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09-30 投稿


medullar 发音


英:  美:

medullar 中文意思翻译




medullar 同义词

medulla oblongata |myeline | bulb | myelin

medullar 词性/词形变化,medullar变形

名词复数: medullas |形容词: medullar |

medullar 反义词


medullar 短语词组

1、cephalic-medullar angle ─── [医] 脑干角

medullar 相似词语短语

1、medullas ─── n.髓质;的缩写

2、medlar ─── n.欧楂树;欧楂果

3、modular ─── adj.模块化的;模数的;有标准组件的

4、medalplay ─── 梅达尔普拉

5、medullated ─── adj.有髓的

6、medullary ─── adj.骨髓的;髓质的;脊髓的

7、medulla ─── n.髓质;的缩写

8、medullate ─── 髓质

9、medullae ─── n.骨髓;髓质(medulla的复数)

medullar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of primary adrenal medullar hyperplasia(PAMH). ─── 目的:探讨高血压伴肾上腺增生患者的临床特点。

2、Acute cerebral swelling can also often produce herniation of the cerebelllar tonsils into the foramen magnum.Note the cone shape of the tonsils around the medulla in this cerebellum. ─── 急性大脑肿胀在枕骨大孔处也经常形成小脑扁桃体疝 ,注意小脑髓质附近的锥体形状的小脑扁桃体。

3、Acute renal cortical necrosis (ARCN) is a rare cause of acute renal failure characterized by necrosis of the renal cortex with sparing of the renal medulla. ─── 摘要因急性肾脏皮质坏死而造成肾衰竭较少被描述及报告。急性肾脏皮质坏死的特徵为肾脏皮质坏死,但是肾脏髓质依旧完好。

4、Medulla Stachyuri Medulia Helwingiae ─── 小通草

5、During development period, there were cystoid thymic corpuscles and interdigitating cells in thymic medulla and cortico-medullary border. ─── 在各发育期中华鳖胸腺皮质、髓质交界处和髓质区有明显的囊状胸腺小体和交错突细胞。

6、median sulcus of medulla oblongata, posterior ─── 延髓后正中沟

7、Keywords medulla oblongata;microvasculature;branch; ─── 延髓;微血管;分支;

8、"Located Below the cerebral hemispheres and Behind the upper medulla oblongata and pons, each of its two connected hemispheres has a core of white matter within a cortex of gray matter . ─── 位于大脑半球的后下方和延髓的上面,分为左右两半球,每侧半球由中央白质和表层灰质所构成,分成三叶。

9、Abstract: Objective To further elucidate the clinical features of hemangioblastoma of the medulla oblongata, improve surgical skill and reduce the operative mortality. ─── 文摘:目的进一步了解延髓血管母细胞瘤的特点,确定治疗方法,改进手术技巧,预防并发症及降低死亡率。

10、The emissions may poison the Medulla of the brain such that ascension beyond a certain point ceases, and they may end up suffering from symptoms not unlike Parkinson ’s disease over time. ─── 废气可能会毒化大脑脑髓,以至于人们将终止超过某特定点而提升,并可能随时间最终遭受类似帕金森症的折磨。

11、The result showed that the lengthener can be inserted into the medulla of tibia and extend the truncated tibia. ─── 实验表明所设计的延伸器能够顺利的插入胫骨髓腔,可使截断的胫骨延长。

12、anterior median fissure of medulla oblongata ─── 延髓前(腹侧)正中裂

13、lateral columns of medulla oblongata ─── [医] 延髓外侧柱

14、Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide(VIP) antigen in the medulla of Wanxi white Goose has been detected by using immunohistoche-mical SABC method. ─── 应用免疫组织化学SABC染色法,对血管活性肠肽(VIP)免疫反应阳性细胞在皖西白鹅延髓内的分布进行了观察。

15、Ultrastructural studies on reticular formation of medulla oblongata in the early stage of brain-stem mechanical injury in rats. ─── 大鼠机械性脑干损伤早期延脑网状结构的超微病理研究。

16、There exist vasomotor centers in the hypothalamus, the midbrain and the medulla oblongata, and the destruction of these centers is the basic reason for acute diffuse brain swelling. ─── 大脑血管紧张性调节中枢广泛存在于下丘脑、中脑和延髓,其结构或功能的破坏是急性弥漫性脑肿胀形成的根本基础。

17、anterior columns of medulla oblongata ─── [医] 延髓前柱

18、For showing the compression of medulla oblongata, either CTM (20/20, 100%) or MR (27/27,100%) is superior to CT (15/78, 19% P

19、Two centres in the Brain's medulla oblongata are Believed to control it; the vomiting centre initiates and controls a series of muscle contractions Beginning at the small intestine and moving through the stomach and esophagus. ─── 据信,呕吐受控于两个位于延髓的神经中枢,它能激活和控制一系列消化道平滑肌的收缩动作,收缩首先自小肠开始,沿胃、食管向上方蠕动。

