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minaret 发音

英:['mɪnəret; ,mɪnə'ret]  美:[,mɪnə'rɛt]

英:  美:

minaret 中文意思翻译



minaret 网络释义

n. 尖塔

minaret 短语词组

1、Egyptian minaret ─── 埃及尖塔

2、spiral minaret ─── 螺旋尖塔

minaret 词性/词形变化,minaret变形


minaret 相似词语短语

1、minarets ─── n.尖塔

2、minareted ─── 尖塔

3、mindset ─── n.心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态

4、cigaret ─── n.香烟;纸烟(等于cigarette)

5、Linares ─── n.利纳雷斯(西班牙南部一城市名)

6、minae ─── n.迈纳(古代希腊、埃及等之重量及货币单位)(mina的变形)

7、imaret ─── n.朝圣者之旅舍;土耳其的小客店

8、minars ─── n.塔;灯塔

9、minar ─── n.塔;灯塔

minaret 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shanmen the east courtyard, there are 18 meters high minaret floor. ─── 庭院东面是山门,上有十八米高的宣礼楼。

2、A man leans on a car crushed by a minaret of a mosque that fell onto it after an earthquake in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, Thursday, Oct. 1, 2009. ─── 一个人倾向于由一个清真寺上,下跌后,在巴东,西苏门答腊,印度尼西亚,星期四,2009年10月1日地震尖塔粉碎汽车。

3、the Moslem official of a mosque who summons the faithful to prayer from a minaret five times a day ─── 伊斯兰教清真寺宣礼塔上一天报五次时间的人

4、They are in a defensive mood, as the wretched minaret vote shows. ─── 可怜的宣礼塔投票显示,他们正处在防御状态。


6、A remarkable triumph of ancient engineering, the minaret is a circular tower 170 feet in height. ─── 螺旋尖塔是一座圆形的170英尺高的塔,它是古代工程学的一个奇迹。

7、We came to the door of the minaret and Ashley stepped to go inside. ─── 我们靠近了尖塔的门,Ashely走了进去。

8、Minaret and archaeological remains of Jam,Afghanistan. ─── 阿富汗贾米清真寺的宣礼塔和考古遗址。

9、Egyptian minaret ─── 伊斯兰教寺院的尖塔

10、Guang Minaret in Huaisheng Mosque and Mausoleum of Moslem Masters ─── 怀圣光塔寺与清真先贤古墓(英文)

11、The third section expound it from mosque style , layout and environment Masjid (including handle of mihrab), minaret, mosque and Sustainable Development Theory ways. ─── 主要从清真寺建筑风格、布局环境、礼拜殿建筑(包括米哈拉布处理)、邦克楼、清真寺建筑与可持续发展、清真寺建筑中的伊斯兰艺术等几方面展开论述。

12、Study on seismic behavior of Emin Minaret in Turpan region ─── 吐鲁番苏公塔的抗震性能初步分析

13、The tour, which included the Grape Valley, a karez (a subterranean water system), the Emin Minaret mosque, and the ancient Jiaohe Ruins, cost 100 RMB ($13). ─── 这条路线是包括葡萄谷,坎儿井(一种地下水系统),额敏光塔清真寺,和古蛟河遗址,共需100元。

14、Two more marines went up, and the minaret began to come apart. ─── 两个美军上去了,塔开始四分五裂。

15、4.Typically, houses with patios crowd along narrow streets around a mosque with a square minaret. ─── 沿着狭窄的街道是拥挤的带有天井的房子,环绕着一个有正方形尖塔的清真寺。

16、The Marines had found him at the top of the minaret in the southern part of town, at the top of a winding set of stairs, and snapped a photo. ─── 美国海军在镇南部的一座尖塔上发现他倒在蜿蜒而上的楼梯顶端。他们给他拍了照。

17、They told archaeologists from Kocaeli University and the Istanbul Prehistoric Research Project that they thought it was the minaret of a sunken mosque. ─── 他们告诉考古学家从科贾埃利大学和伊斯坦布尔史前研究项目,他们认为这是一个凹陷的尖塔的清真寺。

18、Huaisheng Mosque in the Minaret Road, Islam came to China to build first mosque, also known as the Optical Tasi, with Shengguangtasi. ─── 怀圣寺位于光塔路,是伊斯兰教传入中国最早兴建的清真寺,又称光塔寺、怀圣光塔寺。

