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maypole 发音

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maypole 中文意思翻译



maypole 网络释义

n. 五朔节花柱

maypole 短语词组

1、Maypole dance ─── 梅波尔舞。

2、maypole dancing ─── 五月舞

maypole 词性/词形变化,maypole变形


maypole 相似词语短语

1、manhole ─── n.人孔;检修孔

2、maypops ─── n.粉色西番莲;西番莲树;西番莲子(等于Podophyllum)

3、tadpole ─── n.蝌蚪

4、Maypole ─── n.五朔节花柱

5、mayapple ─── 盾叶鬼臼

6、rampole ─── 坡道

7、Walpole ─── n.沃波尔(姓氏)

8、maypoles ─── n.五朔节花柱

9、maypop ─── n.粉色西番莲;西番莲树;西番莲子(等于Podophyllum)

maypole 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They sang, held competitions, sports events and parades.They placed flowers on a tall piece of wood called a Maypole. ─── 矗立在广场上,围着它跳舞.在早期的美国,来自英国的清教徒移民从不认可这些活动。

2、The wreath of roses, that hung from the lowest green bough of the Maypole, had been twined for them, and would be thrown over both their heads, in symbol of their flowery union. ─── 五月柱最矮的树枝上所挂的玫瑰花环,就是为他们编的,要抛在他们头上,象征他们多彩多姿的结合。

3、We could use CGI, and I expect to write a CGI: : Maypole sometime soon, but Maypole is currently best front-ended by Apache: : MVC. ─── 我们可以使用CGI,而且我也想在近期编写一个CGI::Maypole,不过,Maypole现在有最好的前端:Apache::MVC。

4、Just then, as if a spell had loosened them, down came a little shower of withering rose leaves from the Maypole. ─── 这时,仿佛被什么咒语解散,枯萎的玫瑰花叶阵雨般从五月柱上落了下来。

5、Now leave we the priest to marry them, and the masquers to sport round the Maypole, till the last sunbeam be withdrawn from its summit, and the shadows of the forest mingle gloomily in the dance. ─── 让假面舞者们围着五月柱嬉戏,直到最后一抹夕阳从山顶退去,林木的阴影与起舞的人群朦胧相混。

6、Maypole is a tall pole or tree with bright colored ribbons hanging from the top of it. ─── 五朔节花柱就是在高柱或是树顶端装饰彩带。

7、Maypole dance ─── 五朔节花柱舞

8、But if she was a Maypole, she had beautiful roses about her head, and it is a fact that many swains were disposed to dance round her. ─── 但如果她是五朔节花柱,那么她的脸便是鲜艳的玫瑰花,也确实有许多小伙子愿意围着她跳舞。

9、"The setting up of this Maypole was a lamentable spectacle to the precise separatists that lived at New Plymouth" (Thomas Morton). ─── 对生活在新普利茅斯的刻板的分离主义者来说,建立这个五月柱很令人伤感。

10、(as) tall as a maypole ─── 个子非常高

11、To recreate the country's Midsummer celebration, people in traditional dress danced around a maypole. ─── 为了重现该国的仲夏庆典,穿著传统服饰的舞者绕著一根五月柱跳舞。

12、The girls danced lightly round about the maypole. ─── 姑娘们围着站朔节花柱轻快地跳起了舞。

13、'We played our own music, made a Maypole for fun, hung banners from the oak trees, and Cathy's uncle, a Lutheran minister, performed the ceremony. ─── “我们自己演奏音乐,做了个五月节花柱,在橡树上挂上彩旗;凯茜的舅舅是名路德教牧师,他为我们主持了婚礼。

14、Another is to decorate a maypole with ribbons。 ─── 另一项传统是用丝带装饰一根花柱。

15、The spirit of the dances, though the appearance was far different, was somewhat like our Maypole dances. ─── 大约有五、六十个妇女,手拿花束和五彩缤纷的莲湘翩翩起舞。

16、But when I'm thinking about war, I don't want to prance around the Maypole. ─── 但是当我想到战争时,我可不想围绕着五朔节花柱扎扎跳。

17、Children dance around a maypole in a centuries-old tradition that is still thriving in eastern Europe. ─── 在一个庆祝仪式上,孩子们围着五月花柱载歌载舞。这个仪式历史悠久,仍在东欧盛行。

18、The second foundation of Maypole is its use of sensible defaults. ─── Maypole的第二个根基是使用了敏感的默认行为。

19、but if she was a maypole , she had beautiful roses about her head , and it is a fact that many swains were disposed to dance round her. ─── 但如果她是五朔节花柱,那么她的脸便是鲜艳的玫瑰花,也确实有许多小伙子愿意围着她跳舞。

20、The next was too tall. "What a maypole!" ─── 下一个太高了。“好一个大花柱!”

