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09-30 投稿


melancholia 发音

英:[ˌmelənˈkoʊliə]  美:[ˌmelənˈkəʊliə]

英:  美:

melancholia 中文意思翻译



melancholia 词性/词形变化,melancholia变形

形容词: melancholiac |

melancholia 短语词组

1、agitated melancholia ─── [医] 激越性忧郁症

2、paranoid melancholia ─── [医] 偏执性忧郁症, 忘想性忧郁症

3、melancholia nostalgica ─── [医] 怀乡性忧郁症

4、melancholia with delirium ─── [医] 谵妄性忧郁症

5、affective melancholia ─── [医] 情感性忧郁症

6、melancholia misanthropica ─── [医] 嫌人性忧郁症

7、melancholia praesenilis ─── [医] 初老期忧郁症

8、melancholia hypochondriaca ─── [医] 疑病性忧郁症

9、involutional melancholia ─── [医] 衰老期忧郁症, 更年期忧郁症

10、melancholia menstrualis ─── [医] ─── [月]经期忧郁症

11、melancholia religiosa ─── [医] 宗教性忧郁症

12、melancholia simplex ─── [医] 单纯性忧郁症

13、acute melancholia ─── [医] 急性忧郁症

14、climacteric melancholia ─── [医] 绝经期忧郁症, 更年期忧郁症

15、melancholia metamorphosis ─── [医] 变形性忧郁症

16、flatuous melancholia ─── [医] ─── [肠胃]气胀性忧郁症

17、melancholia persecutionis ─── [医] 被迫害忧郁症

18、melancholia attonita ─── [医] 迟钝性忧郁症, 木僵性忧郁症

19、melancholia recurrens ─── [医] 返复性忧郁症

melancholia 相似词语短语

1、melancholiac ─── n.忧郁症患者;adj.患忧郁症的

2、melancholic ─── adj.忧郁的;抑郁的;患忧郁症的;n.忧郁症患者

3、melancholics ─── adj.忧郁的;抑郁的;患忧郁症的;n.忧郁症患者

4、melancholy ─── adj.忧郁的;使人悲伤的;n.忧郁;悲哀;愁思

5、melancholious ─── n.忧郁症患者;adj.忧郁的

6、melancholiacs ─── n.忧郁症患者;adj.患忧郁症的

7、melancholily ─── 忧郁地

8、melancholies ─── adj.忧郁的;使人悲伤的;n.忧郁;悲哀;愁思

9、melancholically ─── 忧郁地;患忧郁症似地;忧伤地(melancholic的副词形式)

melancholia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Melancholia;Buspirone;PROZAC;Cognitive therapy; ─── 抑郁症;丁螺环酮;百忧解;认知疗法;

2、General what talent can get melancholia, what consequence can serious word cause? ─── 一般什么人才会得忧郁症,严重的话会导致什么后果?

3、She relapsed into melancholia. ─── 她又变得郁郁寡欢。

4、puerperal melancholia ─── [医] 产后忧郁症

5、Melancholia is a kind of psycho-disease nearest from us with the character of high illness rate, high recrudescence rate, high suicide rate and heavy social burden etc. ─── 抑郁症是一种离我们最近的心理疾病,其患病率之高,跨度之大。具有高发病、高复发、高自杀率、高致残率和社会负担沉重等特点。

6、How to get postpartum melancholia to do? ─── 得了产后忧郁症怎么办?

7、melancholia metamorphosis ─── 变形性忧郁症

8、organic melancholia ─── 器质性忧郁症

9、menopausal melancholia ─── 更年期忧郁症

10、involutional melancholia ─── 更年期抑郁症

11、He sank into deep melancholia. ─── 他陷入了深深的忧郁。

12、Melancholia is a kind of psychological disease which is hard to cure. ─── 忧郁症是一种很难治愈的心理疾病。

13、hysterical melancholia ─── 癔病性忧郁症

14、How occurrence melancholia symptom adjusts a mood? Can the person that weigh lose life? ─── 出现忧郁症症状如何去调整情绪?重者会失去生命吗?

15、Keywords Electroacupuncture;A combination of acupuncture and medicine;Amitriptyline;Melancholia; ─── 关键词电针;针药并用;阿米替林;抑郁症;

16、She is a little article member, a person hires a room to live, pa Mom is in native place, the little brother has the mental melancholia of intermittence. ─── 她是一个小小的文员,一个人租房住,爸妈在老家,弟弟有间歇性的精神忧郁症。

17、A Brief Talk on Differentiation and Treatment of the Climacteric Melancholia ─── 浅谈更年期忧郁症的辨证治疗

18、Stricken can suffer from melancholia really. ─── 受打击真的会患忧郁症.

