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10-01 投稿


meatus 发音


英:  美:

meatus 中文意思翻译



meatus 短语词组

1、atria meatus medii nasii ─── [医] 中鼻道前房

2、incisurae cartilaginis meatus acustici externi ─── [医] 外耳道软骨切迹

3、acoustic meatus ─── [医]听道

4、auditory meatus ─── 听道

5、fish-mouth meatus ─── [医] 鱼口式尿道口

6、meatus acustici externi isthmus ─── [医] 外耳道炎

7、meatus auditorius ─── [医] 耳道

8、meatus acusticus externus ─── [医] 外耳道

9、meatus conchae maxilloturbinalis ─── [医] 下鼻道

10、meatus conchae ethmoturbinalis majoris ─── [医] 中鼻道

11、meatus nasi ─── [医] 鼻道

12、meatus conchae ethmoturbinalis minoris ─── [医] 上鼻道

13、fundus meatus acustici interni ─── [医] 内耳道底

14、meatus conchae turbinalis majoris ─── [医] 中鼻道

15、external auditory meatus reflex ─── [医] 外耳道反射, 基施氏反射

16、meatus acusticus externus primarius ─── [医] 原外耳道

17、meatus acusticus externus cartilagineus ─── [医] 软骨性外耳道

18、auditiory meatus ─── [电] 耳道

19、meatus acusticus internus ─── [医] 内耳道

meatus 词性/词形变化,meatus变形

名词复数: meatuses |

meatus 相似词语短语

1、meals ─── n.膳食;谷类(meal的复数);v.进餐(meal的三单形式)

2、means ─── n.手段;方法;财产;vt.用意;意味着;预示;意义重大(mean的第三人称单数);vi.意欲(mean的第三人称单数)

3、hiatus ─── n.裂缝,空隙,脱漏部分;间断;元音连读

4、meads ─── n.(Meads)人名;(英)米兹

5、flatus ─── n.一阵风;肠胃胀气;屁;气息

6、meatuses ─── n.[解剖]道;[解剖]口;[昆]导管

7、meanes ─── 中等的

8、matatus ─── 马塔图斯

9、meats ─── n.肉类(meat的复数)

meatus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、congenital stricture of external auditory meatus ─── 先天性外耳道狭窄

2、meatus conchae ethmoturbinalis majoris ─── [医] 中鼻道

3、Canaloplasty of external auditory meatus ─── 外耳道成形术

4、meatus acusticus externos primarius ─── 原外耳道

5、isthmus meatus acustici externi ─── 外耳道峡

6、meatus conchae maxilloturbinalis ─── [医] 下鼻道

7、Sectional Anatomy Study of the Bottom of Internal Acoustic Meatus ─── 内耳道底的断面解剖学研究

8、meatus acusticus externus cartilagineus ─── [医] 软骨性外耳道

9、meatus acusticus externus primarius ─── [医] 原外耳道

10、atresia of external acoustic meatus ─── 外耳道闭锁

11、congenital atresia of external acoustic meatus ─── 先天性外耳道闭锁

12、Cut a meatus in the manhole 1 to make facilities easily entered; ─── 在人井1中,将管开一个口,便于设备进入;

13、atrium of middle nasal meatus ─── 中鼻道前房

14、eczema of external auditory meatus ─── 外耳湿疹

15、Correction of atresia of external meatus of ear ─── 外耳道闭锁矫正术

16、Objectives: To investigate the external auditory meatus secretion demodex infection in healthy people. ─── 目的:了解正常人群外耳道蠕形螨感染情况。

17、external auditory meatus potential ─── 外耳道电位

18、When rhinosinusitis patients were not responsive to empiric antibiotic treatment in the Outpatient Clinic, specimens were taken from the middle meatus with cotton-tipped sticks. ─── 在门诊中,当鼻腔鼻窦炎病患对抗生素治疗无效时,我们利用棉签从中鼻道取标本做嗜氧菌及厌氧菌的培养来决定正确的抗生素。

19、Keywords Respiratory infection;Nasal middle meatus;Bacterium;Child; ─── 呼吸道感染;中鼻道;细菌;儿童;

20、Windowing of Inferior Nasal Meatus(WINM) ─── 下鼻道开窗

21、The poloyps mainly occured in ethmoidal sinus and middle meatus, part of cases involved maxillary sinus and inferior meatus. ─── 息肉主要发生在筛窦及中鼻道,部分累及上颌窦及下鼻道。

