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09-30 投稿


memoirist 发音


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memoirist 中文意思翻译



memoirist 词性/词形变化,memoirist变形


memoirist 相似词语短语

1、Camorrist ─── n.秘密结社党员

2、Gemarist ─── n.精通Gemara(《革马拉》)之人,或其信仰者(Gemara的变形)

3、memorialist ─── n.请愿者;请愿书起草者;回忆录作者

4、amorist ─── n.爱情小说作者;好色之徒

5、memoirism ─── 回忆录

6、memoirs ─── n.回忆录

7、memorist ─── 记事本

8、memorise ─── vt.(英)记忆;存储(等于memorize)

9、memoirists ─── n.传记;追思录

memoirist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The novel is a larger form than the memoir. ─── 小说是比回忆录空间更大的一种形式。

2、Doubts about the Rosenblat memoir started circulating on the Internet and were mentioned by the eminent Holocaust historian Deborah Lipstadt on her website as early as December 2007. ─── 对于罗森布拉特的这段回忆录,网络早有存疑的声音,而早在2007年12月,研究大屠杀的著名历史学家黛博拉.利普斯塔特就在她的网站上提出了质疑。

3、But in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children, and profound loneliness. ─── 但是在一本传记又一本传记里,名人揭示所有的不幸都隐藏在乐趣里:忧郁,酗酒,毒瘾,破碎的婚姻,捣乱的孩子和深深的寂寞感。

4、For example, I at least want to publish one novel and one memoir, the best would be to be able to make the top ten of the best seller's list. ─── 例如, 我想至少出版一本小说和一本回忆录, 最好能上畅销书的十佳排行榜.

5、In her memoir, the actress wrote about the bittersweet memories of her first love. ─── 在那个女演员的自传中,她写到了自己苦乐掺半的初恋.

6、the Memoir of Tang Dynasty ─── 唐实录

7、US President George W.Bush, scrutinized in the memoir by his ex-spokesman McAllen, is considering writing a memoir of his own. ─── 在其前新闻发言人麦克莱伦的回忆录中遭到炮轰,而如今,布什总统也考虑写一本自己的回忆录。

8、Amantine (Paris, 1 July 1804 —8 June 1876), best known by her pseudonym George Sand, was a French novelist and memoirist. ─── 乔治·桑德(1804—1876),法国女小说家,是巴尔扎克时代最具风情、最另类的小说家。

9、The memoir is an eloquent chronicle of Lee Kuan Yew's extensive experiences in statecraft, politics and international diplomacy ─── 回忆录对李光耀的治国才能、政治和国际外交的丰富经验有生动流畅的记载。

10、Have you considered a career as a memoirist? ─── |你有没有想过 做传记作者?

11、Net CEO Li Shanyou sneaks away to accept memoir of special interview of sina science and technology for cruel under. ─── 以下为酷溜网CEO李善友接受新浪科技专访实录。

12、Chinese windows and doors market and product memoir ─── 中国门窗市场与产品研究报告

13、” Like Jianguo, Xu had been a Red Guard, and he has written a candid and moving memoir about the Cultural Revolution, with soul-searching reflections on his own youthful delusions. ─── 和建国一样,徐当年也曾是红卫兵,他写的文革回忆录坦诚感人,深刻反思了自己青年时代的种种幻象。

14、Memoir on Business Management Training to Enterprise Management Personnel ─── 企业经营管理人员工商管理培训教学实践研究报告

15、Madam Secretary: A Memoir by Madeleine K. Albright ─── 国务卿女士:一部回忆录

16、No news here, but only stories.This is a memoir written by oldboy. ─── 写的回忆录,和几篇杂文。

17、Today is the second day of Zhou Benchi's endeavor. Today's assignment is to write a memoir. ─── 今天是周奔驰奋斗第二天:(今天课程是写回忆录,咦,奋斗计划完成一大半了,哈哈哈哈哈

18、memoir spirit ─── 实录精神

19、R. F. Murray : His Poems with a Memoir ─── R·F·默里的诗及略传

20、China digital television industry development memoir ─── 中国数字电视产业发展研究报告

21、He remains, by virtue of his earlier work, easily the best memoirist of any American secretary of state or president in the modern era. ─── 他依然秉持着早年工作时的美德,籍此,他的作品可以轻而易举地成为现时任何一位国国务卿或总统的最好回忆录。

22、R. F. Murray : His Poems with a Memoir ─── n. 《R·F·默里的诗及略传》,安德鲁·朗格(Andrew Lang)著

23、A personal narrative; a memoir. ─── 个人的生平;传记

24、Kelly ;with a biographical memoir by Douglas V.Steere. ─── 书名/作者 A testament of devotion /by Thomas R.