19、Wen is the minaret of the ancient town of Chaoyang mark. ─── 文光塔是古邑潮阳的标志。

20、Minaret: A tall, slender tower on a mosque, having one or more projecting balconies from which a muezzin summons the people to prayer. ─── 伊斯兰教寺院的尖塔:清真寺上高而细的塔,上有一个或多个突出的阳台,阿訇在其上为朝拜的人们布道。

21、During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims will be on board the concept of minaret building, decided to break their fast time for Lent. ─── 每逢斋月,穆斯林群众便登上宣礼楼观月,决定封斋开斋时间。

22、Many mosques have only one minaret, but the blue Mosque has six. ─── 另一个有名的地方就是圣.索非亚博物馆,它离蓝色清真寺很近。

23、This multidomed mosque boasts the city's tallest minaret. ─── 迪拜的大清真寺有多个圆顶和全城的尖塔。

24、The explosion occurred in a low income neighborhood, near a wholesale flower market and a major heritage site: the 800-year-old Qutub minar, the world's tallest brick minaret. ─── 爆炸发生在一个低收入居民区,附近有一个花卉批发市场和重要的古迹——古伯特高塔,它是世界上最高的砖塔。

25、The Spiral Minaret is a massive brick and clay structure adjacent to the Mosque of al-Mutawakkil in Samarra, Iraq. ─── 螺旋尖塔是伊拉克撒马拉的穆塔瓦基勒清真寺边上的一个砖土结构建筑物。

26、2.The minaret is 65 meters (213 feet) high,the second highest in the world. ─── 塔高65米(213英尺),在世界宣礼尖塔中高度位居第二。

27、The development of the dome, the minaret, and the Qa'a under the Mamluks. ─── 马穆鲁克的圆顶屋、尖塔和伽阿的发展。

28、Mosque at Emin Minaret ─── 额敏塔礼拜寺

29、6.The minaret is 65 meters (213 feet) high,the second highest in the world. ─── 光塔高65米(213英尺),高度位居世界第二。

30、A sign of today's dominant faith, the unlit minaret of Omar Mosque rises from Manger Square. ─── 奥玛尔清真寺未点灯的宣礼塔矗立在马槽广场,是现今主流信仰的象征。

31、Near the city center, the towering minaret of Koutoubia Mosque rises up from a sea of rose-colored buildings. ─── 在城中心,库图比亚清真寺的塔楼尖塔,屹立于玫瑰色的建筑海洋之中。

32、Built of white marble that shimmers in bothsunlight and moonlight, the Taj Mahal stands on aneighteen-foot-high marble platform which has a delicate minaret oneach corner. ─── 泰姬陵用白色大理石建成,在日光和月光下都会闪闪发光。它矗立在一个18英尺高的大理石上,平台的四角有四座精美的光塔。

33、6.The vocabulary of the mosque: the minaret, the mihrab and the minbar. ─── 清真寺这个单词:尖塔、祭坛和敏拜楼。

34、And the minaret ban is only the start of it. ─── 而尖塔禁令对瑞士来说仅仅是个开端。

35、This landmark mosque was built in the 1950s and its minaret towers over the posh streets of this diplomatic neighborhood. ─── 这座地标性的清真寺建于50年代,高高的尖塔矗立在这个外交区域繁华的街道。

36、Around the minaret are other cultural assets,including ruins of three watchtowers,a castle,a Jewish cemetery and a bazaar. ─── 围绕该塔还有其他文化遗产,包括3座?望塔、一处城堡、一处犹太墓地和一处集市的遗址。

37、The more courageous visitors can climb the staircase to the top of the minaret, which appears to lack an outside guardrail. ─── 如果访客足够大胆,他还可以通过阶梯登上没有任何护栏的尖塔的顶部.

38、Israeli strikes damaged the dome and minaret of this mosque in southern Gaza City. ─── 在加沙地带南部城市以色列空袭破坏的圆顶和尖塔的清真寺。

39、Worship on weekdays before 5:00, "full pull" (trainees)deng lou minaret. ─── 平日五时礼拜前“满拉”(学员)登楼宣礼。

40、The Giralda minaret is the masterpiece of Almohad architecture. ─── 大寺院是阿尔默哈德时代的建筑杰作。

41、A witness told a reporter for The Associated Press that forces had blasted the minaret of a mosque where protesters were taking refuge. ─── 一名目击者对美联社的一名记者表示,效忠卡扎菲的力量炸毁了抗议者藏身的一个清真寺的光塔。