20、Motor and sensory nerve fibres from each hemisphere cross over in the medulla to control the opposite side of the Body. ─── 大脑半球的运动和感觉神经纤维在延髓交叉,分别控制的另一侧的身体。

21、dentate body of medulla oblongata ─── 延髓齿状体, 下橄榄核

22、Abstract: Pheochromocytoma is a rare endocrine tumor which comes from adrenal medulla and causes hypertension by increasing the level of serum catecholamine. ─── 摘要: 嗜铬细胞瘤是肾上腺髓质来源的一种产生儿茶酚胺引起高血压的少见内分泌性肿瘤。

23、pyramidal fibers of medulla oblongata ─── 延髓锥体纤维

24、Compared with the 1K1C+BEA group before removal of the clip, when the renal medulla was shattered by BEA, unclipping could not decrease blood pressure or improve the GFR (P>0.05). ─── 1K1C+BEA组去夹前后比较,破坏肾髓质后去除钳夹未见明显的降压作用(P>0.05); 肾小球滤过率(GFR)未见明显提高(P>0.05);

25、As the primary axons reach the caudal medulla, they leave their respective fasiculi and enter and synapse on secondary neurons within the nucleus gracilis and the nucleus cuneatus, respectively. ─── 一级感觉神经元的轴突会伸延至延髓的尾部,且拥有细长细胞核或楔形细胞核的神经元会分别透过进入或于二级感觉神经元及轴突间形成突触而离开延髓的尾部。

26、Hemangioblastoma of the medulla oblongata 47 cases reports. ─── 延髓血管母细胞瘤47例报告。

27、of or relating to the medulla of any body part ─── 属于或关于身体任何一部分的骨髓

28、Some migrate to the inner medulla and enter the Bloodstream; those that do not may be destroyed to prevent autoimmune reactions. ─── 一些移到内骨髓,进入血流,没有进入的则被毁掉,以阻止自体免疫反映。

29、posteromedian column of medulla oblongata ─── 延髓后内柱, 延髓薄束

30、corticospinal tract of medulla oblongata ─── 延髓的皮质脊髓束, 锥体束

31、median sulcus of medulla oblongata, dorsal ─── 延髓背侧正中沟

32、solitary tract of medulla oblongata ─── 孤束

33、Where pingala crosses to the right . the fifth is ajna chakra which is located at the medulla oblongata in the midbrain ,where , pingala terminates. ─── 在那里,是从右侧穿插越的。第五个是眉心轮,位于中脑的位置,右脉于那里停止。

34、Catecholamine levels in the adrenal medulla can be directly measured at post-mortem, if the animal is killed immediately after a stressful stimulus. ─── 如果動物是在緊迫的刺激後立刻死亡(譯註:例如屠宰過程不人道),則屍體解剖後可以在腎上腺髓質部直接測到鄰苯二酚胺。

35、lateral sulcus of medulla oblongata, posterior ─── 延髓后外侧沟

36、Asymmetrical study of frontal cerebral medullar process in imaging anatomy ─── 大脑额叶髓突不对称性的影像解剖学研究

37、Keywords Medulla oblongata;PGL;Anatomy;Function; ─── 关键词延髓;PGL;解剖;功能;

38、Previous case reports have demonstrated identical US findings in both entities, with bilateral renal enlargement, echogenic cortex and medulla, loss of cortico-medullary differentiation, and small cortical macroscopic cysts . ─── 以往的病例报道揭示了这两种疾病在超声表现上的相同之处,即双肾扩大、皮髓质回声的差异消失以及肉眼可见的小的皮质囊肿。

39、ADH increases the urea permeability of collecting tubule in inner zone and decreases the blood flow in medulla. ─── 增加内髓部集合管对尿素的通透性并减少肾髓质的血流量。

40、Two cases were underwent posterior laminectomy while the anterior oppresion of medulla was still existed. ─── 2例为胸脊髓前、后方同时压迫而单行后方减压。

41、In cere-bral injury group,rCBF decreased significantlywhen ICP above 30 mmHg,on contrary,whenICP were lower than 30 mmHg luxury perfu-sion was found both in cerebral white matterand medulla oblongata. ─── 实验表明:脑损伤合并出血性休克,尽管伤后 ICP 轻度升高或正常,全脑 rCBF 均比其它三组动物减少(P

42、Howeverwith MRI scanning 9 cases had abnormal signal change in medulla oblongata, 5 cases had abnormal signal change incerebellum, 2 cases had abnormal signal in basal ganglion. ─── 发病72h内头部MRI检查,9例延髓有异常信号改变,5例小脑有异常信号改变,2例基底节区有异常信号改变。

