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10-01 投稿


narrates 发音

英:[nəˈreɪts]  美:[ˈnæreɪts]

英:  美:

narrates 中文意思翻译




narrates 词性/词形变化,narrates变形

动词过去式: narrated |名词: narratability |动词第三人称单数: narrates |动词过去分词: narrated |动词现在分词: narrating |形容词: narratable |

narrates 短语词组

1、narrates another incident ─── 讲述另一个事件

narrates 相似词语短语

1、narrases ─── 纳拉塞斯

2、adrates ─── n.附加税

3、aerates ─── vt.充气;让空气进入;使暴露于空气中

4、narrate ─── vt.叙述;给…作旁白;vi.叙述;讲述

5、narrators ─── n.叙述者;解说员

6、tartrates ─── n.酒石酸盐,酒石酸酯

7、narrated ─── v.叙述;给(电影、广播等)配解说词(narrate的过去式及过去分词)

8、inaurates ─── 不吉利

9、narratives ─── n.叙述,故事;叙述的手法(narrative复数)

narrates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However, has experienced wind and rain Guo Jingjing to the beginning to finally according to own rhythm, narrates own experience by the mighty waves not startled way. ─── 不过,经历过风雨的郭晶晶至始至终都按照自己的节奏,把自己的经历以波澜不惊的方式讲述出来。

2、" Is Shen Congwen narrates the indispensable element. ─── 是沈从文叙事不可或缺的元素。

3、Animal Narrates ─── “动物叙事”

4、This paper narrates the technological analysis and layout design of the stator and rotary parts of electrical machinery and depicts the technological design and calculation of progressive die. ─── 叙述电机定转子冲片的工艺分析、排样图设计及级进模工艺的设计和计算。

5、It narrates the unconstitutional acts of James II. ─── 它历数了詹姆斯二世的违法行为。

6、It has developed into vast full-length novel from a sort of plain verse which mainly narrates the ideal life of vagrant swordsmen. ─── 它由一种朴素的以叙述理想的游侠生活的诗文发展成为浩瀚的长篇巨制,叙事的技术得到了长足的发展。

7、The staff narrates or sings as they guide the puppets, drawing the audience's emotions into the great tale before them. ─── 主演会依照人物的情绪变化,适时地演唱词曲,让观众的情绪随著眼前的皮偶一起舞动。

8、The death narrates ─── “死亡叙述”

9、Rou Shi's fiction reflects male discourse when he narrates the women, but he ignored women's subject. ─── 摘要柔石的小说在叙述女性时透出男性话语,忽视了女性的主体性。

10、A good critic is one who narrates the adventures of his mind among masterpieces. ─── 好的批评家是个讲述自己的精神在杰作中历险的人。

11、The author narrates some ideas about the gas desulphurization project technology in the coal coking limited in Jingle county in Shanxi from its reform, equipment improving and daily management. ─── 从脱硫工艺的改造、装置完善配套及日常管理等方面阐述了笔者对山西静乐煤焦化有限公司煤气脱硫工艺运行的一些体会。

12、This article narrates a innovated dynamic penetration test method that mainly corroborates soil bearing capacity . ─── 探讨了一种改进的动力触探方法,主要用于确定土的承载力。

13、This article narrates the change of Chinese automobile coating materials market and the present status of international automobile coatings; and analyzes the trend of their development. ─── 介绍了我国汽车用涂装材料市场的变化,以及国内外车用涂料现状,并对汽车涂装材料的发展趋势进行了分析。

14、greatly narrates ─── “宏大”叙事

15、This paper narrates a kind of microcomputer point load testing system by taking chip microprocessors as main part. ─── 叙述了一种以单片机为主体的微机点载荷测试系统。

16、The following quotation, as given in Wilkinson, narrates the ceremonies consequent on the re-discovery of Osiris ─── 下面这段话引自威尔金森的著作,描述了奥西里斯的转形再现

17、This paper narrates how to update concept and well accept CME and the relationship between CME and lifelong education. ─── 对新形势下卫生专业技术人员如何更新观念,更好地接受继续医学教育及终身学习与继续教育的关系等进行论述。

