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10-01 投稿


moonless 发音

英:[ˈmuːnləs]  美:[ˈmuːnləs]

英:  美:

moonless 中文意思翻译



moonless 网络释义

adj. 无月亮的

moonless 反义词


moonless 同义词


moonless 短语词组

1、moonless night ─── 月黑天

moonless 相似词语短语

1、boonless ─── 无益的

2、spoonless ─── 无匙

3、ironless ─── adj.无铁心的;无铁的

4、moonlets ─── n.小卫星;人造卫星

5、manless ─── adj.无人的;没有男子的;卑鄙的;残忍的

6、hornless ─── adj.无角的

7、motionless ─── adj.静止的;不运动的

8、downless ─── adj.无绒毛的

9、mooniness ─── 新陈代谢

moonless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、*The accident happened on a pitch-dark night, moonless and starless. ─── 事故发生在一个漆黑的,没有月亮,也没有星星的夜晚。

2、Explanation: Last weekend, dark, moonless night skies brought many sightings of Perseid meteors to skygazers all over planet Earth. ─── 说明: 上周末,在没有月光的黑暗夜空下,地球上的观星者们都领略到了英仙座流星雨的美景。

3、86 A parade of ghostly torchbearers gathers on a secluded hilltop on moonless nights. ─── 86在无月的夜晚,一列队幽灵似的拿着火炬的人在某隐蔽山顶聚集。

4、An observer watching the sky on any clear moonless night can easily observe streaks of light flashing across it every now and then. ─── 一位星空观察者在任何一个晴朗无月的夜空里,都能很清楚地观察到时而划过夜空中的光的条痕。

5、a moonless night/sky ─── 没有月亮的夜晚/天空

6、It was a moonless night, but the brilliant stars more than made up for the want of moonshine. ─── 晚来无月,但繁星点点,皎洁明亮,足补月亮之缺而有余。

7、The foliage, which, in a moonless night, would loom somewhat frighteningly dark, looks very nice tonight, although the moonlight is not more than a thin, grayish veil. ─── 没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人。今晚却很好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。

8、The galaxy is visible to the naked eye on moonless nights as a smudge of light and is the most distant object visible without a telescope. ─── 该星系在无月夜的夜晚可由肉眼观测到一个小光斑,它也是不借助望远镜能被肉眼观测的最远天体。

9、When the woman awoke she was to find herself in the depths of a moonless and starless night. ─── 当这个女人醒来的时候,她发觉自己置身在星消月隐的暗夜之中。

10、It is a dark and moonless night. ─── 这是一个黑暗无月的夜晚。

11、The prisoners had to wait about a week for a moonless night so that they could leave under the cover of complete darkness.Finally, on Friday, March 24, the escape attempt began. ─── 其他囚犯用木板盖住掏空的区域将两人隐藏起来,然后又将气味冲鼻的俄国烟草浸泡过汽油后洒到藏身点周围以糊弄守卫的狗。

12、Fortunately, the new moon that fell on October 18 will guarantee dark, moonless nights for the 2009 Orionid shower. ─── 庆幸的是09年的猎户座流星雨恰缝自10月18日开始的新月,无月的天空漆黑一片。

13、Best eaten at night under a moonless sky. ─── 最好就是在无月之夜来吃。

14、So take advantage of the moonless skies in the evenings this week, and go stargazing. ─── 所以乘这个星期的夜晚没有月亮,尽情的让自己沉湎于星辰吧。

15、On a moonless night, Capricornus' loop of stars looks like an arrowhead etched onto the blackboard of night! ─── 在无月之夜,摩羯座星星们环绕的环就像是弓箭的箭头,铭刻在黑幕般的夜。

16、the dark moonless night; ─── 漆黑、没有月亮的夜晚;

17、The March night was black and moonless, and a gust of wind blew in upon her as she opened this door, and filled the room with its chilly breath, extinguishing the lamp upon the table. ─── 三月的夜是漆黑的,没有月亮,她打开门时,一阵阵的风吹在她身上,使房间里充满了冷冽的空气,把桌子上的灯也吹灭了。

18、A moonless night is best. ─── 无月之夜最好。

19、the dark moonless night; a moonless planet. ─── 漆黑、没有月亮的夜晚;没有光亮的行星。

20、When the woman awoke she was to find herself in the depths of a moonless and starless night ─── 当这个女人醒来的时候,她发觉自己置身在星消月隐的暗夜之中。

21、Get away from city lights and look at the sky some clear, moonless night. ─── 在没有月亮的晴朗的夜晚,避开城市的灯光,观察天空。

22、It is a moonless night, but the brilliancy of the stars more than made up for the want of moonshine. ─── 夜来无月,繁星点点,皎洁明亮,犹胜月光。*比较级/最高级干扰

23、Views of the railings where doomed passengers and crew members stood evoked images of the moonless night 74 years ago when the great ship slipped beneath the waves. ─── 看到那些栏杆,想起了74年前那个无月之夜,濒临厄运的乘客及船员站立在栏杆旁,大船慢慢地沉入波涛下。

24、If you find yourself away from a city, spend an hour looking up on any clear, moonless night. ─── 在晴朗无月的晚上,如果你发现自己在远离城市的地方,不妨花上一个小时抬头看看夜空.

