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10-01 投稿


monochromatic 发音

英:[mɒnə(ʊ)krə'mætɪk]  美:[,mɑnəkrə'mætɪk]

英:  美:

monochromatic 中文意思翻译



monochromatic 同义词

monochrome | neutral | self-colored | self-coloured | unicolour | monochromous | shaded |homochromatic | indistinct | monochromic | uniform | samey | homochromous | unicolor | dull

monochromatic 短语词组

1、monochromatic energy ─── 单色能量

2、monochromatic ray ─── 单色射线

3、monochromatic filter ─── [化] 单色滤色片

4、monochromatic sensitivity ─── [电] 单色灵敏度

5、monochromatic brightness ─── 单色亮度

6、monochromatic light ─── [医] 单色光

7、quasi-monochromatic light ─── [化] 准单色光

8、monochromatic analysis ─── [化] 单色分析

9、monochromatic vision ─── 单色视

10、monochromatic optical pyrometer ─── [机] 单色光学高温计

11、monochromatic X-ray ─── 单色X射线

12、quasi-monochromatic ─── [医]准单色的

13、monochromatic harmony ─── 单色谐调

14、monochromatic radiation ─── [化] 单色辐射

15、monochromatic eye ─── [医] 单色觉眼

16、monochromatic source ─── [化] 单色光源

17、monochromatic rays ─── [医] 单色射线

18、monochromatic wave ─── [化] 单色波

19、monochromatic emissivity ─── [电] 单色发射率

monochromatic 词性/词形变化,monochromatic变形

副词: monochromatically |名词: monochromaticity |

monochromatic 反义词


monochromatic 相似词语短语

1、monochromatism ─── n.[眼科]全色盲;单色视觉

2、monochromator ─── n.[光]单色仪;[光]单色器;单色光镜

3、homochromatic ─── adj.单色的,等色的

4、monochromatics ─── 单色

5、monochromats ─── n.全色盲者

6、monochromates ─── n.全色盲者

7、monochromate ─── n.全色盲者

8、monochromat ─── n.全色盲者

9、monochromic ─── adj.单色的

monochromatic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Monochromatic use may create a purified atmosphere, a combination Putie unlimited changes to the space turned lively sense. ─── 单色运用可营造一片至纯氛围,组合铺贴呈现无限变化,让空间充盈活泼的质感。

2、monochromatic field ─── 单色场

3、Passage of radiation through a medium without change of frequency of its monochromatic components. ─── 不改变辐射的单色成分的频率而使该辐射被表面或媒质返回的过程。

4、Change of the spatial distribution of a beam of radiation when it is deviated in many directions by a surface or by a medium, without change of frequency of its monochromatic components. ─── 光束被某一表面或介质改变为多种方向,而不改变其单色光的频率时,所发生的空间光分布的改变。

5、The advantage of the monochromatic ink box of fission is the ink box that which kinds of color gave out to change which kinds of color, avoid meaningless waste. ─── 分体的单色墨盒的好处是哪种颜色用完了就换哪种颜色的墨盒,避免无谓的浪费。

6、They have already developed a prototype high-resolution microscope that redirects monochromatic light beams with artificial muscle membranes. ─── 他们已发展出一种高解析度的显微镜原型,能以人造肌肉薄膜来重新引导单色光束。

7、If color is put to be some more gorgeous cup or stripe cup mat a bit on monochromatic tea table, it is very efficient way. ─── 假如在单色茶几上摆放颜色稍为艳丽些的杯子或条纹杯垫,就是很有效的办法。

8、Monochromatic light source can also be multi, mulatto, discoloration. ─── 光源可采用单色,也可多色,混色,变色。

9、Monochromatic x-rays from the Bonn 2.3GeV-Synchrotron were employed for inner shell excitation of argon. The vacancies are filled via a branching cascade which leads to the emission of a number of electrons. ─── 利用德国波恩2.3GeV同步辐射加速器作为辐射源,采用飞行时间法测得软X射线引起氲原子内壳电离后,电离产物的飞行时间谱。

