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business management中文翻译,business management是什么意思,business management发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

business management中文翻译,business management是什么意思,business management发音、用法及例句

business management

business management发音

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business management中文意思翻译




business management双语使用场景

1、In modern business management assigning priority according to seniority is rarely seen.───在现代企业管理中,按资排辈的现象已经不多见.

2、Business Management "Team".───业务管理“团队”。

3、High School or Vocational Certificate in Accounting, Business Management or related field.───具有高中或会计, 商业管理或相关领域的职业证书.

4、I graduate from Shanghai Commercial College and my major is business management.───我毕业于上海商学院,主修商业管理.

5、My major is business management.───我的专业是商业管理。

6、They have excelled in learning the lessons of business management theory, and putting them into action.───他们在学习商业管理理论并将其付诸实践方面表现优异。

7、So she applied for International Business Management Master Program at DAYEH UNIVERSITY.───所以她提出就读国际企业管理研究所的申请.

8、Wellhope remains a model of entrepreneurship, honesty, integrity and sound business management.───禾丰牧业以诚实 、 直的经营理念, 完善的现代商业管理机制成为了中国饲料企业的楷模.

9、Good negotiation skills and business management experiences is needed.───良好的谈判技巧以及商业管理经验.

10、But so far, core competition ability just forward as business management theory.───但是到目前为止, 核心竞争力只是作为企业治理理论提出来的.

11、Furthermore, of which about 20 % of the institutions already practised business management.───而且, 其中约20%的事业单位已经实行了企业化管理.

12、Business scope: information , job - seeking agency, shoe trade, business management consulting, gift.───服务范围: 信息业,中介, 鞋业贸易, 企管, 礼品.

13、Enterprise Normalization is an important content of modern business management.───规范化管理是现代企业管理的重要内容.

14、Business process is the nature of product and business management.───就产品和业务管理模式而言,其本质是业务流程的问题.

15、Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions.───商标注册类别35广告; 商业管理; 商业行政; 办公室职能.

16、As a whole , for business management, effectiveness and efficiency are important.───就商业管理整体而言, 效力和效率都是重要的.

17、A key subject of business management is new product entry strategy.───新产品进入策略是企业经营的关键问题之一.

18、Business management level and manufacturing operation get rising quickly.───企业治理水平和生产经营规模得到迅速提高.

business management相似词语短语

1、business agent───工会代表;业务代表

2、business angel───创业天使

3、line management───部门经济管理;各级负责管理

4、business acumen───商业头脑

5、business angels───创业天使

6、business managers───企业管理人员

7、business agents───工会代表;业务代表

8、business manager───[经管]业务经理;营业管理员;商务经理

9、asset management───资产管理


business administration and management企业管理与管理双语对照例句:1.Enforcement and administration systems on intellectual property shall be improved. 健全知识产权执法和管理体制。

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