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10-02 投稿


laconicism 发音


英:  美:

laconicism 中文意思翻译



laconicism 相似词语短语

1、laconicisms ─── n.简洁;警句;简洁的语句;(语句的)简短

2、laconism ─── n.简洁;简洁之语句

3、Baconianism ─── 酒神

4、sardonicism ─── 讽刺

5、cynicism ─── n.玩世不恭,愤世嫉俗;犬儒主义;冷嘲热讽

6、laconic ─── adj.简洁的,简明的

7、laconical ─── 简明的;简洁的;说话简短的;精练的

8、diatonicism ─── n.全音阶

9、Baconism ─── 酒神

laconicism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mr Murakami intersperses these with a laconic sort of philosophizing, much of it equally banal: “I think I've been able to run for 20 years for a simple reason: it suits me. ─── 在其中,村上春树先生穿插了一些简短的哲学式的随想,很多看起来相当平常,比如”我想,这20年能够坚持跑下来,只是因为我适合这项运动。”

2、And so a short answer is often spoken of as being laconic; ─── 其中一个就是说话要简练,决不用多余的词汇。

3、Then he lays out the agenda quickly and without gassing on and on, a laconic style that few others in the room practice. ─── 然后,他没有空谈,而是很快地安排议程。这种简洁精练的方式是其他人很少采用的。

4、 双语使用场景

5、a crisp retort; a response so curt as to be almost rude; the laconic reply; short and terse and easy to understand ─── 有力的反驳;太过简洁甚至是粗鲁的反应;简洁的回答道;简短、扼要而且容易理解

6、Then he lays out the agenda quickly and without gassing on and on, a laconic style that few others in the room practice ─── 然后,他没有空谈,而是很快地安排议程,这种简洁精练的方式是其他人很少采用的。

7、" Marius' cold tone, that double reply of "I know it," his laconicism, which was not favorable to dialogue, stirred up some smouldering wrath in the stranger. ─── 马吕斯冷冷的语气,两次“我知道”的回答,说话简短,表示不愿交谈,引起了陌生人的一点暗火。

8、A Laconic Answer to Our Meetings ─── 归纳推理:会议要简短

9、Marked by brevity of speech; laconic. ─── 精炼的:(语言)简短为特征的;精炼的

10、And this helps explain why Moore is now saying, in his laconic Kansas drawl, "Slow down!" ─── 这有助于解释为什么摩尔现在说,以简洁的堪萨斯州语气对他的政党领导人说,“慢下来!”

11、only fonder of continued solitude, and perhaps still more laconic in company. ─── 他们正一起忙着栽下从田庄移来的植物。

12、a laconic answer ─── 简洁的回答

13、Supervising it all was David Milligan, a laconic entrepreneur with an eye for opportunity and a nose for the niche market. ─── 监督整件事的是米利根,一位说话简练的企业家,他看到一个商机,并闻到市场利基。

14、Henry's date was very laconic, only saying two sentences the entire evening. ─── 亨利的约会十分简洁,整晚他只说了两句话。

15、93. The criterion for a fruit of education scientific research is scientific and creationary and applied and logic and laconic and smooth. ─── 教育科研成果定量评估的标准主要是:科学性、新性、用性、辑性及语言的简捷性和流畅性。

16、It makes sense for the Dore campaign to make this a contest between Dore as the laconic, quiet man whose words can be trusted an 100; ─── 多尔的竞选班子把这作为两人之间的一场竞赛是有道理的。多尔言简意赅,举止文雅,言辞可信;

17、He sent me a laconic private message. ─── 他给我一封简要的私人函件。

18、All I received in response to my request was the laconic reply "Wait." ─── 我的要求所获得的反应只是简明的回答:“等”。

19、laconic dialogue ─── 对话简洁

20、Swedish director whose critically acclaimed films, such as The Silence(1963) and Fanny and Alexander(1983), are characterized by slow pace, laconic dialogue, and heavy use of symbolism to explore the psychological states of the characters. ─── 伯格曼,英马尔生于1918瑞典导演,其受到评论界赞扬的电影,如沉默(1963年)和芬尼和亚历山大(1983年), 其特点是慢节奏、对话简洁和大量运用象征手法以揭示人物的心理状态

21、Her poetic idiom is noted for its laconic brevity, directness and plainness. ─── 她用词简洁,直率,平易。

22、laconic language style ─── 简约性

23、"At first, I felt like I was living in hell," says Yang Xudong, a laconic 22-year-old in his second month of treatment. ─── “起初,我觉得像是监狱生活,”22岁的杨旭东(音译)说,他正处于治疗期的第二个月。

24、In a word, my coordinate of life is I would like to keep a serene, laconic and methodical living.The serene, laconic and methodical living is inestimable. ─── 总之,我的生活坐标是简约而平和,一份简约而平和的生活是无价的。

25、The simpler and more laconic the icon, the better. It is preferable to keep the number of objects in a single icon to a minimum. ─── 图标越简单、简洁,就越好。把一个图标中的元素控制到尽可能少的数量是很可取的。

26、laconic and readable ─── 简明易读

27、I'm just a maiden of a noble intellectual family.I'm a intellectual which have the pure, usual, laconic and methodical wish of living. ─── 我就是一个来自知识分子家庭,有着很单纯、很平常、很简约的生活坐标的女孩,一个读书人。

28、-- But their father, though very laconic in his expressions of pleasure, was really glad to see them; ─── 这一下可叫彬格莱小姐后悔挽留她们,她对伊丽莎白又嫉妒又讨厌,因此也就顾不得对吉英的感情了。