18、A good critic is one who narrates the adventures of his mind among materpieces. ─── 好的批评家记述的应当是心屡在名作里的历险。

19、After the second part in which the paper narrates designing the sculpt, the molding of the characteristic of the cartoon character will be discussed in the third part from two facets with specific examples. ─── 卡通形象的“个性化”不仅仅在于造型上的新奇,独一无二,还在于卡通角色所拥有的独特性格。

20、It narrates importance of management of project item and illustrates target,characteristics,contents,component structure and developing tendency of item management. ─── 叙述了工程项目管理的重要性,阐述了项目管理的目标、项目管理的特点及内容、项目管理组成结构、项目管理今后的发展趋势。

21、Turnbull narrates the film clip, which is sub-titled in Japanese. ─── 日本的副标题是t讲述了录像的情节。

22、From this point of view, reported objectively the principle can only be “the principle”, US newsman in the news narrates is always concealing implicit subjective and hiding tendentiousness. ─── 从这个意义上来讲,客观报道原则只能是“原则”而已,美国新闻记者在新闻叙事中总是隐含着含蓄的主观性和隐蔽的倾向性。

23、In describing Sula's identity pursuit, the novel narrates a large amount of historical background and social reality, either present or absent. ─── 作品在描绘秀拉对自我身份的追求和发掘过程时,蕴涵了大量历史背景和社会现实,在小说中,它们要么是现存的,要么是缺席的。

24、Then she goes back to her mother's childhood village on Spinalonga Island and an old friend narrates Alexis' family history. ─── 她去了斯皮纳龙格岛上母亲儿时住的乡村,一位老朋友讲述了阿丽克西斯家族的历史。

25、The image of folk sights is the result that the author recounts and narrates in the novels. ─── 小说中民俗风物的意象化是作者叙事建构的结果。

26、It elaborates the exploitation flow of flexible embedded software and narrates the development of the technology at the present time and the matter in practicality application. ─── 介绍了柔性嵌入式软件的开发流程,叙述了该技术目前的发展,以及在实际应用中存在的问题。

27、This article simple introduces Virtual Private Network technology's characteristic at first,and then narrates all steps of building VPN. ─── 文章以单位组建虚拟专用网为实例,简单介绍了VPN的发展及其技术特点,着重讲叙了VPN组网的各个步骤。

28、Finally the thesis narrates the network communications system based on the PROFIBUS, the PROFIBUS field bus structure and hardware, composition and bus access mode has made the detailed introduction. ─── 最后叙述了镀锡生产线基于PROFIBUS网络的通信系统,对PROFIBUS现场总线的结构和硬件、组成及总线存取方式做了详细的介绍。

29、The narration body advertisement is take narrates as the main turn of expression transmission commodity, the service information advertisement writing style.... ─── 叙述体广告是以叙述为主要表达方式传送商品、劳务信息的广告体式。...

30、In the real environment and space, it narrates the preciousness and tenaciousness of life. ─── 它在现实的环境和空间中,述说著生命的珍贵和顽强。

31、The following quotation, as given in Wilkinson, narrates the ceremonies consequent on the re-discovery of Osiris: ─── 下面这段话引自威尔金森的著作,描述了奥西里斯的转形再现;

32、The article also narrates operational process of work evaluation in DFR. It not only uses the method of general evaluation, but also considers the requirements of reducing manpower and cost. ─── 文章重点讲述了散热器厂工作评价的操作过程,方法采用了常规评价方法的优点,同时又考虑了减少人力、降低成本的要求。

33、A certain ball mill serving as the example, the paper narrates the general process of the finite element parameterized modeling. ─── 以某球磨机为例,阐述了有限元参数化建模的一般步骤。

34、By analyzing the expansion joints,which are in common used in road bridges presently, this paper put up a new type of bridge expansion joint and narrates it shallowly. ─── 文章通过对目前公路桥梁常用伸缩缝的剖析,提出了一种新型桥梁伸缩缝,并就其设计、安装进行了分析研究。