10、I was thinking the images I would have probably deleted on my digital orpossibly converted to monochromatic before selection ? ─── 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。

11、two-dimensional monochromatic image ─── 二维黑白图像

12、Department of monochromatic attune, light color diffuses because of having and regressive sex, make the bedroom can give a person with bright and pure and fresh and optimistic, capacious feeling. ─── 单色调、浅色系因有扩散和后退性,使居室能给人以清新开朗、明亮宽敞的感受。

13、Of or characterized by one color; monochromatic. ─── 单色的只有一种颜色的或以此为特点的;单色的

14、Of or characterized by one color;monochromatic. ─── 单色的只有一种颜色的或以此为特点的;单色的

15、monochromatic prints and paintings. ─── 单色印刷和图画

16、The system is designed to be quasi-monochromatic to maintain consistent image quality over the entire area of the intensifying screen. ─── 系统设计为准单色的,以在增感屏的整个区域上保持一致的图像质量。

17、monochromatic set ─── 单色集

18、The basic optical requirement is a fine pencil, or thin ribbon of highly collimated, monochromatic, polarized light. ─── 基本的光学要求是要有一个高度准直的单色偏振光的细光束或薄光带。

19、monochromatic absorption ─── 单色吸收

20、The intensity of a ray of monochromatic light decreases exponentially as the concentration of the absorbing medium increases. ─── 一束单色光的强度随着吸收介质的浓度增加而呈指数下降。

21、three monochromatic Fresnel holograms ─── 分色菲涅耳全息图

22、monochromatic and stable frequency indexes ─── 单稳频指标

23、Effect of Monochromatic Light on the Albumen Height, Haugh Unit and Egg Color ─── 单色光对蛋白高度、哈氏单位和蛋黄颜色的影响

24、Use easy daub, quality of a material lightsome with the monochromatic eye picture with striking colour, immediateness models the elegant figure that issues feeling of unreal having evil spirit. ─── 以欧珀莱肤色调控霜、欧珀莱光彩遮瑕套盒或欧珀莱粉底调整肌肤质感后,再用欧珀莱面部造型粉赋予肌肤立体感和优雅的洗练感。

25、reflection of monochromatic light ─── 单色光反射

26、In order to detect [Ca2+]i, a novel monochromatic source for the fluorescent microscope was designed.The system uses a short-arc Xenon lamp as light source. ─── 为了实现胞内钙离子浓度的检测,设计了一种新型的荧光显微镜单色光源系统。

27、monochromatic radiance ─── 单色辐射率

28、monochromatic analysis ─── 单色分析

29、Effect and mechanism of monochromatic light on the peak period of Laying Hens ─── 单色光对蛋鸡产蛋高峰期的影响

30、A monochromatic monitor, 3, 000. ─── 单色显示器3千元。

31、For a so-chic, monochromatic look, wear the same shade on cheeks and lips (and eyes, if it's not too rosy). ─── 为拥有一张漂亮且单色的面孔,脸颊和嘴唇(以及眼睛,如果颜色不太红的话)的色彩可保持浓淡一致。

32、Shining monochromatic light on the retina is not the only way of creating a given colour impression. ─── 照射到视网膜上的某一单色光并不是引起该彩色感觉的唯一手段。

33、Monochromatic cherry wood furniture, show an on one pattern one case is putting china, it is him these year from countrywide each district " clean out " come. ─── 一色的樱桃木家具,展示架上一格一格放着瓷器,都是他这些年从全国各地“淘”来的。

34、Gnomon Painting the Adult Male Head: Monochromatic ─── 专业绘画教程

35、In the past people's bathroom walls and ground-decoration, custom tiles with white or other monochromatic, looks inevitably some rigid numb. ─── 以往人们对卫浴间的墙壁及地面的装饰,习惯贴上白色或其他单色瓷砖,看上去难免有些呆板无生气。