42、The owner of the Farvardin Minaret Making Workshop says that minaret-making is a popular profession because Ir an is an Islamic country. ─── 法费汀宣礼塔制作工场说,宣礼塔制作是一个受欢迎的行业,因为伊朗是一个伊斯兰教的国家。

43、Moroccan news blog Morocco Post is one of several bloggers who finds the circumstances surrounding the minaret's collapse neglectful. ─── 摩洛哥新闻博客「摩洛哥邮报」的几个博客发现宣礼塔倒塌的情况遭受忽视。

44、There is a minaret dedicated to Jesus. ─── 这里有一座献给耶稣的尖塔。

45、Minaret Lodge: Photos and direct prices! ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

46、Our elegantly designed 245 guests rooms and the exclusive Minaret Floor with Muslim prayer room. ─── 饭店拥有各式豪华客房245间套,特设有穆斯林无烟楼层,楼层内专设有礼拜殿;

47、Minaret and Archaeological Remains of Jam ─── 贾姆尖塔及其周围的考

48、Distant View of the Minaret ─── 远观宣礼塔

49、It stands on a high marble plinth with a minaret at each corner. ─── 整个建筑建立在一个高大的大理石底座上,每个角上都有一个尖塔。

50、With great humbleness and entire devotion I pray to Thee to make me a minaret of Thy love in Thy land, a lamp of Thy knowledge among Thy creatures, and a banner of divine bounty in Thy dominion. ─── 我怀着极度谦卑和绝对虔诚祈求祢使我成为祢领地上祢仁爱之高塔,受造众生中祢的知识之明灯,祢王国里的圣恩之旗帜。

51、The owner of the Farvardin Minaret Making Workshop says that minaret-making is a popular profession because Iran is an Islamic country. ─── 法费汀宣礼塔制作工场说,宣礼塔制作是一个受欢迎的行业,因为伊朗是一个伊斯兰教的国家。

52、The Qutb Minar in South Delhi is the tallest brick minaret in the world and an important example of Indo-Islamic Architecture. ─── 古达明纳塔位于德里南方, 是世界上最高的砖建高塔, 是一个印度伊斯兰建筑的重要代表.

53、In small mosques the Muezzin at Azan stands at the door or at the side of the building; in large ones he takes up his position in the minaret. ─── 在小清真寺Muezzin在Azan站立在门或在大厦的边;在大那些他表明他的位置在尖塔。

54、At each corner is a minaret (prayer tower), and passages from the Koran, the Muslim holy book, adorn the outside walls. ─── 它的每一个转角都有一个尖塔(礼拜塔),内部墙壁由古兰经(穆斯林的圣书)的章节装饰。

55、3.the Moslem official of a mosque who summons the faithful to prayer from a minaret five times a day. ─── 伊斯兰教清真寺宣礼塔上一天报五次时间的人。

56、Brunei is an ancient minaret, Guangdong Province, heritage unit, located in Chaoyang City of cotton town center. ─── 文光塔是一座古塔,广东省文物保护单位,位于潮阳市的棉城镇中心。

57、Guang Minaret in Huaisheng Mosque ─── 怀圣寺光塔

58、Transportation: 56,58,74 Minaret Road Bus Station. ─── 交通:56、58、74路公交车光塔路站下。

59、Due to high demand, a minaret maker in Babol travels to countries such as Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan to make minarets. ─── 由于需求量大,一位巴博勒宣礼塔制作商旅行到其他国家,如乌兹别克斯坦和阿塞拜疆去做宣礼塔。

60、And the minaret ban is only the start of it. ─── 而尖塔禁令对瑞士来说仅仅是个开端。

61、Built of white marble that shimmers in both sunlight and moonlight, the Taj Mahal stands on an eighteen-foot-high marble platform which has a delicate minaret on each corner. ─── 泰姬陵用白色大理石建成,在日光和月光下都会闪闪发光。它矗立在一个18英尺高的大理石上,平台的四角有四座精美的光塔。

62、An imposing yet magnificent building, the Spiral Minaret still stands today, calling the people of Samarra to prayer at the Mosque of al-Mutawakkil. ─── 作为一座令人难忘的宏伟建筑,螺旋尖塔至今仍然矗立,呼唤撒马拉的人们前往穆塔瓦基勒清真寺祈祷。

63、Shelley Street Mosque, complete with its green and white minaret, is located in the Mid-Levels and was built in 1915. It still stands on its original site in Central. ─── 后来这所清真寺于1915年重建,拥有独特的绿色及白色尖塔,至今仍屹立在中环些利街旧址上。

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