22、Poly ps in superior and middle meatus may cause bone absorption and decalcification. ─── 中上鼻道息肉可以引起邻近骨质吸收脱钙。

23、If not treated, they eventually occlude the meatus so surgical removal should be advised in every case. ─── 如果不予治疗,最终都会堵塞听道,所以应建议病人开刀割除。

24、Twenty-four ears treated by canaloplasty of external auditory meatus and tympanoplasty, hammer and incus hypoplasia in 19 ears, stapes abnormity were demonstrated in 11 ears, ossicles absence in 3 ears, vestibular window clausura in 1 ears. ─── 24耳行手术治疗,术中发现锤、砧骨发育不全19耳,镫骨畸形11耳,镫骨缺失3耳,前庭窗闭锁1耳。

25、Eczema in external acoustic meatus ─── 外耳道湿疹

26、The primary presenting symptoms were dysuria and intermittent pus discharge from the urethral meatus. ─── 其初期症状显示排尿困难及间歇性尿道口脓液排出。

27、Congenital stricture of osseous meatus of middle ear ─── 先天性中耳骨道狭窄

28、incisura cartilaginis meatus acustici ex-terni ─── 外耳道软骨切迹

29、transverse crest of internal auditory meatus ─── 内耳道横嵴

30、Stricture of urethral meatus ─── 尿道口狭窄

31、After the auditory bone chain, the tympanic membrane teach other people the external auditory meatus, causes the air vibration. ─── 经听骨链、鼓膜传人外耳道,引起空气振动。

32、cochlear area of internal acoustic meatus ─── 内听道耳蜗区

33、Clinical analysis of 23 cases cholesteatoma of external acoustic meatus ─── 外耳道胆脂瘤23例临床分析

34、The other was a 33 year-old male complained of left epistaxis for 2 months.Nasal endoscopy revealed a hemorrhagic tumor mass in the left superior meatus. ─── 1名33岁男性病患在二个月来断断续续流鼻血,鼻内视镜检查在左上鼻道看到一个出血的肿块。

35、congenital exostosis of osseous auditory meatus ─── 先天性骨性耳道外生骨疣

36、There were 3 specimens(3/40, 7.5%) whose base ring of cochlea extensed into internal acoustic meatus(IAM). ─── 40侧标本中有3侧(7.5%)耳蜗底周突入到内听道(internal acoustic meatus,IAM)内。

37、Congenital atresia of osseous meatus of middle ear ─── 先天性中耳骨道闭锁

38、The inspired air flowing through the superior nasal meatus results in a negative pressure.This force drags in tear flow which is facilitated by mucociliary apparatus. ─── 吸气时,经由上鼻道之气流,于瘘管开口形成负压,此力量将泪液曳引流入上鼻道,同时由黏膜纤毛之组识结构助畅其流。

39、congenital atresia of osseous auditory meatus ─── 先天性骨性耳道闭锁

40、inferior, vestibular area of internal acoustic meatus ─── 内听道前庭下区

41、Now the urethral tissue has been trimmed, and has been brought through the lower incision in the vulva, creating the new urethral meatus. ─── 现在尿道的组织已经修整好,并且从会阴上较低的那个开口拉出来,开辟成一个新的泌尿管道。更详细。

42、cartilage of acoustic meatus ─── 外耳道软骨

43、Excision of lesion of external auditory meatus ─── 外耳管道病损切除术

44、nerve of external acoustic meatus ─── 外耳道神经

45、ramus meatus acustici interni arteriae basilaris ─── 基底动脉内耳道支

46、external auditory meatus reflex ─── 基施氏反射

47、The cavity of the tympanic part of the meatus acusticus externus, being similar to that of the horse, is a narrow cleft. 2. ─── 从生物学和兽医学的发展以及临床需要来看,这部分工作有必要尽早补充。

48、When phonation, the mucosa, mucus of infra pharyngeal and esophageal meatus take part in vibration. ─── 发声时,下咽黏膜、食管口黏膜与黏液均参与振动。

49、meatus and tympanic membrane epithelial migration ─── 外耳道及鼓膜上皮移行

50、Results: MEBO gauze treatment reduced the incidence of narrowing of meatus tube, and shortened the duration of dry ear. ─── 结果:应用MEBO术腔换药在减少耳道狭窄、缩短干耳时间上优于抗生素组。

51、abscess of external auditory meatus ─── 外耳道脓肿

52、In 41 of 93 cases with maxillary involvement, the high density soft tissue mass protruded into the middle meatus with enlargement and erosion of bony maxillary ostium. ─── 93例上颌窦真菌中,41例有高密度软组织团块突向中鼻道伴骨性窦口扩大和骨质侵蚀。

53、internal acoustic meatus suprameatal ─── 内耳道上

54、Study on the clearance function of mucociliary system in nasal middle meatus ─── 中鼻道粘液纤毛系统清除功能的研究

55、There was a foul-smelling rhinorrhea on the right nasal cavity and a foreign body noted in the middle meatus. ─── 在右侧鼻腔有恶臭鼻涕,并且在中鼻道有异物.

