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social capital中文翻译,social capital是什么意思,social capital发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

social capital中文翻译,social capital是什么意思,social capital发音、用法及例句

social capital

social capital发音

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social capital中文意思翻译



social capital双语使用场景

1、At the end of our study, nothing surprised us more than how much the centres differed in their social capital.───在我们的研究结束的时候,最令我们惊讶的是各个中心社交资本的差异。

2、As one of the important components of social capital, tolerance is considered to have positive impact on social and political lives.───宽容作为一种“社会资本”在社会经济政治生活中具有重要的意义。

3、It is not a bad measure of a certain kind of social capital: car-pooling does not work without trust.───对某类社会资本而言,这种衡量方式并不坏:“搭便车”离不开信任。

4、build social capital with little effort just by noticing that acontact has posted an update about her birthday today.───不用费吹灰之力,仅需以发站内信恭贺某人生日之类的手段,即可维护自己的社会资本。

5、In this article, a function is set up to explain the total effectiveness of social capital reasonably.───建立一个社会资本总效用函数,可以时这个问题进行比较合理的解释;

6、Indeed, organisational behaviour is crucial to the overall level of social capital in a society.───确实,组织性的行为对一个社会总体的社交资本水平至关重要。

7、Once you become a blogger, once you have accumulated so much social capital in such a small site, it's hard to stop.───一旦你变成一名博客,一旦你在这样一个小区域内积累到如此多的社会资本,你将欲罢不能。

8、Network promotes the performance of the social composite subjects through the impacts of the enterpreneurial spirit and the social capital.───网络通过企业家精神和社会资本的影响来促进社会复合主体的绩效。

9、Whatever it is, social capital would seem to help you get a lift.───无论如何,社会资本似乎可以帮你搭到便车。

social capital相似词语短语

1、loan capital───借入资本

2、commercial capital───[经]商业资本

3、social capitals───n.[经]社会资本(指交通、卫生、通信等基本设施)

4、provincial capital───省会

5、social chapter───社会章

6、initial capital───[金融]创办资本

7、small capital───小体大写字母;小大写字母



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