19、agitated melancholia ─── 激动性忧郁

20、She relapsed into melancholia [silence]. ─── 她又变得郁郁寡欢 [沉默寡言] 。

21、Effects of fluoxetine in nervous functional rehabilitations and post- apoplexy melancholia after apoplexy ─── 氟西汀对脑卒中后抑郁及神经功能康复的作用

22、melancholia menstrualis ─── [医] [月]经期忧郁症

23、Japan Prime Minister Taro Aso (see photo) may suffer from melancholia, according to a local media report. ─── 据日本媒体近日报道,日本首相麻生太郎(见图)可能患上了忧郁症。

24、So, have seasonal of melancholia say. ─── 所以,有季节性忧郁症之说。

25、melancholia agitata ─── 激越性忧郁症

26、Solitary merely leisurely, my luggage cause more melancholia. ─── 我的行李孤孤单单散散惹惆怅。

27、But to sufferring from loneliness the patient of melancholia of disease, spirit shoulds not be long in white environment live. ─── 但对于患孤独症、精神忧郁症的患者则不宜在白色环境中久住。

28、The caster curses a province with melancholia. ─── 法师诅咒某地开始传染忧郁。

29、melancholia stuporosa ─── 木僵性忧郁症

30、climacteric melancholia ─── 更年期抑郁症经绝期忧郁症

31、It is melancholia of the turn of life or the turn of life no matter cranky condition, all come on slow, course of diseases is long. ─── 不论是更年期忧郁症或更年期偏执状态,均发病缓慢,病程长。

32、paranoia melancholia ─── 偏执性忧郁症

33、Clinical Observations on the Treatment of Post-apoplectic Melancholia with Scalp Points ─── 头穴为主治疗中风后抑郁症临床研究

34、Keywords Melancholia;Anxiety;Deanxit(melitracen/flupentioxal);Sulpiride; ─── 忧郁;焦虑;黛安神;舒必利;

35、Additional, walk can make a person new examine nature, bring the heart vaster space at the same time, have certain effect to treating melancholia even. ─── 另外,行走可以让人重新审视自然,同时带给心灵更广阔的空间,甚至对治疗忧郁症有一定的效果。

36、Psychological Analysis and Adjustment Strategies on Melancholia of College Students ─── 在校大学生抑郁症心理分析与调控策略

37、Be in hospital, move the mutation that waits for an environment, what can cause gawkish symptom is exasperate, bring about melancholia shape to wait. ─── 住院、搬家等环境的突变,会引起痴呆症状的恶化,导致忧郁症状等。

38、convulsive melancholia ─── 癫痫性忧郁症

39、Abstract: Objective and Method: To approach the efficacy of shuyuningshenhuoxuetang for treating post-apoplectic melancholia. ─── 抑郁症是中风病患者常见的并发症之一,也是影响患者生存质量、妨碍其神经功能障碍恢复的重要因素之一。

40、flatuous melancholia ─── [医] [肠胃]气胀性忧郁症

41、mixed manic melancholia ─── 混合型躁狂抑郁症

42、And he firmly put aside the chilling thought that, unless something happened to shake Nikol out of her dark melancholia, he would have only himself to worry about. ─── 也许除非发生什么事情能打破妮可的忧郁,否则他只需要担心他自己,他坚决地将这个令人心寒的念头抛开。

43、melancholia recurrens ─── 反复性忧郁症

44、melancholia nostalgica ─── 怀乡性忧郁症

45、Was melancholia often gotten crankily after abort? ─── 打胎后经常胡思乱想是不是得了忧郁症啊?

46、Do I get melancholia? Often feel irritated. . . . . How to do? ─── 我是不是得忧郁症了?老觉得烦.....怎么办?

47、Clinical Observations on the Treatment of Post-apoplectic Melancholia with Scalp Acupuncture ─── 头皮针为主治疗中风后抑郁症临床观察

48、Was the mood depressed suspect oneself have so that the tendency of melancholia has method to you can alleviate very for long? ─── 心情压抑了好长时间怀疑自己有得忧郁症的倾向是不是有办法可以缓解呢?

49、Did I get melancholia `` not to see a doctor go? ─── 我得了忧郁症``不看医生行嘛?

50、anxiety melancholia ─── 焦虑忧郁症

51、Dunst seemed to sum it up on Sunday when she accepted a best actress prize for her role in his film, Melancholia. ─── 邓斯特似乎在周日因为出演他的电影《抑郁症》而获得最佳女主角时总结了这一事件。

52、Clinical Observations on the Treatment of Melancholia by Intelligence Electroacupuncture Plus Amitriptyline ─── 智能电针合并阿米替林治疗抑郁症的临床观察

53、melancholia simplex ─── 单纯性忧郁症

54、British scientists reported in this wednesday that there was more tendency for those who always surf on net to get melancholia. ─── 英国科学家于本周三称,经常上网的人出现抑郁症状的可能性更大。

55、The ill National People's Congress of melancholia, neurasthenic, schizophrenia is much insomnia. ─── 忧郁症、神经衰弱、精神分裂症的病人大多失眠。

56、Post - apoplectic melancholia ─── 中风后抑郁症

57、If melancholia has color, what kind of color will be that? ─── 如果忧郁有颜色,那会是什麽颜色?

58、Patients developed postpartum melancholia and postpartum depression and their prophylaxis ─── 产后忧郁和抑郁症的发生和预防

59、What is the symptom of depressed disease and melancholia? ─── 抑郁症和忧郁症的症状是什么?