25、In his memoir, Stephen King shows that he knows the ropes when it comes to storytelling. ─── 在他的回忆录中,史蒂芬&8226;金表示他很懂讲故事的诀窍。

26、" she writes in her new memoir, "my father's secret war. ─── 她把这些记录进了自己的文章中,“父亲的秘密战争。”

27、Do not Neglect the Problem of Character Memoirist in Local Records ─── 新方志人物传所存问题不容忽视

28、You need to make a memoir album of them with photos and memories. ─── 你得做一个纪念专辑,放着他们的照片和点点滴滴。

29、In a memoir, "The Summer of Ordinary Ways," the Minnesota writer Nicole Lea Helget described her childhood on a family farm. ─── 在《夏天的平凡生活》这本回忆录中,明尼苏达的作家妮可?黎?赫杰描述她在家族农场的童年生活。

30、And one of these two brothers has become notorious because later on in life, Virginia Woolf wrote a memoir in which she suggested that George Duckworth had sexually molested her as child. ─── 其中一人之后恶名昭著,因为伍尔芙在她的回忆录中暗示,小时候乔治曾对她进行过性侵害。

31、Frank Schaeffer, author of the memoir, `Crazy for God: How I Grew Up As One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back. ─── 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!

32、His book is part personal memoir, part history and part polemic. ─── 他的作品集个人回忆、历史记述与观点争鸣于一身。

33、Coming Together, Coming Apart: A Memoir of Heartbreak and Promise in Israel ─── 合久必分:以色列回忆录

34、9 In his memoir, Stephen King shows that he knows the ropes when it comes to storytelling. ─── 在他的回忆录中,史蒂芬 •金表示他很懂讲故事的诀窍。

35、sheet memoir ─── 地图说明

36、Later, he discovered through a friend that Batstone had written about their relationship in her memoir, A Wren's Eye View. ─── 后来从朋友那儿得知巴斯滕小姐在其回忆录《女通讯兵见闻》里描述过两人的那段往事。

37、Chinese aluminum material product memoir ─── 中国铝冶炼行业研究报告

38、Chinese on-line bank development memoir ─── 中国网上银行发展研究报告

39、Starting with the image of comparative literature, analyzes the image of Indian in Memoir of the Pilgrimage to the Five Regions of India. ─── 从比较文学形象学的角度入手,对《往五天竺国传》中的印度人形象进行了解析。

40、Chinese and Indian software industry comparison memoir ─── 中国软件行业分析报告

41、Chinese wall cloth market and product memoir ─── 中国玻璃钢产品与市场研究报告

42、Virtual with Joone. Eros Zine: I hear you're also working on a memoir? ─── 听说你正在写回忆录?

43、The students decided to write a memoir to commemorate their teacher. ─── 为了纪念恩师,同学们打算撰写一部回忆录。

44、BERLIOZ MEMOIR LIKE NOVEL ─── 《柏辽兹回忆录》像小说一样好读

45、In 1998,her memoir,"Personal History,"was a No.1 best seller and won the Pulitzer Prize. ─── 1998年,她的回忆录《个人历史》创下最畅销书榜上名列第一的佳绩,并获得普利策奖。

46、"In the Arena: A Memoir of Victory, Defeat and Renewal" ─── 在舞台:胜利、失败和东山再起回忆录

47、But in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriage, troubled children, profound loneliness. ─── 但接二连三的事例显示,这些闪光耀眼名人所有欢乐底下隐藏的不幸:沮丧消沉,酗酒吸毒,家庭破裂,儿女肇事以及深切的孤独感。

48、Ortoleva P J. Basin compartmentation : definition and mechanisms[A]. In: Ortoleva P J, ed. Basin compartment and seal,AAPG Memoir 61[C].Tulsa:AAPG, 1994.35-51 ─── 刘树根徐国盛徐国强雍自权李国蓉李巨初.四川盆地天然气成藏动力学初探[J].天然气地球科学,:.

49、Chinese migration communication profession memoir ─── 中国移动通讯行业研究报告

50、Idea of Memoir: an Onrush that Runs Through the History of the Researches on the Dream of Red Chamber ─── 实录观念:一股贯穿红学史的洪流

51、Clinton has kicked off a full-throttle publicity campaign to sell his 957-page memoir, which goes on sale on Tuesday. ─── 克林顿已经启动了全面的宣传推广活动,他957页的回忆录即将在周二上架。

52、A self-confessed oddball, Mr Murakami is a peculiar memoirist. ─── 并不否认自己是一个怪人,村上春树先生是一位特别的传记作家。

53、Any reader who, after all this, still wants to read more about Deepwater Horizon should hope that Mr Allen has ambitions as a memoirist. ─── 任何读过这些后还想更多了解深水地平线的读者都会希望艾伦上将能有雄心撰写回忆录。

54、If you'd like to help a friend who's in a financial mess, enjoy each other's company on the cheap, says Liz Perle, author of "Money, a Memoir: Women, Emotions, and Cash. ─── 如果你想帮助有经济困难的朋友,少花钱来享受彼此陪伴,“钱,回忆录:女性,感情,金钱”一书的作者LizPerle称。