35、anchorwoman: a woman who narrates or coordinates a newscast in which several correspondents give reports. ─── 新闻节目主女持人:汇编各地新闻人员提供的资料并进行报道或评价的女主持人。

36、narrates tendency ─── 叙事化倾向

37、As he narrates, he speaks faster and his voice grows louder. ─── 随着他的讲述,他的语速加快,声音更加响亮。

38、The female narrates ─── 女性叙事

39、The narrates, as the remarkable mark of Yuhua's inditement, enable him to have sorts of entanglements with Faulkner. ─── 福克纳和余华都是热衷于叙事的作家,叙述作为余华创作中的一个显著的符号,使他与福克纳之间有着难以回避的种种纠缠。

40、As the production reliability criteria MTBF is used widely,which narrates problems directly and calculates simply by mathematics. ─── 平均故障间隔时间(MTBF)作为产品的可靠性指标,因其表述问题直观、数学处理简单,而得到了广泛地应用。

41、The article narrates primary reasons of drive devices s bearing produced invalidation、axial running number and it s bad aftereffect,the confirm and measures of axial running number. ─── 叙述了驱动装置轴承失效产生的主要原因,轴窜量控制不当以及轴窜量过大或过小引起轴向游隙变化的不良后果,轴窜量的确定,控制轴窜量的措施等。

42、Their unique way of life inspired poets' interest in the creation of the gaucho poetry, which narrates the lives and feelings of the people. ─── 他们英勇彪悍、放荡不羁的个性激发了诗人们的兴趣,由此诞生了以讲述高乔人苦难生活为主题的作品。

43、The second is about the Fuxi and Nuwa myth that narrates the creation of human being. ─── 其次是关于人类创生的女娲和伏羲神话。

44、a piece of fiction that narrates a chain of related events ─── 一篇叙述一系列相关事件的小说

45、In the novels, the writer repeatedly narrates common people's miseries, sharply criticizes people's alienation, and affirms maintaining national dignity personal self-esteem. ─── 作家在小说文本中繁复地叙说着平民身心的苦难,鲁迅式地揭批现代企业下“人”的异化现象,肯定、认同维护民族尊严、保持个人自尊的“人”。

46、A very good book, narrates the difficult position which the software engineering faces, as well as solution. ─── 一本很好的书,讲述软件工程面临的困境,以及解决的办法。

47、This paper narrates the preparation of environmentfriendly alkyd antirust coatings with ferrotitanium complex an-tirust pigment. ─── 叙述以复合铁钛防锈颜料,开发环保型醇酸防锈涂料的研制过程。

48、Clang's novel not only shows us a transection of the north custom panorama but also narrates and writes down a north history that explores deep visualization. ─── 摘要阿成的小说不仅展示了一幅北疆风俗画全景,还叙写了一部探向纵深处的北疆历史。

49、A good critic is one who narrates the adventures of his mind among masterpieces. ─── 好的批评家是个讲述自己的精神在杰作中历险的人。

50、Part one is summarizes the background and important problems of engineering of returning cultivated land to forestland or grassland, narrates the objective, meanings and thoughts in the research. ─── 其中,第一章简要概述了退耕还林还草工程开展的背景,面临的主要问题,以及课题研究的目的、意义与总体思路;

51、Beijing Opera portrays and narrates the plot and characters through stylized acting. ─── 京剧通过程式化的表演来描绘和叙述情节和人物。

52、This paper introduces the circuit principle of TYPE SC7080 on ALTO and narrates the wiring, parameter and use methods of its electrical appliance. ─── 介绍奥拓(ALTO)SC7080型轿车电路原理,并叙述了该车主要电器的布线、参数及使用方法。

53、The Creation myth that narrates the Universe and the origin of the world approximates the philosophical secrets of the root meaning and the reverie soul of the poets. ─── 叙说宇宙和世界起源的创世神话,更接近于本源意义上的哲学秘密和诗人梦幻般的灵魂。

54、The character is clearly based on Caulfield, one of the most famous personifications in American literature, who narrates Catcher aged 16. ─── 很明显,C先生以考尔菲德为基础创作。16岁的考尔菲德诠释了守望者,是美国文学史上最著名的形象之一。

55、The story of Adam and Eve is found in most religious and major cultural traditions.The way the Qur’an narrates this event is crucial to the understanding of the Islamic worldview. ─── 大多数宗教与文化传统中都有亚当和夏娃的故事.古兰经讲述这个故事的方式对人们理解伊斯兰的世界观至关重要.

