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pending approval中文翻译,pending approval是什么意思,pending approval发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

pending approval中文翻译,pending approval是什么意思,pending approval发音、用法及例句

pending approval

pending approval发音

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pending approval中文意思翻译



pending approval双语使用场景

1、After a good annual review, my supervisor told me I was up for a raise, pending approval of the vice president.───有一年,我的年度评审很好,我的上司告诉我可以给我加薪,这事儿正等着副总裁的批准。

2、Both measures still are pending approval by some European parliaments, among them Germany's Bundestag.───这两项提议目前仍有待德国联邦议院(Bundestag)等欧洲议会的批准。

3、The deal, which the Pentagon said would "serve US national, economic and security interests" , is pending approval of the US Congress.───该交易正在等待美国国会的批准,美国防部称其可以“满足美国国家、经济以及安全方面的利益”。

4、As a result, after 10 days of operations, most of the original video submissions were still blank and marked "pending approval" .───结果,活动开展10天后,参与者提交的大部分原创视频内容仍然是空白,并被打上“待批准”的记号。

5、The deal, which the Pentagon said would "serve US national, economic and security interests", is pending approval of the US Congress.───该交易正在等待美国国会的批准,美国防部称其可以“满足美国国家、经济以及安全方面的利益”。

6、Pending approval from Alberta Environment and the Energy Resources Conservation Board, the company said its goal is to begin operating Quest by 2015.───阿尔贝塔环境能源保护委员会的申请批复仍在进行当中,公司表示他们的目标是在2015年之前投产。

7、The US settlement is still pending approval by a judge, but it would be the largest car scandal settlement in the country's history.───在美国的这项协议还在等法官批准,但这必将成为该国历史上最大的汽车业丑闻。

8、In that report the items included in Pending Approval report are listed even though they have not been adjusted yet.───在该报告中所包括的项目中,有待核准的报告中列出的,即使他们未作调整。

9、The agreement is inked a few days later, pending approval of the Cayman parliament.───协议几天后签署,尚待开曼议会的批准。

pending approval是什么意思?

pending approval 等待批准,尚待批准,等待审批 ;After a good annual review, my supervisor told me I was up for a raise, pending approval of the vice president. 有一年,我的年度评审很好,我的上司告诉我可以给我加薪,这事儿正等著副总裁的批准。

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