56、external auditory meatus reflexes ─── 外耳道反射

57、Repeated urethral dilatations and reconstruction of the external meatus were done with a curability of 92%. ─── 对这些梗阻因素分别采用了1,105次尿道扩张术和89次尿道外口整形术等外科疗法,其中随访100例,疗效达92%。

58、internal auditory meatus operation ─── 内耳道手术

59、external urethral meatus cyst ─── 外尿道口囊肿

60、fundus meatus acustici internl ─── 内耳道底

61、meatus acustici externi isthmus ─── [医] 外耳道炎

62、congenital stenosis of meatus urinarius ─── 先天性尿道口狭窄

63、Incision of external auditory meatus ─── 外耳道切开术

64、Incidence of complication was 11.5% (7/61), including 3 eases of urinary fistula, 3 cases of urinary meatus stenosis arid 1 case of urethral orifice retraction. ─── 并发症发生率11.5%(7/61),其中尿瘘3例、尿道外口狭窄3例,尿道口退缩1例。

65、circumscribed furuncle of external auditory meatus ─── 局限性外耳道疖

66、exostosis of external auditory meatus ─── 外耳道骨疣

67、nervi meatus auditorii externi ─── [医] 外耳道神经

68、ramus meatus acustici interni ─── 内耳道支

69、CT analysis of congenital atresia of the external auditory meatus ─── 先天性外耳道闭锁的CT分析

70、fundus meatus acustici interni ─── [医] 内耳道底

71、absence of external auditory meatus ─── 外耳道缺失

72、Auditory meatus, external The passageway leading from the outside of the head to the tympanic(eardrum)membrane. ─── 由头外部(耳廓)至鼓膜的通道。

73、infection of external auditory meatus ─── 外耳道感染

74、The lesions in the ears were cleaned completely, broad external acoustic meatus entry was formed, thus decrease the recurrence ra... ─── 彻底清除耳的病灶,形成宽大的外耳道口,可有效减少复发,提高治愈率。

75、The polyps mainly occurred in ethmoidal sinus and middle meatus, part of cases involved maxillary sinus and inferior meatus. ─── 息肉主要发生在筛窦及中鼻道,部分累及上颌窦及下鼻道。

76、stricture of external auditory meatus ─── 外耳道狭窄

77、Clinical Analysis of External Acoustic Meatus and Tympanic Cavity Plastics ─── 先天性外耳道闭锁中耳畸形临床分析

78、congenital absence of external auditory meatus ─── 先天性外耳道缺失

79、Keywords bottom of internal acoustic meatus;sectional anatomy;celloidin; ─── 关键词内耳道底;断层解剖;火棉胶;

80、Wool mycosis, malign external auditory meatus is cholecystitis of swollen sex of phlogistic, gas, necrotic quality phlegmon . ─── 毛霉菌病、恶性外耳道炎、气肿性胆囊炎、坏死性蜂窝织炎。

81、When formatted the hard disk with the command of “FORMAT”, we didn't find any bad meatus. ─── 将硬盘用FORMAT命令格式化并没有发现有坏道。

82、of internal acoustic meatus vestibular area superior ─── 内听道前庭上区

83、papilloma of external auditory meatus ─── 外耳道乳头状瘤

84、Cholesteatoma of external acoustic meatus ─── 外耳道胆脂瘤

85、Keywords Internal auditory meatus;Tomography;X ray computed; ─── 内听道;体层摄影术;X线计算机;

86、Anatomical investigation for middle nasal meatus and its neighboring structure ─── 中鼻道及其周围结构的解剖学观测

87、meatus conchae ethmoturbinalis minoris ─── 上鼻道

88、The cerebellopontine angle segment and internal acoustic meatus segment paralleled the vestibulocochlear nerve. ─── 脑桥小脑角段和内耳道段与位听神经伴行;

89、In the base intracavity there is vessel of storing stool and in the back there is cleaning meatus and venting meatus. ─── 底座内腔设有储便槽,并在背面设有抽粪口和排污口。

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