29、concise style; laconic style ─── 文笔简洁

30、Objective: To seek a more laconic and effective method to describe the blood apparent viscosity. ─── 目的:寻找一种更为简洁有效的描述血液表观粘度的方法。

31、They are written in a strange, archaic, laconic, and somewhat childish and sing-song version of Latin (described as Saturnian verse). ─── 家庭法给予家长对其家庭成员的绝对权力,可把子女出卖为奴。该法典禁止贵族与平民通婚。

32、The Chinese language is characterized by being laconic, implicit, compact, expressive and full of images. ─── 汉语具有简隽、含蓄、内蕴、凝练、意象丰富的特点;

33、A Laconic Control for Temperature Control in Production of Glyphosate ─── 草甘膦生产缩合釜温度的简捷控制算法

34、Using matrix to process stereoscopy transformation, the program will be more laconic and the simulation system will be more reliable, and its efficiency is higher. ─── 采用体视变换矩阵的方法进行体视变换,可使程序变得更加简洁,提高了模拟系统的效率和可靠性。

35、that is, as being such an answer as a Lacon would be likely to give. ─── 因此,一个“简短的回答”往往被说成是拉哥人的答法,也就是说拉哥人是这样回答问题的。

36、Alexander(1983), are characterized by slow pace, laconic dialogue, and heavy use of symbolism to explore the ─── 伯格曼,英马尔生于1918瑞典导演,其受到评论界赞扬的电影,如沉默(1963年)和芬尼和亚历山大(1983年),其特点是慢节奏、对话简洁和大量运用象征手法以揭示人物的心理状态

37、Jacques Lacon ─── 拉康

38、This design has the advantage of having a laconic structure and economizing the hardware resource. ─── 本设计的优点在于系统的结构简洁,比较节约硬件资源。

39、And so a short answer is often spoken of as a laconic answer. ─── 因此简洁的回答通常被称为拉科人的回答。

40、The content of the teaching material is novel and laconic,and its theory conforms to practice with outstanding features. ─── 教材内容新颖,理论联系实际,特色鲜明,简洁实用。

41、You can use the method to found the information model quickly and accurately.And found the efficacious and laconic electronic board. ─── 利用该方法可以快速、准确地建立组态信息模型,并可在此基础上建立有效的、简洁的电子看板。

42、Albeit laconic, the article at least gives us a clear picture of the history modern literature. ─── 本文至少讲清了现代文学的进程,尽管不是非常详尽。

44、Swedish director whose critically acclaimed films,such as The Silence(1963) and Fanny and Alexander(1983),are characterized by slow pace,laconic dialogue,and heavy use of symbolism to explore the psychological states of the characters ─── 瑞典导演,其受到评论界赞扬的电影,如沉默(1963年)和芬尼和亚历山大(1983年),其特点是慢节奏、对话简洁和大量运用象征手法以揭示人物的心理状态

45、Perfect site! Anything superfluous, all is laconic and beautiful. Thanks! ─── 完美的网站!所有全部都是简洁和美丽的。感谢!

46、There, separated from the rest of the world, their laconic friendship develops, almost by accident, into a sexual relationship. ─── 在那里,他们与世隔绝,两人之间纯真的友情偶然发展成为了性关系。

47、A salient feature of her technique is a severe economy of expression.Her poetic idiom is noted for its laconic brevity, directness and plainest of words. ─── 她不光在坚定自己生活的信心,也坚定了读她诗歌的人活下去的勇气。

48、a laconic person, remark, style ─── 说话简洁的人﹑ 言简意赅的话﹑ 简练质朴的文体.

49、Hailing from the arid world of Sriluur on the remote Sisar Run, Weequays are a laconic people deeply rooted in ancient traditions. ─── 威奎人来自遥远的西萨航路上干燥的斯里卢尔星,人数众多。

50、Mr.Munger is laconic;Mr.Buffett loquacious.Mr. ─── 芒格说话简洁明了,巴菲特则显得啰啰嗦嗦。

51、The war experience helped to give the New Frontier generations casual and laconic tone. ─── 战争的经历有助于使新边疆这一辈养成不拘形式和说话干脆的作风。

52、a laconic comment/manner ─── 言简意赅的评论;干脆利落的举止

53、the style, I think, is natural, laconic, and may have some merit. ─── 至于风格,我认为,是自然的,短小精干,应当能受到一点站扬。

54、Here are laconic and generous people who don't hesitate to wave to travellers driving around with self-sufficiency on their towbars. ─── 这里有单纯而慷慨的人们,他们从来不吝啬自己的友好,向那些带着满足感的路人挥手致意。

55、Do you know the word LACONIC? ─── 你认识“laconic”这个单词吗?

56、A slight frown and a laconic 'Yes,' were the answer. ─── 回答是淡淡的皱眉和一声简短的“是的”。

57、The author's laconic prose manages to be both dexterous and sinister. ─── 这位作者简洁的文字做到既洗练又有邪恶的暗示。

58、This laconic epistle, from a nobleman to whom she was bound by such inestimable obligations, silenced all Jeanie's objection to the proposed route ─── 她感激不尽的贵族写来的这张简短的便笺,使珍妮无法再反对他所提出的路线。

59、Only he grew colder and colder;laconic at meals, and rare in the house. ─── 不过,他变得越来越冷淡了,在餐桌上不大开口,也很少待在家里。

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