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increase by中文翻译,increase by是什么意思,increase by发音、用法及例句

01-17 投稿

increase by中文翻译,increase by是什么意思,increase by发音、用法及例句

increase by

increase by发音

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increase by中文意思翻译



increase by双语使用场景

1、production anticipated to increase by 25% between now and 2030, sustainable energy sourcing will become an increasingly major issue.───现在到2030年这段时间,石油产量预计将增加25%,而可持续能源的来源将成为一个日益重要的话题。

2、Pregnancy: A woman's weight tends to increase by about 5 pounds after the end of each pregnancy.───怀孕:孕期结束后,女人的体重通常会增加5磅左右。

3、He projects that its revenues will grow by a quarter over the next five years and its earnings per share will increase by half.───他提出,罗氏今后五年内营业收入将增长四分之一,股票每股收益将增长过半。

4、Lear reagan said, the Web site next year will increase by a new method of payment: the introduction of a featured article, micro-payment.───李尔庭说,明年网站将会增加一种新的支付方式——引入精选文章的小额支付。

5、Applying the most conservative estimates to current demographic trends, the human population will increase by about three billion people by then.───按照对目前人口趋势的最保守估计,到那时人口将增加约30亿人。

6、Usually, if an enterprise could ensure that 5% of their costumers are stabilized, then the company's profit would increase by at least 25%.───按常规算法,一家企业若保证5%的稳定顾客,那么该企业利润至少增加25%。

7、However, aggregate personal consumption expenditures did not increase by much around the time of the stimulus payments.───然而,集中的个人消费并没能使经济刺激阶段的消费支出获得增长。

8、The average salary does indeed increase by 10%.───平均工资实际上增加了10%。

9、There is no proof that, in the long run, property prices increase by any more than the rate of the growth of the economy plus inflation.───并没有证据显示房地产价格长期升幅高于经济增速或通货膨胀率。

increase by相似词语短语

1、increase rapidly───迅速增加;快速上升

2、marked increase───显著增加

3、increase from───(使)…由(小)变大;(使)…由(少)增多;(使)…由(少)增多, (使)…由(小)变大

4、increase sharply───急剧地增加;激增;大幅增长

5、an increase───增加

6、increase dramatically───急剧上涨

7、excessively increase───过度增加

8、salary increase───加薪


increased to和increased by的区别?

increase to表示增长到 如,The population has increased from 1.2milion to 1.8 milion. 人口已从120万增长到了180万. increase by表示按多少增长 如,The rate of inflation increased by 2% 通货膨胀率增长了2% 希望能帮到你哦

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