43、Acute cerebral swelling can also often produce herniation of the cerebelllar tonsils into the foramen magnum. Note the cone shape of the tonsils around the medulla in this cerebellum. ─── 急性大脑肿胀在枕骨大孔处也经常形成小脑扁桃体疝,注意小脑髓质附近的锥体形状的小脑扁桃体。

44、To study the changes in the dorsal horn of caudal medulla and upper cervical spinal cord of rats with TN using fos-related proteins as a marker for neuronal activation in the CNS. ─── 以c-fos为中枢神经系统神经元激活标记物,研究TN时延髓尾段及上颈髓的变化。

45、Some of the patients haddysesthesia but with no pathological reflex, symptoms of the pyramidal tract ofthe medulla or hyperreflexia of the tendon reflex on the neurological examination. ─── 所有患者均表现为单侧肩部无力,以外展为主,严重者有肌肉萎缩,肩部、肩胛区至前臂有放射性疼痛,部分有感觉迟钝;

46、Based on the above studies, we extended our work on microcirculation in the renal medulla to microcirculatory transport in the skin and haemodynamics in arteries. ─── 在上述研究基础之上,本项研究还拓展了肾脏微循环的研究,进一步开展了皮肤微循环和血管血流循环的生物力学机理研究。

47、In vivo voltammetry using carbon fiber electrodes was employed to determine the catecholamine secreted from the adrenal medulla. ─── 应用碳纤微电极直接测定大鼠肾上腺髓质中儿茶酚胺浓度的在体伏安法。

48、Medulla can maintain normal BP, and is called basal center of cardiovascular activity integration. ─── 延髓可以维持正常血压,属于心血管活动的基本整合中枢.

49、The results obtained indicate that diazepam inhibits the respiratory activity and lowers blood pressure.These effects are possibly mediated mainly by the medulla oblongata. ─── 以上结果表明安定可使呼吸抑制、血压降低,而其作用的基本部位可能主要在延髓。

50、We have confirmed Pavlov's statement in our studies on the vaso-motor effects after stimulation of the medulla pressor point.Elect... ─── 我们有理由认为,一超过这种限度,刺激物就与兴奋过程在一起引起了抑制过程。

51、Case 2 with increased echogenicity of cortex and medulla and loss of corticomedullary differentiation, indicates co-existent medullary abnormality. ─── 在病例2中,皮髓质回声增强,且二者回声差别消失,最终被证实具有复合存在的髓质异常。

52、posterior median fissure of medulla oblongata ─── 延髓后(背侧)正中沟

53、anterior lateral sulcus of medulla oblongata ─── 延髓前外侧沟

54、Morever there exists a close relation between RAS and two classic stress hormone response systems, i. e. the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal cortex system and the sympathetic-adrenal medulla system. ─── 它与经典的应激激素反应系统,下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质系统及交感-肾上腺髓质系统也存在着密切的关系。

55、EA can increase the expression of PrPP mRNA and the number of PrRP cells in medulla oblongata of ovariectomized rats. ─── OVX十EA组大鼠下丘脑PRL受体mRNA的表达显著升高。

56、Sixteen tumors were located in the midbrain, three in the pons, and one in the medulla oblongata. ─── 其中16人肿瘤定位在中脑,3人在脑桥,1人在延髓。

57、The parasympathetic innervation of the heart originates in the medulla oblongata . ─── 支配心脏的副交感神经发源于延髓的迷走神经核。

58、The medulla oblongata is the most vital part of the brain because it contains centers controlling breathing and heart functioning. ─── 延髓是大脑最重要的部分,因为它包含着呼吸和心脏功能的控制中心。

59、After choosing upper hair of eight positions from the south and northeast subspecies of Vulpes, we tested its medulla exponent by using test lattice. ─── 摘要选取赤狐华南亚种和东北亚种8个部位上毛,用测试格测定上毛的髓质指数。

60、Medulla oblongata arcuate nucleus ─── 延髓弓形核

61、The thymus that twist around the jugular vein are elongated and begin to divide into the cortex and the medulla in the large lobes from E9 to E10.The rudiments of Hassalls Corpuscles are found at E12. ─── 从E9至E10胸腺呈长索状,环绕颈静脉分布,胸腺开始区分出皮质、髓质及大叶,E12出现胸腺小体原基。

62、On the other hand, amygdala may also be involved in pain modulation through connections with periaquiductal gray (PAG), rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM), and other brain stem areas. ─── 同时,杏仁核也通过与导水管周围灰质、延髓头端腹内侧区及其它脑干核团的纤维联系参与镇痛过程。

63、The cortical distribution differs from infantile polycystic renal disease (IPCD), where dilatation of the collecting tubules results in numerous cysts in cortex and medulla. ─── 其在肾皮质分布上不同于婴儿多囊病(IPCD),婴儿多囊病是在集合小管部位囊状扩张,从而导致很多的囊肿出现在肾皮质和髓质。

