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门的英语door发音(out the door中文翻译,out the door是什么意思,out the door发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

门的英语door发音(out the door中文翻译,out the door是什么意思,out the door发音、用法及例句)

out the door

out the door发音

英:  美:

out the door中文意思翻译



out the door双语使用场景

1、He ran out the door.───他跑出门去。

2、Moments after she left, I rushed out the door with the can of corn, but she was nowhere in sight.───一会儿之后,我拿着一罐玉米冲出门外,但老妇人已无影无踪。

3、was one thing to talk about leaving; it was another to physically walk out the door.───说要离开是一回事;真正走出门又是另一回事。

4、should a man wander on, a quiet word is usually enough to send him out the door again.───应做出自律,一个安静的字通常足够送出了门了。

5、He walked out the door.───他出门去了。

6、A few days later, as I was running out the door to catch a ride with my mother to work, the phone rang.───几天后,我正匆忙出门,准备搭妈妈的车去上班时,电话铃响了。

7、And he turned on his heel without another look at me, and disappeared out the door.───他打开他的脚后跟没有再看看我,消失出了门。

8、Panic over Bear's position spread with stunning speed, leaving the bank's executives powerless to respond as money poured out the door.───对贝尔斯登处境的恐慌情绪以惊人速度蔓延,随着大量资金不断流出,该银行高管变得束手无策。

9、If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you walk out the door, I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more.───如果我知道那是最后一次看你出门,我会拥抱并亲吻你,并再一次叫你回家。

out the door相似词语短语

1、foot in the door───成功的第一步,成功地开始

2、cut the cord───挣脱束缚;剪断脐带;消除依赖

3、out of doors───在户外;在露天

4、hit the floor───撞到地板上;掷地有声(电视名,HittheFloor);一落千丈(歌曲名,HittheFloor)

5、on the dot───正点,准时地

6、Dutch door───两截门

7、on the dole───领取救济金

8、shut the door on───(尤其指计划,解决方法)不大可能付诸实际

9、cut the cost───减少花费;降低成本

可以说rush out the door吗?


不可以,正确的表达应该是 rush out of the door才对,表示冲出门外

rush out the door 冲出门——可能还没出去 rush out of the door 冲出门外


I rushed out the door中,out为介词。

I  rushed out of the door中,out为副词,与介词of构成复合介词 out of. 意思是一样的。

out用作介词现在使用较少,没有out of常用。

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