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rub off中文翻译,rub off是什么意思,rub off发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

rub off中文翻译,rub off是什么意思,rub off发音、用法及例句

rub off

rub off发音

英:  美:

rub off中文意思翻译



rub off双语使用场景

1、Finally, should also be buttons on the infected parts of the color rub off with a damp cloth only after delivery.───最后,还应当按钮的颜色受感染的部分擦用湿布过后再付款。

2、When you work around cowards all day long, don't you think it's going to rub off on you?───当你整天都跟一群胆小鬼在一起工作时,你不觉得那会磨灭你吗?

3、But no matter which process you use, the results fade within a few days, and might rub off on your clothes.───但不管你用哪一种程序,效果都会在几天内渐渐消失,而且可能会沾上你的衣服。

4、The gold colouring had begun to rub off.───金黄色已经开始剥落了。

5、Hoping that some of this will rub off on our son, we named him Gordon, after the kind of Englishman that made England great.───希望这会擦上一些我们的儿子了,我们给他取名戈登,后英国人那种使英国大。

6、Every time I use the steering wheel, I rub off some items.───每次我使用方向盘时,都会摩擦掉一些微粒。

7、Roast the hazelnuts in the oven until brown . Let cool , rub off the skins , and grind the nuts to a fine powder .───把榛子放到烤箱里烤至焦黄。待冷却后去掉外皮,打成粉末。

8、Some bags were wiped to see how much, if any, lead would simply rub off the material.───许多人担心,钱包的铅能磨坏袋子,结果会碰到人们的手。

9、Once applied, lipstick will never rub off — even while diving.───口红一旦涂上就不会掉——即使去潜水。

rub off相似词语短语

1、buy off───v.收买;出钱以摆脱


3、bug off───停止打扰,走开;错误关闭

4、rubs off───擦掉;使显得暗淡

5、runs off───逃跑;印出;流掉;进行决赛

6、rung off───(英)挂断电话;住嘴;走掉

7、run off───逃跑;印出;流掉;进行决赛

8、rub offs───擦掉;使显得暗淡




rub通常表示用摩擦的方式去除物体表面的污垢、尘土或痕迹。比如,我们经常说“rub off the dirt”就是擦掉污垢的意思。

scrub则更常指用刷子或粗糙的布擦洗,以去除物体表面的污渍或杂质。比如,“scrub the floor”就是擦洗地板的意思。


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