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10-03 投稿


murrelet 发音


英:  美:

murrelet 中文意思翻译



murrelet 相似词语短语

1、Durrell ─── 德雷尔(姓氏)

2、Burrell ─── n.(Burrell)人名;(英、西)伯勒尔

3、barreled ─── adj.桶装的;有管的;v.装桶;磨研;疾驶(barrel的过去分词)

4、murree ─── n.穆里

5、quarreled ─── vi.吵架,争论;反对;挑剔;抱怨(quarrel的过去式和过去分词)

6、quarreler ─── n.争吵者;喜欢埋怨的人

7、murrees ─── 穆尔雷斯

8、murrelets ─── n.小海鸦

9、corselet ─── n.胸衣,妇女的胸衣;盔甲

murrelet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Xantus's Murrelet ─── 赞特斯斑海雀, n. 白腹海雀

2、But the Committee on the Status of Wildlife in Canada found that if logging continued at the current rate, the marbled murrelet could be extinct in "a matter of decades." ─── 但是加拿大野生生物状况研究委员会发现,如果按照现在的速度继续伐木,这种带大理石条纹的小海鸭可能在几十年的时间内灭绝。

3、Crested Murrelet ─── n. 冠海雀

4、marble murrelet ─── 云石海雀

5、Scientists estimate that seven to 11 percent of the marbled murrelet population along Washington's outer coast were killed in the oil spill. ─── 科学家估计华盛顿州外海约有7-11%的斑海雀在这次溢油意外中死亡。

6、The province's ministry of environment tried to protect the forest tracts near Desolation Sound because the 32 nests found in the area were a surprisingly rich research site. Until 1990 no murrelet nests had been found in Canada. ─── 该省的环境部曾力图保护德索莱申海峡附近的森林地带,因为1990年之前,在加拿大一直没有发现过小海鸭的巢穴,所以在那个地区发现的32个鸟巢是出人意外的宝贵的研究基地。

7、Long-billed Murrelet ─── n. 长嘴斑海雀

8、report names three seabirds in jeopardy - the Kittlitz's murrelet, spectacled eider and ivory gull; ─── 报告中也将三种海鸟列入危险名单,他们是小嘴斑海雀、白眶绒鸭以及象牙海鸥。

9、The robin-sized murrelet is on the endangered-species lists in both Canada and the United States, primarily because logging is destroying its habitat. ─── 知更鸟大小的小海鸭已被加拿大和美国列入了濒危物种,这主要是由于伐木作业破坏了它们的栖息地。

10、Short-billed Murrelet ─── n. 扁嘴海雀

11、Kittlitz's murrelet ─── 胎儿黄疸

12、But the committee on the status of wildlife in Canada found that if logging continued at the current rate the marbled murrelet could be extinct in "a matter of decades." ─── 但是加拿大野生生物状况研究委员会发现,如果按照现在的速度继续伐木,这种带大理石条纹的小海鸭可能在几十年的时间内灭绝。

13、The venerable yellow cedars near Desolation sound British Columbia hold one of the world's great concentrations of nesting sites for the marbled murrelet, a bird equally at home in the old-growth forest and on the sea. ─── 在不列颠哥伦比亚省德索莱申海峡附近的古老黄杉林是世界上最大的小海鸭筑巢地之一。 这种带大理石斑纹的小海鸭是一种在大森林里和海上都能自由自在地生活的鸟类。

14、Craveri's Murrelet ─── n. 克氏海雀

15、The venerable yellow cedars near Desolation sound British Columbia hold one of the world's great concentrations of nesting sites for the marbled murrelet,a bird equally at home in the old-growth forest and on the sea. ─── 在不列颠哥伦比亚省德索莱申海峡附近的古老黄杉林是世界上最大的小海鸭筑巢地之一。这种带大理石斑纹的小海鸭是一种在大森林里和海上都能自由自在地生活的鸟类。

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