21、Dance around the Maypole! ─── 绕五朔节花柱跳舞!

22、maypole swing ─── 五月柱秋千

23、It contained inhabitants of as undeleterious and self-satisfied a class of peasantry as ever clustered around a Maypole. ─── 后来比尔说那是一时糊涂,不过,当时我们可没意识到。

24、Children dance around a maypole in a centuries-old tradition that is still thriving in eastern Europe. ─── 世界庆典图片集。儿童们围绕着五塑节花柱是一个悠久的老的传统节日,至今依然繁荣于欧洲的东部。

25、These days, Midsummer is celebrated with songs, feasts, and dancing around the maypole. ─── 现在,仲夏的庆祝活动有歌唱、盛宴和绕着5月柱跳舞。

26、The setting up of this Maypole was a lamentable spectacle to the precise separatists that lived at New Plymouth(Thomas Morton) ─── 对于生活在新普利茅斯的正统分离主义者来说,这个五朔节花柱的建立实在是令人伤心的悲惨场面(托马斯 莫顿)

27、One of the great features of any May Day is the erection of a great colorful maypole and then the dancing around it. ─── 男人必须尝试尝试几乎有点乱伦意味的莫里斯舞,除了这一公认的原则外,在许多地方都被嘲弄的莫里斯舞仍被看作是五一节的重要部分。

28、should be three-dimensional one, with the high point in the center and curved lines radiating in all directions, somewhat as streamers from a maypole. ─── 曲线应该是三维的,其高点在中心,向各个方向辐射,有些象从五月柱上散出的彩带。

29、Ten lines of code; that's the sort of size you should expect a Maypole application to be. Let's take it apart, a line at a time ─── 十行代码,这是你可以盼望的Maypole应用的大小。下面我们一行行地解释

30、Many people will participate in traditional dances around the maypole, while children also enjoy running around the pole while holding onto the different colored ribbons. ─── 很多人会围著五朔节花柱跳传统舞蹈。而小孩子最喜欢抓著不同颜色的彩带围著柱子奔跑。

31、"The setting up of this Maypole was a lamentable spectacle to the precise separatists that lived at New Plymouth" (Thomas Morton) ─── “对于生活在新普利茅斯的正统分离主义者来说,这个五朔节花柱的建立实在是令人伤心的悲惨场面”(托马斯·莫顿)

32、should be three-dimensional one, with the high point in the center and curved lines radiating in all direction, somewhat as streamers from a maypole. ─── 曲线应该是三向的,其高点在中心,向各个方向辐射,有些象从五月柱上散出的彩带。

33、The authenticate method in Maypole is permissive by default, but can be overridden in your own class. ─── Maypole中的authenticate方法默认是许可的,不过可以在您自己的类中被覆盖。

34、In April 1944, V SS Corps organized a major sweep against partisan units in northern Bosnia, under the codename Operation Maypole, which again failed to trap its prey. ─── 1944年4月,党卫队第5军队波斯尼亚北部的游击队组织了一次大扫荡,行动代号“五朔节花柱”。但是此次计划却失败了。

35、"The setting up of this Maypole was a lamentable spectacle to the precise separatists that lived at New Plymouth" (Thomas Morton). ─── 对生活在新普利茅斯的刻板的分离主义者来说,建立这个五月柱很令人伤感。

36、this go on, I shall presently be hung like a very maypole with fantastic gauds and make-believe honours. ─── 这样下去,我马上就会像一根五朔节的长杆,挂着奇形怪状的花边和假荣誉勋章。

37、Traditional English May Day rites and celebrations include Morris dancing, crowning a May Queen, celebrating Green Man day and dancing around a Maypole. ─── 传统的英国五一节习俗和庆祝活动包括莫理斯舞、为五月女王加冕、欢庆“绿人日”、五月花柱舞。

38、Maypole is based around the idea of a request object. ─── Maypole基于请求对象的思想。

39、But what chiefly characterized the colonists of Merry Mount was their veneration for the Maypole. ─── 当时,欢乐与忧伤相互争夺地盘。

40、Maypole provides a number of default Template macros, such as maybe_link_view, which links an object to a page viewing that object, although all of these can be overridden. ─── Maypole支持一些默认的Template宏,比如maybe_link_view,这个宏把对象和页面链接起来,当然所有这些也都可以覆盖。

41、Establishment of a rapid and efficient system for propagating the apple cultivar 'Maypole' by seed ─── 一种快速而有效的'舞美'苹果种子繁殖体系的建立

42、But should the banner staff of Merry Mount be fortunate, sunshine would break upon the hills, and flowers would beautify the forest, and late posterity do homage to the Maypole. ─── 这就是欢乐山的殖民者们,他们在夕阳余晖照耀下,团团围住自己崇拜的五月柱。

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