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09-30 投稿


stinginess 发音

英:[ˈstɪndʒinəs]  美:[ˈstɪndʒinəs]

英:  美:

stinginess 中文意思翻译



stinginess 词性/词形变化,stinginess变形

名词: stinginess |形容词最高级: stingiest |副词: stingily |形容词比较级: stingier |

stinginess 同义词

abstinence | miserliness | parsimony | meanness

stinginess 反义词


stinginess 相似词语短语

1、dinginess ─── n.污秽;暗淡

2、springiness ─── n.有弹性;轻快

3、stringiness ─── n.粘性,纤维性

4、slanginess ─── 俚语

5、sponginess ─── n.海绵状;海绵质

6、clinginess ─── 紧贴感

7、minginess ─── 明度

8、staginess ─── 停滞

9、stingingness ─── n.刺痛;讽刺,刺激;刺毛(sting的变形)

stinginess 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、27. stinginess resulting from a concern for your own welfare and a disregard of others. ─── 因只关心自己的幸福而导致的自私。

2、In any case, stinginess is often tied to a warped sense of self-worth: "I don't deserve to spend any money. " ─── 无论如何,小气经常与扭曲的自我价值感相联:“我不配花钱。”

3、Unusual or excessive frugality;extreme economy or stinginess. ─── 过度节俭,吝啬不寻常的或过度的节俭;极端的节约或吝啬

4、Up-and-coming South Korea might be expected to be a bit mean, but the stinginess of Switzerland is unexpected. ─── 作为后起之秀的韩国表现的吝啬是可以理解的,但是瑞士的小气却让人出乎意料。

5、Up-and-coming4 South Korea might be expected to be a bit mean, but the stinginess of Switzerland is unexpected. ─── 作为后起之秀的韩国也许有理由节省一些,可瑞士的小气就有些令人吃惊了。

6、Stinginess seems to run in that family. ─── 那一家好象一直很吝啬。

7、Show off their new "commitment" to defense, that is, match Boston's vaunted, chest-up stinginess. ─── 炫耀他们新的关于“防守”的承诺,那是他们吹嘘可以和凯尔特人相提并论的强大的防守。

8、Corporations have also come under fire their supposed stinginess. ─── 很多企业也因为所谓的吝啬行径而倍受指责。

9、If you just write something bad to insult other countries and stop your business with foreigners, what will foreigners think: they will think that we are conservative and stinginess. ─── 如果你只是写一些不好的东西去侮辱攻击其他的国家,停止和国外人做生意,那外国人会怎样想呢.他们会认为我们守旧吝啬小气。

10、renowned for stinginess in his early years has become a great philanthropist. ─── 在早期以小气出名的他如今已成为一个了不起的慈善家。

11、Considering his habitual stinginess, we were surprised when he donated money to charity. ─── 他平时很吝啬,所以当他捐钱行善时,我们都感到吃惊。

12、Flirt with abandon.On Tuesday and Wednesday, expect to feel some unusual stinginess. ─── 周二周三想要体验一下异乎寻常的小气。

13、And those thoughts of fear, greed, stinginess and lack ─── 而恐惧,贪婪,吝啬和贫乏

14、"i think everyone in your country stinginess is part and parcel of her nature, if you want to purchase products in good quality, please do be quite generous ." ─── 我相信,只要是中国人,看到类似的话,绝对会愤怒的。恨不得灭了丫的!以下都是我的回答,记得不太完整,当时也气昏头了,骂人的话都用上了。

15、That lie has people living in fear, greed, stinginess, ─── 这个谎言让人们生活在恐惧之中,生活在贪婪和吝啬之中

16、We must not equate thrift with stinginess. ─── 我们不能把勤俭和吝啬等同起来。

17、Continuing students no longer Capsule, says that 20 years ago, dozens of hands grasping the U.S. dollar not spent stinginess kind. ─── 源源不断的留学生,再也不是20年前那种囊中羞涩、手里攥着几十美金不敢花的寒酸样了。

18、To tempt human beings, Mara will transform himself into treasure to coax stinginess so as to block their cultivation of the Bodhi mind. ─── 魔王波旬化为财宝,令使悭吝,以此方便惑乱我心,于大菩提而为障碍。

19、Therefore, it was found from the survey that many coal mine owners home rather stinginess, is "lived" their wife is not around the general small, primarily to facilitate the future station. ─── 所以,有人在调查中发现,很多煤矿主家里相当寒酸,可谓“家徒四壁”,他们的妻小一般不在身边,主要是为了日后走人方便。