25、WWW、Today, Moka, Chuanzi, Moonless Acheron, Matiao, Shanren, Wan Xiaoli and Laolang put on their performances one by one. ─── 演出乐队依次为WWW、Today、摩卡、川子、暗月冥、马条、山人、万晓利、老狼。

26、English: 27. It's a dark and moonless night. ─── 中文:这是一个黑暗无月的夜晚。

27、It was a moonless night,and many stars were apparent. ─── 那天晚上没有月光,可以看见许多星星。

28、It was a moonless night, and the faint glow of a few stars faded in between the moving clouds. ─── 这是个无月之夜,飘动的云暗淡了稀疏的微弱星光。

29、Astrophotographer Jose Suro also imagines a clear, moonless, dark night sky on a warm evening near tranquil waters. ─── 在暖和的夜晚下,平静的湖畔,天文摄影师约什.索罗同样拍摄到了清晰,无月光的夜空。

30、I recall sweet and enchanted days Your smile chased the clouds away All fragments of our memory survive Shining in the moonless night ─── 在施展魔法得到快乐的日子里你的微笑被云夺去所有的片断都记忆犹新在没有月亮的夜晚闪现

31、7. a black moonless night; ─── 漆黑的、没有月亮的夜晚;

32、When the woman awoke she was to find herself in the depths of a moonless and starless night. ─── 当这个女人醒来的时候,她发觉自己置身在星消月隐的暗夜之中。

33、a dark moonless night ─── 一个黑暗的无月光的夜晚

34、Thousands of shooting stars provided a dazzling light show Sunday that amazed veteran and novice stargazers alike as the Leonid meteor shower made the moonless sky appear to rain light. ─── 11月19日凌晨狮子座流星雨如期而至,成千上万颗流星将晴朗的夜空照耀的无比灿烂,让新老天文爱好者叹为观止。

35、It was a cold, moonless night. ─── 这是个寒冷,无月光的夜晚。

36、It's a dark and moonless night. ─── 这是一个黑暗无月的夜晚。

37、As day turned into a moonless night,the pace of his walking slowed considerably so that he would not fall and hurt. ─── 当白天变成没有月光的默认,他明显放慢了脚步步,以防摔伤。

38、On a moonless and freezing cold night, the monster Nian appeared again. ─── 人们都很怕这只怪兽,所以只好带家人到别的地方躲起来,等到年走了以后才敢回家。

39、It was a moonless night, but the brilliant stars more than made up for the want of moonshine. ─── 晚来无月,但繁星点点,皎洁明亮,足补月亮之缺而有余。

40、Flying into Hong Kong By night is like coming upon a Bouquet of neon in a moonless forest. The city Blossoms with light. ─── 晚间飞临香港上空,就好像在月黑的森林中看到霓虹的烟火,那可是灯火辉煌,繁花似锦。

41、On a moonless night the path was dark and gloomy, giving one the creeps. ─── 在一个没有月光的晚上,路上阴森森的,使人感到非常害怕。

42、The foliage, which, in a moonless night, would loom more somewhat frighteningly dark, looks very nice tonight, although the moonlight is not more than a thin, grayish veil. ─── 没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人。今晚却很好,虽然月光还是淡淡的。

43、It was a windy and moonless night. ─── 那晚风大,月也黑。

44、a black moonless night; through the pitch-black woods; it was pitch-dark in the celler. ─── 漆黑的、没有月亮的夜晚;穿过漆黑的森林;这个房间里一片漆黑。

45、On a moonless, cold night, Nian went to the village again. ─── 在一个漆黑无月亮的晚上,年又来村子了。

46、It was a dark, moonless night. ─── 那是一个漆黑无月的夜。

47、9. Views of the railings where doomed passengers and crew members stood evoked images of the moonless night 74 years ago when the great ship slipped beneath the waves. ─── 看到那些栏杆,想起了74年前那个无月之夜,濒临厄运的乘客及船员站立在栏杆旁,大船慢慢地沉入波涛下。收藏指正

48、The accident happened on a pitch-dark night, moonless and starless. ─── 事故发生在一个漆黑的,没有月亮,也没有星星的夜晚。

49、The annual Perseid meteor shower reached its peak mid-August, with a moonless sky providing near-perfect observing conditions. ─── 每年一度的英仙座流星雨在八月中旬达到高峰,没有月光的晚上为观测提供了近乎完美的条件。

50、In a moonless dark night, there was a weird noise came from the church. ─── 在一个没有月光的黑夜里,教堂里发出奇怪的声音。

51、The inky darkness of a moonless night ─── 无月之夜的一片黑暗

52、On a dark, moonless night, let Jupiter be your guide to this celestial arrowhead that we call ! ─── 在一个暗淡无月的夜晚,让木星成为你的向导引领你去往我们称为“摩羯海羊”的天之箭头。

53、That was a dark, moonless night. ─── 那是一个黑暗的、无月光的夜晚。

54、The prisoners had to wait about a week for a moonless night so that they could leave under the cover of complete darkness. ─── 为了能够在黑夜的掩护下进行逃离,囚犯们等待了大约一周才迎来了一个无月之夜。

55、Soon will the twlight close moonless and dreary, ─── 暮色降临,月儿还没升起,

56、It was a dark, moonless, cloudless, starry night. ─── 这是一个黑暗的,没有月亮的,晴朗无云,星夜。

57、The prisoners had to wait about a week for a moonless night so that they could leave under the cover of complete darkness. ─── 为了能够在黑夜的掩护下进行逃离,囚犯们等待了大约一周才迎来了一个无月之夜。

58、In the dusk of the moonless if starry night, lights from windows shone vividly. ─── 在没有月亮却是满天星斗的夜空里,灯光从窗户中明亮地照射出来。

59、A black moonless night. ─── 漆黑的、没有月亮的夜晚。

60、A black, moonless night ─── 漆黑的,没有月光的夜晚

61、In the moonless gloom of midnight I ask her, `Maiden, what is your quest, holding the lamp near your heart? ─── 在无月的夜半朦胧之中,我问她:“姑娘,你作什么把灯抱在心前呢?

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