36、Nonlinear Response of a Three-level System Driven by a Trichromatic Field and Probed by an Arbitrary Intense Monochromatic Field ─── 三色场驱动和任意强度单色场探测三能级系统的非线性响应

37、quasi monochromatic light ─── 准单色光

38、monochromatic light. ─── 单色光

39、"I used monochromatic performance of the more emotional and with the Suzhou River character. ─── “用单色更能表现我的情绪,也符合苏州河的性格。”

40、9 see joke: No matter much magnifico, monochromatic jacket; ─── 9看笑话: 不论多大官,一色夹克衫;

41、Based on the diffraction theory of the monochromatic scalar wave, an optical trap using a red-detuned small-hole diffracted light field is investigated. ─── 以单色标量波衍射理论为基础,研究单色平面波由圆孔衍射产生实现冷分子(或冷原子)光学囚禁的光阱。

42、The fact that it's monochromatic is rare, and I much prefer it over the traditional striped seersucker. ─── 事实其实是相比于其他条纹的泡泡纱衬衫我更喜欢这样独特的单色系衬衫。

43、monochromatic radiative equilibrium ─── 单色辐射平衡

44、monochromatic interference microscopy ─── 单色干扰显微术

45、monochromatic angle ─── 单色性角

46、Before people habit affixes big white or other monochromatic ceramic tile with kitchen and other places between Wei Yu, appeared lacklustre. ─── 以往人们习惯在卫浴间和厨房等地贴上大片白色或其他单色瓷砖,显得了无生气。

47、The intensity of a ray of monochromatic light decreases exponentially as the concentration of the absorbing medium increases ─── 一束单色光的强度随着吸收介质的浓度增加而呈指数下降。

48、First-arrival traveltime and amplitude calculation from monochromatic two-way wave equation in frequency domain ─── 利用单频双程波动方程计算初至走时及其振幅

49、Effect of Monochromatic Light on the Egg Performance of Laying Hens ─── 单色光对蛋鸡产蛋性能的影响

50、Color paper is very difficult to get non-color bias monochromatic image. ─── 另外用黑白相纸会唔会好过用彩色相纸?

51、a fully gilt version of Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby’s Cidade surtout de table (candelabra) and a monochromatic edition of their hand-blown glass Cupola reading table; ─── 一个完全烫金版的爱德华理发和Jay Osgerby的居住城市surtout餐酒(烛台)和一个单色版的手吹玻璃冲天读表;

52、Winter lacks the pyrotechnics of spring, the brute, strapping joy of summer, the old sugary nostalgia of autumn. It's just cold and elegant, monochromatic, somnolent. ─── 冬无春的缤纷、夏的浓烈,也不像秋会让人情思绵绵。冬是一个冰冷的单色世界,寂静而高雅。

53、The glasses chromaticities can be calculated quickly and accurately using monochromatic transmissicities by computer programme.The results can be used to appraise the quality of the color. ─── 利用彩色玻璃的单色光透过率,通过该程序可以快速、准确地计算该玻璃的色度值,鉴定该颜色的质量。

54、Generally speaking, the traditional glass-mosaic producers paint the tableaux with a monochromatic pattern.The alloyed threads made of lead and tin that are used to inlay glass serve as the contours. ─── 传统的玻璃镶嵌画基本都以单线平涂的手法处理画面,轮廓线便是镶嵌玻璃的铅条。

55、(4)Please do the experiment of " monochromatic light decelerate diffraction",you maybe could find the "frequency"of the monochromatic light can be changed! ─── (4) 请 " 单色的光减速绕射" 做实验, 你也许可以找单色的光 "频率" 可能被改变!

