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parent company中文翻译,parent company是什么意思,parent company发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

parent company中文翻译,parent company是什么意思,parent company发音、用法及例句

parent company

parent company发音

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parent company中文意思翻译




parent company双语使用场景

1、Talk to other franchise holders and ask them what they think of the parent company.───和其他特许经营者谈一谈,问问他们对母公司是什么看法。

2、Each unit including the parent company has its own, local management.───包括母公司在内,每个单位都有自己的地方管理层。

3、Franchisers can sell things using the parent company's name.───获得授权的可以母公司的名义销售产品.

4、Timely preparation and submission of ad - hoc reporting requests to parent company.───按时准备并向母公司提交特别要求的报告.

5、Hello, I m Alan Simmons. I work in the Forbes Parent Company.───大家好, 我叫艾伦?西蒙斯. 我在福布斯总公司工作.

6、Makinson has long been mentioned as a successor to Dame Marjorie Scardino, who runs Pearson, Penguin's parent company.───梅金森一直被认为是马乔里·斯卡迪诺夫人的继承者,她经营着企鹅公司的母公司——培生公司。

7、This company is about to incorporate with its parent company.───这公司将要与其母公司合并.

8、These executives are on loan, retaining their seniority and pension rights in the parent company.───这些人员都是临时性的, 他们在母公司中仍然保留原职原薪以及原有的住宅.

9、Coordinate with Parent Company and subsidiaries for update and accurate inter - company transactions.───协调母公司和其他子公司更新和核对公司之间的交易数据.

10、The firm will be incorporated with the parent company.───这家公司马上就要同总公司合并.

11、Long - range goals are normally set by a parent company.───一般由母公司制定长远的目标.

12、Each unit including the parent company has its own, local management.───每家单位,包括母公司,都有自己的地方管理层。

13、KFC, as large a company as it is, is owned by a larger parent company, believe it or not, called Yum Brands.───像肯德基这样庞大的公司,被一个更为庞大的母公司所有,信不信由你,这个母公司叫做百胜餐饮集团。

14、I concluded that the local parent company would not budge.───我得出结论:当地母方公司方面难以作出让步.

15、He has paid top dollar for the Journal's parent company, Dow Jones.───他为并购该报的东家道琼斯公司而支付了高价.

16、Our parent company keeps us on a fairly short leash.───我们的母公司对我们的控制相当紧.

17、Successful MNCs eventurely must learn how to interrelate their subsidiaries with the parent company.───成功的跨国公司必须最终学会如何协调母子公司之间的关系.

18、The parent company retains more decision - making power.───母公司拥有更多的决策权力.

parent company相似词语短语

1、phone company───电话公司

2、and company───…公司

3、hire company───雇佣公司

4、large company───大企业;大公司

5、free company───自由公司

6、fire company───消防队

7、parent companies───总公司,母公司

8、have company───有客,招待客人

9、part company───断绝关系;分离



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