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current density中文翻译,current density是什么意思,current density发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

current density中文翻译,current density是什么意思,current density发音、用法及例句

1、current density

current density发音

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current density中文意思翻译




current density双语使用场景

1、The effect of current density, temperature, etc. on the current efficiency and material yield was investigated.───考查了电流密度 、 温度等因素对胺的产率及电流效率的影响.

2、We shall use the microscopic analysis technique to investigate the current density distribution.───用取点切片显微分析的方法,研究电流密度的分布情况.

3、Reduce the current density.───降低电流密度。

4、The paper describes the main factors of influencing increase of copper electrolysis current density.───本文阐述了影响铜电解电流密度提高的主要因素.

5、The overvoltage varies inversely with the current density to some extent.───超电压在某种程度上随电流密度成反比地变化.

6、The potential and iso - current density distributions were obtained. The results agreed with classical electric principles.───通过对模型的计算得出了电位电流密度分布图,发现规律与经典电场原理相符合.

7、A superconductor's transition temperature and critical current density are two commonly measured parameters.───超导体的转变温度和临界电流密度是两个经常要测量的参数.

8、Any plating must have a can produce normal coating the current density range.───任何电镀都必须有一个能产生正常镀层的电流密度范围。

9、Tunneling process is important in the low to moderate current density range.───在中等及中等以下电流密度下,隧道穿透过程是重要的.

10、Low current density area is grey.───低电流密度处呈灰色.

11、Tunneling process is important in the low to moderate current density range.───在中等电流密度下,隧道穿透过程是重要的。

12、The relationships of current density with deposition rate, crystal size and hardness of deposit were studied.───研究了电流密度与沉积速度 、 晶粒尺寸及镀层硬度的关系.

13、The effects of electrode activation condition, current density, electrolyte temperature on electrolytic reduction are discussed.───讨论了电极活化条件 、 电流密度 、 电解液温度等因素对电解还原反应的影响.

14、While temperature increasing, the corrosion potential is negatively shifted and the corrosion current density increases.───随着温度的升高, 砷黄铁矿的腐蚀电位负移,腐蚀电流密度增大.

15、The electric current density vector field also satisfies superposition principle, some applications thereof are introduced.───摘要电流密度矢量场也满足叠加原理, 给出了一些应用电流密度场叠加原理的例子.

16、Analyzing the effects of current density and additives on tool - electrode wear.───2对比分析了电流密度、添加剂对工具电极损耗的影响.

17、Atomic absorption spectrum determination shows that cadmium content of both deposits increases with the current density.───原子吸收分光光度法测定表明,直流电沉积和脉冲电沉积所得镀层镉含量均随电流的增加而增加.

18、The process has features of wide range of current density, stable solution and good deposit properties.───本工艺具有施镀电流密度范围宽 、 镀液稳定可靠以及镀层性能优越等特点.

current density相似词语短语

1、current densities───[电]电流密度;扩散(弥漫)流密度

2、current assets───[会计]流动资产

3、charge density───[电磁]电荷密度

4、current costs───市价;现时成本;流动成本;日常开支

5、current cost───市价;现时成本;流动成本;日常开支

6、current crisis───当前的危机

7、nutrient density───养分浓度



一边充电一边使用手机,会使通过锂电池的电路密度(current density)相比于非充电状态下使用的手机电池会大大升高。




最终,过电压增大,手机背部设置的安全电压传感器所检测到的锂电池的充放电电压已不是真实充放电电压,结果真实电压会超出规定的安全电压电势窗(potential window)或截止电压(cut-off),导致锂电池电极材料化学结构及成分遭到破坏,材料结构坍塌,导致电池性能急速下降,电量就会越来越少,如果严重的话,会导致充不进电,或者电池鼓包甚至爆炸。

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