20、Generosity leads to a rich life. Stinginess leads to a poor life. ─── 懂得付出,不计较吃亏,才是富有的人生;锱铢必较,只知道接受,必是贫穷的人生。

21、For the afore-cited reason, stinginess and covetousness are what weneed to renounce. ─── 一切珍财爱恋之心,皆应舍离。

22、parsimony :Unusual or excessive frugality;extreme economy or stinginess. ─── 过度节俭,吝啬:不寻常的或过度的节俭;

23、But with money comes stinginess, especially when it comes to giving to higher education. ─── 不过,他们花钱小气,特别是在高等教育方面。

24、And compared it to other rooms and yield of stinginess, I felt full of Cuyi. ─── 为它和别的房间相比而显出的寒酸,我心里满是醋意。

25、Can you name some examples to show his stinginess? ─── 你能举例说明他的小气吗?

26、Thus, the widespread criticism of the Bank's stinginess in its approach to the market is irrelevant to what happened to Northern Rock. ─── 因此,关于央行为市场输送的流动性规模过小的广泛批评,与北岩的困境无关。

27、She may or may not notice these small gestures of hers, by which she consoles him for his own stinginess. ─── 她可能,也可能没注意到她那些小手势,是在安慰小气的他。

28、In many parts South of the border, the elbow is linked to stinginess. ─── 在墨西哥的许多地方,手肘意味着吝啬。

29、I prefer to let people laugh at my stinginess rather than let them cry for my extravagance. ─── 1我宁愿让我的人民嘲笑我的的小气也不愿让他们为我的挥霍而哭泣。

30、Up-and-coming 4 South Korea might be expected to be a bit mean, but the stinginess of Switzerland is unexpected. ─── 作为后起之秀的韩国也许有理由节省一些,可瑞士的小气就有些令人吃惊了。

31、Despite the constant harping of AIDS activists about the stinginess of governments, the rich world has been reasonably generous about AIDS over the past few years and a lot of money is available. ─── 尽管艾滋病激进主义者一直碟碟不休的非议政府出手太小气,但发达国家在过去几年对爱滋病人的支出应说是相当大方的了,而且也提供了相当多的资金(用于防治艾滋病)。

32、Our clinic uses ice to reduce the stinginess of the needle and the injection.Some people might also request anaesthetic cream prior to injection. ─── Juvederm玻尿酸注射剂的注射法及注射量It is administered using a very fine sterile disposable syringe and a very fine-gauge needle.

33、24 He who is miserly with food is denounced in public, and this testimony to his stinginess is lasting. ─── 悭吝设宴款待人的,必遭受全城的抱怨;他悭吝的恶名,是确实的。

34、Unusual or excessive frugality; extreme economy or stinginess. ─── 过度节俭,吝啬不寻常的或过度的节俭;极端的节约或吝啬

35、"yi mao bu ba" is an idom, meaning literally to be unwilling to offer a single hair, used to describe stinginess and selfishness. ─── “一毛不拔”这则成语得意思是一根汗毛也不肯拔,比喻非常吝啬自私。

36、It is superficial to act generously without being free from stinginess. ─── 不能免于悭啬,却做布施之行,是为表面。

37、Her stinginess is part and parcel of her nature. ─── 她生性吝啬。

38、Up-and-coming South Korea might be expected to be a bit mean, but the stinginess of Switzerland is unexpected. ─── 作为后起之秀的韩国表现的吝啬是可以理解的,但是瑞士的小气却让人出乎意料。

39、At each meal, feed your body what it requests, without judgment or stinginess. ─── 每顿饭给你身体它要求的而不要去评价或吝啬。

40、Thus, the widespread criticism of the Bank's stinginess in its approach to the market is irrelevant to what happened to Northern Rock. ─── 因此,关于央行为市场输送的流动性规模过小的广泛批评,与北岩的困境无关。

41、Make offerings to go against stinginess. ─── 做供养以对抗吝啬。

42、One of his adherents complained of the stinginess of his wife. ─── 一名弟子向他抱怨妻子小气。

43、Such stinginess came from my side of the family. ─── 这种吝啬是我这边的祖先遗传下来的。

44、An exception of sorts has been the private attitude toward the United States, which many online commentators have scorned for the perceived stinginess of its donation. ─── 一个勉强算得上的例外是中国的民间意见,许多网络评论鄙视美国在捐款上的小气。

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