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09-30 投稿


mullen 发音

英:[mʌlən]  美:[ˈmʌlɪn]

英:  美:

mullen 中文意思翻译




mullen 短语词组

1、mullen skomankae ─── 可能的缩略图

2、mullen c ─── 马伦c

3、rodney mullen rodney ─── 对我说

mullen 相似词语短语

1、sullen ─── adj.愠怒的,不高兴的;(天气)阴沉的;沉闷的

2、mullein ─── n.毛蕊花属;毛蕊花属的植物

3、mulleins ─── n.毛蕊花属;毛蕊花属的植物

4、mulley ─── adj.无角的(等于muley);n.无角的牲畜(等于muley);n.(Mulley)(美、英、加、澳、印、法)马利(人名)

5、muller ─── n.研磨机;粉碎机;搅棒;n.(Muller)人名;(德、罗、俄、意)穆勒;(英)马勒;(法)米勒

6、Cullen ─── n.卡伦(姓氏)

7、mullens ─── n.毛蕊花属的植物(等于mullein);n.(Mullen)人名;(英)马伦

8、mulled ─── adj.加糖的,香料热饮的;v.仔细考虑;加糖和香料并烫热;使…糊涂(mull的过去分词)

9、mullet ─── n.胭脂鱼;鲻鱼;乌鱼;n.(Mullet)人名;(法)米莱

mullen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、During an appearance on NBC's Today program, Mullen was asked if the United States has the ability to respond to a growing number of threats abroad, including North Korea. ─── 所有那些事件都说明了这个国家持续威胁并将长远威胁地区安全,如果他们继续进行核武器试验,这对美国是重大的威胁。

2、...Billy Orser Sumela Kay Judy Morgan Kelly Bob s buddy April Mullen Lisa Connor Price Kid Evan... ─── 的预算注定影片走的并不是盛大的商业路线,始终游弋在主流边缘的柯南伯格...

3、The top U. S. military officer, Admiral Mike Mullen, said in December he did not expect any major strategy change. ─── 美国最高军事官员麦克.马伦去年12月曾表示,他不认为会出现重大的战略改变。

4、Mullen on Friday said he was not convinced. ─── 马伦将军则在周五表示不这么认同。

5、Admiral Mullen says just how the new U. S. administration will work with its partners on missile defense is still under review. ─── 马伦上将说,只是如何,美国新政府将与有关导弹防御合作伙伴仍在审查中。

6、Admiral Mullen's soothing words were but a start. ─── 米伦的安慰行为仅仅是一个开始。

7、Earlier this month, Mullen told a congressional committee that he is not convinced that coalition forces are winning in Afghanistan. ─── 本月早些时候,马伦在一个国会委员会上说,他不认为联军正在阿富汗取得胜利。

8、Mullen said the president listened extensively to the commanders. ─── 马伦说,奥巴马广泛地听取了指挥官们的建议。

9、Windsor AC, Mullen PG, Fowler AA, et al. Role of the neureophil in adult respiratory distress syndrome. Br J Surg 1993; 80:10-7 ─── 曹卫红,胡森,孙丹.肠道部分缺血再灌流损伤诱发多器官功能障碍综合征[J].中华急诊医学杂志,2003,12(10):3-5

10、"I will not go so far as to say that progress in Iraq from a military perspective has reached a tipping point, or it is irreversible," said Admiral Mullen. ─── 马伦说:“现在我并不会认为从军事角度看伊拉克取得的安全进展达到一个转折时刻,或者说取得了不可逆转的进展。

11、Mullen already is on record expressing his war worries with an unusual degree of candor. ─── 穆林已经是有史以来以最不寻常的的直率来表达他对战争的担心。

12、Admiral Mullen said the longer it takes the international community to address the security situation in Afghanistan, the longer foreign troops will have to be there. ─── 马伦上将说,国际社会处理阿富汗安全形势的时间越长,外国军队在阿富汗驻扎的时间就越长。

13、Both Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen said they were pleased with the process that led to the withdrawal plan. ─── 盖茨和马伦都认为,他们对撤军计划前的评估程序表示满意。

14、The outgoing US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, said the Haqqani network was a veritable arm of the Pakistani intelligence. ─── 即将离任的美国联合参谋长联席会议主席MikeMullen上将称,哈卡尼网络是巴基斯坦情报名副其实的左膀右臂。

15、Mullen told CNN that it could take a couple of days to verify the test, but he had no reason to doubt North Korea's claims. ─── 马伦上将对CNN说,可能需要两天时间来证实这次试验,但是他没有理由怀疑北韩的说法。

