪孽最深重的人,超然知识之船仍然可以将你度过所有的罪恶和苦难之海。

67、In the novels, the writer repeatedly narrates common people's miseries, sharply criticizes people's alienation, and affirms maintaining national dignity personal self-esteem. ─── 作家在小说文本中繁复地叙说着平民身心的苦难,鲁迅式地揭批现代企业下“人”的异化现象,肯定、认同维护民族尊严、保持个人自尊的“人”。

68、the four miseries: birth, age, disorder, and death ─── 四苦

69、To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life. ─── 养成读书的习惯,就给你自己建造了一座逃避人生几乎所有不幸的避难所。

70、the miseries of unemployment ─── 失业的痛苦

71、He bravely bore his miseries three weeks, and then one day turned up missing. ─── 他勇敢地忍受了三个星期的痛苦,然而有一天他不见了。

72、boys forgot all their fears, all their miseries in an instant. ─── 孩子们在一瞬间忘记了他们所有的恐惧,所有的痛苦。

73、Life is a chaplet of little miseries which the philosopher counts with a smile. ─── 人生就是一块由无数小的苦难拼贴的地毯,而哲人们微笑着数着这些苦难。

74、Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. -Thomas Carlyle ─── 工作是医治人间一切病痛和疾苦的万应良药。-托马斯·卡莱尔

75、He is absolutely indifferent to other people's miseries. ─── 他对别人的痛苦漠不关心。

76、I could not really tell the miseries of her life before meeting God as my first impression other was full of blossomed smiles. ─── 她那充满喜乐的笑容令我难以想像她从前的生活是如何。

77、Real pain can alone cure us of imaginary ills. We feel a thousand miseries till we are lucky enough to feel misery. ─── 一旦有了真实的痛苦,就可以治愈我们的无病呻吟。我们在幸运地体会到真正的不幸前,会觉得自己已经经历了无数次的不幸。

78、” But if you are in debt, and constantly worrying about it, you are in fact enslaved to your financial miseries. ─── 但是你如果欠债,并不断地担心着,那你实际上就成了钱奴。

79、I've never had the ability to display before others my worries and miseries, although many indiscriminately call me lonesome, proud, and queer. ─── 因为我并未曾有过那种胆量,给人看我的蹙紧眉头,和听我的叹气,虽说人们早已无条件的赠送过我以“狷傲”“怪僻”等等好字眼。

80、Seasonable, seasonal The seasonable greetings and merrymaking of Christmas help us to forget the seasonal miseries of frost and snow. ─── 及时的圣诞节问候与狂欢,可以帮助我们忘掉冰冻与大雪带来的季节性痛苦。

81、Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind.( Carlyle) ─── 工作是医治人间一切病痛和疾苦的万应良药。(卡莱尔)

82、The Vijaya is a female Bodhisattva who helps to rid all of miseries and disasters. ─── 修持、礼敬或持诵长寿佛咒语,观想其图,修其法门可令寿命增加,心慧行捷。

83、All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone. ─── 人类的痛苦都是因为其不能静下心来独坐一室。

84、4/ Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. ─── 工作是对一直以来困扰人类的所有疾病和痛苦的最好的治疗方法。

85、But omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries... ─── 但是如果没有把握时机,他们的旅程将陷入浅滩与苦恼。

86、The miseries of humen life has established all this; as men have seen this, they have taken up diversion. ─── 人生的不幸造就了这一切:人们已经明白了这一点,所以他们选择了消遣.

87、Work is the grand cure for all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. (Thoas Carlyle, British historian) ─── 工作是良药,能医治一切困扰人的疾苦。(英国历史学家卡莱尔。T.)

88、The seasonable greetings and merrymaking of Christmas help us to forget the seasonal miseries of frost and snow. ─── 及时的圣诞节问候与狂欢,可以帮助我们忘掉冰冻与大雪带来的季节性痛苦。

89、Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever Beset mankind. ─── 工作是医治困扰人类的疾病和困苦的灵丹妙药。

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