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09-30 投稿


mayoralty 发音


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mayoralty 中文意思翻译



mayoralty 词性/词形变化,mayoralty变形

名词复数: mayoralties |

mayoralty 相似词语短语

1、morally ─── adv.道德上;有道德地;确实地

2、mayoralties ─── n.市长职位;市长任期

3、amorality ─── n.超道德,非道德;道德无涉性

4、mayoral ─── adj.市长的;n.(Mayoral)人名;(西)马约拉尔

5、ephoralty ─── n.长官;监督官(ephor的变形)

6、morality ─── n.道德;品行,美德

7、aborally ─── adv.离口地

8、temporalty ─── n.非教士阶级

9、amorally ─── 不道德的

mayoralty 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In places like Newcastle and Manchester there is little enthusiasm for a Middlesbrough-type mayoralty. ─── 在纽卡斯尔和曼彻斯特等地对米德尔斯堡式的市长选举热情不大。

2、He was right, of course, to avoid the mayoralty trap. ─── 当然,他躲开了市长这个圈套倒是正确的。

3、Probably Mr.Smith will succeed to the mayoralty. ─── 可能中密斯先生将接替市长的职位。

4、The ruling conservative Arena party wrested the mayoralty of San Salvador, the capital, from the FMLN.The result pointed to a close race in a presidential election due in March. ─── 当政的保守派的竞技党从马蒂民族解放阵线党手中夺取了首都圣萨尔瓦多的市长职位,成为三月总统选举中的劲敌。

5、If the mayoralty is to become a serious job, attracting serious candidates, this must change. ─── 如果市长职位要变得更加重要,吸引更有分量的候选人,就必须做出改变。

6、Named for Queen Adelaide, consort of the British King William IV, it was incorporated as Australia's first municipal government in 1840 and became a city in 1919, when it gained a lord mayoralty. ─── 该城是以英王威廉四世之王后阿德莱德命名的。1840年阿德莱德成立澳大利亚第一个地方自治政府,1919年设立市长职位,改为市。

7、He succeeded to the mayoralty. ─── 他接任了市长的职位。

8、Probably he will succeed to the mayoralty. ─── 可能他将接替市长的职位。

9、Londoners embraced a mayoralty in 2000. ─── 伦敦人在2000年接受市长的到来。

10、The mayoralty of this city is up for grabs ─── 本市市长一职谁都可自由去竞争。

11、All those who are not the local residents cannot take part in the election campaign for mayoralty. ─── 凡不属于当地居民者,不能参加竞选市长的活动。

12、For that to happen, the mayoralty itself would have to be radically changed. ─── 如果发生那种情况,市长职位本身就不得不做出极大的改变。

13、He succeeded to the mayoralty. ─── 他继任市长的职位。

14、Sir William Lucas had been formerly in trade in Meryton,where he had made a tolerable fortune and risen to the honour of knighthood by an address to the King during his mayoralty. ─── 威廉姆.卢卡斯先生从前是在麦里屯做生意起家发迹的,曾在当市长的任内上书皇上,获得了一个爵士头衔。

15、Sir William Lucas had been formerly in trade in Meryton, where he had made a tolerable fortune and risen to the honour of knighthood by an address to the King during his mayoralty. ─── 爵士从前是在麦里屯做生意起家发迹的,曾在当市长的任内上书皇上,获得了一个爵士头衔;

16、Yet in the local elections on May 1st, Labour recorded its worst result in living memory, including the loss of London's mayoralty to the Conservatives. ─── 但是在5月1日的地方选举中,工党遭遇了建党以来从未有过的惨败,包括伦敦市长的职位也被保守党夺走。

17、He was right, of course, to avoid the mayoralty trap. ─── 当然,他躲开了市长这个圈套倒是正确的。

18、on June 26th they scored another fine result in Henley, the southern seat vacated by Boris Johnson, who had earlier captured the mayoralty of London for them. ─── 6月26日,托利党在亨利选区再创佳绩,获得了为托利党赢得伦敦市长职位的约翰逊辞去的南部席位。

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