16、Mullen bursting strength tester ─── 密廉式破裂强度试验机

17、Mullen paper tester ─── 纸张耐破度测试仪

18、The U.S. military chief, Admiral Mike Mullen, met with Pakistan's army chief and the prime minister in Islamabad for talks, including the security situation in the tribal areas. ─── 美军将领马伦上将在伊斯兰堡和巴基斯坦陆军司令和巴基斯坦总理在伊斯兰堡举行会谈,会谈内容包括在部落地区的安全局势。

19、They are a good and important start, Mullen said. ─── 这是一个良好而且重要的开端。

20、Mullen said the United States must do more to support the Pakistani government and armed forces over at least the next two years. ─── 马伦认为,美国至少要在今后两年内作出更大的努力来援助巴基斯坦政府和武装部队。

21、Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen said it may take several days to verify the tests occurred. ─── 海军上将马伦说,可能需要几天的时间,才能核实北韩进行的试验。

22、And the extension of that is, they're killing Americans and killing our coalition partners and killing Afghan soldiers and citizens, added Mullen. ─── 战争导致美国人和联军成员的死亡,以及阿富汗士兵和老百姓的死亡。

23、Qureshi was speaking at a news conference alongside two US envoys, Richard Holbrooke and Adm Mike Mullen, who were in Islamabad to discuss Washington's revised strategy against Taliban and Al Qaeda. ─── 这两位特使出访巴基斯坦就华盛顿对塔利班和阿盖达组织修定策略进行商讨。

24、Mullen says he is worried about recent military and political gains the Taliban and al-Qaida have made in Pakistan and southern Afghanistan. ─── 他说,塔利班和基地组织最近在巴基斯坦和阿富汗南部取得的军事和政治胜利让他感到担心。

25、Defense Secretary Robert Gates says he'll recommend Navy Admiral Michael Mullen for the post. ─── 美国国防部部长罗伯特盖治称,他将推荐美国海军上将迈克尔幕伦为此职位候选人。

26、Mullen acknowledges there is a limit to what the United States knows about Pakistan's nuclear weapons, but he says Islamabad has made dramatic improvements in the arsenal's security in recent years. ─── 马伦上将承认,美国对巴基斯坦核武状况的了解程度有限,不过他说,巴基斯坦最近几年中已经显著提高了其核武库的安全性。

27、"I remain comfortable that the nuclear weapons in Pakistan are secure," said Admiral Mullen. ─── 他说:“巴基斯坦的核武器是安全的,对此我仍然很有把握。

28、Admiral Mullen was asked whether there is "a high stakes bluffing game" going on. ─── 当被问到,这是否是一场“赌注很高的唬人计谋”,马伦上将的回答是。

29、But what it really speaks to is that that's a safe haven, that's got to be eliminated for all insurgents - not just al Qaida," Admiral Mullen said. ─── 我不想说得太具体。但是这的确说明这里是他们的藏身之处。必须铲除这些地点,不仅仅是针对基地组织,而且要让所有的激进份子无处藏身。”

30、Admiral Mullen said security in Afghanistan and Pakistan are inextricably linked because of what he called a common insurgency on both sides of their border. ─── 马伦上将说,阿富汗和巴基斯坦的安全形势不可分割地联系在一起。他说,这是因为是“同一股叛乱分子”在边境两侧活动。

31、Mullen said there is clearly the recognition that the political process in Pakistan is, in his words, pretty challenging. ─── 穆伦说,大家显然都认识到巴基斯坦的政治进程很是艰巨。

32、Tom Mullen is a wealthy corporate executive used to mediating tough business deals, and doing things his own way. ─── 米路吉逊饰演的亿万富豪汤姆,家庭、事业两皆得意。

33、Paper and board -- Determination of bursting strength by Mullen low-pressure tester ─── 纸张和纸板。用玛伦低压试验机测定产品脆裂强度

34、Rodney mullen: I grow up on a fram,i usally skate alone, this background make me used to ask inside other than get inspiration from other people. ─── 大意:我只是已经滑的太久了。上帝给了我一些天分,我努力创造了剩下的部分。

35、Admiral Michael Mullen told a defence conference in Washington that China's build-up of sea and military air power appeared to be aimed at counterbalancing US power in the Pacific. ─── 在华盛顿举行的国防会议上,MichaelMullen海军上将说,中国海军和空军力量的提升,显示出在太平洋地区对准美国,力求势均力敌。

36、"I am not convinced we are winning yet in Afghanistan, I am convinced we can," Mullen said. ─── “我不能确信我们已赢得阿富汗战争的胜利,但我认为我们能赢。

37、But Mullen said the US would first try "hail and query" and if that failed, direct the ship to a port where the country would be required to inspect the vessel. ─── 但麦克.墨伦却表示,美国方面将会在“示意和询问”未果的情况向再将船只引导至港口,并要求港口所属国家对该船进行检查。