60、Melancholia attacking me? ─── 忧郁症发作吗?

61、Methods 100 cases of patients with gerontic melancholia were divided into two groups so as to observe the effects and the side-effects of Prozac and amitriptyline working on those patients. ─── 方法将100例老年抑郁症患者随机分成两组,观察氟西汀与阿米替林的疗效及副反应。

62、The ancients talked about melancholia from the liver, the heart, the spleen and the kidney four organs. ─── 关于郁症,古代多从肝、心、脾、肾四脏论治。

63、Result and Conclusion: Shuyuningshenhuoxuetang has a marked effect to post-apoplectic melancholia and at the same time, it is very safety for the body and has little side effect. ─── 临床表现为:精神抑郁,情绪不宁,性情急躁易怒,失眠健忘,多疑易惊,悲忧善笑,喜怒无常或时时欠伸等。

64、acute melancholia ─── [医] 急性忧郁症

65、a predisposition towards melancholia ─── 易患忧郁症的精神倾向

66、I feel ready to reject the film like a wrongly transplanted organ. "- 'Melancholia' Director's statement." ─── 我觉得我会马上像抵制一个被错误移植的器官一样抵制这部片子。

67、Can the person that has melancholia commit suicide? ─── 患有忧郁症的人会自杀吗?

68、Melancholia is a kind of common dysfunction disease characterized by an obvious reduction in intellectual and physiological vigor. ─── 精神抑郁症是一种常见的、慢性复发性疾病,表现为心境显著和持久的低落,伴有相应的思维和行为的改变。

69、Yes, I did. And the doctor said that I've got serious melancholia and suggested that I should rest. ─── 去了。医生说我得了严重的忧郁症,建议我休息。

70、Garff dissects the philosopher's physical and mental ailments, including his melancholia and graphomania, and considers various diagnoses, such as bipolar disorder and temporal lobe epilepsy. ─── Garff仔细研究了克尔凯戈尔身体和精神上的疾病,包括他的精神抑郁症和书写狂,并对诸如躁郁症和颞叶癫痫等不同诊断进行了考察。

71、According to the feature of the etiology and pathogenesis.The author suggest that the key to treat melancholia is regulating.Mel... ─── 根据郁证的病因病机特点提出了郁证的治疗要以"调"为主,从理气调肝,解郁调神,调情志这三方面入手阐述了对于郁证治疗的观点。

72、Nevertheless, wakened out of her melancholia and called to the dinner table, she changed her mind. ─── 可是,当她从忧郁的心境中清醒过来,被叫到饭桌上吃饭时,她改变了主意。

73、Keywords obstetrical department;service pattern;puerperal melancholia; ─── 关键词产科;服务模式;产褥期抑郁症;

74、Why to have accession, the heart that I feel myself suddenly at a draught cool. Am I melancholia? ─── 为什么有时侯,我突然感觉自己的心一下子就凉了。我是不是的忧郁症了?

75、melancholia religiosa ─── 宗教性忧郁症

76、If how doctor of a psychology got melancholia to do? ─── 假如一个心理医生得了忧郁症怎么办?

77、They tried to get rid of loneliness by love, but only to be led to psychological anxieties, even melancholia. ─── 他们想通过爱情来摆脱孤独却导致了心理焦虑,患上了忧郁症。

78、hypochondriatic melancholia ─── 疑病性忧郁症

79、Her former tendency toward melancholia was dispelled. ─── 她从前忧郁的倾向已经消失了。

80、Think the prognosis of cranky condition is poorer than melancholia commonly, but often ebb without intelligent obstacle or character. ─── 一般认为偏执状态的预后比忧郁症差,但往往无智能障碍或人格衰退。

81、Objective: To probe into relationship between female melancholia and sex hormones levels. ─── 目的:探讨女性抑郁症与性激素水平的关系。

82、Can the person that has melancholia often generate suicidal idea? ─── 患忧郁症的人是不是经常会产生自杀的念头?

83、Why to have accession, the heart that I feel myself suddenly at a draught cool. Am I melancholia? ─── 为什么有时侯,我突然感觉自己的心一下子就凉了。我是不是的忧郁症了?

84、She inclines towards melancholia . ─── 她有忧郁症的倾向。

85、He sounds a shrill alarm: “We are right at this moment annihilating melancholia,” he declares, which will deprive us of the creativity, genius and intellectual brilliance that come from this gloom. ─── “你看到我们国家的公共厕所了吗?”一个瑞士人回答到。“看到了,很干净”(另外,这里的风景也很壮美,火车跑得也快,政府又体贴,失业率也低)。

86、melancholia praesenilis ─── 初老性忧郁症 初老性忧郁症

87、But he also suffered from depression all his life.Doctors at that time called it melancholia. ─── 但他一生都遭受抑郁的折磨,那时医生将这种病称之为精神忧郁症。

88、Why can you get depressed disease? It is same that depressed disease follows melancholia kind of disease? ─── 为什么会得抑郁症?抑郁症跟忧郁症是同一种病吗?

89、affective melancholia ─── 情

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