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to a degree中文翻译,to a degree是什么意思,to a degree发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

to a degree中文翻译,to a degree是什么意思,to a degree发音、用法及例句

to a degree

to a degree发音

英:  美:

to a degree中文意思翻译


<美口>有点; 稍微; <英口>极其; 非常

to a degree双语使用场景

1、Who knows and, to a degree, who cares?───而且在某种程度上又有谁在乎呢?

2、The length of the fuselage was increased due to a degree of directional instability.───由于存在某种程度的航向不稳定性,机身被加长了。

3、His conclusions were still tentative to a degree.───他的结论在很大程度上仍是实验性质的.

4、Again, you do interpret, to a degree; but you are the audience.───当然, 你参与其中, 某种程度而言.

5、The temperature lowered to a degree that the water froze.───温度降低到了水结冰的程度.

6、To a degree, it would seem so.───在一定程度上,看起来的确如此。

7、Finances can be automated to a degree.───一定程度上财务管理可以自动化。

8、His anger was, to a degree, a confession of defeat.───他发怒, 多少是承认了自己的失败.

9、She is scrupulous to a degree.───她非常谨慎.

10、Valdano believes that has led to a degree of cynicism as managers.───华丹奴认为呢对两人唔信任球员既才华有好大关系.

11、He is insolent to a degree.───他有点傲慢.

12、My father agreed with me to a degree.───我爸爸在一定程度上同意我的看法.

13、His suitings are natty to a degree.───他的衣料极其漂亮.

14、The body's tissues are self - repairing and self - restoring to a degree.───人体组织在一定程度上是能 自行 修补和 自行 恢复的.

15、His efforts are successful to a degree.───他的努力非常成功.

16、He felt desolate to a degree.───他感到非常孤独.

17、Throat showing dewlap and folds of skin to a degree termed " throatiness. "───喉咙上有赘肉,皮肤松弛达到了 “ 粗喉咙 ” 的程度.

18、This is already happening to a degree.───这在某种程度上已经发生了.

to a degree相似词语短语

1、poll degree───民意测验学位


3、the nth degree───第n度

4、pass degree───学士学位;普通学位

5、poll degrees───民意测验学位

6、third degree───疲劳讯问;酷刑逼供;拷问;共济会成员的第三级

7、to a tee───恰好地

8、to agree───同意

9、arts degree───艺术学位

to a degree什么用法?

to a degree是英语中的短语,意思是“在某种程度上”、“在一定程度上”,通常用于描述某种情况、事物或事件的程度。它可以用在句子的开头、中间或末尾,例如:

To a degree, I agree with your opinion, but I also have some reservations.

The success of the project depends, to a degree, on the cooperation of all teammembers.

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