38、But Admiral Mullen warned that any "destabilizing acts" could have unpredictable consequences, and it would be difficult for the United States to respond. ─── 但是马伦上将警告说,任何影响稳定的行动都可能引发不可预知的后果,也让美国难以回应。

39、At dinner, Admiral Mullen repeated the long-held view that the Taliban leadership is hiding in the province of Baluchistan. ─── 宴会上,海军上将马伦重申长期以来的观点,塔利班组织的头目藏身于俾路支斯坦省。

40、The spokesman says Mullen spoke to McChrystal late Monday. ─── 这名发言人还说,马伦和麦克里斯特尔星期一晚上进行了交 谈。

41、Doney, P. M., Cannon, J. P. and Mullen, M. R., “Understanding the Influence of National Culture on the development of Trust,” Academy of Management Review, Vol. 23, No. 3, 1998, 601-620. ─── 夏侯欣鹏,信任与权力对组织内知识分享意愿影响之研究--以银行放款部门主管为例,国立政治大学企业管理学系博士论文,民国八十九年。

42、Dynamic Characteristics of Cerebral Lipid Microemboli: Videomicroscopy Studies in Rats Robert J. Byrick, J. Colin Kay, C. David Mazer, Zhilan Wang, and J. Brendan Mullen ─── 脑脂质微栓的动力学特征:大鼠的视频显微镜研究

43、Standard Test Method for Grain Crack and Extension of Leather by the Mullen Test ─── 用莫林法测定皮革纹裂和延展度的试验方法

44、MCCAIN: Admiral Mullen suggests that Senator Obama's plan is dangerous for America. ─── 麦凯恩:马伦上将认为奥巴马议员的计划对美国很危险。

45、Mullen tester ─── 爆裂强度试验机

46、Admiral Mike Mullen, the Joint Chiefs chairman, says the United States should know by the end of this year whether the strategy is working. ─── 参谋长联席会议主席麦克·马伦上将表示,美国将在今年年底知道该战略是否已发挥作用。

47、While the secretary was in Kabul, U.S. military chief Admiral Mike Mullen visited Islamabad for talks with officials who have protested U.S. attacks on targets inside Pakistan. ─── 就在盖茨在喀布尔时,美军将领马伦上将到访伊斯兰堡,与抗议过美国袭击巴基斯坦境内目标的官员举行会晤。

48、I am not convinced we are winning yet in Afghanistan, I am convinced we can, Mullen said. ─── "我不能确信我们已赢得阿富汗战争的胜利,但我认为我们能赢。

49、Adm. Mullen blamed both men for the attacks, and said the elder Mr. Kim's leadership is "worrisome. " ─── 马伦指责这两个人是袭击事件的操控者,并说金正日的领导认人不安。

50、"Clearly, the conditions are much more positive than they were two years ago," said Mullen. ─── 美军指挥官表示,他们坚决支持奥巴马的撤军计划。

51、Mullen said the president listened extensively to the commanders.And Gates said he thought Mr.Obama was more analytical than his predecessor, George W.Bush. ─── 盖茨说,他不知道他愿意在五角大楼待多久,但是他承认,要待满奥巴马四年的总统任期可能是个挑战。

52、In addition, Admiral Mullen says Iran must also be a top priority for the new administration. ─── 此外,马伦将军还表示,美国新政府还必须把伊朗问题作为头等大事。

53、mullen burst testing ─── 马伦式织物顶破强力试验

54、He teamed up with Frith and Mullen for the Chuchi film. ─── 麦格莱德与弗里思和马伦共同制作了丘奇的影片。

55、Mullen originally scheduled the interviews to mark America's Memorial Day holiday, when the nation honors its war dead. ─── 马伦原来是为了美国阵亡将士纪念日而接受采访的。全美国在阵亡将士纪念日这一天缅怀在战争中牺牲的官兵。

56、Admiral Mullen said he has not seen details of the proposal, but is encouraged that an Afghan leader offered the idea as a way to increase border security. ─── 马伦将军说,他还没有看到建议的细节,但是由一名阿富汗领导人提出这个方案,作为加强边界安全的途径,这使他感到振奋。

57、The top U.S. military official, Admiral Michael Mullen, said the North Korean tests were not a surprise and are part of what he called growing belligerence on the part of Pyongyang. ─── 美国地位最高的军官马伦上将说,北韩的核试验并不出人意料,这是平壤越来越剑拔弩张、咄咄逼人姿态的一部分。

58、wet mullen ─── 湿纸耐破度

59、VOA's Paula Wolfson reports, Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says any withdrawal must be based on conditions on the ground. ─── 马伦说,任何撤军行动都必须基于伊拉克的实际情况而定。

60、mullen strength ─── 液胀强度

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