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02-12 投稿




英:  美:





1、But she is seen in a variety of outfits from hoodies to dresses and bikinis to barely anything at all.───不过她穿的衣服从帽衫到连衣裙、从比基尼到几乎什么都不穿,什么种类的都有。

2、They're both fans of A Bathing Ape, the Japanese clothing line that specializes in ultra-expensive T-shirts, hoodies, and sneakers.───他们两个球迷一个洗澡猿,日本服装的路线,擅长于超昂贵的T恤,hoodies,和运动鞋。

3、Outside in the square the sun is blazing as around the corner appears a group of young men who can best be described as ‘hoodies’.───教堂外的广场上阳光强烈,街角上出现了一群年轻人,这种人该叫他们小混混最合适。

4、In a huge double-pane window stands a phalanx of mannequins wearing official Canada shirts and exercise pants, hoodies, scarves, hats and mittens.───在一面巨大的双面玻璃橱窗中,一排人造时装模特儿身穿正式的加拿大运动衫、运动裤、外套、 头巾、帽子和手套。

5、Her perpetually bushy hair is up, the trainers and hoodies replaced with heels and a lovely pink gown.───她乱蓬蓬的一头浓密的长发高高挽起,平时的运动装和连帽衫也被替换成了高跟鞋和意见可爱的粉色礼服。

6、To show their perfect match, lovers wear corresponding T-shirts and hoodies, especially when they go out together or when on holiday.───为了表示他们是天生一对,情侣们会穿搭配的T恤衫或卫衣,特别是在他们放假一起出门的时候。

7、Outside in the square the sun is blazing as around the corner appears a group of young men who can best be described as 'hoodies'.───教堂外的广场上阳光强烈,街角上出现了一群年轻人,这种人该叫他们小混混最合适。

8、When there's more than one child, each kid is naturally going to have fewer dolls, video games and Juicy Couture hoodies.───如果家里有超过一个孩子,每个孩子得到的娃娃、游戏机和JuicyCouture连帽衫的数量自然就会少一些。

9、Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, Hollister Hoodies, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples.───有些看不见的手,如勤懒的微(风思)的,正在我的心上奏着潺潺的乐声。


1、historical hoodies───历史连帽衫

2、fairyland hoodies───仙境连帽衫

3、designed hoodies───精心设计的连帽衫

4、camo hoodies───迷彩连帽衫

5、curmudgeon hoodies───curmudgeon连帽衫



1. Diaper - 尿布

2. Bib - 围嘴

3. Onesie - 一体式连体衣

4. Tights - 紧身裤

5. Jumper - 吊带衫

6. Sleeping bag - 睡袋

7. Layette - 婴儿全套衣

8. Dress - 裙子

9. Jacket - 外套

10. Shirt - 衬衫

11. Pants - 裤子

12. Shoes - 鞋子

13. Socks - 袜子

14. Swaddle - 包裹巾

15. Car seat - 汽车安全座椅


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