64、Decussation lemnisci of medulla oblongata ─── 延髓丘系交叉

65、Our results suggest that the origins of the serotoninergic fibers in L6 and S1 seginents may be extensive,not only from the reticular formation of medulla oblongata but also from reticular formation of pons and nucleus of cerebral nerve. ─── 提示L6和S1节段的5-HT传入纤维起源是广泛的,不仅延髓网状结构,而且脑桥网状结构和脑神经核内的5-HT能神经元也向L6和S1投射。

66、Effect of acetylcholine (ACh) on presympathetic neurons of the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) was studied by extracellular recording technique and microiontophoresis in urethane anaesthetized rats. ─── 实验采用细胞外记录和微电泳等电生理方法 ,研究乙酰胆碱 (ACh)对氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉的大鼠头端延髓腹外侧区 (RVLM)前交感神经元放电频率的影响。

67、Pheochromocytoma is a neoplasm of neural crest origin arising in the adrenal medulla. ─── 嗜铬细胞瘤是发起于肾上腺髓质神经嵴起源点的一种赘生物。

68、Studies of rare vascular lesions in the central nervous system, such as cavernous angiomas in the medulla oblongata, are made accessible through modern neuroradiology. ─── 摘要近年来放射线的进步使我们更深入了解在延髓中少见的中枢神经系统海绵状血管瘤损害。

69、This pheochromocytoma demonstrates the chromaffin reaction.This neoplasm of the adrenal medulla contains catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine). ─── 嗜铬细胞瘤显示嗜铬反应阳性,该肾上腺髓质肿瘤含有儿茶酚胺(肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素)。

70、cuneate fasciculus of medulla oblongata ─── 延髓楔束

71、Lymphoid tissues, which aggregated around the small blood vessels, were developed earlier in ovary (medulla) than in testis (respectively on 10 and 20 days old). ─── 卵巢(髓质)内出现淋巴组织的时间较睾丸早,分别为10与20日龄,两者都集中于小血管周围。

72、Countercurrent exchange in the vasa recta preserves hyperosmolarity of the renal medulla. ─── 保持肾髓质的高渗作用,并将水,包括集合管和髓袢降支重吸收的水带走。

73、nucleus of medulla oblongata, arcuate ─── 下橄榄核, 弓状核

74、rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVL) ─── 延髓头端腹外侧区(RVL)

75、Both e NOS and nNOS were mainly localized in glomeruli and blood vessel endothelium; eNOS content was richest and that was in renal medulla more than in renal cortex. ─── eNOS和nNOS主要分布于肾小球及血管内皮 ,其中eNOS表达最丰富 ,髓质明显多于皮质 ;

76、In the sagittal section of the T2-weighted image, hyperintense lesions are present in the tegmentum of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata. ─── 图B) 在T2 权重纵向截面图像,高讯号病变出现在中脑、桥脑、延脑背盖区。

77、A usually benign tumor of the adrenal medulla or the sympathetic nervous system in which the affected cells secrete increased amounts of epinephrine or norepinephrine. ─── 嗜铬细胞瘤肾上腺髓质或交感神经系统的一种通常为良性的肿瘤,其中这种患病的细胞分泌会增加肾上腺素与正肾上腺素的数量

78、Northern blot indicate that human BRI_3 mRNA is expressed principally in the brain, with the highest levels found at the cerebral cortex, medulla, amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus, caudate nucleus and spinal cord. ─── BRI_2基因单碱基突变造成的通读和核苷酸重复,是基因水平上导致这两种痴呆症的主要原因。 该基因属于BRI基因家族的一员,目前得到分离鉴定的该家族成员包括BRI_1,BRI_2和BRI_3。

79、The cortex mainly is filled by the medium and small lymphocytes,the typical Hassalls Corpuscles in the medulla appear about E20 to E21. ─── 大约E20至E21髓质中出现典型的胸腺小体,皮质主要被中、小淋巴细胞填充。

80、Macrophage appeared at stage 14, while myoid cells and thymic APUD cells located in thymic medulla at stage 15 and their numbers slightly increased at stage 16. ─── 巨噬细胞以及肌样细胞和胸腺APUD细胞分别形成于胚胎发育14期和15期,随后数量有所增加,分别分布于胸腺皮质和髓质。

81、The cistern contains the vein of cerebellomedullary fissure, veins of the medulla, and inferior petrosal bridging veins. ─── 主要的静脉有小脑延髓裂内静脉、延髓静脉、小脑岩面下组静脉和岩下桥静脉。

82、of or relating to the medulla of any body part. ─── 属于或关于身体任何一部分的骨髓。


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