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01-17 投稿




英:  美:





1、When communicating with your child, always maintain your sense of humor and pleasant mood to motivate him to continue speaking.───当您与孩子沟通时,应该尽量保持幽默感及愉快的心情,这样比较能够激发孩子说话;

2、He was able to influence and motivate people because he understood what mattered to them and was an excellent communicator.───他能够影响和激励员工,因为他明白对他们重要的,是一位优秀的沟通。

3、Make up your own words to your favorite tunes; dance around the living room with your children; and use music to motivate room cleaning.───用你们自己的歌词和着你们最爱的曲调;和你的孩子们一起在客厅里一圈圈地跳舞;而后用音乐让做家务不那么无聊。

4、I think athletes sink or swim depending on how they motivate themselves.───我认为运动员的成败取决于他们如何激励自己。

5、How do you motivate people to work hard and efficiently?───你是如何激励人们努力而高效地工作的?

6、Our challenge is to motivate those voters and inspire them to join our cause.───我们的艰巨任务是要激励那些投票者并鼓励他们加入我们的事业。

7、This article is not intended to open old memory or to motivate sentiment among ethnics at all.───我写这篇文章绝不是为了揭开伤疤或者激发种族冲突的情绪。

8、Able to motivate encourage and negotiate with suppliers to meet the company requirements.───能够与供应商商讨并且激发鼓励他们去满足公司的要求。

9、Regardless of what you learn, your taking the time to ask is enough to motivate your employees and inspire their loyalty.───不管你最终了解到了什么,至少你花了时间去问就足以激励你员工并提升他们的忠诚。


1、motion sketch───运动草图

2、imputing motives───归罪动机

3、pericardium meridian emotions───心包经情绪

4、strong emotion───强烈的情感

5、motional emf───运动电动势

6、exaggerated motion───夸张的动作

7、high motion───高运动

8、promotion campaign───宣传活动;促销活动;推广活动

9、stunted emotional maturity───情感成熟度低下

10、onomatopoeic motivation───拟声理据

结语:motivate,motivate 发音: [ ˈməʊtɪveɪt ] 翻译: vt.给与动机,刺激,提高…的学习欲望,motivate,motivate 发音: 英 [ˈməʊtɪveɪt] 美 [ˈmoʊtɪveɪt] 翻译: v. 成为……的动机,是……的原因;激励,motivate,motivate 发音: 英音 [';məutiveit] 美音 [';məutiveit] 翻译: 使有动机,使产生动机;构成(行为)的动机,

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