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10-03 投稿


malkin 发音


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malkin 中文意思翻译



malkin 网络释义

n. 邋遢女人;女仆;猫

malkin 短语词组

1、malkin tower ─── 马尔金大厦

2、malkin moonlight ─── 马尔金月光

malkin 相似词语短语

1、calking ─── n.填隙;塞缝;v.填…以防漏水(calk的ing形式)

2、calkins ─── n.(Calkins)人名;(英)卡尔金斯

3、malting ─── n.麦芽制造;麦芽作坊;麦粒发芽;制成麦芽糖;v.用麦芽处理(malt的ing形式)

4、talking ─── adj.(会)说话的;沉默而有表现力的;n.讲话,谈论;v.说话;谈论;谈心;谈判;(用某种语言)讲;说服;泄露秘密;议论;讲的是;说闲话;供出消息(talk的现在分词);n.(Talking)(美)托金(人名)

5、calkin ─── n.鞋底铁掌(防滑用的)

6、malkins ─── n.邋遢女人;女仆;猫

7、malling ─── n.购物中心的开发;逛购物中心;n.(Malling)(丹、美、英、挪、德、加、法)马林(人名)

8、balking ─── n.[电]阻行;慢行;n.(Balking)人名;(瑞典)巴尔金

9、walking ─── n.步行;散步;v.步行(walk的ing形式);adj.步行的

malkin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Now Draco Malfoy, in Madam Malkin's the first time: "a boy with a pale, pointed face." ─── 再看德拉科?马尔福第一次出现在摩金夫人的店里:“一个面色苍白,瘦削的年轻人。”

2、Now, as night fell on Buenos Aires, agent Peter Malkin stood in the shadows, waiting. ─── 现在,夜幕已经降临布宜诺斯艾利斯,特工彼得-马尔金站在在黑暗里耐心地等待着。

3、Madam Malkin dithered for a moment on the spot, ─── 摩金夫人在原地颤抖了一会儿

4、Malkin said the yacht's captain crash and the driver violated safety regulations may be the main cause of the accident. ─── 马尔金说,失事游艇的艇长兼驾驶员违反安全规范可能是导致事故发生的主要原因。

5、Malkin Report and British Reparations Policy towards Germany, Journal of Chongqing College of Education, Vol.16,No.5,2003. ─── 论文:麦尔金报告与英国对德战败赔偿政策,重庆教育学院学报2003年第5期;

6、Malkin CJ,Pugh PJ,West JD.Testosterone therapy in men with moderate severity heart failure:a double-blind randomized placebo controlled trial.Eur Heart J,2006,27:572. ─── 周强,柯俊,马业新,等.雄激素对慢性心力衰竭雄性大鼠心脏功能影响.中国现代医学杂志,2005,15(14):2104.

7、Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions ─── 摩金夫人长袍店

8、But the moment had come, Malkin promised himself, for Eichmann's luck to run out. It was Judgment Day. ─── 现在,马尔金向自己保证,时机已经来临,艾希曼的好运气已经走到了尽头,今天就是他的审判日。

9、Malkin 's Report and British Compensatory Policies Toward Defeated Germany ─── 麦尔金报告与英国对德战败赔偿政策

10、Under that name millions had been transported to the gas chambers. And under that name Malkin's own sister had gone to her death. ─── 由于这个名字,数以百万计的人被送进了毒气室;由于这个名字,马尔金的姐姐惨遭屠杀。

11、Madam Malkin's: Shop in Diagon Alley selling wizarding robes for all occasions. ─── 摩金夫人长袍专卖店,位于对角巷。

12、And under that name Malkin's own sister had gone to her death. ─── 由于这个名字,马尔金的姐姐惨遭屠杀。

13、Elizabeth Malkin, "In Mexico, Sugar vs. U.S. Corn Syrup," New York Times, 9 June 2004. ─── 墨西哥:食糖与美国玉米糖浆之战〉,《纽约时报》,2004年6月9日。

14、John Wiley &Sons, S. Malkin, Grinding Technology-Theory and Application of Machining with Abrasives, 1989 ,New York. ─── 黄尧昱,高速切削铝合金特性之研究,国立清华大学,动力机械工程学系硕士论文,1997。

15、And yet, Malkin Holdings, the company managing the Empire State Building, doesn't pay a premium for the electricity. ─── 此外,负责管理帝国大厦的马尔金控股公司(MalkinHoldings)无需为这种清洁电力付出高价。

16、But the moment had come, Malkin promised himself, for Eichmann's luck to run out.It was Judgment Day. ─── 现在,马尔金向自己保证,时机已经来临,艾希曼的好运气已经走到了尽头,今天就是他的审判日。

17、Madam Malkin's:Shop in Diagon Alley selling wizarding robes for all occasions. ─── 摩金夫人长袍专卖店,位于对角巷。

18、'They want to kill the guards at Lancaster Castle and bring Old Demdike home to Malkin Tower, 'I said. Then I began to cry. ─── “他们想杀死兰开斯特城堡的看守,然后把老德姆代克带回马尔金塔。”我说。说完,我哭了。

19、As soon as I got to Cambridge, I discovered "the Mac, " as everyone calls the Malkin Athletic Center. ─── 之后我到了剑桥,见到了麦尔金运动中心,大家喜欢叫它“theMac”。

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