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10-01 投稿


Majorcan 中文意思翻译



Majorcan 词性/词形变化,Majorcan变形


Majorcan 相似词语短语

1、major scale ─── 大音阶

2、Majorcan ─── n.马略卡人;马略卡语;adj.马略卡岛的(位于西班牙东部);马略卡人的

3、major change ─── 大波动;重大变化

4、majorat ─── 少校

5、Majorca ─── n.马略卡岛(位于西班牙东部)

6、major arcana ─── 大奥秘

7、Marcan ─── adj.(与)圣马可(有关)的,《马可福音》的

8、Majorcans ─── 马略卡人

9、Barcan ─── n.新月形沙丘

Majorcan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I'll send you a brochure for that hotel in Majorca in case you change your mind. ─── 我将寄给您一本有关马略尔卡那家旅馆的小册子,以防您改变了主意。

2、Majorca and the Canary Islands are located on the coast of Spain. ─── 另外,马约卡岛和加纳利群岛都位于西班牙沿海。

3、She still corresponds with American friends she met in Majorca nine years ago... ─── 她仍然同九年前在马略卡岛相识的美国朋友保持着书信往来 。

4、The level of his play at the Olympic Tennis Centre, as it has been for the past six months, was astounding but the Majorcan powerhouse is still not satisfied. ─── 他在奥林匹克网球中心展现出的水平,就像他过去六个月那样令人惊讶,然而,这座马略卡发电站仍然不满意。

5、My island, Majorca, where I grew up. ─── 我的成长之岛,马洛卡。

6、Go to majorca for one's holidays ─── 去马霍卡岛度假

7、I'll send you a brochure for that hotel in Majorca, ─── 我将寄给您一本有关马略尔卡那家旅馆的小册子,

8、A one-way trip to Palma( in Majorca) from London might start ahead at 360 yuan several months, it could rise to 24,000 yuan the day before travel. ─── 提前数月预定一张从伦敦到帕尔马(马略卡岛)的单程机票只需360元,临行前一天买票则涨到2400元。

9、The couple also have homes in Manhattan and Majorca, Spain, and a farm in Quebec, Canada. ─── 这对夫妇在曼哈顿和西班牙的马略卡岛都有自己的家,在加拿大魁北克还有一个农场。

10、Romans conquered Majorca in 123 BC, and it was later ruled by Byzantines and Arabs before being taken by James I of Aragon in 1229. ─── 西元前123年被罗马人侵占,先后受拜占庭帝国和阿拉伯人统治,直至1229年被亚拉冈王国詹姆斯一世收复。

11、The couple also have homes in Manhattan and Majorca, Spain, and a farm in Quebec, Canada. "Some people collect art," she says. "We collect houses." ─── 这对夫妇在曼哈顿和西班牙的马略卡岛都有自己的家,在加拿大魁北克还有一个农场。泽塔-琼斯说,“有些人收藏艺术品。而我们则收藏房子。”

12、This enchanting hotel is set in an 18th-century country house, surrounded by its own estate in the south of Majorca. ─── 嘻哈生活是一个多语言多文化国际社区网络。有着数百个国家的会员朋友。

13、Nadal was born on Majorca Island which is a part of the archipelago.Promoting tourism in his hometown will earn the tennis ace a nice EUR9m for the endorsement. ─── 巴利阿里群岛位于地中海,纳达尔就出生于其中的马略卡岛上,今后他将为推广家乡旅游业做出努力。

14、I like to always be active and playing a sport, and well, I did important things like travel around Majorca in a boat. ─── 我喜欢一直充满活力,做运动,我也乘船环行了马洛卡岛。

15、Here in Majorca, Carol Beer is the friendly face of Sunsearchers Holidays. ─── 现在是在马略卡岛,卡拉皮尔是那些阳光搜寻者们看到的唯一的一张笑脸了。

16、but the Majorcan powerhouse is still not satisfied. ─── 但这个精力充沛的马略卡人并不满足。

17、The woman said she now plans to buy a country house in Majorca and raise horses. ─── 这名女子说现在她计划在马略卡岛买一栋乡间别墅,再养几只马。

18、The 84 year old Utzon has retired to a house he designed for himself on the island of Majorca. ─── 84岁的伍重如今退休在家,住在马略卡岛上自己亲手设计的房子里。

19、www.Hotel-Board.com Majorca, Spain Book Now!Get better hotel rates. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

20、Thecouple also have homes in Manhattan and Majorca,Spain,and a farm in Quebec,Canada.“Some people collect art,”she says.“We collect houses.” ─── 这对夫妇在曼哈顿和西班牙的马略卡岛都有自己的家,在加拿大魁北克还有一个农场。泽塔-琼斯说:“有些人收藏艺术品。我们则收藏房子。”

21、Young man: It arrived in Majorca at half past two in the morning. ─── 年轻人:它在凌晨两点半才到马略卡岛。

22、2.We had a great time in Majorca. ─── 我们在马霍卡玩儿得真痛快.