56、A man who narrates or coordinates a newscast in which several correspondents give reports. ─── 新闻节目主播汇编各地采访人员的报告并进行报道或评价的新闻节目广播员

57、In a word, through an analytic constructing, the thesis narrates the different clans" dynamic evolvements in the Long-Bow in the period of land-reform, collectivization and now. ─── 总之,本文通过一种分析性的建构,详细的描述了张庄不同的家族在解放前、集体化时代和村民自治过程中变迁的动态过程。

58、In the style, Su Xun"s prose except vertically and horizontally spreads suddenly, incontrovertibly outside the torrential main style, also has mild complication, and narrates on one side; ─── 主旨上,苏洵重视文学的社会功用,文章着眼于今、期于有用。

59、When telling about Gauss theorem and Ampere's round law to the students,they would understand the laws wery well and apply it accurately if the teacher narrates it by images and formula. ─── 在讲述高斯定理和安培环路定律时,若能辅以较形象的图示结合数学公式进行讲解,即使数学基础较差的学生也能很好地理解、掌握并准确地应用这两个定理。

60、“narrates washes the art pottery company” a high-quality goods ceramics brand. ─── “叙淘艺术陶瓷公司”一个精品陶瓷品牌。

61、The article narrates the significance of residential district design in the small towns.It sums up a lot of problems that exist in current small town construction of housing. ─── 摘要简叙了小城镇住宅区设计的重要性,总结了当前小城镇住宅建设中存在的问题。

62、This paper narrates the application of deep pit support of mixing piles and anchor pipes in foundation construction of housing project. ─── 文章论述了搅拌桩和锚管组合式深基坑去护在住宅楼工程基础施工中的应用。

63、The Qur'an narrates the story thus: ( And when Our messengers came to Lut, he was grieved on their account and did not know how to protect them. ─── 因此古兰经提到了这个故事: “当我的众使者来到鲁特家的时候,他为使者们陷入难境,他无力保护他们,他说:“这是一个艰难的日子。”

64、Analyses glass-fiber board air duct, introduces its main technical characters, and briefly narrates its fabricaton and installation. ─── 全面分析复合玻纤板风管,介绍其主要技术性能指标,并简单叙述其制作和安装。

65、This paper particularly narrates three key technologies for developing flexible embedded software,which are arrangement technology ,frameworks technology and reusable component technology. ─── 文中详细叙述了开发柔性嵌入式软件所必需的三项关键技术,即层次化技术、框架技术和可复用构件技术。

66、The author narrates some kinds of definition of number sense, and discusses the meaning of number sense. ─── 摘要文章首先阐述了关于数感的一些界定,并在此基础上深入探讨了数感的涵义。

67、good critic is one who narrates the ~s of his mind among masterpieces. ─── 好的批评家是个讲述自己的精神在杰作中的历险的人。

68、When he tells stories, he narrates vividly and humourously, making witty remarks. Every one likes to listen. ─── 他讲故事时生动风趣妙语联珠,大家都很喜欢听。

69、At the basis of her fieldwork, the author narrates the causes and conditions in which they become moni, their practice and life, as well as their position in the Yi community. ─── 作者在长期田野调查的基础上,描述了凉山彝族嫫尼成巫的原因和条件,她们从事的法事活动,她们的生存现状,以及嫫尼在彝族社会中的地位。

70、Their fundamental difference consists in that de Man narrates how ideology emerges as the linguistic necessity, whereas Jameson accounts for how ideology answers the need of history. ─── 他们之间的根本差异在于,德曼认为意识形态的出现乃是语言本身使然,而詹姆逊则认为意识形态的形成是回应历史的需要。