56、It is enough to encodethe contours of one of the monochromatic images. ─── 只需对其中某一单色图的轮廓编码即可。

57、Another important aspect is color: think one light, monochromatic scheme, and get lighter as you go up. ─── 另一样非常重要的事情就是颜色!试想一束光,单色搭配,越往上颜色越浅。

58、monochromatic laser printer ─── 单色激光打印机

59、General access to the master bedroom only to use soft light-coloured carpet give warm comfortable feeling that corridor aisle are advised to use monochromatic visible blanket. ─── 卧室一般只有主人出入,应选用柔和浅色地毯给人以温馨舒适之感,走廊过道宜选用单色条状毯。

60、Study on Atoms' Long-time Action in the Radiation of Monochromatic Light ─── 原子在单色辐射作用下长时间内的行为研究

61、monochromatic temperature scale ─── 单色温标

62、monochromatic amplitude ─── 单色振幅

63、monochromatic network ─── 单频网

64、Effect of Monochromatic Light on Egg Quality of Laying Hens ─── 单色光对产蛋鸡蛋品质的影响

65、That concept extends to light sources that blend light from multiple monochromatic LEDs. ─── 同样延伸到光源应用里,混合多个单色LED也会存在同样的问题。

66、The truth is as colorful as its reflection of the reality in the sunlight, and is not monochromatic. ─── 十五、真理像它在阳光下反映的现实一样五彩纷呈,绝不具有单一颜色的属性。

67、The method that analyses graft ratio has chemical analysis law, splitting decomposition monochromatic chart (PY / GC) law, crack.. ─── 分析接枝率的方法有化学分析法、裂解一色谱(PY/GC)法、裂...

68、Monochromatic Optical Controller ─── 单色光控制器

69、monochromatic beam ─── 单色射束

70、monochromatic emissive power ─── 单色辐射能

71、Characteristics Analysis of a Monochromatic Electromagnetic Beams Pass by Wire Grids ─── 单色电磁波通过栅网的特性分析

72、The Monochromatic Affine Spaces over Binary Fields ─── 二元域上单色仿射空间

73、monochromatic optical pyrometer ─── [机] 单色光学高温计

74、monochromatic anaglyph ─── 单色立体图

75、monochromatic colorimeter ─── 单色色度计

76、Keywords Synchrotron radiation;Diffraction-enhanced imaging;Monochromatic light;Coronary angiography; ─── 同步辐射;衍射增强成像;单色光;冠状血管造影术;

77、Keywords monochromatic light;semibreadth absorbance; ─── 单色光;半宽度;吸光度;吸光系数;

78、The camera comes in two colors: a monochromatic white or safari green. ─── 这款相机一共两种颜色:纯白色和狩猎绿。

79、The front garden is designed to be an adult, more mature space with simple, monochromatic, architectural plantings, while the rear garden becomes a place for children’s play. ─── 前面的花园专为成人而设计,简单的,一色的树林带来更多的成人空间。同时后面的花园就变成了供孩子们玩耍的地方。

80、The brushwork of monochromatic eye shadow is very simple, but should practice a few times more, ability lets administrative levels feel smoother. ─── 单色眼影的画法很简单,但要多练习几次,才能让层次感更顺畅喔。

81、collimated monochromatic light ─── 准直单色光

82、monochromatic burner ─── 单色灯

83、a monochromatic colour scheme ─── 单一色彩的调配

84、monochromatic sensibility ─── 单色灵敏度

85、Add a 400% Gaussian Monochromatic Noise. ─── 添加一个400%的高斯单色噪点。

86、No matter the eye has do not have disease, monochromatic wear sunglass; ─── 不论眼睛有没病,一色都戴太阳镜;

87、monochromatic aberration ─── 单色象差

88、monochromatic X-ray topography ─── 单色光形貌

89、Click on “Filter,” “Add Noise” and set noise to 1%, “Gaussian” and “Monochromatic.” ─── 在“滤镜”“增加噪点”上点击,把噪点设置成1%,设置“高斯”和“单色”。

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