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steep翻译(steep slope中文翻译,steep slope是什么意思,steep slope发音、用法及例句)

04-03 投稿

steep翻译(steep slope中文翻译,steep slope是什么意思,steep slope发音、用法及例句)

steep slope

steep slope发音

英:  美:

steep slope中文意思翻译



steep slope双语使用场景

1、We climbeb the steep slope of the hill.───我们爬了那座陡峭的倾坡.

2、The mountaineers slowly ascended the steep slope.───登山运动员慢慢地爬上了陡峭的斜坡.

3、The horses laboured up the steep slope.───那些马费力地爬上了陡坡。

4、The road stretches uphill at a steep slope.───这条路以陡峭的坡度向山上延伸.

5、He puffed up the steep slope.───他喘着气走上陡坡.

6、The horse was pulling a heavy cart ( up a steep slope ).───马拉着一辆沉重的车子 ( 走上陡坡 ).

7、The water - wing always appears when discharge on steep slope stepped spillways is smaller.───水翅是陡坡台阶式溢洪道在流量较小时出现的一种水流现象.

8、After toiling up the steep slope for many hours, the climbers had no strength left.───费力爬陡坡达数小时之后, 攀登者们都累得精疲力尽了.

9、He climbed the steep slope.───他爬过陡峭的山坡.

10、Seeks: Invests 50 for the loess steep slope hundred million, turns thelocality the rice granary.───牟: 给黄土高坡投资50个亿, 把当地变成米粮仓.

11、I can ski down the steep slope.───我可以滑雪滑下这个陡峭的斜坡.

12、We followed the path zigzagging up the steep slope.───我们沿着小径曲曲折折地爬上陡坡.

13、He slipped down on that steep slope.───他在那个陡峭的斜坡滑倒.

14、She watched his slow progress down the steep slope.───她望着他慢慢走下陡坡。

15、He ran lurching down the steep slope to the road.───他蹒跚着冲下陡峭的山坡,来到公路上.

16、It is dangerous to climb up a steep slope.───攀登陡坡是危险的.

17、It is almost impossible to climb to the top of such a steep slope.───要爬上这么陡直的山坡,几乎是不可能的.

18、He was scrabbling for a foothold on the steep slope.───他在陡坡上到处试探,想找个蹬脚的地方。

steep slope相似词语短语

1、keep score───保留得分;在比赛中记分

2、steep losses───急剧损失

3、steep rise───急升

4、ski slope───滑雪斜坡


6、sleep sofa───睡沙发

7、steel tape───卷尺;[计量]钢卷尺;钢合尺;传力片

8、sleep shade───睡眠阴影

9、steel blue───n.钢青色;铁青色

What's the defination of slope

defination of slope

as a n.

1. an elevated geological formation

eg: he climbed the steep slope

2. the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the horizontal

as a v.

be at an angle

eg: The terrain sloped down


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