23、Mr.Adrover quit New York four years ago to open a bar in his native Majorca. ─── 安德洛佛四年前离开纽约,回家乡西班牙马约里岛开酒吧。

24、"I am so settled. I recharged my batteries on holiday in Majorca and Ibiza with my wife after we got married on May 19. ─── "我非常稳定,上周末我和此前在5月19日结婚的妻子在马略卡和伊比沙岛度假,又充了一次电."

25、A city of western Majorca Island, Spain, on the Bay of Palma, an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea. Population, 3,97. ─── 帕尔马:西班牙马洛卡岛西部城市,在地中海的入口帕尔马湾畔。人口3,97

26、When the British go abroad they usually want to go somewhere warm.Spain and 'Spanish islands of Majorca and Ibiza are popular as are other places in southern Europe. ─── 当英国人想要出国旅行的时候他们通常会选择暖和的地方,西班牙和西班牙的马略亚岛和伊毕莎岛以及欧洲南部都是他们所钟爱的地方。

27、100. What about a comfortable hotel in Majorca? ─── 马略尔卡岛的舒适的旅馆怎么样?

28、One can see them quite frequently in the Majorcan mountains. ─── 在马略卡的山上到处都可以看到野山羊。

29、The fine-tuning comes now as Ballack is with the team in Majorca for the final part of pre-Euro training, followed by a last test on Saturday in Gelsenkirchen against Serbia. ─── 巴拉克正和球队在马洛卡岛上为欧洲杯前的最后一场比赛进行调整,周六他们将在盖尔森基兴迎来塞尔维亚的挑战。

30、Majorcan Midwife Toad ─── n. 马霍卡岛产婆蟾(盘舌蟾科,马霍卡岛产婆蟾)

31、Alice : We had a terrible time getting back from our vacation on Majorca last week. ─── 艾丽斯:上星期我们从马霍卡岛度假回来,旅途很不愉快。

32、We had a great time in Majorca. ─── 我们在马霍卡玩儿得真痛快。

33、2.It's far less commercialize part of majorca. ─── 在马略卡岛就数那儿没有那么浓厚的商业气息。

34、Star gazers can find Nadal's asteroid between Mars and Jupiter and the 22-year-old has himself been invited to the Majorcan observatory to view it himself. ─── 今年22岁的纳达尔也应邀前往马略卡观测台亲眼观测这颗以他名字命名的小行星。“纳达尔”小行星位于火星和木星之间。

35、Does Majorca attract you ? ─── 你们觉得去马略卡岛怎么样?

36、Finally we found a Spanish restaurant, where we had seafood and some more delicious Majorcan food. ─── 最后我们找到了一家西班牙餐馆,在那里我们吃了海鲜以及美味的马略卡当地小吃。

37、On the evidence so far presented by their routes to the final, the odds are again with the young Majorcan. ─── 比赛由费德勒首先发球,发球上网的费德勒得到第一分,第一局虽然纳达尔也得到了两分,但是费德勒的强势发球和闪身正手攻顺利保发;

38、City (pop., 1995 est.: 318,000), capital of the Balearic Islands and of Majorca island, Spain, in the western Mediterranean Sea. ─── 西班牙城市(1995年人口约318,000),巴利阿里群岛和马霍卡岛的首府,位于西地中海。

39、Star gazers can find Nadal's asteroid between Mars and Jupiter and the 22-year-old has himself been invited to the Majorcan observatory to view it himself. ─── 纳达尔”小行星位于火星和木星之间。

40、Each room is decorated in a typical Majorcan style, and opens onto a terrace offering views of the peaceful surroundings. ─── 这些仅是酒店的普通政策。鉴于这些政策有可能根据客房类型而有所改变,因此也请您查看客房描述部分。

41、I'm staying in Majorca at the moment where there are many beautiful beach. ─── 我此刻正在有着许多美丽海滩的马略卡岛学习。

42、All this global gabble is best summarized by two signs in a Majorcan shop entrance: "English well talking"and"Here speeching American". ─── 注释:在马约卡(地中海西部西班牙的一个大岛屿)一家店里两个招牌上的英文,原意是"能说标准英语"及"我们能说美式英语",无论是拼法、语法还是词的用法上,都因受当地语言习惯的影响,使说英语的游客难以明白其意思。 因而成了"译林迷途"主题中最能说明问题的例子。

43、Finally we found a Spanish restaurant, where we had seafood and some more delicious Majorcan food. ─── 最后我们找到了一家西班牙餐馆,在那里我们吃了海鲜以及美味的马略卡当地小吃。

44、A schism was prevented when Philip IV of France expelled the Jews from France in 1306, and Astruc settled in Majorca. ─── 1306年法兰西国王腓力四世将犹太人逐出法国,阿斯特鲁迁至马霍卡。

45、It lies on the southwestern coast of Majorca on Palma Bay. ─── 地处临帕尔马湾的马霍卡西南海岸。




释义:abbr. 电子稳定程序(Electronic Stability Program);超感觉力(Extrasensory Perception)

abbr. 静电除尘器(electrostatic precipitators)


You must complete the ESP course before you can study this major.


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