55、In a memoir dated 1907 she wrote of her parents, "Beautiful often, even to our eyes, were their gestures, their glances of pure and unutterable delight in each other. ─── 在1907年的回忆录中她写道,她的父母,“甚至在我们的眼睛里都是很美的,他们的手势,他们的眼神是纯粹的,难以言喻的互相取悦。”

56、But most of the results come from the memoir of the ex-PQW or from their point of view, which may be somewhat prejudiced. ─── 但这些成果多是来自于原英美战俘的回忆录,或是从英美战俘的视角来进行分析研究的,未免有些偏颇。

57、By the time I sat down in the late 1990s to write my memoir of growing up bicultural, there was a vast population of people like me, a strong and lively fellowship of hyphenated Americans. ─── 90年代晚期,我潜心将自己在双重文化背景中的成长经历集写成书,此时,我这种经历已大有人在,外裔美国人已构成一个庞大、活跃的群体。

58、The memoir of Lu Bowang's chat with the seller: New regulations for online shops is frustrating. ─── 吕伯望与卖家聊天实录:网店新规挫伤积极性。

59、The modification memoir of the exhibition building in Datong city ─── 大同市展览馆改造实录

60、His memoir is, as one publisher put it, “the single most vetted book in American politics right now. ─── 在和时代图公司书签了合同之后,他写了一部分手稿。

61、Why does nobody probe into the literature quality of the memoir deeply? ─── 为什么没有人去深入探讨回忆录的文学性呢?

62、The Construction Memoir for the Bored Pile of the High Hosing Project in Taiyuan ─── 太原某高层住宅楼钻孔灌注桩施工工程实录

63、Memoir of Tour During Labor Days ─── 五一游走实录

64、She wrote a memoir of her stay in France. ─── 她写了一篇旅法记事录。

65、Chinese animation industry development memoir ─── 中国航空运输行业分析报告

66、It's also the working title of a memoir he's readying for publication, and also the name of a documentary film about the singer. ─── 它也是他准备发行的唱片集的标题,还是有关这位歌手的纪录片的名字。

67、On October 27, 1998, IDG signed a memoir with China Ministry of Science and Technology on the investment in medium and small-sized high-tech industries in China in the next seven years, with a total investment of US $1 billion. ─── 1998年10月27日,在熊晓鸽积极推动和主持下,IDG与中国科技部签署了合作备忘录。根据该备忘录,IDG将在7年内向中国中小规模高新技术企业投资10亿美元

68、And in his memoir, Sculley dismissed Jobs' vision for the company. ─── 他还摒弃乔布斯对公司的远见卓识。

69、Young and Depressed in America: A Memoir ─── 一书,诉说美国年轻新一代

70、Chinese supermarket industry development and market design memoir ─── 中国超级市场产业发展与市场设计研究报告

71、geological survey memoir ─── 地质调查报告

72、Her talk offers samples of this memoir about her career, especially her beleaguered time at Hewlett-Packard. ─── 她的演讲提到她的职场回忆录的例子,特别是她在惠普被围攻的日子。

73、The memoir have also quoted for week the article while protecting for this. ─── 回忆录为此还引用了周保中的文章。

74、Chinese mechanical industry profession memoir ─── 中国工程机械行业研究报告

75、Whether or not it's a coincidental push to prep for Eminem's return to the spotlight, Nelson spoke with MTV about the details and release of her memoir entitled "My Son Marshall, My Son Eminem. ─── 不论它是否是一种巧合,推动准备为阿姆的返回的焦点,纳尔逊以与MTV的细节和释放她的自传,题为“我的儿子马歇尔,我的儿子阿姆” 。

76、He was a poor president, but he was the general Lincoln needed; he also wrote the greatest political memoir in American history. ─── 他是一个贫穷的总统,但他总林肯需要;他还写道,在美国历史上最大的政治回忆录。

77、Chinese environmental protection industry memoir ─── 中国乳制品行业分析报告

78、Chinese building materials equipment market and product memoir ─── 中国夹层玻璃产品与市场研究报告

79、In 1858 he sent me a memoir on this subject. ─── 他于1858年,曾寄给我关于本题的一篇论文。

80、aide memoir ─── 备忘录

81、Chinese window blind market and product memoir ─── 中国吊顶市场与产品研究报告

82、His antobiography, or memoir, is ready for publication. ─── 他的自传,也就是回忆录,即可出版了.

83、From Margin to Centre: Transformation of Angle of View of Historical Observation of Northeast of Memoir of Ming-Qing Dynasties ─── 从边缘到中心:明清实录对东北历史观察视角的转换

84、Laura Bush (see photo) wants to write a memoir and is meeting with several publishers, according to 3 publishing executives. ─── 3位出版界资深人士透露,美国第一夫人劳拉(见图)要写回忆录,并正与多家出版社商洽。

85、But in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children and profound loneliness. ─── 但是在一本接一本的自传中,名人们揭示着自己隐藏在光鲜面后痛苦:意志消沉,酗酒,吸毒,婚姻破裂,无人管教的孩子以及寂寞的深渊。

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