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09-30 投稿


tympanites 发音

英:[ˌtɪmpəˈnaɪtiz]  美:[ˌtɪmpəˈnaɪtiːz]

英:  美:

tympanites 中文意思翻译



tympanites 词性/词形变化,tympanites变形

形容词: tympanitic |

tympanites 相似词语短语

1、tympanist ─── 鼓室医师

2、titanites ─── n.[矿物]榍石

3、tympanitis ─── n.中耳炎;鼓室炎

4、tympani ─── n.(管弦乐队的)定音鼓(等于timpani)

5、tympanists ─── 鼓室医师

6、tympans ─── n.衬垫;压格纸;鼓膜,鼓室

7、tympanies ─── n.鼓响,鼓音;鼓胀

8、tympanic ─── adj.鼓膜的;鼓室的;鼓皮似的

9、tympanitic ─── adj.鼓响的;气鼓的

tympanites 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Understanding of Applying Lv Chengquan's Prescription to Treat Tympanites Caused by Blood-Stasis ─── 应用吕承全经验方辨治瘀胀病体会

2、Zhu's valuable medical theory and clinical experience on treating tympanites is of much important clinical significance, and should be carried on and developed. ─── 他的这一宝贵的治疗鼓胀病的医学理论与临床经验,至今仍有十分重要的临床价值,值得继承发扬。

3、Research on mechanism for temperature to transmit in tympanites roadbed ─── 翻浆路基中温度传导机理初步研究

4、uterine tympanites ─── [医] 子宫气肿

5、periodical tympanites of calf ─── 牛犊周期性臌胀

6、qi tympanites ─── 气臌

7、Tympanites disease ─── 鼓胀病

8、The Cause of Dairy Cow's Rumen Tympanites and its Prevention and Cure ─── 奶牛瘤胃臌胀的发病原因与防治

9、Keywords Refractory ascites resulted from hepatocirrhosis;Xiaogu Granule (Granules for treating tympanites);Ultrafiltration and reinfusion of ascites; ─── 顽固性肝硬化腹水;消臌颗粒;腹水超滤浓缩回输;

10、Aprosexia(68.1%),tympanites with diarrhea(65.5%)and inflammability(61.5%)were the top three prevalent symptoms in the sufferers. ─── 结果:58.7%的女大学生患有轻中重不等的围经期综合征,其中以注意力不集中(68.1%)、腹胀腹泻(65.5%)、易激动(61.5%)等症状最普遍。

11、Research on mechanism for highway tympanites to develop in chill region ─── 高寒地区道路翻浆发育机理研究

12、Cirrhotic ascites is attributed to the category of "tympanites" in TCM.Its etiology and pathogenesis are complicated and its manifestations are various. ─── 肝硬化腹水属中医学臌胀范畴,因其病因病机复杂,证候多变,治法甚多,归纳之不外消、攻、补三法:消法着重于肝,包括行气、活血、利水、消胀等法;

13、Tympanites in dolichomegacolon syndrome ─── 长巨结肠气鼓综合征

14、amenorrhea tympanites ─── 经闭腹大如鼓

15、Model test research on resisting highway tympanites structure in Xinjiang ─── 道路翻浆路段抗浆结构模型试验研究

16、Objective: to reduce the scanty urine ascites symptoms of the tympanites patients and the suffering of patients and improve patient comfort and quality of life, extend the patients life. ─── 目的:为了减轻臌胀病人出现的腹水及尿少等症状,减轻病人痛苦,提高病人舒适度和生命质量,延长病人生命。

17、intestinal tympanites ─── 鼓肠

18、Keywords Tympanites;TCM Archaic literature;Statistic;Prevention and Treatment; ─── 臌胀;古代中医文献;统计学;防治;

19、false tympanites ─── 假性鼓胀

20、gastrointestinal tympanites ─── 胃肠臌胀

21、Xiaogu Granule (Granules for treating tympanites) ─── 消臌颗粒

22、damp tympanites ─── 阴湿鼓胀

23、intesinal tympanites ─── [医] 肠气鼓, 鼓肠

24、tympanites due to blood stasis ─── 血蛊

25、parasitic tympanites ─── 虫鼓

26、tympanites due to stagnation of vital energy ─── 气鼓, 气臌

27、The reasons caused tympanites in asphalt pavement and prevention measures ─── 公路沥青路面春融翻浆的原因及防治

28、The reasons caused tympanites in asphalt pavement and prevention measures ─── 公路沥青路面春融翻浆的原因及防治

29、qi-stagnating tympanites ─── 气鼓

30、Keywords LI Yu-qi;diseases of liver;tympanites;simple abdominal distension;jaundice;hypochondriac pain;abdominal mass;clinical experience; ─── 李玉奇;肝病;鼓胀;单腹胀;黄疸;胁痛;积聚;学术经验;

31、hematic tympanites ─── 血溃

32、Pro. Zhang's Administration Experience in Treating Tympanites ─── 赵文霞教授治疗臌胀经验

33、Research on mechanism for temperature to transmit in tympanites roadbed ─── 翻浆路基中温度传导机理初步研究

34、According to tympanites pingo crack, we can identify the type of tympanites and scale and depth of clay lens. ─── 根据鼓丘龟裂纹可以反演翻浆类型,并判识粘土透镜的位置。

35、acute tympanites ─── 急性臌气

36、Usually seen in edema, tympanites and phlegm-retention. ─── 通常见于水肿、胀和痰凝。

37、Objective To observe the effect and machanism of Xiaogu Granule (Granules for treating tympanites) plus ultrafiltration and reinfusion of ascites on refractory ascites resulted from hepatocirrhosis. ─── 目的观察消臌颗粒配合腹水超滤浓缩回输治疗顽固性肝硬化腹水的临床疗效并探讨其作用机制。

38、The diversity of temperature is an important factor for tympanites to occur in highway roadbed. ─── 摘要温度差异是高原冻土地区公路路基发生翻浆的一个重要因子。

39、tympanites with blood stasis ─── 血鼓腹胀

40、alcoholic tympanites ─── 酒臌

41、Numerical Simulation Analysis on Temperature Field for Tianshan-Xinjiang Highway Tympanites Roadbed ─── 新疆天山公路道路翻浆温度场的数值模拟分析

42、The results indicated that the anchoring effect was better with angle steel than with CFRP, and that anchoring was very important at root of beam, which can avoid occurrence of tympanites like CFRP. ─── 可以看出:采用角钢锚固的效果要比采用碳纤维布锚固好,梁根部的锚固也非常重要,可以避免类似碳纤维布被拉鼓现象的发生。

43、Objective: To reduce the scanty urine ascites symptoms of the tympanites patients and the suffering of patients and improve patient comfort and quality of life, extend the patient s life. ─── 摘要目的:为了减轻臌胀病人出现的腹水及尿少等症状,减轻病人痛苦,提高病人舒适度和生命质量,延长病人生命。

44、The Cause of Dairy Cow's Rumen Tympanites and its Prevention and Cure ─── 奶牛瘤胃臌胀的发病原因与防治

45、Keywords ZHU Dan-xi;Hexagram Tai;Hexagram Pi;tympanites; ─── 朱丹溪;泰卦;否卦;鼓胀病;

46、Research on mechanism for highway tympanites to develop in chill region ─── 高寒地区道路翻浆发育机理研究

47、Model test research on resisting highway tympanites structure in Xinjiang ─── 道路翻浆路段抗浆结构模型试验研究

48、Causes and control of highway tympanites ─── 市政道路翻浆的成因及防治

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