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09-30 投稿


mirthless 发音

英:[ˈmɜːrθləs]  美:[ˈmɜːθləs]

英:  美:

mirthless 中文意思翻译



mirthless 词性/词形变化,mirthless变形

名词: mirthlessness |副词: mirthlessly |

mirthless 反义词


mirthless 同义词

merrily | happily | gayly |lightly | blithely | jubilantly

mirthless 相似词语短语

1、virtueless ─── adj.无美德的;没有长处的;无效力的

2、pithless ─── adj.无髓的;无力的

3、mirthlessly ─── adv.阴森地;不快乐地

4、mouthless ─── adj.无孔的;无口的

5、mirthlessness ─── n.悲伤;阴沉

6、mirthfulness ─── 欢笑

7、worthless ─── adj.无价值的;不值钱的;卑微的

8、airless ─── adj.不通风的;没有风的;缺少空气的

9、artless ─── adj.天真的;朴实的;无虚饰的

mirthless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It was a curious laugh - distinct, formal, mirthless. ─── 那笑声很奇怪,很清晰,很正式,还带着一点沉闷。

2、The friendly person likes to smile, smiling of person uncertain happiness, the mirthless person must be some weak. ─── 随和的人喜欢笑,笑的人不一定快乐,不快乐的人一定是有些脆弱的.

3、"Plus a million supporters, " he adds, with a mirthless laugh. ─── “再加上一百万支持者,”他苦笑着补充一句。

4、"I set out to express my mirthless mood in a humorous way, " said the singer. ─── 歌手说,我用这种方式来表达我的悲伤和诙谐的情绪。

5、The mirthless person had another in the world.God will send a few happy persons down.Every day is smiling.But.Smile is the certain representative all happy everyday? ─── 世界上不快乐的人多了.上帝会派几个快乐的人下来.每一天都在笑.可是.笑就一定代表每天都快乐吗?

6、"Yes. No doubt that's what will be done," replied Newman, and added with a mirthless laugh. ─── “是呀!确实要那么办才行,”纽曼回答说。接着他冷冷地笑了笑补充说。

7、However, she felt mirthless all her life, which had been fixed by God the day when she became the princess and had nothing to do with women's rights. ─── 这是她当上公主那天就注定了的,与女性的权益无关。

8、His lips suddenly twisted in a mirthless smile and he roared in Mo Kan-cheng's face, "Mr. Mo! ─── 忽然他又冷笑起来,就冲着莫干丞的脸大声喊道:“莫先生!

9、mirthless high malicious laughter ─── 并不快活的尖声嗤笑。

10、That punctual, mirthless laugh was ringing in Prince Andrey's ears long after he had left Speransky's. ─── 在他离开斯佩兰斯基以后,这种有节制的、忧郁的笑声经久不息地在安德烈公爵的耳旁发出回响。

11、While the girl was gloating over her words, from the tomb came out a mirthless voice, “my daughter,how come you forgot your keys again! ─── 美女为自己的聪明得意地笑了起来,哪知笑声未落,从坟墓里传出一个阴森森的声音说:“闺女,你咋又忘记带钥匙了呢?”

12、The friendly person likes to smile, smiling of person uncertain happiness, the mirthless person must be some weak. ─── 随和的人喜欢笑,笑的人不一定快乐,不快乐的人一定是有些脆弱的。

13、His mirthless smile made all of us uncomfortable. ─── 他生硬的笑使我们感到很不舒服。

14、Mirthless My daily routine starts with a cup of coffee . ─── 每天开始工作时都会喝杯咖啡。

15、Plus a million supporters," he adds, with a mirthless laugh. ─── 再加上一百万支持者,”他苦笑着补充一句。

16、Meanwhile there were three that were one, that flickered and flashed and morphed and wove long, grey, grim thread with a sound like mirthless laughter and white teeth. ─── 同时,那里还有三个原先是一体的出现了。他们闪烁不定,摇摆,他们编织着那长长的,灰色的,阴森的线,发出的声音好象是悲伤的大笑,白色牙齿的摩擦。

17、Know me, your mirthless day has already walked to the end, wait for you will be a happiness, happiness. ─── 认识我,你不快乐的日子已经走到了尽头,等待你的将是快乐,幸福.

18、“Plus a million supporters,” he adds, with a mirthless laugh. ─── “再加上一百万支持者,”他苦笑着补充一句。

19、When you mirthless time, I am your happy fruit. ─── 当你孤独的时候,有我在陪你说话。

20、His mirthless smile made all of us uncomfortable. ─── 他生硬的笑使我们感到很不舒服。

21、a mirthless laugh/smile ─── 苦笑

22、It's a little mirthless and scaring when in the nights without moonlight. ─── 没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人。

23、Some laughed again: mirthless but with meaning ─── 有些人又笑了,不畅快,却别有用意。

24、His mouth corners curved in his highly individual, cold, almost mirthless smile ─── 他嘴角一抿,露出极为独特的,几乎是闷闷不乐的淡笑。

25、That punctual, mirthless laugh was ringing in Prince Andrey's ears long after he had left Speransky's. ─── 在他离开斯佩兰斯基以后,这种有节制的、忧郁的笑声经久不息地在安德烈公爵的耳旁发出回响。

26、Despite options in many areas, Ferguson might drag out a mirthless laugh over any suggestion that he has all the answers. ─── 除去在许多方面有可以选择的权力,弗格森在面对诸如他已经得到所有问题的答案这样的建议时,还是会露出一丝苦笑。

27、Can you imagine a dry, mirthless and completely joke-free Strangelove? ─── 你能想象一部枯燥沉闷,完全没有笑料的《奇爱博士》吗?

28、As she parted her lips in a mirthless smile, her even white teeth were bared as if ready to bite ─── 她露出她的白牙齿干笑,那整齐的牙齿好像会咬人。

29、We have been fed up with the mirthless routine work all day long. ─── 我们受够了整天沉闷的日常工作。

30、Wormtail muttered something so quietly that Frank could not hear it, but it made the second man laugh - an entirely mirthless laugh, cold as his speech. ─── 温太尔喃喃自语,太小声音,弗兰克听不见,第二个人却笑了。尽管说话冰酷,但笑得却很开心。

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