71、the education narrates ─── 教育叙事

72、This paper narrates the situation of maximum level of mycotoxins of grain and its shortages. ─── 主要讨论了目前国际上存在的真菌毒素限量标准及其不足。

73、My grandfather often narrates the hard life about childhood to bestir us. ─── 我爷爷经常给我们讲他童年时的艰苦生活激励我们。

74、Yu Hua Narrates Briefly and Composedly ─── 余华:短暂而安祥地叙述

75、The article mainly narrates the base concept and some rules of SOAP protocol, and discusses the advantage of it comparing with other protocol. ─── 介绍了SOAP协议的基础和编码规则,并讨论其与现存网络协议相比有何优越性,最后给出一个基于SOAP协议的应用实例。

76、David Attenborough narrates this documentary following feral cats in their struggle for status amongst the ruins of Trajan's Forum, in the bustling heart of Rome. ─── 大卫艾登堡在这部纪录片中将叙述,在繁华的罗马市中心地带的图拉真废墟,野猫对领地的争夺展开的斗争。

77、Beijing Opera portrays and narrates the plot and characters through stylized acting. ─── 京剧通过程式化的表演手段,叙述故事,刻画人物。

78、But from the very first "initiation story" the author narrates for us?the myth of the abduction to the underworld of Persephone, an ancient Greek emblem of spring, vitality, rebirth? ─── 是大、是尊、是真善美的境界,是常乐我净的领域。禅,是人间的一朵花,是人生的一道光明;禅,是智慧,是幽默,是真心,是吾人的本来面目!

79、not reliably narrates ─── 不可靠叙述

80、a piece of fiction that narrates a chain of related events. ─── 一篇叙述一系列相关事件的小说。

81、The paper narrates parts structure and technology for PLR CTR-OTR, introduces structure and character of TR-PI CAM PI die, at last also analyzes kinetic relationship between double wedge and slide block. ─── 叙述了中立柱外板的零件结构及工艺分析,介绍了修边冲孔斜楔冲孔模的结构及其特点,阐述了双斜楔与滑块的运动关系。

82、Mr Gorbachev narrates the introduction and the epilogue to the story. ─── 戈尔巴乔夫在这个故事开场和结束时担任解说。

83、My paper basically studies the RIP routing protocol and narrates the implement of RIP on the HT-2500 serial router. ─── 我的这篇论文主要讲述路由协议RIP的研究以及在路由器HT-2500系列产品上的实现。

84、The research of education narrates is one of a new approach for the research of the moral education concept for teacher subject. ─── 通过对“故事”意义的阐释,可以理解隐藏在其中的教师主体性道德教育观念。

85、For managing of diesel engine,this paper narrates the symptom of the cylinder scoring,analyzes the reason for cylinder scoring including the influence of urushi-membrane,grease and accumulated carbon; ─── 文章就柴油机拉缸问题,从柴油机管理角度出发,叙述了拉缸的征兆,分析了引发拉缸的主要原因一是受漆膜、油泥、积炭等的影响;

86、This paper narrates several quality problems in the duplicate double rolling mill products' crack,folds,the scab,the handle,the pockmarked face,rolls over the mark and so on and discusses the reasons. ─── 叙述复二重轧机产品存在的裂纹、折叠、结疤、耳子、麻面、轧痕等几个质量问题及对其产生的原因进行分析判断,并进行了探讨、研究和总结。

87、This paper introduces the methods of surface treatment for metal switchgear and briefly narrates the applicability of all kinds of methods of surface treatment to metal switchgear. ─── 文章介绍了金属开关设备的表面处理方法,简述了各种表面处理方法对金属开关设备结构的适用性。

88、Nevertheless, this is definitely worth picking up, if only to have the wonderful 13-minute Tornados vs.Dynamos by the Real Sounds, which narrates a local football match. ─── 当然,这是玩笑话,但是一个国家通货膨胀到这个程度,人民的生活当然也很悲惨。

89、AKA classics, narrates the software engineering development tendency and the mainstream technology ─── AKA经典之作,讲述软件工程的发展趋势和主流技术

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